Harkett's Haven

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Harkett's Haven Page 14

by Ally Forbes

  ‘Hey Rachel.’ She startled as he kissed her. ‘That bath you wanted is ready.’

  She smiled at him gratefully and he took her hand and helped her to her feet.

  ‘Esme should be ready for bed now. I’m going to head through and make sure she’s settled and then I’ll be back to scrub your back.’

  ‘Mmmm. Sounds good.’ She touched his hand and made her way to the doorway at the opposite side of the room. She heard Eric leave and the door close softly. She entered the large en-suite. A freestanding deep cream bath was full of steaming water. The en-suite was another testament to the owner’s fine taste in interior design. Rachel could feel the warmth from the heated under floor tiles on her feet as she moved to dip her hand into the delicately scented warm water. She glanced round her at the his-and-her sinks with the waterfall taps, the sumptuous, fluffy bath towels. She dimmed the lights until the mood was soft, the room barely lit and cocoon-like.

  She undressed slowly and dipped a toe into the warm water. The temperature was perfect and she slipped into the water and sighed. Closing her eyes, she delighted in the enveloping warmth, the aches in her muscles after the long journey soothed by the warmth. Not wanting to fall asleep in the bath but knowing that this was the inevitable outcome of any prolonged time with her eyes shut, she forced herself to duck under the water, soaking her hair for washing.

  Surfacing, she groped for the expensive looking shampoo bottle that she knew was close at hand.

  Someone handed her the bottle. She quickly swiped at her eyes, heart beating wildly.

  Eric sat on the side of the bath watching her.

  ‘Jesus Eric. You scared me.’

  ‘Sorry Rachel. Esme’s flat out and I thought I could do your hair...... or something.’

  Rachel smiled and handed him back the shampoo.

  ‘Make yourself useful then.’

  He opened the bottle and poured the clear liquid into the palm of his hand. Sitting on the edge of the bath behind her, he lifted her long wet hair and ran it through his fingers, smoothing the liquid into the lengths of her hair.

  Slowly his long fingers pressed into her head, rubbin S hequid into g firmly. He pulled his fingers gently down the length of her hair again before piling it onto the top of her head. Lathering her long tresses, he was gentle but firm and Rachel melted at his touch. She didn’t want to move, scared to break the spell.

  He bent his head and kissed her bare shoulder, his lips warm and tender. His hands massaged her hair and then pulled the soapy lather to rub into her shoulders, his hands pushing firmly into her muscles. His hands pushed down over the upper slopes her breasts lingering there before moving down over the fullness of her breasts, cupping them.

  Rachel sighed, the pleasure of his touch sending hot wires of heat to her groin. Eric took his hands off her body and she dipped her hair under the water to remove the shampoo. When she opened her eyes she saw that Eric had removed his shirt and was removing his trousers. His moves were slow and deliberate, his white shorts stretching over his erection.

  Rachel’s heart raced and she felt light headed, slightly drunk. She wanted to reach out and touch his hardness but instead covered her breasts with her forearm, aware of Eric’s steady stare at her body.

  ‘Don’t do that Rachel. I want to see you.’

  His voice was soft but his demand made her remove her arm immediately.

  ‘That’s better.’

  He stood naked beside her and then slipped into the bath at the opposite end from her, the size of the bath accommodating both of them easily.

  Rachel watched him solemnly, her breathing quick and her pulse racing. He was an incredibly handsome man. He splashed the warm water over his face and swept his wet hands through his short black hair. His body was muscled, strong, the dark hair on is chest noticeable but neat, tapering off down his body and disappearing under the water.

  He sat back and watched her, his eyes drinking her in, moving from her lips to her breasts. He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, and she could see him trying to manage his desire.

  ‘Sit on the edge of the bath Rachel.’

  Without asking why she did as she was told she pushed herself slowly up on to the edge of the bath and sat in the warmth of the darkened room, her legs firmly together and her arm covering her breasts, self conscious. Her eyes never moved from him, waiting on his next command.

  His eyes opened again and fixed on her, his eyes almost black in the darkened room. He drank her in.

  ‘Move your arms away Rachel.....and open your legs.’

  She hesitated and glanced to the floor, unsure about his request.

  ‘Just do it.’

  And she did. She caught her breath and did as he demanded, slowly removing her arm. He watched her intently. She moved her legs slowly apart, watching for his reaction. His eyes dropped to her stomach and then to her sex.

  ‘Further. Move your legs further apart.’

  She pulled her damp hair over her shoulder and squeezed the remaining water from it to trickle down over her breasts. Eric watched the rivulets of water as they moved down her body. Rachel moved her legs further apart and felt the trickle of the drops of water disappear into her sex.

  Her instincts were to shield herself from him, to cover herself from his gaze but her need for him, her need for his touch, to please him, was overwhelming.

  He sighed raggedly, his breathing fast.

  He moved from his relaxed pose at the far end of the bath and between her legs. He pushed them apart further, running his hands up the inside of her soft thighs.

  He placed his lips over her sex, lapping softly at her clitoris.

  Rachel watched him, entranced, her desire hot and urgent.

  His tongue hardened and pushed into her, making her gasp, His tongue was hot and knowing and she threw her head back and moaned.

  She pushed his head away from her, wanting him in her, needing to feel his length in her when she orgasmed, knowing that she wasn’t far from climax.

  ‘No!’ The anger in his voice shocked her and she held her breath. His black eyes were dark as coal and he fixed her with a look that told her that he was in command.

  He pushed into her more insistently and then brought his fingers to push into her, one and then two.

  ‘Oh God Eric....’ She shook and he pushed his fingers hard into her, her orgasm shooting through her, making her shake uncontrollably. She gasped and closed her eyes and slipped back into the warm water of the bath. She felt faint, Eric’s fingers still on her sex, draining the last ripples from her. He held her in his arms, cradled on his lap. She could feel his erection pushing hard into her buttock and she wanted his hardness in her desperately.

  Straddling him, she lifted herself over his erection. Eric’s fingers gently opened her and placed the head of his cock at her entrance.

  ‘Slow, Rachel. Slow.’ He commanded her.

  His arms held her close to him, crossed around her back and slowly he pushed into her.

  ‘Jesus, Rachel.’ His eyes were closed, a frown of deep concentration etched on his face. He inched slowly into her, filling her completely, taking control of her body.

  She sighed with delight and kissed his forehead.

  His hands moved slowly up her back and he opened his eyes. He rested his head on her breasts and then took her caramel nipple in his mouth and rolled it in his mouth. Rachel moaned and closed her eyes.

  He kissed her neck and then her mouth, his tongue tasting her, pushing into her mouth. She could taste herself on him and it made her moan again, her desire building rapidly again for him.

  He moved slowly in her as they kissed. Simple slow movement. She could feel his length, his width, the ridges and contours of him. His hand r Sm. ly ieached for her breast and cupped her fullness.

  He watched her, watching her climax build again and his movements in her quickened slightly.

  ‘I have to come soon Rachel.’

  He pushed his hand down between them and
stroked at her clitoris. The warmth of the water and his touch brought her quickly to climax again and she moaned as she orgasmed around him.

  He watched her as she threw her head back, breasts heaving, totally lost in the moment.

  Unable to stop his own climax, he spurted deep into her, pulling her tight into him, crushing her breasts against his chest and stifling his yell against the slope of her breasts.

  They held each other as their climaxes subsided and long after, the warmth of the water and the darkness of the room, womb-like and super-sensory.

  Now sitting at opposite ends of the bath, Eric watched Rachel as she rested her head and closed her eyes, relaxed, serene.

  ‘You’ve become my everything Rachel.’

  Rachel opened her eyes and watched him.

  ‘I want you to be my wife.’

  ‘God Eric. I’m....I’m not ready for this.’

  She couldn’t keep his gaze, splashing her face with water.

  ‘The people who’re visiting tomorrow.....my parents. I want you to meet them.’

  Rachel stood up and stepped out of the bath. She reached for a towel, wrapped it around her and left the bathroom.

  She searched through the chest of drawers for her clothes and found them neatly laid out third drawer down. She pulled on her vest top and shorts and wrapped her damp hair up in her towel and piled it above her head.

  She turned to go to bed and saw Eric standing in the doorway, towel round his waist, watching her.

  ‘I’m sorry Rachel.’

  He looked crestfallen, dejected.

  Rachel sat on the edge of the bed and removed the towel from her hair and started to towel dry the ends of her long dark hair.

  ‘You’ve nothing to be sorry for.......I’m just scared.’

  She worked at her hair, rubbing the towel through its length.

  Eric crossed the room and sat beside her, taking the towel from her hands and gently continuing to dry her hair.

  They sat in silence.

  ‘I’m scared that this will all be taken away. I’m scared Eric...because I’m....I’m falling in love with you.’

  He pulled her into his arms and lifter her onto his knees, burying his head into her neck.

  ‘To hear you say that Rachel.........’

  He held her tight and then whispered,

  ‘I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.’

  He lifted her into bed and held her in his arms, warm under the blankets and crisp cotton sheets. He kissed her and murmured his love for her before they fell asleep together and at last, Rachel felt truly happy, truly at peace.

  She woke the next morning with the sun streaming in through the windows and for a moment wondered where she was.

  Eric lay sleeping next to her, peaceful. She watched him silently for a moment, taking in the contours of his face, his dark lashes and curled black hair. The sheets were turned down to his waist and his chest and arms were muscled and strong, his skin creamy and perfect. She shivered involuntarily, resisting her desire to run a finger down his body.

  She took a bathrobe and went to the window. The day was clear and bright, the air clear and crisp. Early morning dew was sparkling on the grass, burning off in the warm morning sunshine. The cliffs that had loomed darkly over the house yesterday were full of life, seabirds whirling on the eddies that rose from the sea. Clumps of red and white sea campions decorated the sheer rock face.

  A small knock on the door made Rachel jump. The door opened a crack and Esme stood there shyly edging into the room.

  Rachel motioned for her to come in, smiling at her. She ran into Rachel’s arms and hugged her.

  ‘I wondered if it was all a dream. I’m so glad you’re here,’ she whispered

  She glanced at her Dad still lying sleeping soundly on the bed.

  ‘It feels like we’re a proper family again.’

  Rachel held her close to her, feeling tears well in her eyes. Esme was right; this felt right, so right. And together they all gelled, all fitted together.

  She bent and kissed Esme’s forehead.

  ‘I don’t know about you but I’m ready for breakfast. How about we go and check out what’s in the cupboards? We’ll leave your Dad to sleep.’

  Esme nodded and holding each other’s hands they quietly tiptoed out of the door.

  They couldn’t help giggling as they made their way down to the kitchen, the pleasure of being in the beautiful house and in Nova Scotia making them feel like today was the first day of a particularly wonderful holiday.

  When they reached the kitchen, Rachel noticed that the dishes they had left out had been cleared and everything was once again sparking.

  ‘I think that fairies have been working their magic again Esme.’

  Agnes walked in, surprising all of them.

  ‘Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to be up yet Miss Christensen.’

  ‘Please call me Rachel, Agnes.’

  Agnes smiled at her and seemed to visibly relax.

  ‘Well........ Rachel. Now what can I get you ladies for breakfast?’

  ‘Please don’t worry about us Agnes, we thought we’d take a look in the cupboards and fridge....see what takes our fancy.’

  ‘Of course you’re very welcome but can I suggest that I run up a batch of pancakes, bacon and syrup. My pancakes are something of a legend in these parts.’

  Rachel grinned, ‘That would be wonderful. How about you Esme? Does that sound good to you?’

  Esme nodded enthusiastically.

  The elderly lady beamed her pleasure.

  ‘You two just go through to the living room, make yourself comfortable and I’ll give you a shout when it’s ready.’

  ‘Thanks Agnes. Thanks.’

  Taking Esme’s hand, Rachel made her way through to the living area. The sun flooded through the glass lighting every corner of the room. Light reflected off the ocean and danced around the room. The view was dazzling. A yacht cruised slowly past the house and Rachel went to the telescope and focussed on the boat. From here she could read the name of the boat – ‘Morning Star’.

  ‘Esme. Come and have a look at this view.’

  She helped her adjust the instrument and showed her how to focus. Esme was entranced, delighting in watching the elderly man on the boat fill a mug from his flask as he sat at the boat’s wheel.

  Rachel jumped when she felt arms snake round her waist from behind.

  She turned quickly and Eric kissed her.

  ‘Good morning beautiful.’

  ‘Dad!’ Esme left the telescope and hugged her father.

  Eric lifted Esme off her feet and swung her round, much to the delight of the little girl, who laughed in delight.

  ‘Would I be right in thinking that Agnes is making pancakes?’

  ‘How did you know Dad?’

  ‘Apart from the wonderful smell, she used to do that as a treat when I used to come here as a child. Her pancakes are legendary.’

  Rachel laughed, ‘So I’ve heard!’

  ‘Come to the kitchen. They must be about ready.’

  ‘Now there’s an expert speaking,’ Rachel smiled.

  Esme tore off in front of them.

  Eric put his arms round Rachel again.

  ‘I wanted to wake and find Swakont s you in bed with me this morning.’

  ‘We had a small visitor.....and you were flat out...... it would have been a shame to disturb your slumber.’

  He kissed her again.

  ‘Some things are worth waking for.’

  She pushed him away. ‘Pancakes remember.’

  She ran from him as Esme had done.

  He caught her easily as she reached the door and spun her round to face him.

  He pushed her gently against the door jamb and pressed his weight against her.

  ‘Be my wife. I was serious yesterday Rachel.’


  ‘Eric. Esme’s going to be looking for us.’

  He held her and kissed her neck.
  ‘Be my wife Rachel Christenson.’

  ‘Is this some kind of formal proposal?’ She laughed, loving his touch. Loving the effect her body was having on him, feeling his arousal.

  He cupped her breast.

  ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about it last night. I watched you while you slept and I wanted to wake you, to get your answer. I want you to be my wife.’

  She watched him closely, trying to gauge if she was a short term infatuation or the real thing for Eric.

  He pulled aside her vest top and kissed the side of her breast.

  ‘Stop Eric. We have to go.’ She whispered, chastising him.

  ‘Please say yes.’

  He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked at her.

  ‘Stop!’ she hissed, unable to control her body’s reaction to his touch, wanting him to take her fast and hard, knowing that it was impossible.

  ‘Say yes.’


  He picked her up, whirling her round. She yelled in surprise and delight.

  ‘You won’t regret it Rachel. I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world.’

  He set her down carefully and held her close, whispering again in her ear.

  ‘I promise I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world.’

  Rachel felt she was walking on a cloud, feeling slightly faint, wondering what she had done.

  She held him, inhaling his scent, shivering slightly.

  ‘God Rachel. I love you.’

  ‘Don’t say anything to Esme...or anyone yet. Please.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I ...........I just want a ...a little time to get used to the idea.........I can’t believe what’s just happened.’

  He looked at her quizzically.

  ‘As long as you don’t go changing your mind.’

  Rachel could hear Esme call them.

  ‘Come on Eric. Pancakes won’t wait.’

  Rachel pulled the door open and made her way to the kitchen, leaving him behind.

  Esme sat at the large kitchen table, a plate piled high with warm, soft pancakes in front of her. Another plate contained crispy bacon and a small jug of maple syrup.

  Agnes sat beside Esme, showing her how to layer up her food.


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