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His Other Woman: A Renny and Rachel Christmas Romance

Page 5

by MacLaren, Nancy

  “Now, the fun begins. C’mon on Rach, you don’t want to miss this.”

  I really didn’t but was so afraid I would be pressed into baby duty again I was reluctant to show my face. “I’ll just stay here a few more minutes, okay?”

  He kissed me and slapped my rear. “Okay but don’t wait too long, this is the best part of the celebration.”

  As he took off at a trot, I went back to Abigail and then moved down to Tilly. The old girl loved having her neck stroked and I murmured in her ear what a pretty girl she was and that we old gals had to stick together, that kind of nonsense.

  “How old are you?” a small voice piped up from the barn entrance. Rosalie stood there, one hand on her little hip, pre-teen attitude dripping off her in droves.

  “How old are you?” I answered back.

  Rosalie let slip a sly smile before coming up beside me and stroking Tilly. She scratched behind Tilly’s left ear and Tilly whinnied. “She loves being scratched on her ears,” she told me. I took up the right ear and Tilly closed her gentle eyes and went to sleep. “See?”

  “She’s a gorgeous horse. Do you spend a lot of time here?”

  “Tons. She’s my favorite. I’m the only one allowed to ride her.”

  “Because you’re small?”

  “No, because she likes me. Duh. Don’t tell me you’re old and stupid.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re young and rude.” I’d had enough of children for one day.

  She glared at me but she shut up and went back to scratching Tilly. After a moment she moved across to Bastard’s stall and reached in to touch him. I was a little alarmed but just like everyone else, he was putty in her hands. I crossed over to talk to her.

  “He sure likes you.”

  “Why wouldn’t he? I feed him every day.”

  “You work here?”

  “Of course I work here. Me and granddad, we’re in charge of the stable and the horses,” she told me with pride.

  “You do a great job, it’s so clean and organized and the horses look really happy. But you do go to school, right?”

  “Of course, I go to school, what are you, some kind of …” she stopped when I glared at her. “Sorry. Granddad said I was to be nice to you.”

  “So, why aren’t you?”

  “’Cause you’re not Jasmine.”

  “Oh. You liked Jasmine, huh?”

  “Everybody loves Jasmine. She’s beautiful and she played with me all the time.”

  “I can play with you. Just not Ping-Pong, I saw you demolish Renny.”

  “He’s a bad Ping-Pong player but good for a few bucks. I’m mad at him anyway.”

  “Because of Jasmine?”

  “I have to go.”

  She skittered to the door but stopped and turned before exiting. “Don’ pet Tilly too much, it tires her out.”

  “Thanks for the tip.”

  She humphed at me and left.

  “Well that was weird,” I said to no one. And no one answered.

  “Ah, don’t mind her miss, she’s just mad at the world.” I jumped and looked at Tilly as though she had spoken. Flashbacks to “Mr. Ed” episodes. Before I could “go right to source and ask the horse”, an old, old man emerged from the back of the stables.

  “Sorry to scare you miss.”

  “You must be Rosalie’s grandfather,” I said, going to him and holding out my hand, which, unlike his granddaughter, he took and shook. “Rachel Drake.”

  “I know who you is, we been told you was comin’. It about time Mr. Renny had himself a new gal, so welcome.”

  “I gather Rosalie wasn’t thrilled to hear he’d moved on?”

  “Ah, she ain’t been happy since her Ma died, poor thing. She remembers Miss Jasmine a little more fondly than the rest of us, I’ll tell you that.”

  “You didn’t like Renny’s wife?”

  “I ain’t sayin’ that, but I ain’t sayin’ you’re wrong. She was a high and mighty thing. But don’t you go tellin’ anyone I said so, ‘specially Mr. Jonathan. He was right fond of her.”

  “I won’t, no worries, but it’s nice to have someone on my side.”

  “I ain’t on any side except the side that makes the family happy. You remember that, ok?”

  With that he disappeared back into his room at the back and closed the door. I had so much I wanted to ask him and thought about knocking to further the conversation but I heard music strike up by the house and I really didn’t want to miss the concert. It was time to face the music, literally and figuratively.

  I gave Tilly an extra ear scratch and took off to enjoy The Taylor Brothers live.


  I wandered back to the large group clustered around the large fire pit to the side of the pool. Either they had been scattered around the property or more people had shown up since lunch because it looked like a mini-Edgefield; people sprawled on blankets, sitting on beach chairs, holding babies or small children. The alpaca’s were out and stood in their enclosure closest to the gathering. A couple of kids were trying to pet them but the hissing was a bit of a deterrent. Apparently, the alpacas wanted to enjoy the concert in peace.

  There were a lot of musical instruments all through the crowd. I recognized guitars, banjos, acoustic basses, mandolins, a cello, a small Irish drum, a tin whistle, a couple of flutes and a clarinet. At the moment they were all being played by old Taylors and young Taylors, led by the three brothers. They were blending beautifully on an old Irish tune that I’d heard many times.. I gave a short wave to Renny who was in mid-strum but he managed to tilt his head to indicate I should come sit by him. I shook my head ‘no’ and proceeded to try to blend in with the outliers. I was sure there was enough speculation about me that I didn’t need to stir up anymore. I wanted to enjoy the music not incite a riot.

  I leaned back and stretched my legs out, closed my eyes and was floated away on melody and harmony. Oh, how I wished I could join in and really show them all I was meant to be part of the Taylor clan but as I couldn’t carry a tune it was best to sit back and admire.

  I wasn’t sure whether it was the violin itself, the gasp from the audience or the shouts from the people around me that popped my nirvana bubble. . She stood right above Garrett playing along so sweetly, so beautifully, I almost didn’t care that she was here. Almost.

  She was more beautiful than I imagined. I had seen pictures of her on the internet when I was snooping about Renny but she was ten times more stunning in person. She was smiling as she fiddled and had none of the haughty air she displayed in her photos. Her dress was gorgeous and hung effortlessly from her shoulders to hint at the lithe form beneath. This was Jasmine.

  The tune ended and scores of people popped up and began embracing her like the prodigal wife. All I cared about was Renny’s reaction. He was as still as stone, staring at her as though she was an apparition. “Hello Ren,” she said sweetly, a shy half-smile making her face even more beautiful than before. Wow. I totally hated her. Big time.

  Then, as though it had been rehearsed, the entire crowd turned as one to stare at me. I was very glad I hadn’t sat down next to Renny but I was sorry I had come to the reunion at all. Hell, I was sorry I’d ever been born at this point. I have never felt so out of place, scrutinized and judged as I did at that exact moment.

  I was sure my face was lovely; mouth hanging open, eyes bugging out, an uneven flush crossing my lined cheeks. I closed my mouth, looked at Renny and felt tears spring up in my eyes. What could I say? Or do? It was very clear no one expected her to show up, especially not Renny. This intrusion wasn’t his fault. Still someone had to have asked her. Renny told me she had stopped coming even before they split. It wasn’t her ‘cup of tea’ he had told me. Well, here she was. Having some tea. It was clear she had come to re-claim him. And someone was helping her.

  I watched as Rosalie hero worshiped at her side, as Jonathan hugged her and called her ‘honey’ and many of the clan made room for her to sit.

  I couldn’t move
. I just prayed they would forget all about me and I could sneak away. Actually, I wanted to grab a shovel, dig a big hole and crawl in. I wasn’t sure why I felt so embarrassed. I was here by invitation. I was the one sharing Renny’s room and bed, I was the one who had played sexual Marco Polo with him last night in a darkened pool. I was his ‘woman’ but I felt like an imposter, a place-saver, an afterthought. Clearly this incredibly lovely creature was made for Renny. Whatever had caused her to leave him, it wasn’t a factor now.

  God bless Garrett. He picked up his fiddle and started a new tune which Jasmine entered into with gusto. It was clearly one they had played together many times because even though I didn’t know it everyone else did. Stomping, clapping and singing started up accompanied by the rest of the instruments and the horrible, terrible, no-good moment was over.

  I looked over at Ruth and was surprised to see that she looked very unhappy about this latest complication. Scratch her off the suspect list, she wasn’t the one who invited her. Maybe I was wrong, maybe no one invited her. She knew this happened every Christmas. It wouldn’t have been hard to find out when and surely she knew where. It occurred to me that she had probably helped Renny plan and build his part of the house. The drapes, bedding and décor was probably all her. I felt like a bull in a China shop. I had gone on and on about how beautiful the room was, what great taste Renny had, how that surprised me. He hadn’t corrected me but it was all her, every bit of it. I was sure of it and I never wanted to see any of it again.

  I knew I couldn’t just jump up and walk away. Especially since Renny stopped everyone from leaving after Garrett had announced the last song of the day.

  Renny stood up, clapping his hands for attention. “Everyone, hold on a ‘sec. I got one more song for y’all. It’s pretty new, I just wrote it a month or so ago when I felt especially inspired.”

  On the word inspired he looked right at me, as did everyone but most especially Jasmine. I could have killed him. Here was this wonderful, sweet, generous man wanting to make me feel included and special and instead I felt exposed and ordinary.

  He sat back down and started into his “Song for Rachel” as he now called it. This was the song that had made me look at Renny Taylor as something special. Someone who mattered and someone who could weave magic with tune and lyrics.

  Oh my pretty girl

  You’ve been all around the world

  But I bet you’ve never met a man like me

  Not just like me

  I couldn’t help but tear up. I was furious and so in love at the exact same moment. I had never felt that way before. I’ve been in love and I’ve been furious but not simultaneously. It was … interesting.

  When he finished the song people oohed, awed and applauded. Those around me smiled and one or two patted me on the back. I think they were drunk.

  Both Jasmine and Rosalie looked like they’d just heard a chicken screeching. I had to get out of there before Renny could make me any more of a spectacle.

  I didn’t know where to go. As soon as the party started to break up I quickly got to my feet. I managed to hide amidst a few cousins heading away towards the driveway. I broke off into the house at the last moment. I just needed to get away from everyone and everything. The last place I wanted to hide was Renny’s room.

  I remembered the small music room on his side and slipped in there. I flipped the lights on long enough to find a big chair in the far corner, perfect for curling up and feeling sorry for myself. I plunged the room into darkness and proceeded to do just that.

  I wished I had my cell phone on me. I needed to call Marlene. I needed a friendly voice to tell me what the proper response is to a party-crashing, gorgeous ex-wife. Nothing in Afghanistan had prepared me for this type of warfare.

  I didn’t mean to cry. I didn’t want to cry. I had nothing to really cry about. When did that stop me? I felt the tears in my throat before they began to wet my face. I wasn’t sobbing, I was just sad, as though someone had taken something from me and I knew it was lost forever.

  Oh well, it couldn’t have lasted anyway. Besides, Reade had tried to warn me that I was a rebound anyway. I didn’t listen because I didn’t want to. I felt like it had to be time for me to have something in my life that was good. It was, at long last, my turn for happiness. Be real Drake, I told myself, it was not meant to last. It was fun while it lasted. You got some good sex and some good laughs, what else were you expecting, a proposal??

  I really did need to talk to Marlene. I was so confused. I wondered if I could sneak into our room … no, Renny’s room, and get my phone and steal back in here. I cracked open the door. Not a sound. Coast was clear. I tip-toed across the hall and into the bedroom. It was all made up and beautiful again, like living in a hotel. I could have gotten used to this.

  They had moved my purse to the far side of the bed and as I grabbed it to retrieve the phone I heard voices in the hall, coming this way.

  I ducked behind the bed just in time as the door cracked open.

  “Rachel?” Renny sounded worried. I almost rose to call out when I heard the other voice, soft, silky, sexy.

  “Your cougar gone for a run you think?

  “Shut up Jasmine and get out of here. You don’t belong here.”

  “It used to be my room too, remember?”

  “You gave up all rights to this house, this room, this family and especially to me long ago. Why are you here anyway?”

  Suddenly I could feel and hear someone plopping themselves onto the bed. All she had to do was look over the edge and she would see me. I would never live down the humiliation. I lay flat and squirmed under the bed as quickly as I could. This was the one and only time I used the basic training the Army had made me go through before becoming embedded. I owed Staff Sargent Gant a thank you note.

  “Get up Jasmine.”

  “You can’t be serious about that woman Ren. I know you. I know what you like, remember? She’s so …”

  “That’s enough. Get up and get out before I …”

  “What? Before you what? C’mon baby, you know you’ve missed me. Um, it sorta shows big guy.” Then she laughed. At Renny. At his obvious attraction to her. While I was living through a bad romantic comedy she was seducing Renny and there was nothing funny about it. Not to him either.

  The bed suddenly sprung up as Jasmine made a squeal.

  “Let go of me.”

  Then he whispered and somehow it was the most threatening tone I had ever heard. From anyone. “I said get out. I will bodily carry you out of here and I won’t be gentle about it. In fact, I’d love to.”

  “Let go of me you fucking macho country boy! What would your father say?”

  “Good riddance.”

  “He still thinks I hung the moon Renny. And then there’s Garrett.”

  Both Renny and I stopped breathing. Garrett?

  “Garrett? What does he have to do with anything? Don’t pretend he invited you here. He knows the whole story and he would never …”

  He stopped talking for a long time. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of a kiss ending. “Why don’t you ask him darlin’?”

  She slithered out of the room with a final, “See you at dinner.”

  Renny went over to the desk and kicked the trash basket below it. “God damn it.” Then I heard him enter the bathroom and close the door. That was my cue to slide out from under the bed and escape back to the music room.

  I sat back in my chair. What the hell had I witnessed? One thing was for damn sure, Jasmine wanted Renny back. But what was all that about Garrett? Had he really invited her? If he had I felt really betrayed. It was one thing for his parents or Rosalie to want to break us up, but I thought Garrett liked me?

  I dialed Marlene but got her voice mail. Ah, shit Marlene, this is not the time to be out playing Santa. I need you. I tried to contact her telepathically as I dialed again. Please pick up, please pick up. She didn’t.

  I sat back in the chair, exhausted from everything I had g
one through that day, from baby poop to seductive ex-wives. What had I gotten myself into?

  I must have drifted off because I don’t remember the door opening or the light streaming in from the hall way. I woke up to someone sitting on the floor and taking my hand. He kissed it and placed it on his cheek.

  “Hi there,” he sounded sad and a little relieved. “I thought you might have run off again.”

  “I don’t have a car.”

  “There’s always the horses.”

  “I didn’t think of that. Thanks.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Did you know …” I couldn’t finish. How stupid. Of course he hadn’t known. I’d seen his face when she started playing. “I’m sorry. I know you didn’t.”

  “I had no idea. She hasn’t been here since we split, almost three years ago.”

  “Then why now?” I had to pretend I hadn’t heard the whole scene in the bedroom. I had to know what he would tell me. Would he tell me she had kissed him? That he had kissed her back?

  “She was either invited or found out I was happy again. She can’t stand that. But I am happy, with you Rachel. I love you and she can’t change that.”

  I grabbed his darling face and kissed him. He rose to his knees and proceeded to kiss me back in a most enthusiastic way. We shifted until he and I were wrapped around each other in the big chair. I pushed him away before we escalated the situation. I needed some answers and maybe he could help me find them.

  “Maybe it was both.”

  “What?” He nuzzled my neck and took little nips from my ear lopes. Oh my God, he is nefarious.

  “Stop that,” I commanded.


  “For now. I need … we need to figure this Jasmine thing out.”

  “Who cares? She left. Whatever she was hoping to happen, didn’t. Let’s forget her. I have,” he renewed his attack on my neckly flesh.

  I wanted to forget her, I really did, but this was bigger than just her. Someone had invited her. This year. Not last year. This year. What was different this year from last? Me. Someone was trying to either get me to leave or get Renny to realize I was too old or boring or whatever, for him. Someone was showing him what he’d had and what he could have again. As for why she showed up, well, that was a totally different question.


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