All Fear the Pharaoh

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All Fear the Pharaoh Page 5

by Neo Edmund

  “Alpha 5, I don’t see any sign of Squatt and Baboo. What about you?” the Yellow Ranger asked.

  “Nothing yet, but there are so many places those two could be hiding,” said Alpha 5.

  The Yellow Ranger then heard a thunderous rumbling that sounded like thousands of rolling rocks. She turned around and saw an avalanche of gravel was pouring down the embankment, seconds from crushing her. With no other place to go, the Yellow Ranger frantically raced farther down into the quarry. All along the way, she nearly tumbled off her feet as she slipped and slid on the loose gravel covering every inch of the ground.

  “Aye-yi-yi, Trini, I’m going to teleport you to a safe place,” Alpha 5 cried.

  “If you do that, it will ruin my whole plan,” the Yellow Ranger replied.

  After dashing along for another hundred yards, the Yellow Ranger finally reached the bottom of the embankment. She made a diving leap to the side, just in time to avoid being buried under the wave of rocks.

  “That was much too close,” Alpha 5 yelped. “You could have been buried alive.”

  A chill shot down the Yellow Ranger’s spine when she saw just how right Alpha 5 was. “Well, it didn’t happen, so we proceed with the plan.”

  The Yellow Ranger heard the sound of heavy feet trekking through gravel. She made a quick turn and saw Squatt walking her way. The blubbering brute was clutching the blue urn in his arms.

  “Billy,” the Yellow Ranger whispered.

  “I almost thought you weren’t going to make it, Yellow Ranger,” said Squatt.

  The Yellow Ranger took a fighting stance. “Where is the Griffin Pharaoh?”

  From another direction, the Yellow Ranger heard footsteps. She turned and saw Baboo was approaching.

  “Don’t you worry. The Griffin Pharaoh will be here any minute now,” said Baboo. “But before he arrives, let’s have some fun.”

  In a white flash, a squad of Putty Patrollers appeared. They began to circle the Yellow Ranger. She took a quick look around and counted at least twelve of the clay brutes.

  “You must be joking,” the Yellow Ranger said. “I could take down this many Putties in my sleep.”

  “Oh yeah, then let’s see if we can find some more for you to fight,” said Squatt.

  Putty Patrollers dashed out from behind the construction machines and gravel mounds. The Yellow Ranger gasped as they began to swarm her. She looked around again, only this time there were too many to count or, more importantly, far more than she could possibly fight on her own.

  The Yellow Ranger sighed. “I just had to go and open my big mouth.”

  Chapter 15

  “Trini, just say the word and I’ll teleport you back to the Command Center,” Alpha 5 cried from her communicator.

  The Yellow Ranger could hardly hear Alpha 5 over the sound of her heart thumping in her chest. In every direction she looked, all she could see were Putty Patrollers; more than she had ever faced in a single battle.

  Squatt shook a fist at the Putty Patrollers. “What are you fools waiting for? Capture the Yellow Ranger.”

  All at once, the gray-skinned brutes charged at the Yellow Ranger. She counterattacked with a barrage of dazzling punches and kicks. The first wave of Putty Patrollers went down in quick order. The next wave to attack proved to be a lot tougher. They clutched at her arms and legs. Gripped her around the waist. Kicked her legs out from under her and shoved her down.

  Soon, the Yellow Ranger was on her knees, fully restrained and unable to break free.

  “Aye-yi-yi, this has gone far enough,” Alpha 5 yelped. “I’m getting you out of there right now.”

  Zordon then spoke on the communicator. “I have to agree with Alpha 5. The situation has become far too dangerous.”

  “Not yet! We have to wait for the perfect moment, or this will have all been for nothing,” the Yellow Ranger insisted.

  “Step aside, you worthless peasants,” the voice of the Griffin Pharaoh bellowed from deep within the horde of Putty Patrollers. The gray-skinned thugs scattered to make a path for the winged beast. The Griffin Pharaoh stopped a few yards short of the Yellow Ranger.

  Squatt raced over and placed the blue urn right next to the Griffin Pharaoh.

  The Griffin Pharaoh stared at the Yellow Ranger. “So you’re the one they’re all making a big fuss over. You don’t look so tough to me.”

  “Tell these thugs to let me go, and I’ll show you how tough I am,” the Yellow Ranger said.

  “A waste of time. You could never hope to defeat me,” the Griffin Pharaoh said. With a wave of his staff, the fifth urn appeared with the top hinged open. Just as in the museum, a shadow-hand arose from inside. The Yellow Ranger’s eyes went wide with fear as the abomination floated her way.

  The Putty Patrollers restraining the Yellow Ranger began to tremble.

  “Aye-yi-yi, Trini, please tell me it’s time,” Alpha 5 yelped.

  “Just a few more seconds,” the Yellow Ranger said, taking a deep breath. She waited until the shadow-hand was only inches away from her. “Now!”

  In a flash, Alpha 5 teleported her away. Then an instant later, she appeared next to the Griffin Pharaoh. “I’ll be taking my prize,” she said.

  “Treacherous peasant, I will crush you,” the Griffin Pharaoh roared.

  “Not today, you won’t,” the Yellow Ranger said. She executed a lightning-quick barrage of spin kicks, hitting the Griffin Pharaoh in the jaw again and again. The strikes caused thousands of pieces of the Griffin Pharaoh’s Nanosand to scatter like dust in the wind, and his jaw turned back to lifeless stone.

  “You can’t hurt me. I am invincible,” the Griffin Pharaoh roared. The scattered Nanosand swarmed back to his face and transformed his jaw back into living flesh.

  “Zordon, did you see that?” Trini asked, gasping fearfully.

  “I did, and I believe it is time for you to get out of there,” Zordon replied.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” the Yellow Ranger said, then made a dive roll across the ground and popped up next to the blue urn.

  “Stop her, you fools,” the Griffin Pharaoh shouted to the Putty Patrollers.

  The Putty Patrollers scurried toward the Yellow Ranger.

  “Too slow,” the Yellow Ranger said, grabbing the blue urn and teleporting away.

  “Curse you, Yellow Ranger! I will have my revenge,” the Griffin Pharaoh roared.

  Chapter 16

  Following her battle with the Griffin Pharaoh, Trini returned to the Command Center. Alpha 5 and Zordon got right to work on their analysis of the blue urn. As much as Trini wanted to stay and help, Zordon felt it was best for her to return to the Angel Grove Campground to ensure the scouts were safe.

  Upon her arrival, she found that they had already packed up and returned to the city. She felt relieved that the scouts were out of harm’s way, but was also disappointed that she had missed her chance to lead them on the hike.

  Her stomach grumbling with hunger, Trini decided to go to the Youth Center to get a bite to eat. As she scarfed down a veggie sandwich and an extra-large berry smoothie, she looked at the empty chairs around the table. She couldn’t recall ever feeling as alone as she did in that moment.

  Ernie approached carrying a tray with a large ice cream sundae. “I don’t mean to nose into your business, but are you okay?”

  Trini shrugged half-heartedly. “I’m just having a really tough day.”

  “I’m betting it has to do with what happened up at the campground,” Ernie said. “It’s a good thing that Power Ranger showed up when she did, or who knows what might have happened.”

  Trini looked up at Ernie, a little surprised. “News sure travels fast around here.”

  “Even faster when the Power Rangers are involved,” Ernie said with a gleaming smile. “I don’t know who they are, but I do know they’re about the b
ravest bunch of heroes who have ever lived.”

  Trini cracked a little smile. “You really think so?”

  Ernie nodded an affirmative. “I know so. Everyone in Angel Grove would back me up on that. I hope those Rangers know how grateful we are for everything they do for us.”

  Trini smiled a little brighter. This was exactly what she had needed to hear. “I have a feeling they do know. And you even helped me feel better about something. Thank you, Ernie.”

  “Don’t exactly know what I did, but I’m sure glad I could help,” Ernie said with a proud grin. “Anyway, I need to deliver this ice cream sundae before it melts and I catch all heck from Ms. Gertrude.”

  “You mean she’s here?” Trini looked back and saw Ms. Gertrude sitting at a table on the far end of the room. As usual, she was writing notes on her clipboard. “Ernie, would you mind if I delivered that sundae?”

  Ernie shrugged. “Don’t see why not. And if you ever want a job waiting tables, you just let old Ernie know.” He handed the serving tray to Trini and strutted away.

  Trini took a deep breath and began to walk over to Ms. Gertrude. In her mind, Trini could already hear Ms. Gertrude telling her that she failed the leadership exam and then proceeding to list every single thing she had done wrong.

  Trini cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Ms. Gertrude. I have your sundae.”

  Ms. Gertrude looked up, surprised to see Trini. “Ms. Kwan, I didn’t know you were employed here.”

  Trini put the sundae on the table in front of Ms. Gertrude. “Actually, I’m not. I was just hoping we could talk about what happened at the campground.”

  “Honestly, my nerves are still a bit too shaken to discuss that,” Ms. Gertrude said. She took a heaping bite of the sundae and smiled with delight. She then gestured for Trini to sit down. “I bet you think I’m a terrible old ogre who just wants to put down everything you do.”

  Trini looked away, unable to entirely disagree. “I wouldn’t call you an ogre.”

  “It wouldn’t be an unfair assessment,” Ms. Gertrude admitted. “And speaking of terrible ogres, did I ever tell you about the scout leader I had when I was a kid?”

  Trini shook her head.

  Ms. Gertrude took another bite of her sundae. “Her name was Ms. Vivian. She was a dreadful scout leader. She was always tardy for meetings, if she bothered to show up at all. The woman loathed camping and hiking and just about anything that required her to go outdoors.”

  “Then why would she want to be an Angel Scout leader?” Trini asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” Ms. Gertrude said with a frown. “All I ever wanted was to be the best Angel Scout I could be, and she made that downright impossible.”

  Trini looked at Ms. Gertrude’s sash, covered in merit badges. “How can that be? You’re one of the most successful Angel Scouts to ever wear the uniform.”

  Ms. Gertrude smiled proudly. “That is true, but most of those merits were earned during my time as a leader, not when I was a scout.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Trini said warmly.

  “Don’t feel too bad for me,” Ms. Gertrude said, sitting up straight. “The experience taught me the importance of strong leadership, so when my time came to become a scout leader, I vowed to be the best leader I could be. I also vowed to only allow those who are equally committed to become scout leaders.”

  Trini considered this and realized why Ms. Gertrude had been so hard on her. “You want to make sure that no scout ever has to have a bad experience like you did.”

  Ms. Gertrude looked Trini right in the eyes. “So I ask you, Trini Kwan: What kind of leader would you be, when and if you manage to pass your exam?”

  Trini eyed Ms. Gertrude curiously. “Are you saying that I haven’t already failed?”

  “Do you believe you have failed?” Ms. Gertrude asked.

  “No, I don’t,” Trini said firmly. “And I won’t make excuses about things that have gone wrong, but I would like a chance to prove to you that I can do things right.”

  “And how do you intend to do that?” Ms. Gertrude asked.

  Trini was quick to make a plan. “The playground at Angel Grove Park was recently damaged by some of those creatures we saw at the campground. I want to lead a Community Fix Up to repair the damage.”

  “That’s an admirable plan. And when would this happen?” Ms. Gertrude asked.

  “Tomorrow at eight in the morning,” Trini said.

  Ms. Gertrude wrote a note on her clipboard. “Then you’d better move quickly, because that gives you precious little time to pull it all together.”

  “I won’t let you down again,” Trini promised. Just then, her communicator chimed. Alpha 5 was calling her from the Command Center. “And it looks like I need to get going. Thank you again, Ms. Gertrude.”

  Chapter 17

  Trini’s communicator chimed again as she raced out the front door of the Youth Center.

  “Alpha 5, please say you have some good news for me,” Trini said.

  “You bet I do. Our analysis of the blue and pink urns have helped us to narrow our search parameters for the other two,” Alpha 5 said.

  “And?” Trini awaited eagerly.

  “And we’ve already found the approximate location of one of the urns,” said Alpha 5.

  “Why is the location only approximate?” Trini asked.

  “Because it’s in an underground cavern made entirely of ice, and it’s located in . . .” Alpha 5 paused nervously. “Antarctica!”

  Trini shrugged. “Doesn’t sound any more dangerous than fighting a giant scorpion on the side of a cliff.”

  “Trini, this is Zordon,” he announced on the communicator. “Do not take the danger of this mission lightly. In addition to the subzero temperatures, the urn is guarded by a serpopard: a vicious sea serpent and leopard hybrid monster with a murderous temperament.”

  As frightening as that all sounded, Trini wasn’t about to allow a dangerous beast to stop her from saving her friends. “Understood, Zordon. Now please teleport me to the closest point possible.”

  “As you wish. And may the Power protect you,” Zordon replied.

  Trini looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then morphed into the Yellow Ranger. She teleported thousands of miles across the world, arriving on the middle of a glacier in the frozen land of Antarctica. Her Ranger suit did well to protect her from the subzero weather, though she could still feel the chill of the freezing wind on the back of her neck.

  For a moment, she stood, taking in the astounding beauty of the Antarctic landscape. Looking toward the north, she saw ice and snow that went on for as far as the eye could see. And to the south, she marveled at the sight of ice cliffs towering hundreds of feet high.

  “Trini, I don’t mean to rush you,” Alpha 5 said, “but we’ve detected a storm heading in your direction. You need to complete the mission as quickly as possible.”

  The Yellow Ranger began a tedious trek across the ice. She passed a colony of penguins marching in formation. With each passing minute, the sky rapidly darkened. Black storm clouds would soon cover the twilight sun.

  Traversing down a slippery ridge, the Yellow Ranger reached the entrance to the cavern. The jagged icy archway towered over one hundred feet high and fifty feet across. Beyond the entrance, there was nothing to be seen but a stark void of darkness.

  “It looks a lot creepier than I could have imagined,” the Yellow Ranger said.

  “Aye-yi-yi, Trini, you really don’t have to do this,” Alpha 5 replied.

  Trini took a calming breath and pushed her fears aside. “I could never live with myself if I quit now.”

  The Yellow Ranger walked through the archway and headed into the darkness of the ice cavern. High above, she saw razor-sharp shards of ice covering every inch of the ceiling. The walls creaked and crackled, as if t
he cavern could come crashing down at any second.

  “Alpha 5, any word on how stable this cavern is?” the Yellow Ranger whispered.

  There was no response.

  “Alpha 5! Zordon! Please respond,” the Yellow Ranger said urgently.

  Again, there was no response. The thick cavern walls were blocking the signal. From this point on, the Yellow Ranger would be on her own. Just then, she heard feet shuffling along the icy floor, not far behind her. She stood perfectly still for a tense moment, not daring to take a breath. Judging by the pattern of the footsteps, she guessed that whatever was coming her way had more than two legs.

  “I sure hope that’s not the serpopard,” she whispered.

  Hurrying deeper into the cavern, the Yellow Ranger slipped and slid on the icy floor. The tunnel became narrower and narrower, forcing her to turn sideways to continue. She hoped a creature as large as a serpopard would be unable to follow in such cramped corridors. This hope was quashed when she heard the thunderous sounds of the creature smashing its way through the ice.

  With her heart racing, the Yellow Ranger squeezed through a small opening at the end of the tunnel. When she emerged on the other side, she realized she was standing atop a steep embankment. Her feet slipped out from beneath her, and she went sliding downward on her back.

  The Yellow Ranger tried to grab on to the cavern wall. There was no place to get a grip. She jammed her boots into the ground. It was much too slippery to catch traction. She tried everything she could think of to slow her descent, but nothing made a bit of difference.

  Just when it seemed the situation couldn’t get worse, the Yellow Ranger soared off the edge of a cliff and began to plummet into a pit of absolute darkness.

  Chapter 18

  “Zordon! Alpha 5! If you can hear me, I don’t think I’m going to make it,” the Yellow Ranger shouted into her communicator. She was helplessly plummeting deeper and deeper into the dark abyss. Making it all the worse, she could hear the serpopard roaring from up above. She wasn’t sure if the beast had slipped off the cliff or maliciously jumped after her. Either way, she just hoped the thing wouldn’t crash down on top of her when they hit the ground.


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