Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  "No, I'm good thanks."

  I moved to the free weights. I prided myself on using free weights when other girls spent all their time on the treadmill or the elliptical like hamsters running on a wheel. I also avoided the wimpy little pink barbells at the lightest end of the weights that screamed "Hey girls! Try me out! We're pink and made just for you!"


  I picked up a 10lb weight and started lifting.

  "You do know you're doing that wrong, right?"

  I growled as I turned to see Ryan standing with his arms crossed and something that almost looked like genuine concern on his face. Great. Now he was following me around. Anywhere else I wouldn’t have minded the attention, but I really was trying to work out here. I should've put in earbuds. Earbuds were the universal gym symbol for "leave me the fuck alone."

  "I'm serious. You could hurt yourself if you ever tried lifting some real weight."

  Miraculously the weight didn't go flying back and slam into his stomach or drop and fall on one of his feet. The temptation was there though.

  I fixed him with my sweetest smile and hoped it looked at least half sincere. "And how should I be lifting these big heavy weights oh great and powerful one?"

  Ryan crossed his arms. Dear God one of his biceps looked like it was thicker than my thigh. Though not quite as thick as one of Derek’s muscles. That gave me a weird sense of satisfaction. He looked at me with something I hadn't seen before. This wasn't the hungry stare. It wasn't that cocky grin. It was something new.

  Genuine concern?

  "Here," he reached out and wrapped his hand around my hand and the weight. "Let me show you."

  He put his other hand on my shoulder and stood behind me. I fought the urge to lean my head back and rest it against that shoulder. God how I wanted to do that, but I resisted. I knew I had Derek’s permission but it still felt sort of wrong, but mostly I was worried about all the other people I worked with who were in the gym with us. Leaning back against him would set tongues wagging that I’d rather stayed silent.

  I was keenly aware of his chest pressing against my back, the electric current that ran off of his fingers to my skin everywhere it touched. I felt a tingle in my pussy that still felt slightly inappropriate but was getting less so with every moment his body pressed into mine and I inhaled his scent. This was driving me nuts.

  Seemingly oblivious what was doing me, Ryan kept right on with his impromptu weight training lesson.

  "Your problem is you're holding your arms away from your body." He ran his hand from my shoulder down to my elbow and then up to my wrist. It took every ounce of control for me not to turn around and jump him right there.

  "Keeping the weight close to your torso will prevent injury," he said.

  I wondered if he realized how close he was to causing a few injuries right there with the way he was distracting me?

  A well muscled arm wrapped around my stomach and pulled me closer to his amazing body even as his other hand moved down to circle my wrist. Ever so gently he guided my arm up and down through several reps. I felt like my legs might give out at any moment from all the contact. But just as I was on the verge of collapse he let go and I was standing alone with my legs shaking.

  "Thanks," I gasped, my eyes squeezed shut.

  "No problem Kristi," he said.

  Ryan wandered to the other side of the weight room and picked up a barbell, though what he grabbed was considerably heavier than anything I could dream of lifting. I turned to the other side of the gym where I saw some of the other women in the room staring daggers at me, particularly the gaggle of old ladies lollygagging on the ellipticals. I sighed. So much for avoiding rumors. I’d hoped if I was going to have a little fun on the side, with my husband’s permission, I’d be able to avoid people at the office thinking I was having a little fun on the side without my husband’s permission.

  That wasn’t the kind of thing that was easy to explain to an old gossip whose sex life had ceased to exist when Reagan was still in office.

  Then Ryan started in on his lifting and it was like I ceased to exist. Their mouths gaped as he ran through his paces and I felt a stab of jealousy. Jealousy that was entirely unwarranted since he wasn’t mine to get jealous over.

  I knew it wasn’t polite to think unpleasant thoughts about my coworkers. I'd given numerous presentations in my year with the company letting people know that bad thoughts were a step away from bad gossip. But I also knew that gossipy bitches like the nib noses on the ellipticals would keep up with the gossip no matter how many times that particular lecture was given.

  So I didn't feel too terribly guilty or professionally bankrupt at the small bit of satisfaction that mixed with jealousy as they stared at Ryan. Maybe if they spent more time on that the elliptical and less time doing the 500 meter dash to the free donuts in the break room guys like Ryan might pay attention to them too.

  Now that was interesting. Why did the thought of him paying attention to another woman bother me so much? I was married! If anyone had any less right to be jealous over other girls checking him out it was me.

  I shook my head and moved on through my exercise routine. Next up was the lateral pull down. I set the weight, sat down on the bench, and wasn't the least bit surprised when I heard a deep voice behind me after just one rep.

  Pleased, but not surprised.

  "You know Kristi…"

  I cut him off before he could finish the thought. "Let me guess. I'm doing it wrong?"

  Ryan stood there with a bemused look on his face and finally shrugged. "Well, yeah?"

  "Please, oh great one. Show me how I've been doing this exercise wrong since high school and no one ever bothered to correct me."

  "Well no one correcting you is easy enough to figure out," he said with a chuckle.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You're only pulling the bar down to your head, but every time you do your chest sticks way out and you do this little hypnotic wiggle with your ass. What guy in his right mind would ever put a stop to that display?"

  "My ass."

  Ryan nodded.

  "Is hypnotic?"

  Ryan shrugged and grinned. "So do you want me to show you how this is done properly?"

  I bit back the growl threatening to rise from my throat. He was walking a fine line between sexy and annoying. Though I had to admit that the prospect of him showing me another exercise with a similar technique to what he did with the barbells was getting my blood pumping more than any exercise could. I'd definitely have to wipe down this bench when I was done.

  "Fine," I said. "After all, I wouldn't want to hurt myself."

  "Oh no. You're not in any danger of hurting yourself with this machine. You have to lift real weights to risk that."

  Whatever smart comment I was about to make in response to his little jab flew from my mind as he straddled the bench behind me and snuggled up against me. He leaned forward and that deep voice resonated just inches from my ears sending a chill that ran from my neck straight down my spine to in between my now squirming legs. I was so turned on that I forgot to feel guilty that this wasn’t my husband pressing against me.

  I glanced over to the gossiping hens on their ellipticals barely breaking a sweat with their "workout." They were definitely breaking a sweat now flapping their jaws and waving their arms in our direction when they thought I wasn't looking. One of them noticed me staring daggers and quickly turned to stare at a TV though that was all she was doing.

  "Follow my example," Ryan said.

  Hell, I'd follow him right off the edge of a bridge at that point if it meant that rock hard body would stay pressed against me. And speaking of rock hard, oh my God. He either had a flashlight hidden in his gym shorts or he was getting just as excited about our current position as I was.

  Without thinking I did that little, how was it Ryan phrased it? That little hypnotic butt wiggle against his hard cock. I was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath from behind. I smiled. Nice to know
I could get a reaction out of him too.

  But other than that he didn't lose his composure. Impressive. That move usually drove guys wild, though admittedly I'd only tried it at clubs and I was out of practice.

  Strong hands wrapped around my own and moved up to grab the bar.

  "You need to make sure you're gripping the bar properly," he said.

  Ryan's lecture was punctuated by an almost imperceptible pressing forward, moving his hardness against my ass in a way that sent jolts of ecstasy running through my body. I wrapped my hands around the bar near the center but he pulled them farther out.

  "No. The grips are there for a reason."

  He moved my hands down until they were wrapped around the grips and I blushed as I thought of another rigid rod I'd like to be running my hands up and down. Maybe right there in the gym. Really give those gossips something to talk about.

  That was quickly followed by a lesser blush as guilt ran through me that I was thinking those thoughts about a man other than my husband. That guilt was getting weaker and weaker with every passing moment and my desire to fulfill my husband’s odd fantasy was getting stronger at the same time, but the guilt was still there.

  "Now pull down and make sure the bar is even with your chest at the end of the movement," he said.

  I pulled on the bar.

  "And make sure you're pushing your chest out a little at the end. The ass wiggle is nice but unnecessary, but you should be pressing the bar against your chest and giving everyone a show," he said.

  I did as he said.

  "Good. Pull it down. Feel the bar pressing against you."

  Somehow I got the impression with his cock pressing against my ass that we weren't just talking about exercise. I pulled the bar down a second time with his hands over mine. As the bar pressed against my chest I was keenly aware of his thumbs brushing against the top of my tits. I held the bar for a moment and his hands moved in, brushing along my cleavage and then just inside the material of my sports bra as he thrust that delicious cock against me.

  Dear God. This was so wrong, but it would also be the first time I nearly came in the middle of a workout.

  Then his hands were gone and he pulled away, also pulling that wonderful hard cock away at exactly the wrong moment if I was going to make it over the edge.

  I sat and held onto the bar for dear life, my eyes closed as I breathed in ragged gasps. My body teetered on the edge of climax and then receded without quite crossing the line. Damn it. If he'd stayed for just one more moment I might have been biting my lip to keep from screaming his name instead of biting my lip in frustration.

  What was happening to me? Was he doing this on purpose?

  Did I care?

  I squeezed my legs together in the vain hope that a little extra friction might push me over, not caring at that point if I was being obvious. But no, nothing without him pressed against me.

  I looked over my shoulder. Ryan sat with his eyebrows raised looking for all the world like the cat who ate the canary. Or humped and felt up the canary in the middle of the gym. It's not a perfect metaphor. I glanced down and saw a tent pressing up against his gym shorts, and was that a hint of wetness at the tip?

  Speaking of wet spots.

  I looked over to the nearest cleaning station and then to the locker entrance, calculating how long it would take to reach each and whether or not it would be obvious what my problem was while I was on my way. Then again I was wearing black shorts which concealed things nicely.

  In the end I decided to commit the ultimate gym sin. Cleaning up the exercise machine wasn't worth the danger of those old bats on the elliptical seeing the wetness in my pants and gossiping about me later.

  I looked at Ryan and had the satisfaction of watching Ryan make his own beeline for the men's locker room as I made my retreat from the gym. Maybe he did have some shame after all.

  I was still so damn frustrated though! At least I’d have a hell of a lot of sexual energy to pour into Derek later tonight. Derek. I went cold now that I wasn’t in the moment. Now that rational thought was starting to take over.

  I know he wanted it, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d just cheated on my husband.

  10: Guilt

  By the end of the day that guilt had turned into a full blown storm of conflicting emotion. I couldn't believe I did that. I couldn't believe I let myself get out of control that way at the gym. I thought about it all through the day, my wedding ring burning on my finger the entire time.

  It was a difficult thing to process. Sure Derek told me how much it turned him on thinking about me getting a little frisky with another man. The problem was that no matter how I tried to justify it, no matter how many times I told myself that Derek would be excited about what I’d done, there was an even larger and even louder part of me that was still screaming that I'd cheated on my husband.

  I'd gotten carried away in the moment, in the middle of the goddamn company gym no less, and let my new boss practically dry hump me in public. And rather than smacking him, rather than stopping him, rather than telling him it was wrong or that I was married, I'd gone along with it. I'd felt so fucking hot doing that in public. Knowing there were other people watching.

  It was the kind of thing that could quickly turn into a career limiting move. Well, at least it was the sort of thing that could become a career limiting move if you weren’t cavorting with the person who had the most influence over whether or not your career was limited. But still. It was wrong. I was married!

  And yet my body still burned, my pussy was still on fire, as I thought back to that forbidden moment in the gym. As I thought back to how sexy Ryan had looked. As I thought back to the feeling of his cock grinding against my ass.

  I'd gone home early every night this week. I still considered leaving an hour after close “early.” Sure I wasn't done with the automation and if there was ever a time that I should've been working the late hours I was used to it was now. If there was ever a time when I should’ve been excited about working late hours it was now, except for the pesky fact that working late hours meant that I’d be near him. That I’d be working right with Ryan. Working with temptation.

  No, as conflicted as I was feeling right now it was probably best that I went home, even if I was nervous about going home. Even if I was nervous about telling Derek what had happened in the gym.

  There was no doubt in my mind that I’d tell him everything that happened today, but it made me sick to my stomach to think about it. It was ridiculous considering how game he’d been so far, but I’d worry that the reality wouldn’t be the same as the fantasy and he’d decide to leave me for what I’d done.

  I was ridiculously nervous as I made my way into the kitchen from the garage. I thought surely he'd be waiting there like he had most other days lately. I'd been so worked up over the past week, we'd been fucking so much and I’d been so busy coming up with new fantasies, that I'd never actually bothered to yell at him over his sudden new habit of coming into the kitchen to clean up. To be perfectly honest I wasn't even going to yell at him about it today. No, I was too guilty. I was too terrified of how he was going to react.

  I looked in the living room but he wasn't there either. No TV and no video games. Where the hell was he?

  I made my way out to his studio where he was still at work. Not that I should have been very surprised. He was getting closer to his exhibition, all part of the Midnight Marathon charity thing he was doing, and he tended to work longer hours the closer he got to one of those.

  Derek looked up and smiled at me. It was a smile that immediately made me feel even more guilty despite the fantasies we’d been exploring this past week. It was a smile that was so loving, so confident, so trusting. And I'd gone and broken that trust by actually letting another man grind against me.

  Not for the first time Derek's insane perceptiveness proved to be my undoing. A look of worry crossed his face as soon as he got a look at mine. And I knew I'd been caught. Not th
at I planned on lying about it. Not exactly.

  "What's wrong babe?" he asked.

  I hesitated. Derek moved forward and wrapped his arms around me. Smiled down at me.

  "Come on baby," he said. "What's wrong?"

  "I did something bad today," I said.

  Derek laughed and rolled his eyes. "Something bad? What, did you bang your boss on his office desk or something?"

  I blushed and looked down. I didn't answer him. The longer I stayed silent the more intrigued he looked. A finger moved under my chin and he pulled me up until I was looking him in the eyes.

  "Did something happen at work?"

  He looked more eager and excited than anything else. His breath was picking up and down below where he was pressing against me I could definitely feel his cock stirring. I suppose that was a good sign? At the very least it meant he was turned on rather than contemplating divorce.

  Then again this fantasy had such a deep hold on his mind that I could see him getting turned on by it right before he finally came to his senses, realized that I'd betrayed him, and he kicked me out anyways.

  "Kristi? What's wrong?"

  "I betrayed you!"

  He threw his head back and laughed. He laughed! Here I'd been killing myself all day long over what I'd done, and he was acting more amused by it than anything else. If I still wasn't feeling so guilty I might have been tempted to reach out and give him a good smack. Only I refrained.

  "I'd like to know what's so funny, because I sure as hell don't think this is funny."

  Derek looked down at me and stopped laughing, though there was still a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "Leave it to you to get worried about something like this babe."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I told you it was perfectly okay with me if you did something like this!"

  I looked down and spoke in a quiet voice. "That's when we were doing dirty talk. I thought that despite all that it was just a fantasy…"


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