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Harkett's Haven

Page 11

by Ally Forbes

  Her arm was twisted up behind her back and she gasped for breath.

  Claire laughed.

  ‘You took him away from me. You should’ve been gone from our lives.’

  She pinned Rachel’s head to the floor.

  With her arm locked behind her back and her head held on the floor Rachel couldn’t move, her voice taken from her by her hard landing. Her mind raced feverishly. Claire was beyond reasoning. She tried to wriggle free but Claire’s grip tightened.

  ‘You’re leaving now.....and I never want to see you around here again or I’ll.....’

  Suddenly Claire’s weight was lifted off her and Rachel gasped for air.

  Eric stood over her with Claire firmly in his grasp. His face was cold with fury. Rachel scuffled away from them to the window, as far away as possible from the two ex-lovers.

  Claire visibly shrank from him as he Cromfar aw held her arms.

  When he spoke, he spoke softly, a vein of steel in his words.

  ‘I think it’s lucky I arrived when I did.’

  ‘I just....I just wanted her to leave Eric. I wasn’t...’

  ‘I saw and heard exactly what was going on.’ His black eyes flamed. ‘I told you last night that what we had was over. But to come here and .....and...’

  He glanced at Rachel huddled in the corner.

  ‘I should call the police but I don’t have time. Rachel and I are leaving.’

  Rachel could tell by the shock on Claire’s face that Eric hadn’t told her this part of his plans.

  ‘No’ She clutched at his arm, her determined expression dissolving into fear, fresh tears welling in her eyes.

  ‘I feel sorry for you Claire. I want you to leave here and get on with your life.’

  He took her roughly by the arm and pulled her closer to him, so close his face was against hers. Claire looked terrified, her eyes wide and her face pale.

  He whispered, ‘I never want to see you again.’

  He pushed her away from him roughly and shouted, ‘Now get out!’

  His voice was so loud that Rachel found herself instinctively pressing herself further into the wall underneath the window.

  Claire burst into tears and turned and ran out the door sobbing.

  Eric hurried to Rachel and pulled her to her feet and into his arms. Rachel’s legs gave way underneath her, her shock turning her legs to jelly. Eric caught her as she fell and lifted her into his arms.

  ‘God Rachel. I’m so sorry.’

  He kissed the corner of her mouth, gently and tender.

  ‘Did she hurt you?’

  Rachel shook her head, unable to find her voice.

  He held her tight and close, her head resting on his strong shoulder and quickly she regained her composure, feeling safe and secure in his arms.

  ‘I’m OK Eric. Really......please put me down.’

  He placed her down gently.

  Rachel smiled shakily at him, ‘ I sure am glad to see you.’

  He laughed and leant forward to kiss her forehead, the tension broken.

  ‘Come. Let’s get out of here.’

  And Rachel was glad to leave. Her little cottage now seemed cold and unwelcoming, Claire’s presence and malice seeping into the very fabric of the building. She knew that if she stayed, every knock, every whisper of the wind, would be Tom arriving. And that would be a short road to madness.

  Eric lifted her bags out to his car, <0">Esme waiting patiently, expectantly in the back seat.

  Rachel took one last glance round her home and closed the door behind her. She posted the keys through the letter box and climbed into the car.

  It was a curious feeling. She climbed into Eric’s 4 x 4 and said her hellos to Esme who was excited and delighted, wondering why Claire had been at her cottage. Full of questions. And it felt like she had known Eric and Esme for so much longer than the few days it had been.

  As they left the beach and the house on the hill she wondered about fate. It seemed like everything she had been through was culminating in this moment, this magical, right moment.

  Esme chatted in the back of the car and Eric sat beside her, content, smiling. His delight, his happiness evident in his relaxed posture, his easy conversation.

  ‘So Esme. Your Dad’s dragging you out of school? And Jack’s gone for his holidays with Mrs Strachan?’ Rachel turned to smile at Esme.

  ‘I can’t wait to get to Canada. Dad says we might get lucky and see a whale from the house. And Jack loves staying with Mrs Strachan much more than I do.’

  ‘Wow. That sounds just the best thing. Maybe we could persuade Dad to take us out for a boat ride to get us a bit closer to the action?’

  Rachel nudged Eric who smiled.

  ‘Please Dad. Please.’

  ‘A weather dependent yes for my two favourite girls.’

  Rachel and Esme high fived over the seats and smiled at each other conspiratorially.

  ‘I can see I’m going to have to watch myself with you two,’ he winked at Rachel, ‘I don’t stand much of a chance, do I?’

  After the first hour of travel, Esme’s excitement levelled off enough for her to put on her headphones and watch a DVD.

  ‘I can’t help think about what happened this morning. If I hadn’t arrived....if.......’

  Rachel put her hand over his.

  ‘I’ve been thinking the same thing......about fate......about my walk along the beach, about that storm that blew our lives together.’

  Rachel stared out the window, lost in thought.

  ‘Rachel. For the first time in a very long time I feel truly alive. I feel ill when I’m not with you and it takes every ounce of strength I have to stop counting down the hours until I see you again.’

  He watched the road ahead, his profile elegant, classic, strong.

  Rachel felt those familiar butterflies in her stomach, his words sending surges of adrenaline spiralling through her veins.

  ‘I’m kind of long in the tooth to be falling head over heels for a younge C fo>r woman. I’m a bloody doctor for Christ’s sake.’

  He laughed.

  He glanced over his shoulder to check Esme wasn’t listening. Satisfied he continued,

  ‘You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever set eyes on Rachel and yet you seem totally unaware of the effect you have on men....on me.’

  He paused, ‘I can almost sympathise with Tom Sullivan. There’s something so mesmeric about you that in another time, another world, I would think it was witchcraft.’

  ‘Jesus Eric....’ She was speechless, his words washing over her, like a cold mountain stream. She shivered.

  ‘When we made love, I wanted to fill you, possess you, love you. I had to have you.’re like a drug, some kind of opiate....and I’ll stop at nothing to protect you. You and Esme.’

  The scenery outside passed in a green blur, Rachel hardly able to breathe. His words astonished her. She knew this was a passionate, whirlwind romance, felt it in her very core, but his words took her by surprise.

  He glanced at her as he drove and perhaps sensed the shock on her face.

  ‘Look Rachel. I don’t want to frighten you off....I know you’ve been through a terrible time and that those times....well...they’re still with you...but I need you to know that what I feel isn’t just lust, a short-lived obsession. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you.’

  He glanced back at Esme again.

  ‘I hope in time that you will feel the same about me.’

  She couldn’t admit to loving him but she felt the stirring of something that she knew, if nurtured, could grow into the love that he hoped she would reciprocate.


  ‘Shhhhh Rachel. You don’t have to explain. I know you don’t feel the same way about me.’

  It was almost as if he didn’t want to hear the truth from her, happy to cling to his hope that someday in the future he might have what he wanted from her.

  They travelled on in
silence for a few miles the bleak, beautiful countryside gradually being replaced with the start of urban sprawl.

  ‘Another half hour and we’ll be at the airport.’

  He glanced at her again and she smiled at him.

  Esme pulled off her headphones, sensing the changing landscape in her peripheral vision and realising that their journey was close to an end.

  ‘When will we be there Dad?’

  ‘Very soon.....’though we’re cutting it fine for check in. I’m hoping we have an easy run in to the airport’

  ‘Tell me more about your place in Halifax Eric.’

  ‘It’s a family home. I’ve not been out there since........well, C...l tsince I was a student. I’ve arranged to have the house prepared for our arrival’ll both love it.’

  ‘Why haven’t we gone there before Dad?’

  ‘It’s a long story Esme and.....well........ I’ll fill you in on later. I need to concentrate on the roads around here.’

  He pressed a button on the hands-free phone and simply said ‘Eric Harkett. We’ll be arriving in twenty minutes.’

  Rachel watched Eric as he drove, curiosity piqued. He hadn’t told his daughter about his background and she wondered why it was now that he had decided to revisit his distant family home. They could have travelled anywhere. It would have been as easy to jump on a flight to Ireland, France. Anywhere. Whatever the reason, Eric didn’t want to explain, at least not yet.

  The traffic grew increasingly busier and Rachel found herself missing the peace and tranquillity of the little cottage by the sea where the only traffic jam was the orderly queue of the Sunday morning visit to the baker that doubled as the newsagent. She had worked and been brought up in remote, peaceful locations and it was always a difficult transition for her to come back to the built up, busy sprawl that was city living.

  They approached the airport and drove to the international terminal, pulling into the passenger drop off. A uniformed man approached Eric, a few words and the keys exchanged. Their luggage was dropped off in a trolley and the chauffer drove off with Eric’s car.

  Eric was efficient and easy in movement, lifting Esme up on top of one of the suitcases with a kiss and taking Rachel by the arm, smiling and guiding the trolley and her to the priority check in desk.

  He smiled at the woman behind the desk and Rachel was amused to see the woman blush and dart shy, flirty glances from under her lashes. Rachel wondered what Eric’s patient list was like at his practice and smiled to herself, imagining the talk about the handsome new doctor amongst the ladies of the area. Their luggage was checked in and Eric took them to the first class lounge. They found a quiet corner and Eric ordered some coffee and pastries for them.

  As she sipped her coffee she felt as happy as she had done in years. The conversation flowed easily. Eric sat on one side of her, his arm protectively round her and Esme sat on her other side, cuddled close. Rachel could feel Esme’s excitement and it touched her deeply that this small girl had formed so close a bond to her. Rachel felt like she was going on holiday. Once they had finished their pastries and coffee Rachel decided to stretch her legs.

  ‘Coming to the shops Esme?’

  ‘Yes please!’

  Eric smiled at them, his delight at Rachel and Esme’s friendship written on his face. He fished for something in his pocket and pulled out his credit card.

  ‘Go and buy yourselves something nice.’

  ‘Not necessary Eric. Thanks all the same.’ She turned from him, taking Esme’s hand, slightly annoyed at him for offering her his card. But she also felt annoyed at herself for fee Crseoungling like she did. After all, she had accepted his offer of accommodation and flights without discussing the financial details but the outstretched card with all its connotations was perhaps more obvious. More direct. Connotations of the kept woman. Memories of her relationship with Tom.

  ‘Are you OK Rachel?’

  Esme was watching her, concerned.

  ‘Of course Esme. Just thinking about what I’m going to buy for the plane journey. Any ideas?’

  Esme didn’t answer her immediately.

  ‘Did Dad do something to annoy you?’

  Rachel stopped in her tracks and bent to hug her, holding her close and kissing her head.

  This little girl was extremely perceptive for such one so young and Rachel’s heart went out to her.

  ‘No Esme. Of course not. I just want to treat you to something nice. Come on. Let’s hit the shops. I need a good book.’

  They browsed the bestsellers, magazine racks and sweet stands and before they knew it they had a full basket and took it to the till to pay.

  The elderly lady at the shop counter smiled at Esme.

  ‘Where’re you heading off to today then?’

  ‘Nova Scotia.’ Esme answered shyly.

  Rachel held her hand, seeking to reassure her. She noticed Esme’s reticence and shyness when it came to speaking to strangers.

  ‘Well I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.’ She looked at Rachel and smiled, ‘Your daughter sure is pretty.’

  Rachel opened her mouth to correct the lady but Esme quickly answered, Thanks Ma’am,’ and clung harder to Rachel’s arm.

  Rachel paid for her goods and took Esme out of the shop. Esme’s smile was wide and knowing. Rachel smiled back at her and held her tight but she felt on the verge of tears.

  This little girl who had been through so much in her short life had blurted out her hopes for Rachel. Rachel felt deeply moved, her affection for Eric’s child huge. However, she knew that with this trust and love came with an added responsibility. She would find it more difficult to leave Eric if that became necessary. She hoped with all her heart that it wouldn’t but ever since Tom she couldn’t help thinking about exit strategies from relationships.

  ‘Rachel, can you take me to the bathroom?’

  ‘Of course honey. Let’s go.’

  The bathrooms were a short distance across the concourse and as they funnelled into the crowd of people moving along the passageway she became aware of a man walking purposefully about two people in front of her. He was talking on his phone, another burly man walked slightly behind him, a woman in a suit at his other side.< Cfonof her/p>

  She knew the moment she saw him. It was Tom Sullivan.

  For a moment the world stopped turning and her senses became razor sharp. She could see every small detail of the man in front of her. He wore his normal choice of Gucci dark pinstripe suit, the top of his white collar showing. She knew without having to see, that his collar would be open at the neck. Smart casual. He had a dozen of these suits neatly lined up in his huge dressing room. His blonde hair was shorter than he used to wear it and his large hand looked tanned as he held his phone close to his ear. He was tall and his shoulders broad.

  The big man at his side was watching Tom, making sure no-one got too close, his minder. Tom often travelled with a minder. Rachel didn’t know much about Tom’s business dealings but she guessed that Tom was wealthy enough to feel that a minder was justified. Rachel hated the intrusion of the minders he sent along with her on any trip she made without him. There was nothing or nowhere she could go to escape his watch.

  She was only vaguely aware of being swept along on the tide of people and of Esme’s small hand wrapped in her own. Her legs kept moving but she felt almost disembodied, no longer attached to the physical world.

  ‘Rachel. Rachel. Rachel’

  She became aware of Esme tugging at her arm and saying her name. And again. Louder. Again. Louder.

  Her mind snapped back into her body, the danger of her situation making her reactions lightening fast.

  Esme was trying to get her attention because they were passing the ladies toilets but her voice was getting increasingly louder.

  Rachel quickly moved to the door of the ladies, gently but urgently pulling Esme with her just as Tom’s head whipped round, something alerting him to the voice shouting his ex bride-to-be’s name. She
pushed quickly through the door.

  Rachel was sure he hadn’t seen her but just in case she took Esme direct to the nearest cubicle and put her finger to her mouth to indicate silence.

  Esme immediately complied, sensing the urgency in her movement.

  Rachel lifted Esme up on to the toilet seat and then on to shelf enclosing the cistern. She stood on the toilet and listened.

  Above the normal noise of the hand dryers and footsteps, Rachel heard a sharp click of high heels on the tiles. The footfalls went to the far end of the cubicles and then slowly back.

  ‘Excuse me. Have you seen this lady?’ An American voice, a woman.

  ‘No. Sorry.’

  And again, the answer a repeated ‘No.’

  Rachel’s heart thrummed against her ribcage and her face blanched. Esme watched her intently and Rachel tried, and failed, to smile convincingly at her.

  Esme dire0">Then a knock, and ‘Rachel?’

  ‘Not here,’ came the irritated reply.

  Another rap on the door, closer this time.


  Esme quickly jumped from the toilet and pushed past Rachel, opening the door. Rachel tried to grab her jacket and pull her back but her fingers swiped at air. The cubicle door swung closed again.

  ‘I’m Rachel,’ came the little voice

  ‘Oh. Well hello Rachel.’ A pause.

  ‘I was looking for a lady who has the same name as you. Here’s a picture of wouldn’t have seen her around here by any chance?’

  Another pause.

  ‘She’s pretty......No. I’ve not seen her.’

  A sigh and then, ‘Okay. Thanks anyway.’

  Then the click of the heels off out the bathroom.

  The cubicle door was pushed in and Esme’s face appeared, grinning broadly.

  ‘I got rid of her Rachel.’

  Rachel pulled the little girl into her and held her close, relief and gratitude flooding through her.

  ‘You are a clever girl Esme Harkett..... thank you.’

  Esme hugged her back.

  ‘Rachel. .....who was she? Why was she looking for you?’

  Rachel wondered what to tell her but after the merest moment of thought she knew she had to tell Esme the short version of the truth. She had already been pulled into her messy past.


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