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Lost Chances

Page 8

by C. T. Nicholson

  Sophia turned away as her cheeks heated. She was really about to tell him that she planned to sleep with Seth. "I'm going to bed now. Thanks for checking on me and I'm sorry about spilling the tea on you."

  This time she meant her apology. She didn't wait on him to say goodnight. Tears fell down her cheeks and she flopped down onto her bed. She felt like that eighteen year old girl losing her first love all over again, which just happened to be Cooper when he left town.

  A knock sounded on her door and she groaned. "Go away."

  The door opened despite her disapproval. Ryan walked in with some ice cream and two spoons. "I thought you could use some cheering up."

  She didn't run him off but instead grabbed the spoon and dug right into the ice cream. Relief settled in when Ryan didn't speak. They ate in silence—it was the quietest he'd ever been and she'd take it while she could.


  Cooper grimaced at the sight of his wet pants. The tea didn't bother him, but thinking that Sophia had done it on purpose made it worse. He had no clue what upset her. Even though she said nothing was wrong, he didn't believe her.

  Maybe he was reading too much into a simple accident. Either way, the night didn't seem as interesting without her sitting beside him, which just irritated him.

  The dream he’d had last night remained etched into his brain. The details were a bit foggy, but seemed so damn real he could still taste her on his lips and feel the heat of her wrapped around him.

  Shit. He adjusted his pants when his erection made them too tight. It had been a while since he had sex, though he didn't think that was the only reason for his obsession. Sophia was fun and her smile drove him up the wall with need. She had on a simple loose t-shirt at dinner and he'd still managed to make out the swell of her breasts.

  Those same breasts played a big part in his dream where her nipples, the perfect shade of rose, had hardened right before his eyes.

  "Cooper, are you in there?"

  Nick's voice brought him back to reality, where he sat at the same table with the Johnson brothers. And he was sitting there thinking about their sister's breasts. Good job, Cooper.

  "Sorry. I'm still tired, so I think I'll head home now. Thanks for dinner." He stood and placed his empty plate in the sink.

  Nick laughed and Cooper turned his attention back on him. "He's probably got that sexy realtor waiting to—" He gestured quotes in the air with his fingers. "—look at his house."

  Jacob slapped his twin on the back of the head. "Shut up. I'd expect more maturity out of a teacher."

  "Well, at least I like to have some fun. I haven't seen you with a woman in three years." Nick's eyes widened at his own words. "Wow, it's really been three years. How are you surviving?"

  Ryan came in on the conversation and froze in place.

  Jacob's face turned red, but Cooper didn't think it was a blush; rather, it looked like the face of someone about to blow his top. There’d be a brawl if someone didn't say anything. "Just ignore him, Jacob."

  Mike laughed. "He's just mad because his current hook-up didn't show up last night. At least you don't have to find the sluttiest girl just to get some."

  A roll was thrown first by Nick, and Cooper ducked out without them noticing. "Bye."

  No one heard him as more arguing started up. He’d nearly reached his truck before the screen door opened.

  Ryan came out looking grim. "Those boys are always fighting."

  If anyone knew what was wrong with Sophia, it would be Ryan. "Is Sophia really okay? I just hope I didn't do anything to upset her. I shouldn't have taken those two shots of Jose. I thought it would just knock me out, but it seemed to have wiped my memory. All I remember last is putting the fire out."

  Ryan tilted his head slightly and watched him for a moment, then shook his head. "No. She's upset about Seth. I've been trying to tell her he was no good. Plus, she has the hots for you and isn't sure what to do."

  The last sentence came as a shock, but he worried more about the loser she was seeing. "What's Seth's last name and where can I find him?"

  Kicking his ass seemed like the perfect way to end the night.

  "Seth Robertson. Wait! Shit. Don't tell Sophia I told you that. She'll kill us both." He ran his hand through his perfectly styled hair, messing it up in the process.

  Cooper just grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't put a face to it. "I won't say a word."

  "Look, I want to kick his ass just as much as you and her brothers, but you'll only piss her off. She'd be really furious if she had to bail us out of jail." Ryan slapped his shoulder. "It would be fun, but I don't want to be on the bad end of Sophia's wrath. And like I said, I really don't think that's much of her worries right now. Just give her time."

  "Okay, thanks." He was right and going home would be in all of their best interests.

  Chapter Thirteen

  This is nuts! Sophia questioned her sanity as she pulled into Cooper's drive with an 'I'm sorry' pizza. It didn't make a bit of sense, but she felt bad for purposely spilling the tea on him when he really didn't remember anything. Not that it didn't hurt knowing the mind-blowing sex she thought they shared wasn’t even good enough for him to remember.

  No reason for her to blame him when she was the one who snuck up to his room and stripped naked. Definitely her fault—and maybe the liquor was a little to blame for her behavior.

  First, she saw his truck bed open with bags of mulch stacked in it, and then she spotted him. Her mouth dried up, she couldn't budge from her seat as she watched his back muscles flex under the weight of the bag slung up on his shoulder.

  Dear Lord. She imagined him carrying her over his shoulder with those huge arms, and taking her up to his room for a repeat. She'd seen him shirtless the night they slept together but she was wasted then and he hadn't been flexing.

  His body twisted her way and she bit her lip. That tattoo was beautiful on his left arm. Too sexy. She peered up into blue eyes watching her and jerked her gaze away. How long had he been watching her? She wanted to die right there.

  Finally, she glanced back up to smile and wave, before scooting off the cart. "You look like you've been working hard."

  He grinned and dragged her attention to the same mouth that pleasured her and now had two days of hair covering it. Why did the scruff have her squeezing her thighs together? Maybe because he’d touched her most intimate place with those lips only two nights ago and she craved for him to be there again. She could see the black band of his underwear and forced her gaze back up his sweaty stomach and chest that had to have been carefully carved from stone.


  Cooper cleared his throat. "You brought me a pizza from Marco's?"

  She focused on the large box that she gripped a little too tight and then back into his eyes. "Yes! I thought you'd be hungry."

  "I will always be hungry when it comes to Marco's Pizza. Come on, I'll get cleaned up." He bent over and dropped the bag of mulch beside the porch stairs.

  His butt in those jeans just couldn't be real. It should be illegal for a man to look as sinfully sexy as Cooper. This was a bad idea. Either way she followed him in and stopped at the counter as he washed his hands in the sink. She couldn't hold back her laugh.

  One dark brow rose when he glanced her way. "What?"

  "I was just thinking how Grandma would hit you with a broom if she saw you washing your hands in the sink." She missed his grandma and papa as if they had been her own. She called them that anyways.

  "I did stop myself at first. Old habits I guess." He dried them off on a napkin from the counter and opened the refrigerator.

  "I should get going." If she stayed too long, she'd start jumping him. Especially, if he kept bending over.

  He stood up too quickly, slamming his head into the refrigerator. She winced. "Shit!" he exclaimed.

  Sophia laughed even as she went around the counter to touch his head. The feel of his soft hair under her fing
ers sobered her up quickly. "Are you okay?"

  His body stiffened and he placed his hand over hers. "I'm alright. You laughed."

  "I'm sorry, it's just that I have this thing where I can't help but laugh when someone gets hurt. I didn't think it was funny. I don't know why I do that." Sophia tried to move her hand but he held it there.

  "I like to hear you laugh." His confession shocked her and by the way his eyes widened, she'd say it shocked him, too. He let go of her hand and cleared his throat. "You didn't want to stay for pizza?"

  "I just wanted to come by and say I was sorry for last night." Her stomach picked that time to growl loud enough for a small smile to appear on his lips.

  "I'm not sure what you're apologizing for, but I think you want some of this pizza." He handed her a plate. "Is water good with you? It's all I have. Other than my protein shake."

  "I really should be going. This pizza would not be good for my diet." And staying around him wouldn't be good for her heart or sanity.

  "Diet?" This time he stepped way too close. He placed his hand on her cheek. His thumb caressed her as he moved it back and forth. "You're perfect just the way you are. I think your ex was a complete moron for ever noticing another girl and whoever you end up with will be one lucky bastard."

  She tried to swallow the lump in her throat at the sincerity in his voice and the look in his eyes. If she ever thought he was attracted to her then she definitely thought it then when his eyes dropped to her lips. Do something, Sophia, before you both mess up. "Thank you."

  Yeah. Smooth.

  His gaze darted back up to her eyes and he removed his hand from her cheek. "You're eating no matter what. Forget about your diet. If you feel like crap after eating a few slices, then you can start running with me in the mornings until I leave town."

  Oh how she wanted to just watch him run. That would be so much better than her actually running. She nodded anyways and put a slice on her plate. A moan escaped her lips when she took a bite of the pizza and she felt her cheeks heat when she caught Cooper watching her mouth again.

  "So, you're doing all this on your own?" She couldn't imagine having to go through her grandparents' things and the house she grew up in without the help of her brothers.

  "I've avoided it for seven years and now it's time to get it over with. I guess I'm still avoiding by working on the outside first. My grandma's things are still here too. Papa never went through them before he died and I couldn't bring myself to change anything either." He took a bite of his pizza and browsed around the room.

  "I'll help you." No matter how difficult it would be to stick around him, she couldn't let him go through the pain on his own.

  He watched her for a moment before shaking his head. "I can't ask you to do that."

  "You didn't. I offered and I'm not taking no for an answer."


  He’d almost kissed her and now she offered to help go through his grandparents’ house. The only reason he didn't kiss her was because of Ryan's advice. He really needed to take a cold shower to keep from doing something stupid. He thought it wouldn't be too bad to give her time and then she moaned when she took a bite of her pizza and he was hard as a rock again.

  She wasn't going to let him say no to her. Just don't jump her and you'll be okay. "I would love having your help. Thank you."

  That smile of hers nearly knocked him off his stool. What the hell is wrong with him? The attraction he'd felt before leaving town seemed to have amplified.

  "Good. We can start after we eat." She took another bite and closed her eyes.

  Cooper reached down and adjusted himself. "Do you want to change first?"

  That question brought his attention to the tank top she wore that barely covered her stomach and then those cut-off shorts—hard not to stare at all that beautiful skin. He took another bite of his pizza to keep from saying something stupid. "Thanks for the pizza. I haven't had one this good since I moved."

  "You're welcome.” A pause. “Oh, and I don't need to change. These are both old and I don't mind if they get dirty." She dropped her crust on the plate and picked up another slice.

  Dear God! He was going to explode just listening to her talk. "You're not going to eat the crust?"

  "No. If I'm going to eat this pizza I'm going to at least avoid some of the bread." She bit into another slice.

  He rolled his eyes at her and grabbed the crust from her plate. "I'll eat it then."

  "All of you men are just alike. Can't stop eating no matter what. And look at you." Her eyes widened and she blushed again.

  Damn, she was so innocent. "What do you mean look at me?"

  She bit her lip for a second before releasing it. "You're so…muscular. You and my brothers all eat constantly yet you're all built like Greek gods!"

  There was no way to stop his smile at that comment. He didn't mind her seeing him as a Greek god. "I do work out almost every day and I'm sure your brothers don't do much different than me. Plus, I don't eat like this often.

  "Yea, I don't do that. I've been trying to go to the gym with Ryan, but I've been so busy at work lately. My boss is a pain in the ass."

  Cooper laughed out loud. "Isn't Jacob your boss?"

  "Yeah! I tell him that everyday I'm working too." Sophia stood and went to wash her hands.

  He forced his attention away from the small shorts she wore and how he was sure if she bent over, he'd see the crease of her ass. They weren't as short as some girls wore them but for some reason that turned him on just a little more. Even if he kept his gaze anywhere else, thinking about her in the tight shorts had to be just as bad.

  "So, which room do you want to start with? I'm here to help, so I think we should tackle the toughest part for you and get it over with." Her blue eyes stared straight at him.

  "My grandparents’ room. It's the one place I've been dreading. That's their private sanctuary that I haven't been in there since I was a child wanting to sleep with them." He wasn't sure what he'd find.

  "Let's go then. We can cry together. Or cringe, depending on what we find." She winked at him.

  "I don't want to go there. If you find something you're sure I don't want to know about, please spare me. I can't see them having anything like that, but just in case." He followed her up the stairs and kept his eyes glued to her back. When she grabbed the door knob, he held his breath.

  He still smelled his papa in the room and hated how his chest tightened at the memory. There in the corner stood the rocking chair his grandma used to rock him in as a child. No matter what time it was, she'd rock him until he calmed down. Especially on the nights when he’d had nightmares of his parents' death.

  "Cooper?" Sophia's hand touched his arm. "Are you certain you can handle this now?"

  As much as he wanted to say no and walk back out the door, he couldn't.

  "I need to do this." He covered her hand still on his arm and squeezed. "Thank you for helping."

  "Why don't you go work some more on the outside while I get this room cleaned first and then we'll start going through everything? This dust is too thick to get anything done." She ran one finger over the dresser and held it up.

  He let out his held breath and nodded. "I've got a duster and plenty of towels and cleaner downstairs."

  "Let's get to it then. Show me where the cleaner is and then you can work outside."

  That smile of hers kept him from losing it and he couldn't think of anyone he'd want helping him more than Sophia. It was good he'd get to cool down his attraction now that he'd be outside instead of contained in the small room with her. At least until she finished the cleaning.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sophia tossed the fourth duster into the trash and placed her hands on her hips. It looked pretty good and she made good timing finishing in an hour. Except now she had to be close to Cooper again.

  Not good, since all she could think about was that night and all that yummy tanned skin of his open for her taking. Damn. She shouldn't have ev
er come back to his house, but she couldn't back down now and leave him alone. No matter how badly she wanted to kiss him again.

  "You're already done?"

  She jumped at the sound of his voice behind her.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He didn't sound sincere apologizing and laughing at the same time. "You must've been deep in thought not to hear me come up the creaky steps."

  You can do this. Just don't stare at his chest. Or his eyes, hair, butt, or arms. Maybe she should just avoid eye contact completely. "I was just admiring the work."

  "So full of yourself, Baby Bear." Cooper still stood in the doorway when she spun.

  Damn those mesmerizing eyes. He had a shirt on now, but it didn't help since it was painted onto his broad chest, shoulders, and arms. "It's a Johnson thing. You should know that by now. I didn't go through the drawers or anything."

  He took a step closer and rested his hand on her shoulder. "I really can't thank you enough for doing this for me. I'll grab the boxes downstairs and some trash bags too since I know the clothes probably won't be any good from sitting in those drawers all these years. I shouldn't have waited so long to come back."

  "It's not an easy thing to deal with."

  He touched her cheek. "There are a lot of reasons I shouldn't have waited so long."


  He took off out the door and returned with boxes, bags, and tape as if he hadn’t just said that. The deep breath he took and the way his eyes scanned the room made her want to cry. Then he gave her a reassuring smile that melted her heart. "I can do this."

  Sophia smiled back at him and then started with the framed pictures she'd laid out on the bed for him to go through. "I cleaned them off."

  The first one he grabbed showed him as a small boy with short black hair and big blue eyes gazing up at his papa with adoration. "You were such a cute little boy."


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