Book Read Free


Page 27

by Ben Shapiro

  38 . Victor Cuevas, “Cindy Montanez,” LA gente de Aztlán, Winter 2002.

  39 . Don Thompson, “Student groups probed for alleged terror ties,” Chicago Tribune, 22 December 2001.

  40 . “AP irresponsibly links American Muslim Student Organizations to Terrorism,” MSA National Press Release, 26 December 2001.

  41 . Adrienne Sanders, “Jews blast State hate,” San Francisco Examiner, 17 May 2002.

  42 . MSA Pamphlet “Zionism: The Forgotten Apartheid.”

  43 . “MSA National: A Time to Recover, Heal Our National Wounds,” MSA National Press Release, 11 September 2002.

  44 . Rachel Makabi, “Reports link terrorist, student organizations,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 8 January 2002.

  45 . Suhail Abdullah, “Cutting Off the Underdeveloped World: The Agenda Behind Population Control,” Al-Talib, December 2000.

  46 . Li’i Furumoto, “Fighting for Diversity in Our Schools,” Al-Talib, December 2000.

  47 . Editorial staff, “Best of Al-Talib,” Al-Talib, May 2001.

  48 . Editorial staff, “Best of Al-Talib.”

  49 . Mohamed Marei, “How Slaves become Kings,” Al-Talib, May 2001.

  50 . Yusuf Abdulla, “Death for Sale: The Commercialization of the Holocaust,” Al-Talib, May 2001.

  51 . Editorial staff, “Crossing Unforseen Borders: Reflections on the Aftermath of September 11,” Al-Talib, November 2001.

  52 . Hisham Mahmoud, “Guilt by Association: Islam Under Oath,” Al-Talib, November 2001.

  53 . Mahmoud, “Guilt by Association: Islam Under Oath.”

  54 . Salar Rizvi and Reem Salahi, “Muslims in America: Living in the Memory of 9/11,” Al-Talib, November 2001.

  55 . Editorial staff, “They Came for Us,” Al-Talib, February 2002.

  56 . Dena Elbayoumy, “Carnage Covered Up,” Al-Talib, May 2002.

  57 . Leen Salahi, “Culture and Religion: Blended to Confusion,” Al-Talib, May 2002.

  58 . LaTasha Johnson, “Graduating Chicano students hold private commencement,” GoldenGater, 16 May 1996.

  59 . Marc Levin, “Commencement 2002 Achieve New Degree of Political Correctness,”, 18 June 2002.

  60 . Erik Lords, “At MSU, plans for pomp create friction,” Detroit Free Press, 5 April 2002.

  61 . John Leo, “Now there are even separate graduation ceremonies,” Jewish World Review, 17 April 2001.


  1 . Robert Cohen, “Activist Impulses: Campus Radicalism in the 1930s,” ssay01.htm.

  2 . Irving Kristol, “From Memoirs of a Trotskyist by Irving Kristol,” PBS Online, rguing/nyintellectuals_krystol_2.html.

  3 . Lawrence Evans, “Voting IQs,”, 23 September 2002.

  4 . Robert Watson, “Johnson fails to accept need for dissent in life,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 20 November 2001.

  5 . Robert Watson, “Conservatives quick to excuse war crimes,” UCLA Daily Bruin,10 May 2001.

  6 . “Overview of kingdom’s support for islamic studies worldwide,” February 2002, http://ww

  7 . “Postdoctoral Researcher Receives Royal Support,” Around the School: News and Notices of the Harvard School of Public Health, 10 December 1999.

  8 . Robert J. Morse and Samuel L. Flanigan, “How we rank schools,” US News and World Report,, 2004.


  I have been extremely fortunate to be helped and guided by a multitude of kind and generous people. This book is the result of their wisdom, aid, and encouragement.

  First and foremost, I must thank David Limbaugh, a scholar, a gentleman, and my mentor. Without him, this book never would have been written or published. David is a true prince of a human being, a truly righteous person.

  Thanks to David Dunham and the wonderful people at Thomas Nelson/WND Books. Thanks especially to Joel Miller, my editor at WND Books, whose help in both getting this book published and honing it to a fine point has been invaluable. His advice during the publishing process has made it a pleasure.

  Thanks to Rick Newcombe and the folks at Creators Syndicate for having the courage to syndicate my column and the faith to stick with it. Without their vision, I’d still be writing for the UCLA Daily Bruin.

  Thanks to Katherine Searcy, my editor, who has sharpened my columns, checked my facts, and dealt with my at-deadline phone calls.

  Thanks to the many friends and teachers I have had the pleasure of learning from: Andrew Breitbart, a brilliant analyst and a good friend; Ann Coulter, whose kindness, humor, and knowledge have been a touchstone; and John Fund, a craftsman with the pen and an endless source for information and aid. Thanks also to Michael Barone, Brad Miner, and Barry Farber for their encouragement and inspiration.

  Thanks to Jon Garthwaite and Jennifer Biddison at, the first outlet to carry my column—their support from the start has heartened me and spurred me to ever-greater efforts.

  Thanks to all of my friends in the radio talk show business. Their dedication makes the difference for millions of Americans, me included.

  Thanks to Mrs. Caroline Brumm, my elementary school principal, who was there to lend me The Hobbit and push me to achieve. Thanks to Ms. Debbie Ginnetti, my fourth-grade English and history teacher, who told me not to let “Potential” be written on my tombstone. Thanks to Rabbi Nachum Sauer, whose guidance has kept me on the straight and narrow.

  Thanks to my three younger sisters—having to listen to me drone on about my column and book is a thankless fate, but they handle it with grace and style.

  Thanks to my loyal readers: without you, all of the words in the world mean nothing.

  Finally, I want to thank God for giving me the ability and opportunity to make a difference.


  ABC, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♣

  Abdullah, Ramadan, ♣

  Abraham, Neal (Depauw University), ♣

  Abraham, Spencer, ♣

  Abu-Jamal, Mumia, ♣

  Abukhalil, As’ad, Prof. (California State University-Stanislaus), ♣

  Academy of Liberal Education, ♣

  Ackerman, Bruce, Prof. (Yale University), ♣

  Adams, Mike, Prof. (University of North Carolina-Wilmington), ♣

  Adubato, Steve, Prof. (Rutgers University), ♣

  African Student Association, ♣- ♦

  African Student Union, ♣- ♦

  Agnew, John, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Ahmed, Akbar, Prof. (Princeton University), ♣

  al Faruqi, Maysam, Prof. (Georgetown University), ♣

  Al-Ahram, ♣

  Alam, M. Shahid, Prof. (Northeastern University), ♣, ♦

  Al-Arian, Sami, Prof. (University of South Florida), ♣

  Albert Einstein College of Medicine, ♣

  Allen Jr., Ernest, Prof. (University of Massachusetts), ♣

  Allen, Doug, Prof. (University of Maine), ♣

  Alley, Richard, Prof. (Pennsylvania State University), ♣

  Al-Najjar, Mazen, Prof. (University of South Florida), ♣- ♦

  Al-Qazzazz, Ayad, Prof. (California State University -Sacramento), ♣- ♦

  Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, ♣

  Alston, Philip, Prof. (New York University), ♣

  Al-Talib, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠, †- ‡, ♣

  American Association of University Professors, xvi

  American ♣ Liberties Union

  (ACLU), ♣

  American Federation of Labor—Congress of Industrial Organi-zations

  (AFL-CIO), ♣- ♦

  Amherst College, ♣, ♦, ♥

  Amherst Progressive Students Association, ♣

  Andersen, Theodore, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Anti-Defamation League, ♣

  Appiah, Anthony, Prof. (Princeton University), ♣

Appleton, Susan Frelich, Prof. (Washington University in St. Louis), ♣

  Arafat, Yassar, ♣, ♦- ♥, ♠

  Aravamudan, Srinivas, Prof. (Duke University), ♣

  Archer, Dane, Prof. (University of

  California-Santa Cruz), ♣- ♦, ♥

  Arizona State University, ♣, ♦

  Armour, Jody, Prof. (University of Southern California), ♣

  Asani, Ali, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Ashcroft, John, ♣- ♦, ♥- ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇

  Ashrawi, Hanan, ♣, ♦- ♥

  Asker, Ahmed, Prof. (Florida A&M University), ♣

  Associated Press, ♣, ♦- ♥

  Atkinson, Richard, ♣, ♦

  Auburn Plainsman, ♣

  Auburn University, ♣

  Avakian, Arlene, Prof. (University of Massachusetts), ♣

  Axmaker, Sean, ♣

  Ayers, William, Prof. (University of Illinois in Chicago), ♣

  Ayn Rand Institute, ♣

  Badawi, Jamal A. Prof., ♣- ♦

  Bagley, William, ♣

  Bailey, Ronald, Dr. (Northeastern University), ♣

  Baldasty, Gerald, Prof. (University of Washington), ♣

  Baldwin, Fletcher, Prof. (University of Florida), ♣

  Ballou, Michael, Prof. (Santa Rosa Junior College), ♣

  Barak, Ehud, ♣- ♦

  Barazangi, Nimat Hafez, Prof. (Cornell University), ♣

  Baron, Charles, Prof. (Boston College Law School), ♣

  Barsamian, David, ♣

  Bartlett, Albert, Prof. (Colorado State University-Boulder), ♣

  Batra, Ravi, Prof. (Southern Methodist University), ♣- ♦

  Battin, Margaret, Prof. (University of Utah), ♣

  Baum, Matthew, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Beeman, William, Prof. (Brown University), ♣

  Behrdahl, Robert M. (University of California-Berkeley), xv

  Behrooz, Mazier, Prof. (San Francisco State University), ♣, ♦

  Beinin, Joel, Prof. (Stanford University), ♣

  Bellarmine College, ♣, ♦

  Ben-Meir, Alon, Prof. (New York University), ♣- ♦

  Berkeley Graduate Assembly, ♣

  Berkson, Mark, Prof. (Hamline College), ♣

  Berry College, ♣

  Berthold, Richard, Prof. (University of New Mexico), ♣

  Berthrong, John, Prof. (Boston University), ♣

  Bin Laden, Osama, ♣- ♦, ♥- ♠, †, ‡, , Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅- ∗

  Binghamton University in New York, ♣- ♦, ♥

  Biola University, ♣

  Black Panthers, ♣

  Black Student Union, ♣- ♦

  Blau, Joel, Prof.. (State University of New York-Stoneybrook), ♣

  Blight, James G., Prof. (Brown University), ♣, ♦

  Bloomfield College, ♣

  Bloomsburg University, ♣

  Blum, William, ♣

  Boas, Ken, Prof. (University of Pittsburgh), ♣

  Borgeson, Kevin, Prof. (Stonehill College), ♣

  Boroviak, Darlene, Prof. (Wheaton College), ♣

  Boston College, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡

  Boston College Law School, ♣

  Boston University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Bowering, Gerhard, Prof. (Yale University), ♣

  Bowers, Chet, Prof. (University of Oregon), ♣, ♦

  Bowman, Scott, Prof. (California State University-Los Angeles), ♣

  Boyarin, Daniel, Prof. (University of Califonia-Berkeley), ♣

  Boyle, Francis A., Prof. (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign), ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Brame, Gloria G., Prof., ♣

  Brasch, Walt, Prof. (Bloomsburg University), ♣

  Bravo, Andrea, ♣

  Bresky, Luke, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Brodkey, Linda, Prof. (University of California-San Diego), xv

  Brodkin, Karen, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Brooker, Timothy, Prof. (Oral Roberts University), ♣

  Brown University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ

  Brown, Ron, ♣

  Brunk, C.F., Prof. (UCLA), ♣, ♦, ♥- ♠, †- ‡, Δ

  Bryn Mawr College, ♣

  Buchanan, Pat, ♣

  Buckley, William F., ♣

  Bucknell University, ♣, ♦

  Burgan, Mary, xv

  Burke, Edmund, Prof. (University of California-Santa Cruz), ♣

  Burns, Gene, Prof. (University of Montana), ♣

  Burt, Richard, Prof. (University of Massachusetts), ♣

  Bush, George H.W., ♣, ♦

  Bush, George W., ♣, ♦, ♥- ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇- Ο, ◊- ∅, ∗, ⊕, ⊗- ∞, ∂- α, β- γ, κ, Θ, Φ- δ, λ

  Bush, Laura, ♣

  Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, ♣

  Cal State University-Long Beach, ♣, ♦, ♥

  Caldicott, Helen, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  California State Univeristy-Chico, ♣, ♦

  California State University-Fresno, ♣

  California State University-Fullerton, ♣

  California State University-Hayward, ♣, ♦

  California State University-Long Beach, ♣, ♦, ♥

  California State University-North-ridge, ♣, ♦

  California State University-Sacramento, ♣

  Campolo, Tony, Prof. (Eastern College), ♣

  Campus for Choice, ♣

  Cannavo, Peter, Prof. (Hamilton College), ♣

  Card, David, Prof. (University of California-Berkeley), ♣- ♦

  Carino, Dan, ♣

  Carleton College, ♣

  Carmicino, Paula, ♣- ♦

  Carnegie-Mellon University, ♣, ♦, ♥

  Carnesale, Albert (UCLA), ♣

  Carson, Rachel, ♣- ♦

  Carter, Jimmy, ♣, ♦- ♥

  Castro, Fidel, ♣

  Catterall, James, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Cawelti, Scott, Prof. (University of Northern Iowa), ♣

  CBS, ♣, ♦

  Center for the Study of Popular Culture, ♣

  Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in Berkeley, ♣

  Central Oregon Community College, ♣

  Chaddock, Charles Gilber, ♣

  Chang, Edward, Prof. (University of California-Riverside), ♣

  Charaniya, Nadira K., Prof. (Springfield College), ♣

  Chaussee, Griffith (University of Virginia), ♣

  Chavian, Eric, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Chemerinsky, Erwin, Prof. (University of Southern California), ♣, ♦

  Cheney, Richard, ♣

  Chevigny, Paul, Prof. (New York University), ♣

  Chinn, Pauline, Prof. (University of Hawaii), ♣

  Chomsky, Noam, Prof. (MIT), ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †

  Churchill, Winston, ♣

  Citrus College, ♣

  City College of New York, ♣, ♦

  City College of San Francisco, ♣

  City University of New York, ♣, ♦

  Cleveland State University, ♣

  Clinton, Bill, ♣, ♦, ♥- ♠, †, ‡- Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅, ∗

  Clinton, Hillary, ♣

  Cloud, Dana, Prof. (University of Texas), ♣, ♦- ♥

  CNN, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠

  Cohn, Marjorie, Prof. (Thomas Jefferson Law School in San Diego), ♣

  Colby College, ♣

  Cole, David, Prof. (Georgetown University), ♣, ♦

  Colorado College, ♣

  Colorado state university, ♣

  Columbia Spectator, ♣

  Columbia University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ

  Combs, Allan, Prof. (University of North Carolina), ♣

  Commoner, Barry, Prof., ♣

  Concordia College in Canada, ♣

  Connerly, Ward, ♣, ♦

  Consenting Academics for Sexual Equity, ♣

  Cook, Billy, ♣

  Corey, Mary, Prof. (UCLA), ♣, ♦

ornell Chronicle, ♣

  Cornell University, ♣- ♦, ♥

  Coulter, Ann, ♣, ♦

  Cox, Harvey, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Coyula, Mario, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Creators Syndicate, ♣, ♦

  Creed, John, Prof. (University of Alaska), ♣

  Crenshaw, Kimberly, Prof. (Columbia University and UCLA), ♣

  Cronin, Thomas (Whitman College), ♣

  Cummings, Tanya, ♣

  Curan, William, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Dahle, David, ♣

  Dailey, Dennis, Prof. (Kansas University), ♣- ♦

  Daily Bruin, xvi-♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ- ∇, Ο- ◊

  Daily Kansan, ♣

  Daily Student, ♣

  Daily Targum, ♣- ♦

  Daily Texan, ♣, ♦

  Dank, Barry, Prof. (California State University-Long Beach), ♣

  Danziger, Sheldon, Prof. (University of Michigan), ♣- ♦

  Dartmouth College, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Dartmouth Review, The, ♣

  Daschle, Tom, ♣

  Daum, Walter, Prof. (City College of New York), ♣

  Davis, Angela, ♣

  Davis, Ann, Dr. (Columbia University), ♣

  Davis, Avi, ♣

  Davis, Gray, ♣

  Davis, T.J., Prof. (Arizona State University), ♣

  de Jesus, Carlos, Prof. (New York University), ♣

  de Sade, Marquis, ♣

  Death With Dignity, ♣

  DeLay, Tom, ♣, ♦

  Democratic Socialists of America, ♣

  Democrats, ♣, ♦, ♥- ♠, †- ‡, Δ- ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅, ∗

  Denitch, Bogdan, Prof. (City University of New York), ♣

  DePaul University, ♣

  Depauw University, ♣

  Dilley, Patricia E., Prof. (University of Florida), ♣

  Dinero, Steven, Prof. (Philadelphia University), ♣

  Dobson, James, ♣

  Dohrn, Bernadine (Northwestern University), ♣

  Domke, David, Prof. (Washington University), ♣

  Dorsey, Roscoe, ♣

  Douglass, Frederick, ♣

  Drake University, ♣

  Drudge Report, ♣

  D’Souza, Dinesh, ♣

  Dukakis, Michael, ♣

  Duke University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡

  Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne, Prof. (Cal

  State University-Hayward), ♣, ♦

  Dunn, Christopher, ♣

  Dunn, James, Prof. (Wake Forest University), ♣

  Dunn, Jennifer, ♣

  Eastern College, ♣

  Eastern Illinois University, ♣


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