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Lost Chances

Page 14

by C. T. Nicholson

  Oh. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, tears brimming in her eyes. "No! I love you so much and you know I accept you completely no matter what. I was just shocked and upset that he hid it from me. I know you want everyone in town to believe you're straight, along with my brothers, but I'm pretty sure my brothers have a good idea you're gay. That means Jacob knows how I feel about it and he could've come to me anytime."

  "I'm sure it's more than that. Maybe he's just figuring it out himself. I've known for a long time, but it doesn't mean I took it easily." He wiped away the tears that still clung to her cheeks.

  "That guy was really cute." She figured Ryan would agree and have a dirty comment; instead he just nodded.

  "Let's go ahead and do some shopping. I'm really not too hungry anymore."

  From his sudden mood change, Sophia knew it was best to drop the topic. They needed to get their mind on something else. Like trying to find that perfect outfit to grab Cooper's attention completely. Whenever she saw him again.

  She'd have to talk with Jacob soon about what she saw. It came as a huge shock, but didn't bother her one bit except for him not telling her. She'd make sure he knew just how bad that hurt. Maybe she was overreacting about him keeping something so big silent. She'd try to take it easy on him when she kicked up a fuss.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Cooper watched Sophia walk in with Ryan. The back room wasn't large, but the perfect place to sneak up on the stage once the time came. He smiled when Ryan sat her facing away from the small stage. It was the hardest thing to just stand there and not run out to pick her up and kiss her until he couldn't breathe.

  He hadn’t seen her since the morning after talking to her brothers. How he managed to go that long was a damn miracle. All three brothers walked in too and sat around the same table. They knew about his plan and said they'd help out if needed.

  Once they were all settled and the noises from everyone coming in around the same time calmed down, he stepped out. He froze when Sophia started to stand until Nick stopped her. He shook his head and got up to go to the bar.

  Maybe she was planning on getting a drink and Nick caught her just in time. Cooper tilted his hand in silent thanks and got up onto the stage. Everything was ready to go; all he had to do was start playing his guitar and pray she liked it. He'd practiced the song over and over and now it was time to play it for Sophia. No one else's opinion mattered to him. The song was something he always considered theirs.

  The slow strum of the guitar quieted some of the patrons down, but he never removed his eyes from Sophia. She didn't turn around at the sound of the music until he started to sing—the same song he sang for her in the truck on the way back from his grandpa's funeral.

  Brad Paisley's She's Everything. It was true then and still was.

  Her eyes grew wide as she just stared at him with her hands covering her mouth. If he thought she wouldn't remember, then he had no doubt now. The moisture glistening her eyes showed him just how well she remembered that day.

  Once he finished the first song, he moved onto the other song he sang that night for her as she fell asleep. Billy Currington's Must be Doin' Somethin' Right. Halfway through he found himself stepping off the stage and making his way to her, never missing a beat along the way.

  She blushed and looked around her at the people staring. Then her eyes glued to his and that was all he needed to keep moving. She grinned ear to ear and even laughed a little when he got down on one knee in front of her. When he finished singing the song, he leaned in and kissed her soft lips, stopping her laughter.

  He pulled away and headed back, already starting another song. The faster pace had more of the crowd getting up to dance on the floor. He got back up onto the stage, and tapped his boot to the beat, getting into the music. The short kiss they shared wasn't nearly enough, but it did calm the need to run to her after being away for longer than he wanted.

  Ryan and Sophia got out on the dance floor too and he couldn't wait to be the one out there with her. Everything was going perfect until he spotted Seth walking through the door. As long as he kept away from Sophia, then everything would be fine.

  As if she were a magnet to the guy, he instantly looked over in her direction and made his way straight to her. Cooper kept singing until the song was finished and then sat his guitar down. The irritation on Sophia's face was enough to get him heading straight to the three of them.

  He caught the tail in of the conversation and his fist connected right with Seth's nose, the impact causing him to fall back onto his ass, but he didn't stay there long before he jumped back up and reached for Cooper.


  Sophia was still in awe at Cooper showing up and singing the song she secretly thought of as theirs along with Billy Currinton's song. The intimate feeling had her whole body flustered knowing everyone was watching. The Dierks Bentley song, I Hold On, fit him perfectly and she knew he’d picked it specifically to prove he wasn't leaving this time.

  Music had always been more than just words to her and she always managed to find those perfect songs she could relate to. Having him show her how he felt in his music was the best thing anyone could ever do for her.

  She and Ryan danced along with most of the people there. "Did you know about this?"

  Ryan glanced around at everything but her as he pretended not to hear her, then he laughed. "Yep. He wanted it to be perfect. That's the only reason why the man managed to stay away from you. He's crazy about you and I know like hell you're just as crazy about him."

  "I just can't believe he planned this for me." Something she was surely not used to.

  "Well, it's not like Seth would've been as thoughtful."

  And as if just saying the asshole's name should evoke his presence, he came strutting through the doorway. The night had been going so well and he just had to show up and find her almost instantly in the crowd. He headed straight toward them and she turned away to get closer to Ryan. "He's actually dumb enough to come over here."

  "Don't worry. Even he's not stupid enough to start anything with me and your brothers around."

  Or Cooper, but she wasn't sure Seth knew about that.

  "Can I cut in?"

  His voice made her shudder in disgust as it felt like bugs crawling up her spine. "I'm busy dancing with Ryan, and I'll be busy all night. Come to think of it, I'll be busy forever."

  She barely hid her smile when Ryan winked at him.

  "So, you catch me cheating because you couldn't give it up, and now you're fucking a fag?"

  The insult to Ryan had them both freezing. She grabbed both of his hands to keep him in place when he went to hit him. Then she twisted around to slap him herself when a fist flew past her and knocked him on his ass. It all happened so fast she found herself nearly right in the middle of them both when Seth jumped back up.

  Ryan jerked her back when Seth grabbed Cooper's shirt. It didn't go any further as all three of her brothers worked to separate them.

  "Seth, you need to leave." Mike nudged him toward the door.

  His eyes narrowed. "What the hell do you mean? I didn't throw the first punch and why the hell did he hit me?"

  Cooper grabbed Sophia's hand and pulled her close. "You have no right to touch, speak, or even look at her."

  "Oh. I guess I was wrong about you fucking the fag."

  Jacob jumped at him then, and Sophia was glad when Ryan stopped him and dragged him to the side. He spoke into his ear and eventually, her brother seemed to relax. It reminded her about what she and Ryan had seen at the mall and that she really needed to talk to him when she had a chance.

  This time, Max, the bar owner, made an appearance, looking pissed as he pointed at Seth. "Leave."


  "Either you go now, or I call the cops for harassing Sophia and them." He crossed his arms. "I don't put up with dumb asses like you. You haven't even started drinking and I refuse for you to get any dumber."

  Seth stuttered some more and th
en his face turned fire engine red before he stomped out, shoving his way through a few people as he went.

  Max looked at Cooper and pointed his finger at him. "I don't allow fighting in my bar, but I heard most of what was said and I could see Sophia wanted nothing to do with him. Plus, I never liked the prick or his dad."

  When the ruckus happened, she was sure he'd kick them all out. Relieved that he didn’t, she hugged him. "Thank you."

  Cooper shook his hand. "I'm really sorry about that. I play in bars all the time in Texas and have never once been in a fight, but I've never had anyone piss me off enough."

  "Just don't do it again. Can't have everyone thinking I'm a pushover. Now, y'all go back to enjoying your night." He walked off to tend the bar with his only employee.

  Cooper kissed her forehead, holding both her hands in his. "Will you dance with me?"

  Like she'd ever say no to that. "Sure, but what about the music?"

  "Don't y'all worry about that. Is it all right if I use your guitar?" Ryan asked Cooper.

  "No problem."

  He hurried to the stage and picked up the guitar propped against the wall. She didn't know what happened after that when Cooper wrapped her up in his arms and pressed his face into her shoulder. The deep breath he took tickled and drove her body into a raging tornado of need. It was all it took and she was ready for him to take her back to his home. No matter how long they stayed together, she knew it would always be that way. No one would ever be able to make her feel like he did.

  "I need you." She couldn't keep the words from coming out and his head popped up to stare into her eyes. He wanted her too.

  "Are you ready to leave?" The way he bit his lip made her smile.

  "More than ready."

  Before long, they both said their goodbyes to her brothers and waved at Ryan who was still playing and obviously having a blast. The ride seemed to take forever. Her stomach turned the whole trip, the nerves messing with her.

  Cooper helped her out of the truck and kissed her hard on the lips. "Are you sure about this?"

  Everything in her mind and body said yes, except for her stomach, which just didn't feel right. Another wave of nausea hit and she jerked away to hurry behind his truck. He rushed to her and held her hair back.

  "Did you have too much to drink?" He asked her once she finished and wouldn't look at him.

  "No. I just had the one and didn't even finish it. I'm feeling a little better now, but maybe I should go home and lie down." The night was ruined. No way could she have sex with him after throwing up in front of him.

  "You can come in with me and I'll take care of you."

  She couldn't turn him down when he was obviously concerned about her. "Alright, just don't kiss on me. I don't want you to get sick too if it turns out to be a virus."

  "I promise." He picked her up and carried her into the house.

  "I'm not helpless. I could walk in just fine and this is probably too close."

  "Sophia, I just finished kissing you right before you got sick. I'm pretty sure I'm already contaminated if you are sick. I wouldn't care if I did catch it. All that matters is that you're okay." He placed her gently on the couch with her head propped up on the headrest. "I'm going to get you some water."

  She just smiled. Even if throwing up ruined their plans, she couldn't help but be happy at how caring he was. She loved him so much.

  "Do you need crackers?" He was making a lot of noise in the kitchen. "Actually, I don't have any. I'll go get some from your house or the store if you want or need them."

  Oh yeah. She loved him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  "I'm making barbeque ribs, baked potatoes, slaw, and baked beans," Mike called into the living room.

  She curled on the couch with her raggedy pajama pants and old tank top. She had been feeling okay right up until he started talking about food. Her stomach twisted. No throwing up. The stomach bug should've already passed and she wouldn't give in to the temptation to run to the bathroom. A whole week. If she'd have had at least some other symptoms, she would've thought it was the flu.

  "How about some pickles before dinner's ready?" Nick held one up under her nose.

  That did it. "Oh, God!"

  Running down the hall seemed to take forever and then she made it. The throwing up wasn't much considering she really didn't have anything left in her stomach. After a few minutes, she wanted to die.

  "Baby Bear, are you sure you don't want me to take you to the doctor?" Mike's voice sounded muffled through the door.

  "No. Can you just put some crackers and water in my room?"

  "Fine." He didn't sound too happy about her decision, but she wasn't changing it.

  After a few minutes, she didn't think she'd throw up again and went straight to her room. The crackers were already on her nightstand with a cold bottle of water beside them. She didn't understand why she couldn't get any better.

  She groaned at the sound of a soft knock on the door. "Go away."

  "It's me." Ryan poked his head through. "You're still sick?"

  "Yes, it doesn't seem to be going away." Cooper would be there again trying to care for her, and it was sweet, but she really hated looking so awful around him. "You should leave before you catch what I got."

  His dark brows drew together as he covered his mouth. "I have a feeling I can't get what you have."

  He wasn't making any sense. Why did he think he couldn't get the same thing she had? What made him so damn special? "I don't understand."

  "Did you and Cooper use protection?" He sat on the end of the bed.

  "Of course! I mean, I think—Oh God! We didn't." She could be pregnant. Morning sickness was what she could have and why she didn't feel any better. "No, it's only been three weeks and I've been sick for one. Surely I wouldn't be feeling sick this soon. Would I?"

  "I don't know. It's not like I'm some kind of expert or anything. When do you start?"

  "Next week or this week. Oh, I don't know. I've never been able to keep track and I don't take the pill." Not a good sign. No protection and no birth control. "Thanks a lot. That isn't something I wanted to hear. You've got to be wrong."

  "I hope so, considering the father doesn't even know he slept with you." He patted her leg under the cover. "At least you're dating him. When are you going to tell him about that night?"

  She threw her pillow right at his face. "I really hope I'm not pregnant and I really hope that you catch whatever virus I have for getting me all worked up."

  "It's not like it's impossible."

  No, it really wasn't.

  Another knock at her door. It was crazy, but she knew instantly it was Cooper. "I really hope he didn't hear any of that."

  Ryan winked and walked to the bedroom door just as it cracked open and Cooper's blue eyes peeked through.

  "I was just leaving. She's still not feeling too great. Get better. I'll see y'all later." Ryan was gone to be replaced by the hottest man alive. At least to her.

  "I can't believe you're still not feeling good. Are you sure you shouldn't see a doctor? Maybe it has something to do with swimming in the river." He sat on the edge of the bed and touched her forehead. "Have you had a fever at all?"

  "No, I haven't. And I've swam in the river plenty of times. This is just a virus that needs to run its course." Just hopefully not nine months. She was sure her period would start in a week. It just had to. "Plus, I didn't start getting sick until a few days after the swim. I just hate this is ruining our time together."

  "Have you held anything down at all?"

  "A little. I usually get really sick in the mornings and then think I'm getting better until later in the evening. Mostly just crackers. I can't do a whole lot without feeling nauseated." Damn. The more she talked, the more she worried about Ryan's opinion. What if he was actually onto something?

  "If you're not better by tomorrow, I'm taking you to the doctor no matter what you want." He pointed his finger at her and tried to look stern, bu
t it was obvious just how worried he felt.



  Four weeks and two days since she’d slept with Cooper and she was sitting on the toilet waiting to see a pink line—or two. After four weeks, she should've started her period. And the sickness never disappeared. It did calm down; she was mostly sick in the mornings and could handle certain foods and drinks during the day. That, at least, had held off Cooper from taking her to the doctor. She kept the part about throwing up in the morning and sometimes once or twice during the day to herself.

  Ryan invited her over, handed her the test, and then shoved her into the bathroom. He said he was tired of her putting it off and he was right. Why should she keep worrying over whether it was true or not.

  If she ended up pregnant, she didn't know what she'd do. How could she tell her brothers? And her father would be so disappointed in his only daughter getting knocked up before she even got married. Hell, she wasn't even a hundred percent that she could call Cooper her boyfriend. It was just strange how things worked now. No one wants to ask the question and no one wants to be the first to say 'I love you'.

  How the hell did she explain to Cooper that he was going to be a dad when he still had no clue they slept together? She shook her head. Like explaining we already slept together wouldn't be hard enough. Let's add a baby to it.

  "Well?" Ryan's voice penetrated her thoughts as he spoke on the other side of the door.

  She couldn’t make herself look. "I can't do it." Her voice broke as the tears started to form.

  The door swung open and Ryan came to her, wrapped his arms around her. She was happy she’d managed to pull her pants back on when she finished taking the test and was just sitting on the toilet lid. No matter how many times he’d seen her in only her underwear, sitting with her pants down on the toilet wasn't exactly how she wanted to be seen.

  "I'll look." Ryan pulled away, squeezing her shoulders before letting go completely.

  Seconds seemed like hours ticking by as she waited for him to say something or make any kind of noise. Then his arms wrapped back around her and the realization hit. Tears fell and sobs escaped her.


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