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Campione 10

Page 23

by War God of the Lance

  His [Sword] could not defend against that divine sword. How could he escape this desperate plight--!?

  Part 3

  In the middle of the sky, the flying squadron of knights was facing off against the golden snake.

  Arranged in a spindle formation, the remaining gray knights roughly numbered a hundred. In opposition to them was the forty or fifty-meter-long snake. The [Sword]'s spell words had concentrated together to take on the form of a snake.

  Focusing her gaze on her subordinates' formation, Queen Lancelot lifted divine lance Excalibur.

  The white star gradually approached the beautiful war god's back.

  "Finally time for the ultimate weapon to be used, eh..."

  Riding on the deck of the magically-operated sailing ship, Erica gasped.

  Standing upright on the prow, Godou was controlling the [Snake] as he focused his gaze on Lancelot and the white star. Erica, Yuri and Liliana were all on standby in the back of the ship in case of any emergencies.

  Come to think of it, Lancelot turned out to be unexpectedly adept in tactics...

  Erica frowned. Lancelot had repeatedly employed a foolish suicidal tactic while cautiously cherishing the ultimate weapon. This was done in preparation for the opportune moment to crush Godou in one fell swoop using her subordinate knight squadron and Excalibur in concert. Evidently, she was no simple berserker.

  Originally, her true talents should lie in charging without distraction at full speed and maximum strength.

  However, at some point in time she had become a sage who could calmly analyze the battle situation while fighting at full power.

  Godou most likely thought the same. He was savagely smiling as he focused his sharp gaze on Lancelot hovering in midair. In order not to lose against these odds stacked against him, he was burning with battle spirit.

  If Erica and the girls failed to assist him in a time of need like now, their existence would be meaningless.

  "For Godou to defend against Excalibur, he must switch from the [Warrior] to a different incarnation. But while Sir Lancelot's knight squadron continues to exist, the [Sword] should still be needed. So let us protect him with our power."

  "That goes without saying. Is that not the reason why we are here?"

  Liliana immediately responded to Erica's call. As expected of the longtime friend and rival.

  If the squadron of dark gray knights were Lancelot's subjects, then the red and blue knights were Godou's sword and shield. Erica and Liliana summoned their magic swords at once.

  The steel of the lion, Cuore di Leone, and the steel of the master musician, Il Maestro.

  The former was a great sword of heavy construction, while the latter was a naginata with a blade fitted on the tip of a long shaft.

  "Divine Sword of Salvation... The steel whose remains Guinevere-sama had taken and reawakened--"

  At this time, Yuri murmured as she looked up towards Lancelot and the divine lance.

  "Erica-san and Liliana-san. I have seen the magical 'pathway' connecting Sir Lancelot to the divine lance. I think if it can be severed, Sir will no longer be able to use Excalibur."

  "As expected. Did you see it through spirit vision?"

  "However, it's unfortunate that we two cannot see that pathway ourselves. Anyway, without Yuri's spirit vision it can't be done with certainty..."

  Liliana praised in admiration while Erica tried to come up with a plan.

  Even though Yuri was a rare world-class user of spirit vision, she was no expert in weapons or magical combat. Those were the responsibilities of the knights themselves.

  Nevertheless, the Japanese Hime-Miko tensed her beautiful face and spoke with determination:

  "No problem. Please leave it all to me."

  Come to think of it, there was a similar situation once. At that time, indeed--

  Realizing something, Erica nodded at Yuri.

  "I recall the Princess definitely said something about wanting to instruct you. So, Yuri, you have already..."

  "Yes. It was during the journey to unravel the mystery of Sir Lancelot. Since I possessed the disposition towards learning this type of ability, I received instruction on it. Even though I am still a novice, I still believe I can be of help to everyone!"

  Just as Yuri declared so, a transformation immediately occurred.

  The Yamato Nadeshiko originally had black lustrous hair strongly tinted a shade of brown. Now on top of that, a layer of faint luster appeared, causing it to shine with flaxen-colored light. Furthermore, her pupils became the color of glass.

  In addition, a sacred aura was emanating from Yuri.

  The only miko who gave off the same presence was Princess Alice and no other. The White Princess' most prided ability of psychic sensing. In actual fact, users of psychic sensing were extremely rare, roughly with the same scarcity as Ena's divine possession. Nevertheless, it was a power that Yuri had once used before.

  "I see. In order for her to use it without Verethragna's [Protection], the Princess instructed Mariya Yuri after discovering her disposition--!"

  Liliana also realized the situation and nodded.

  "Yes. Please extend your hand forward, Erica-san and Liliana-san. Unlike the Princess, I cannot do it without direct tactile contact."

  Yuri held out her hands, holding Erica's right hand and Liliana's left.

  Erica could feel her heart entering contact with another. It was the same feeling she had during the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. The psychic connection with Yuri had begun.

  Erica could feel a scorching sensation in the back of her eyes. Liliana should be feeling the same thing.

  "Through this power of mine, I will entrust every image I saw to you two. Please make the most of it."

  Murmuring, Yuri collapsed as if she were anemic.

  This resulted from her use of an unaccustomed spirit power, as well as the burden of dividing her magical power into two and sending each half into Erica and Liliana's bodies respectively.

  Erica felt the energy center beneath her navel brimming with magical power and gently caressed her abdomen.

  "Ah yes. Please allow me to do that. You should rest properly now."

  "T-The rest is up to you two. I wish you victory--"

  Yuri answered weakly in response to Liliana's invocation.

  "If we do not get fired up and put on a good show, we are unworthy as women. Erica."

  "That goes without saying. We must fight for Yuri's part as well, Lily."

  The red and blue knights nodded to each other. The decisive battle in the sky had already begun.

  The knight squadron in spindle formation charged dauntlessly at the serpentine [Sword]. It was a legendary scene evocative of Ragnarok.

  In any case, the monstrous snake of light was having a frontal battle with the squadron of knights in the air.

  Flying across the sky in waves, hundreds of knights were laying siege to the giant body of the snake.

  The snake of light rapidly ascended with speed incommensurate with its massive size, trying to create distance. Knights followed in hot pursuit, trying to pierce it with their lances. At this time, the snake of light whipped its long and slender body to strike at the approaching knights.

  Their armor shattered instantly, their horses sent flying, these knights disappeared in such a manner.

  However, the remaining knights stabbed their lances into the snake of light and then drew back immediately -- they were fighting with everything they had, and using guerrilla tactics to pin down the snake.

  Furthermore, it was not merely a battle between subordinates. Lancelot herself finally sprang into action.

  Pointing the tip of the divine lance at Kusanagi Godou standing on the prow, the queen soaring on her divine mount gave majestic orders for attack.

  In that very instant, the white star hovering in the sky above began to flash with brilliance.

  --It's coming! Just as Erica became certain, Liliana swiftly called out:

"There is no time left to defend! Help me take flight!"

  A hasty order. Nevertheless, it was sufficient for her longtime friend Erica to understand.

  She selected the appropriate spell words to assist the witchcraft Liliana was planning to use.

  "O Artemis! I beseech you to bless one who is female with the power of wings!"

  "Once again I offer my prayers! Please bestow upon us the privilege to fly across the sky!"

  Liliana chanted the spell words and crouched down.

  Striking her hand against the ship's deck, she activated her skilled flight magic. In the past, she only used to it to carry multiple people at once, but this time was different. Having received Yuri's magical power and Erica's assistance, she was able to produce much more powerful lift than usual--

  What Guinevere had summoned, was this sailing ship which had been transporting Godou and his group.

  Liliana's flight magic now levitated this ship. In the instant the entire ship was surrounded by blue light, the white star released a flash of lightning.

  This was the hammer of god for incinerating all existence upon this ocean.

  Just as the ship was inches away from being engulfed by this attack, it moved, relying on Liliana's flight magic. Surrounded by blue light, the sailing ship shot forward in a straight line, towards the Floating Island ahead. Furthermore, they barely managed to evade the lightning of annihilation.

  On the other hand, this forced manner of transport half wrecked the ship.

  The sailing ship now lay on the shore of the Floating Island -- or rather, the ship had crashed its prow, sending timber flying. Standing on the deck, Erica, Liliana and Godou lost balance from the intense rocking while the unconscious Yuri continued to lie motionless.

  "Sorry for the sudden movement. I could not think of any other means to escape Excalibur's attack."

  "What are you talking about? It's thanks to you that we're saved, thanks!"

  Godou replied to Liliana's apology with smiling thanks.

  Nevertheless, this was only an emergency maneuver. If they tried to evade in the same manner again, Lancelot would probably calmly destroy the ship using Excalibur.

  "Godou, leave Excalibur for Lily and me to handle. You should focus your concentration on using the [Sword]. Your first priority is Sir Lancelot's squadron of knights."

  Erica spoke without hesitation, assigning roles and duties in a clear-cut fashion. It was the same strategy that had been used against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven last time.

  "But Lancelot is not that easy to handle! Are you sure you two can keep things under control?"

  "Of course, it would be impossible for us to stop Sir Lancelot. However, if it's just Excalibur, I think we have a way. Yuri saw it just now with spirit vision. That weapon over there is very unstable."

  In that case, it was enough.

  Realizing Erica's intentions, Godou turned around towards the sea, focusing his gaze on the legendary battle in midair between the flying squad of knights and the great serpent of light. He intended to concentrate on controlling the [Sword].

  Furthermore, a lone knight was flying towards the Floating Island. Wielding the divine lance Excalibur, it was Queen Lancelot in all her splendorous beauty.

  Now was the exact time to release the trump card. Erica was first to begin chanting.

  "And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the Lord went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them!"[12]

  Smiting. These were the spell words for acquiring the Privilege of Extermination.

  "They compassed the city seven times. And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given you the city. And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword"[13]

  Red light surrounded Erica.

  The chanting continued for the purpose of converting this luminance into the curse of sacred slaughter.

  "Cursed before the Lord is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates."[14]

  Thanks to receiving Yuri's magical power, the technique was much easier to control in comparison to last time.

  Erica infused the Privilege of Extermination into her beloved sword, Cuore di Leone. Furthermore, she manifested her defensive gear in the form of chain mail, a helmet and a large round shield.

  The red exterminator had arrived. Naturally, Liliana was next.

  "And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males. And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian!"[15]

  Her silver-haired ponytail swayed as she chanted spell words.

  "And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire!"[16]

  What surrounded Liliana was blue light, obviously.

  She must have secretly studied the spell laboriously. Executing the technique with much greater fluency than before, she poured power into the blue light. Naturally, Yuri's assistance also played a major role.

  "And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts. And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses."[17]

  Liliana used the Privilege of Extermination to alter Il Maestro's form.

  The naginata with the long shaft was transformed into a silver longbow. In addition, her choice of defensive gear was much lighter than Erica's, consisting of blue gauntlets, greaves and a breastplate of light steel. This appeared to be battle attire geared towards Liliana's strengths in speed and agility.

  "First, I will shoot down Excalibur with my arrow. Then Erica, sever the link between the divine sword and Sir Lancelot!"

  Issuing orders, Liliana's pupils became the color of glass.

  This must have been the result of receiving the images from spirit vision through Yuri's psychic sensing.

  "Yes, if there are no exceptions amongst the gods, we can be fairly certain Sir Lancelot would be uninterested in us humans. Strike there with the sacred Privilege of Extermination -- !"

  Nodding in response. Erica's own pupils were probably the same color.

  For the sake of Yuri who had entrusted this power to them, victory must be seized.

  Part 4

  "Hohoho, the spell words for slaying gods... A rather excellent weapon it may be, nevertheless, it seems slightly inadequate before this Knight's weapon."

  Finally breaching the defensive line held by the [Snake], she smiled as she offered praise--

  Spurring the flying divine horse, Lancelot was approaching Godou's position. Rather than going at maximum speed like lightning, she was riding at a leisurely trot.

  However, this act definitely did not carry arrogance or careless underestimation of the enemy.

  The horse was an animal unable to sustain a full gallop for long periods of time. Judicious use of full speed was part of a rider's skill. Whether in the context of ancient cavalry battles or modern racehorses, this point has never changed. It was imperative to properly judge when to gallop at full speed.

  Standing on the prow of the half-wrecked ship, Godou looked up at the formidable foe in the sky.

  Having removed all steel from her body, the war god exhibited her original bare skin. She was currently dressed in sheer fabric no different from underwear or a swimsuit, most likely offering no protection.

  Wielded in her right hand was the divine lance Excalibur. Its tip shone with platinum brilliance, guiding the white star.

  The divine artifact known as the embodiment of destruction which could
slice apart heaven, earth and the planets--

  "If dear sir cannot pull out a weapon surpassing this, the battle is over. Truly what a shame it would be. Nevertheless, this Knight firmly believes such is not the case. Dear sir is surely the man who shall respond to one's hopes!"

  "Yeah. It feels like such a hassle, but I will try as hard as I can."

  Godou grumbled as he called out in his mind. Come quick!

  "But you have overlooked something. Up until now, your defense was perfect because of the knight formation around you... But aren't you wide open now?"

  "Oh... This Knight!?"

  Immediately after Godou hollered, Lancelot became aware of the attack.

  Glancing into the distance above her, she frowned. Riding her divine horse, she made a leap backwards.

  Two seconds later, at the location the war god and her horse had been occupying, a great splendorous golden serpent -- Godou's [Sword] passed through. Rather than attacking the knight squadron, Godou had issued orders to snipe the leader.

  Naturally, Godou did not expect this sort of ambush to defeat Lancelot directly.

  It was only meant for containment. In addition, it was for buying himself time to move. Godou decisively jumped into the sea from the prow. If he fell straight down like this, he would have no choice but to swim.

  But before Godou hit the water, the golden [Snake] swiftly flew down below him.

  Godou barely managed to land on the head of the giant [Snake].

  From the feeling beneath his feet, it was like landing on a hard and solid surface. Riding the [Snake] in this manner, Godou ascended. The [Sword]'s spell words could be used in such a way because of their ability to manifest as a real sword.

  Having mounted the [Snake]'s head, Godou turned his gaze to the squadron of dark gray knights.

  Maintaining a spindle formation, the knights moved like a flock of birds of prey. As expected, they were flying here to pursue the [Snake] which had disappeared from before them.

  "Attack that fellow's back! Strike from behind!"

  Godou gave orders to the [Snake].

  The snake undulated its body in response. As the several-dozen-meter-long [Sword] began to rise rapidly, Godou lay down prone and hugged the [Snake]'s head tightly.


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