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Cyborg Doms: Fane

Page 9

by H. C. Brown

  "Do you think Gryd will have a battalion of soldiers with him, Jace?" Tamara leaned against Fane.

  "Not a battalion—my guess is that he brought two others with him." Jace turned to face them. "They are in a starship, similar to the one we arrived in. It's too small to carry more than eight. He plans to pick up two females and us, so he can only have two, maybe three men with him. This tells me he believes we'll cooperate."

  Fane rubbed the back of his neck. "Can you pick up who he has with him?"

  "Not yet, but I will when he drops into range. Gryd is using the ship's computer to communicate with me." Jace smiled. "It won't be the two men I incapacitated or any of the other cyborgs on Terros 9. I made sure of that before I left by destroying the pilot program database. So it has to be a couple of new pilots. Before we left, I picked up some information about a couple of new recruits from Javronia. Gryd had them doing some real kinky stuff at the Labinia Conference." He pushed the hair from his face. "If they came from my old unit, they will be able to override their AIs. This being the case, I'll try to convince them to join us. I can't see this being a problem, to be honest. By now, they will be as sick of Gryd as we are. As soon as they agree to go along with our plan, I'll upload the gas protection program into their AIs. The process is simple and takes about a millisecond."

  * * * * *

  Tamara stiffened in Fane's warm embrace. Kinky things at a conference? There was more to Terros 9 than she thought. What else had Fane neglected to tell her? Good heavens, would he ever tell her the truth about his life on Terros 9? Her emotions were all over the place. In truth, she had fallen for the man. The sex was phenomenal. She could give up Whips to have him in her life. In time, he would grow a little and learn to accommodate her need for domination. She had enjoyed his sex play, the way he took charge, but, if he continued to withhold important things about his past life, how could she ever trust him. "Fane, before I agree to get myself completely involved in all this, are you sure there's nothing else you need to tell me about your life as Gryd's slave?" "It would take months to cover everything that happened over the past four years. For now, you'll just have to trust me. When we reach the ship, everything will be new to you and no doubt a little frightening. You will be witnessing technology far beyond your time. Gryd will arrive in a starship . . . your people don't build spacecraft like these for another thousand years." Fane rubbed her arms. "Just stick to the plan, and everything will go smoothly. Gryd is an idiot, and he won't be expecting an attack. The gas will take him, and it will be over in a few minutes."

  After allowing Jace to cover her face and neck with leopard spots, Tamara stood looking at her refection. She glowered at Fane. "Is this what you consider beautiful on your planet?"

  "The Vallions are descended from cats. There are many different females in the universe and beyond, all beautiful in their way but none as lovely as you." Fane brushed Tamara's mouth with a kiss.

  Tamara shook her head and picked up her backpack. The tiny, glass, gas cylinders hung from a silver bracelet concealed under the sleeve of her blouse. She followed the men from the hotel room. They rode the elevator down to the lobby and left by the main entrance. Their flybikes waited outside in the parking lot. She pushed on a helmet and climbed on behind Fane. Within ten minutes, they were deep in the forest.

  "We'll leave the bikes here and walk to the clearing. If we get separated, we'll meet back at the hotel." Fane removed his helmet. "Gryd will soon pinpoint our position; he's very close." He took Tamara's hand. "We'll have to go into space to find a place to drop off Gryd, but it will only take a couple hours. Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

  A shiver ran down Tamara's back. She forced a smile. "Yes."

  Fane stepped away and joined Jace a few paces away from her. The next second, their clothes changed into body-hugging, dark blue uniforms. Tamara gaped at the two men. I don't believe it.

  "Fuck you, Fane . . . you didn't tell her about our abilities, did you?" Jace strode toward Tamara. "We didn't mean to scare you . . . God . . . I'm sorry."

  She looked from one tragic face to the other. She rubbed her temples with trembling fingers. "I don't think anything you two do surprises me anymore, to be honest . . . but before we continue, is there anything else important about the pair of you , I should know?" She shot a glance at Fane. "Anything that has a bearing on our relationship?"

  "Not really. Well, nothing else I care to explain at this moment." Fane gave a shrug. "Whatever I say will be strange to you. You're from a different century. Some ways of life are normal in our time. It's difficult trying to take this primitive Earth into consideration every time I do or say something."

  Nothing he cares to explain? Tamara stalked off, pushing the branches out of her way and heading deeper into the forest. Her face stung from the small cuts inflicted by the branches. Primitive? Well, la-de-da.

  "Tamara," Fane bellowed. "The clearing is this way."

  Drawing a deep breath, Tamara spun around and stamped back to Fane. She completely ignored the hand he offered and marched along behind Jace. She swiped at the scratches on her face. When this was over, she would have a long chat with Fane.

  Relationship—he wanted a relationship—well, no way would she consider this arrangement until he came clean and told her about his past. Lord, space ships, time travel, cyborgs—what would happen next? She had begun to feel like she had fallen down a rabbit hole into another dimension. Her stomach clenched. What was she getting herself into with these weird men?

  On the perimeter of a wide clearing, they stopped and waited in the shadow of a huge oak tree. In this beautiful place, peace surrounded her. In the clearing, sunlight from a cloudless sky streamed down upon the lush grass. Buttercups and tiny, white daises mingled in the waves of green strands, a feast for the butterflies and black-and-yellow-striped bees darting from bloom to bloom. The familiar scents of the forest, of flowers and damp leaves, soothed Tamara's shattered nerves.

  She touched Jace's arm. "Do they make cyborgs exclusively from men from Earth? Are many other races out there? You have unusual features, so I'm assuming you are from a different planet."

  "Yes, many different races have AIs in our time. There are many different types of Humanoid throughout our galaxy. Only people from Earth are referred to as human.

  I'm from Javronia, so strictly speaking, I'm not human. On Javronia, we evolved from faeries. On earth, faeries are mythological . . . most likely the myth started because Javronians visited your planet many centuries ago." He laughed. "My guess is Gryd evolved from a pig, but don't quote me on that."

  Tamara swallowed hard. She looked at Jace in disbelief. "You're . . . not . . .

  human . . . you came from faeries . . . oh—my—God."

  "I'm human." Fane ran a hand down her back. He laughed. "Well . . . I used to be."

  An hour later, Jace indicated he had received a message from Gryd, informing them of his imminent arrival. Tamara's heart began to race. Calm down, she told herself. What is there to worry about? She considered the situation for one horrifying second. Hell, she was standing waiting for a spaceship to land, one carrying a deranged psychopath. No, she had nothing to worry about, nothing at all. After all, she had two

  cyborgs to protect her. A faerie and a once-human who wanted a relationship—not that she could, exactly, trust him right now. She just had to remind her shaking legs to hold her upright while she pretended to be a fucking cat. Too easy. She bit her bottom lip and sent up a silent prayer. A gust of wind hit her, and she staggered backward. The forest floor rose up in a wall of dust and debris. Leaves, stripped from trees, whirled high into the air. Birds took wing, screeching with fear. Fane pulled her against his hard body.

  "The ship is cloaked. Stay silent. We have to act like cyborgs, unemotional

  machines, so don't interact with me unless you use M. S." He squeezed her arms. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Please . . . trust me . . . whatever happens."

  * * * * *
/>   Tamara followed the portly figure of Gryd, walking slowly down the invisible steps of the starship, flanked by two guards. He beckoned Jace with one pudgy finger. "515, report."

  "The ship brought us here, master, and we lost contact with the mainframe." Jace moved closer to Gryd. "The ship disintegrated on impact. 636's AI is not receiving data.

  Only one female survived."

  515? 636? What the . . . ? Tamara trembled. Fane's long fingers curled around her arm. In a moment of panic, she tried to pull away.

  "I won't let him hurt you."

  Tamara forced her body to relax. "What does he mean by 515 and 636?"

  "We are cyborgs to him. He removed any reference to our humanity. We are numbers to him, disposable, less than animals."

  Gryd moved toward Tamara. He smiled, showing a mouthful of gold teeth. His gaze travelled over her, and he licked his thin lips. Tamara dropped her gaze with a shudder of revulsion.

  "Such a remarkable find; you have a good eye, 515. I will enjoy this tasty morsel."

  Gryd turned to his guards. "Take her into the ship and prepare her. I'll fuck her before we leave." He moved slowly to face Fane. "Do you know me, 636?"

  "Yes, master." Fane met Gryd's gaze. "I can prepare the girl."

  "We will soon have you reconnected, 636." Gryd smiled. "Go ahead. I want to see her ass rosy from your flogger before I fuck it." He lifted Tamara's chin and stared into her eyes. "She looks far too arrogant . . . make her cry." He patted her cheek. "After I've finished I'll give you to my cyborgs. I like my girls to beg. You'll need a thorough education before I allow you to pleasure my guests."

  Tamara drew a deep breath . "Connect to Fane."

  "I have no intention of flogging you."

  "Flogging me . . . fuck . . . that's the least of my worries. What does he mean by

  'entertaining his guests'? Please don't tell me you neglected to tell me what this asshole does on Terros 9."

  "We are pleasure cyborgs. Me and Jace . . . we're his doms. We prepare the females for Gryd and his guests."

  She turned and glared at Fane. "What else do you do for his guests?"

  "We do whatever they want." Fane looked away.

  "So you fuck on command . . . like a bloody prostitute."

  "Like a sex slave. We were abused and degraded . . . that's why we left."

  Tamara chewed her bottom lip and tried to hold back the tirade hovering on the tip of her tongue. This little adventure was deteriorating rapidly. Sex slaves—and Fane was a dom! Why the hell had he decided to withhold that piece of information? She allowed Fane to lead her into the ship. She stumbled inside and gasped at the sight before her. So many flashing panels, the ship was like something out of a sci-fi movie.

  Fane's voice echoed inside her head.

  "Jace is in contact with the two guards. He knows them. They've been working on a plan to escape since they arrived on Terros 9. Look, I know you're angry with me, but stick to the plan. I'll explain everything when you're safe."

  "Why didn't you tell me you were a sex slave? A dom, for Christ's sake, is one thing but a sex slave? Just how many, and what species did you have sex with . . . do you carry diseases?

  No, don't bother telling me. Fuck. Don't you think I deserved to know that piece of information before I allowed you inside my body? Look, I'll go along with this plan . . . but when this is over .

  . . we're finished . . . understand?"

  "No I don't understand . . . you know I care for you." Fane's eyes narrowed. "I'm sure you have secrets too . . . like the handcuffs tied to your bed."

  "Don't try and turn this around, Fane. You dragged me into this shit and conveniently left out important things about yourself. I don't care about the enhancements or that you're from the future but a sex slave . . . fucking anything for Gryd's entertainment . . . Christ, I can't handle that . . . I'm sorry." Tamara's heart clenched. " You said if it didn't work, you would walk away . . . I'm telling you to walk away."

  * * * * *

  Fane dropped her arm and gazed into her furious face. How could he make her understand? Sharing the fact he'd been less than a slave—that he'd been nothing, a machine—wasn't easy under the best of circumstances. How could he go into detail about all the sordid acts he performed before he had gained control of his AI, with a woman he'd just met? A woman he wanted to impress, not sicken. The pack rapes he had endured or indulged in . . . . God, he was a monster. She was correct; he did not deserve a good woman. Squaring his shoulders, he blanked his mind and expression. After masking his feelings for four years, another hour would not hurt.

  Drawing a deep breath, Fane touched her face. She stiffened under his touch and angrily batted his hand away. His heart shattered into a million pieces. This beautiful woman had given herself to him, offered him the love he craved. He wracked his brain for anything he could say that might salvage the situation. Her eyes flashed with anger.

  Was that regret shadowed in those green depths? "I have many secrets, Tamara. There are too many scars on my heart and conscience to divulge in the infancy of our relationship. I have endured countless indecencies, but why should I let the depravity of Gryd destroy the beauty in our relationship? Memories, such as these, a man must keep to himself. If things had worked out between us, I would have bared my soul before I asked you for a commitment. I needed you to trust me. " He noticed a flicker of remorse before Tamara looked away.

  He turned his mind to the task ahead of them and led Tamara into the hold of the ship. "Wait here. When we are all aboard, I'll let you know. Use the gas. As soon as Gryd is down, get the hell out of here. Take one of the flybikes and go home. You wanted honesty so I'll start here. Nothing will stop Jace from killing Gryd. That's another strike against us, but you'll have to live with it. Jace won't allow him to get away with the atrocities and murders he's committed. Not for you . . . not for me . . . not for anyone."

  * * * * *

  Tamara chewed her nails and waited for Fane's signal. His words repeated in her mind. What he had said was true. She had no right to expect him to reveal his darkest secrets. Hell, she had acted like a jealous wife. Why had she told him to walk way? She longed for him, and now she had lost him. She tried to concentrate on the plan, but her mind drifted constantly back to Fane. The pain in his eyes from her harsh words made her stomach twist. I am such a damn fool. "Hatch is closed. Branz and Vinn are with us."

  Tamara jumped at Jace's voice. "Why isn't Fane telling me this?"

  "Fane is walking away . . . that's what you wanted, isn't it? Don't worry, he's a big boy, he'll soon find someone to warm his bed. If you want to get out of here alive, follow the plan . . .

  Jace out."

  Tamara closed her eyes. " Connect me to Fane. Fane . . . I'm sorry. I want to sort this out with you. Don't walk away . . . please."

  She waited for a response, but none came. Only heavy silence, and her own regrets, filled her mind.

  Stunned by Jace's harsh words, Tamara pulled the gas cylinders from her bracelet. She placed them on the floor and crushed the glass eggs under her boot. The plan moved ahead swiftly. Gryd had reached the door to the hold before the gas hit him, and he crumpled to the floor. Strong hands lifted her over his body, and she looked into the smiling face of one of the guards. As they reached the hatch, she glanced back to see Fane sitting in the pilot's seat with Jace beside him. Lord, they were going to fly away and leave her behind. Struggling in the guards arms, she yelled at the top of her voice. "Fane . . . I'm sorry."

  The guard deposited her on the grass and turned to leave. Tamara grabbed hold of his sleeve. "Tell Fane . . . tell him . . . tell him I do trust him . . . I trust him with my life."

  "Run." The guard gave her a blank expression. "The after-burner will kill you."

  Tamara glanced around to get her bearings. She turned to see the hatch close. A loud humming filled the air. Damn obstinate man. I said I was sorry. Tamara let out a string of curses and fled into the forest.

  * * * * *
  Fane watched Tamara until she vanished from sight before he took the starship into orbit. So the little minx was sorry, was she? He turned to Branz. "The woman is madly in love with me, but she doesn't know it yet." "The way you two were carrying on, I thought you were already married." Branz gave Fane a wide grin. "I'm still trying to figure out how you two managed a spat in the middle of an escape."

  "I'm trying to figure out how the fucking hell Gryd tracked us through time to Earth." Jace turned his head to look at Vinn. "Did he say anything?"

  "Oh, yeah." Vinn grinned. "You will love this . . . it seems all the AIs made in Javronia used a chip made from Xiline. This crystal is exclusive to our planet. Seems the fucking thing leaves a trace . . . it virtually lights up a path directly to us. Even if we get rid of Gryd, there's no way to stop someone else from finding us."

  Fane shrugged. "We'll have to collapse the wormhole."

  "Can we do that?" Jace shot a glance at Fane. "You're the weapons expert."

  "With the firepower on this baby . . . sure can." He sighed. "What we gonna do about Gryd?"

  "Send the bastard into space alive." Jace grimaced. "That way, when the doc asks you, you can tell her Gryd was alive when he left the ship."

  Fane raised a brow. "It's still murder."

  "Nah," Jace snorted. "Execution for crimes against humanity, kidnapping, rape, murder . . . fucking pick one if you need to sooth your conscience. Or would you rather I strangle the fat, little asshole?"

  "No. We'll do it your way." Fane turned in his seat to Vinn and Branz. "If you both agree with this plan, get the Gryd garbage ready for jettison; we should be through Earth's atmosphere in a few minutes." Fane armed the weapons. "Let's get this show on the road."

  Chapter Nine

  Tamara arrived home and stumbled up the front steps. She went straight to her bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Fane's unique scent flooded her senses. She buried her head in the pillow and allowed the tears to fall. He had left, and she was alone again.


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