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Campione 10

Page 21

by War God of the Lance

  Whenever any of these attacks approached, Alec struggled free from his bonds.

  Using divine speed to jump backwards, he repeatedly evaded the dragon's attacks in the last second before being struck. Nevertheless, he could not counterattack in any effective way. Not due to Alec's manipulative personality, but because Alec's authorities were not very offense-oriented in nature.

  "Oh well, the labyrinth creation authority was never one to be used for offense in the first place."

  Alec muttered as he continued to endure the dragon's fierce attacks.

  "Though talented, the bashful servant is unsuited for direct confrontations. The magical sphere of avarice is currently in use. And if I used that thunderstrike, I will lose the ability to escape from the palm of your hand. What a predicament!"

  The authority of divine speed actually had an attack mode called [Black Thunder] which could incinerate everything on the ground.

  However, using it meant that he could no longer use divine speed for half a day. Alec had no wish to use it in this situation.

  "But anyway, Guinevere. There's not much time remaining before checkmate. Have you prepared a way to seal that move?"

  Guinevere did not have the leisure to respond to Alec's question.

  The ferocious dragon was using her gigantic body to fan the magical wind.

  --This could be described as the battle between a lion and a cat. No matter how agile Alec was, suffering a single strike from the dragon would result in instant death. Hence for Guinevere, as long as she cautiously kept up her pursuit of her prey and delivered a decisive blow once sufficient damage had been caused, things were set.

  That said, Alec was actually the one with effort to spare.

  "Clearly you could have stalled for time while waiting for Lancelot's rescue, but you didn't. That means that knight must be suffering from some kind of inconvenience. For example, maybe something like insufficient stamina for continuous battle."


  Guinevere answered Alec's mutterings with a new wave of furious attacks.

  Clearly she was feeling anxious. The hunch was correct. Furthermore, she must be aware that little time remained until the fulfillment of the conditions Alec needed to reverse his unfavorable situation.

  He continued to evade the raging attacks of the white dragon -- until finally, the time had come.

  Once Alec was certain enough power had been stored from Guinevere's attacks, he chanted the spell words.

  "Hear me, daughters of the endless night, daughters of the earth and shadow!"

  Even though the magical wind sealed his body's movements, Alec no longer cared.

  In response to the chanted verse, three beautiful infernal goddesses manifested.

  Standing guard above him and to his left and right were Megaera, Tisiphone and Alecto. These were the Erinyes, the three goddesses of vengeance.

  "Fighting evil with evil, repaying crime with crime, shedding blood for blood, knocking out a tooth for a tooth, thus vengeance begins. By the blood of the slain mother, tragic death denies all future attempts at filial piety!"

  Raven-black wings sprouted from their backs, while every strand of hair was a "snake."

  Using their feathered wings, they completely deflected the razor claws, sharp teeth and deadly breath from Guinevere's dragon form.

  "Megaera the demon, Tisiphone the avenger, Alecto the relentless, retrieve the curse and execute vengeance! Now is the time for revenge!"

  This was the second authority Alec had usurped, the authority of vengeance.

  Summoning the three infernal goddesses required spending a substantial amount of time on meditation and a ritual. Hence it was impossible to use in immediate battles. On the other hand, if the enemy could be lured where preparations had been made beforehand to summon the Erinyes, Alec would gain an astounding advantage.

  Because all damage and destruction performed before them was reflected back to the perpetrator.

  Responding to Alec's chant, vicious countenances appeared on the snake-haired Erinyes. Spreading their black wings, they attacked the white dragon.

  The goddess in dragon form was tragically clobbered and sliced open--

  Guinevere's entire body suffered the full force of the attacks she had unleashed on Alec earlier. Like living prey tossed high into the air to be shredded by the sharp beaks of gathering ferocious birds of prey.

  A complete massacre.

  Even though he had successfully sent his enemy to the grave, Alec was not moved the slightest. The problems of Lancelot and Kusanagi Godou still remained. As he thought of them, a familiar voice was heard.

  "So things seem to have concluded."

  "You came. What a keen sense of smell you have."

  Turning his head back, he found Princess Alice's spirit body there.

  Knowing she came to catch the show, Alec went "Hmph" at her and said:

  "Just as you see, Guinevere has reached her end. Though Lancelot remains as an enemy... Perhaps there is no further need to fight him."

  "Once the one he protected is gone, Sir Lancelot loses his original reason to fight."

  Sharp as ever, Alice immediately concurred.

  "Ah yes. Normally, this would constitute a motive for revenge, but that guy is a [Heretic God] after all. He has acted as Guinevere's knight for over a thousand years. If this lone constraint disappears, it would not be surprising for him to start wandering the earth."

  This was precisely the reason why Alec targeted the Witch Queen first.

  However, immediate objections were raised against his statement. It was the hoarse voice of Guinevere on the verge of death.

  'No! Even though Sir Knight has indeed become a [Heretic God], his loyalty towards our sworn master has never been lost! Now that the land of Avalon has appeared, he will not succumb to his heretical tendencies!'

  She must be dying. The dragon's body had begun to petrify. The silver-white dragon scales covering her body were losing their luster and turning into milky-white stone.

  'Guinevere believes in Sir Knight's heroism and devotion. He will surely take the place of us Divine Ancestors, going forth to serve under the banner of the "King of the End," pledging his allegiance as the premier knight!'

  The Divine Ancestor's soul still appeared to be intact. Alec replied to her voice:

  "If that island were the true Avalon, perhaps things might proceed in that fashion."

  Neither merciless nor hateful, he simply responded without emotion.

  As if mechanically pointing out errors in an experiment.

  "The Heavenly Reverse Halberd is simply a divine artifact for building countries, and is affiliated with Izanagi and Izanami, the parents of Japan's islands. Their creations were not limited to intact land but also included the so-called 'Leech Child,' an amorphous fluidic object that was exiled to the ocean according to the myths."

  Having severed Guinevere's tragic hopes, revenge was complete. As a result, Alec spoke coldly without emotion:

  "The Heavenly Reverse Halberd happens to be the divine artifact that imitates this legend, allowing it to produce both dry land and Leech Children. Approximately a thousand years ago, the 'King of the End' had revived for the sake of exterminating the Campiones active at the time. Completing his mission as usual, he went to sleep on a certain island in Japan."

  Through the experiment at Los Angeles, Alec understood the properties of the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. After associating it with the strongest [Steel], he came up with a certain hypothesis.

  "The island where the 'King of the End' sleeps, was converted into a Leech Child using the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. You should have figured it out by now, that is the Floating Island I revived... The island you call Avalon. Here comes the mystery, who did it and why?"

  Alice made an expression as if she realized something. She must have figured out the mechanism behind the trap.

  "Apparently the masterminds are the elders who viewed the 'King of the End' as a threat. Turning the island
where the troublesome tiger slept into a Leech Child, they sank it to the bottom of the sea to conceal it. And truly what a brilliant method of concealment. Nevertheless, there still remained existences like you Divine Ancestors. Since they were going to hide the island, the elders thought they might as well use an even more well-thought out method to be safe."

  This was one of several possible developments that Alec had deduced.

  "A week earlier, I tried using the Heavenly Reverse Halberd to reconstruct the Floating Island. What this verified was the absence of something that should exist. On that island there was no decrepit divine sword -- the remains of the 'King of the End.' After careful consideration, the elders must have changed the king's sleeping location beforehand."

  In any case, there was no sword anywhere on the Floating Island. Consequently, the Heavenly Reverse Halberd was simply a red herring -- a diversion to trick seekers of the king.

  Although Alec had a hunch about where the King of the End was truly located, there was no need to reveal it at this time.

  "Ultimately, the Floating Island is not Avalon. Even so, it was sufficient for my purpose of baiting you. Hence I used the labyrinth authority to lock it up, to act as the crucial element of the trap."

  'The divine sword's aura that could be sensed from the island -- could that actually be!?'

  Without answering Guinevere's sobbing voice, Alec shrugged.

  Sardinia's Lucretia Zola had once mentioned. The "King of the End" was much more ancient than Arthur and a hero spanning continents, both oriental and occidental.

  Alec believed her statement and had been performing field research in various lands. What this achieved was the discovery of a decrepit Divine Sword of Salvation in Indonesia. This was the item he had ordered Cecilia Cheung to retrieve and bring over to Japan.

  "Even though I was worrying how things would turn out when Kusanagi Godou appeared, in the end the plan continued smoothly without a hitch. Guinevere, this is the truth of the matter, which cannot be changed no matter what. As the Witch Queen, it is only fitting for you to pass away with dignity, is it not?"

  'No! Even like this, Guinevere still has things to do!'

  The white dragon's body had completely petrified. Turned into a milky-white statue, it was lying on the ground. However, this statue collapsed all of a sudden.

  As if eroded by the long and merciless passage of time, it lost shape and became sand with a rustling sound.

  The grains of sand, which had been part of a dragon god only moments earlier, scattered noisily across the ground. Carried by the blowing wind, a large clump of sand scattered and flew towards the sea.

  "I can sense Guinevere-sama's consciousness in that clump of sand!"

  "How resilient. As befits one who carries immortal divinity!"

  Alec exclaimed in response to Alice's observation. What was Guinevere planning to do in that state?

  Despite his curiosity, Alec turned himself into lightning. His destination was the Floating Island. By this time, Lancelot should have already landed. Alec wanted to find out what the knight would do after witnessing Guinevere's demise.

  Part 2

  That "island" Alec had caused to surface in Tokyo Bay was still several kilometers away.

  Even so, Lancelot du Lac was stuck in midair, unable to advance. Imprisoned by the gravitational pulse emitted from the black sphere hidden in the sea, it was impossible to budge an inch.

  Nevertheless, the dark clouds covering the sky above continued to release flashes of lightning.

  The purpose of these electrical strikes was to replenish the essence of [Thunder] for the flying knight and divine horse.

  "In order to reach the island of destiny which finally appeared, this Knight and steed shall go full speed at maximum power. This Knight's ally, turn into lightning together with one in a display of valor. Go forth!"

  Recharging was complete for the secondary effects of lightning speed and meteoric impact.

  Whispering to the beloved white horse softly, Lancelot leaned forward against the horse's back. In that instant, rider and partner became a white meteor. Turning themselves into a dragon-slaying snake-slaughtering divine sword, it was a charge which could tear apart heaven and earth. Now they needed no longer fear the gravitational pulse.

  Focusing purely on flying, they broke free from the restraints of gravity, thereby traversing the Devil's Sea. From high up in the air, Lancelot looked down at the island of destiny she had finally reached. A little island which contained nothing but rock.

  Covered entirely by conspicuous strangely shaped rocks, there were no other distinct landforms or structures.

  Ordering the divine horse to circle the island from the air, Lancelot caught sight of something shiny on the ground below. It appeared to be metal reflecting sunlight.

  Descending instantly, they landed on the peak of the strange rocks.

  Embedded there was a rusted decrepit iron sword.

  It was once a broad and mighty sword. Lancelot recognized it as one of many identical swords. Namely, the Divine Sword of Salvation which had been used as the material for the divine lance Excalibur.

  The decrepit sword was the hero's remains. He was supposed to be sleeping in the land where this sword was embedded.

  However, Lancelot could not sense from anywhere on this island the presence of his kin -- [Steel]. The warrior who should be lying in slumber with the decrepit divine sword. That lethargic presence, similar to a rusted sword blade, was nowhere to be felt.

  "This place is not Avalon either... Is that the situation now?"

  Then the white war god became aware.

  The final death roars of the [Dragon] not far away. Unmistakable. Furthermore, the presence of the girl Lancelot was supposed to protect could no longer be felt.

  It must be Guinevere who had been abducted by Alexandre Gascoigne.

  Even in a battle against the Black Prince, Guinevere should have been able to seek protection by sending out her thoughts. Had she been able to escape successfully, she would have delivered thoughts to report her safety...

  "Has the beloved child fallen before her grand aspirations could be realized? Looks like our journey is coming to an end."

  Notions of resignation surfaced. What should she do from here onwards?

  A duel with the Black Prince to avenge Guinevere? Or to finally indulge her long time wish, to begin a journey of wandering and battle -- No.

  From atop the castle of strange rock, Lancelot could see the sailing ship approaching the island.

  The "enemy" should be there. Questions along the likes of how she should survive henceforth, shall be considered after the battle's conclusion.

  Due to the full powered charge at maximum speed just now, Lancelot and her beloved steed were exhausted. Nevertheless, now that the beloved child was gone, she was free to rampage without reservation.

  Feeling the duel approaching, Lancelot smiled under her helmet and tightly gripped the reins once more.

  The castle of strange rock that Amakasu had described.

  The ship sailed smoothly and approached this island of conspicuous and strangely shaped rock. The labyrinth authority had already vanished. Fortunately, Guinevere had magically enchanted the ship to move in response to Kusanagi Godou's orders.

  Not only Godou but Erica, Yuri and Liliana were all on the deck.

  "Sir Lancelot is now approaching. Alone."

  Liliana reported. With Ena absent, she was the one with the best eyesight.

  Godou focused his eyes and was able to make out the figure of the white knight. Rather than flying like lightning as usual, Lancelot flew in a straight line no faster than a normal horse's trot.

  Lancelot appeared in the usual full armor, with no skin exposed.

  However, the knight seemed to be giving off an impression of exhaustion, and the divine horse's footsteps felt heavy and dulled.

  "You look really tired?"

  Godou asked out loud as he walked to the edge of the deck. />
  The three girls retreated to the back, as if trying not to disrupt his dialogue with a god. It was not yet their time to enter the stage.

  "Hmm. In order to struggle free from the Black Prince's minion, one resorted to a galloping charge. Furthermore, the beloved child who had to face that man alone, turned into a dragon and was defeated. In the end, all this sacrifice achieved was reaching a fake Avalon."

  Ordering her beloved horse to hover motionless in the air, Lancelot spoke in low spirits. Apparently, reaching the Floating Island was a trap.

  Godou was horrified by what Alec had done.

  He was not sure what kind of relations he would develop with that man in the future, but if that guy prepares for a fight it would be unavoidable. It felt like no amount of struggling could get out of those multi-layered traps, and falling into them meant "checkmate."

  "Were this Knight a sage with a keen mind, perhaps Gascoigne's scheming could have been thwarted. But unfortunately, one is merely a warrior who only knows how to charge forward. Thus, this Knight failed the beloved child."

  "Are you going to seek Gascoigne for revenge?"

  "One considered it. Nevertheless, incredible as it may sound, one's heart did not get fired up at the prospects."

  With a metallic scratching sound, Lancelot lifted the visor of her helmet. The white war god's beautiful face -- the unobscured face of a woman was revealed.

  "Now that the fetters of the protector knight's duties have been lost, this Knight wonders. Henceforth, one only needs to journey as one desires, fighting only those enemies whom this Knight deems worthy."

  With the helmet opened, Lancelot used a female voice.

  "Gascoigne is indeed a formidable foe. And the beloved child's enemy as well. However, this deviates from one's preference. Hohoho, this Knight's true wish is to charge like an arrow that has been shot, swinging a lance ferociously. Were one not this foolishly straightforward, this Knight would not have gotten involved with that certain man."

  Even though the girl under her protection had just been lost, the beautiful war god was smiling instead.


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