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Sanctuary: A Dark Planet Warriors Novella

Page 10

by Anna Carven

  “And I wasn’t informed of this because…?”

  Kalan shrugs, giving away nothing.

  “In one of the pictures, there’s a hat floating in thin air,” I say dryly, shooting Rykal a pointed look. “How are they going to explain that?” I can just imagine the conspiracy theories that are going to be flying all over the Networks.

  Great. As if there aren’t enough of those already.

  “Must’ve been a glitch,” Rykal says nonchalantly. “The tech’s still in development. I’ll have to mention it to the engineers. They didn’t factor in for things like hats.” He smirks. “No such thing as hats in our culture, remember?”

  “Of course. You are from the Dark Planet, after all.” I roll my eyes, one-hundred percent certain that Tarak’s the architect of this little scheme. He I are going to have a little talk about our newfound digital invisibility when we get home. “Out of curiosity, what did you tell those kids by way of explanation?”

  “Oh, that?” Rykal attempts to look innocent. “I watched an interesting program with Arin last night. About another intelligent species that lives on your planet. Pale-skinned bloodsuckers with fangs and accelerated healing. No reflection? Can’t be captured in pictures? I just told them we’re like those guys… vampires.”

  “Rykal, didn’t Arin tell you? Vampires aren’t real.”

  “Those kids seemed to think they were.”

  “Yeah, but all kids go through that phase. Vampires? Seriously, Rykal?” I almost facepalm. Great. Just wait until the gossip feeds on the Networks get ahold of this new rumor. The conspiracy theorists are going to go nuts.

  Vampires? Moon-elves? Stars, next people are going to be thinking they’re demons or actual monsters. We humans can go a bit crazy when it comes to mythological beings, which Kordolians are definitely not.

  But I can see how they might be mistaken for otherworldly creatures.

  Still, vampires? Hmph. I shoot Rykal a wry look.

  They’re just aliens. Big, silver, snow-haired, fire-eyed, lethal, sexy, protective-as-hell, regular old aliens.

  And I think I’ve just decided what to get my mate for Christmas. It might not be the most exotic or original or mind-blowing gift, but I think he’ll like it.

  No, I know he’ll like it.

  Just the thought of his reaction sends a ripple of excitement through me. My heart beats a little faster, and the skin on the back of my neck tingles, almost as if he’s here beside me…

  My yearning for him grows so strong that I have to close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  Jeez, I always get like this when I’m on my period. Every single emotion is amplified, and I randomly find myself on the verge of tears.

  Silly girl.

  I remind myself that he’s just above us, in space. In Kordolian terms, that’s just a stone’s throw away.

  He’ll be home soon, and it’s going to be our first weird alien Christmas on Earth.

  “Mama, stars!” Ami points toward the massive Christmas display in the center of the store. I catch a better glimpse of it as we near the escalators.

  Ami lets out a squeal of pure excitement.

  How could I forget? Elysium’s Christmas displays are legendary. Dad and I used to come here all the time when I was a kid. I stare at the display, suddenly entranced by its beauty. Ethereal holographic snow falls from the ceiling, drifting into a grove of winter pine trees. Stars twinkle in the deep blue sky above, and Santa’s sleigh shoots overhead, complete with ringing bells and nine reindeer.

  “Waaaah!” Ami cries, turning to catch my attention. She wriggles in Kalan’s arms, desperate to go and run around amongst the trees. There are other kids in there, playing, running, jumping, totally oblivious to our approach.

  As their parents catch sight of our motley crew, they stiffen.

  I motion to Kalan and he lets Ami down.

  She’s gone in a flash, running into the trees, the snow, the vision of a perfect white Christmas that is only possible with advanced holo-technology.

  “Stay here,” I beg Kalan and Rykal as I rush after her. “Just for a few minutes. Please. You can hear everything from here anyway.”

  I don’t want them stalking into the forest after us like silent silver phantoms, scaring the bejeezus out of the other parents and kids. As much as I love these Kordolian warriors to bits, I just want Ami to enjoy this little moment without the usual tension that accompanies my lethal bodyguards.

  She’s pure.



  “This is what you came here for, huh?” Rykal’s words drift after me as I follow Ami into the snow-white forest.

  Is it just me, or is there a note of longing in his voice? Even Kalan’s expression has softened a fraction.

  A burst of pure euphoria washes over me, and a strange ripple runs over my scalp and down my neck, down my spine, a delicious sunburst of warmth blossoming inside my chest.

  This feeling… this phenomenon…

  It’s happened many, many times before. The emotion washing over me isn’t just my own. I glance at Kalan and Rykal, noticing that they’ve both gone very still.

  They feel it too.

  That’s Ami, my daughter. Sometimes, when she’s happy, or sad, or frightened, or content, she radiates pure emotion, affecting those around her. For the longest time, I didn’t really understand what it was. I thought I was just being emotional after a very difficult pregnancy.

  But no, one time Tarak brought in Noa and Ashrael, and they quickly confirmed it. Ami has… abilities, and they’re growing stronger by the day. I get the feeling life is about to get very interesting, but then again, with Tarak and his boys around, it always is.

  And this hare-brained little outing of mine… despite all the chaos, it was totally worth it, just for this moment.

  With dazzling snowflakes falling all around us, and the stars twinkling in the holographic sky above, Ami’s in a Christmas wonderland, and so am I.



  By the time we arrive home, Tarak’s already waiting for us, standing at the edge of the landing pad with his arms folded, a fearsome scowl on his face.

  I’m not worried, though. That’s pretty much his default expression.

  He’s still wearing his battle armor, but his face is uncovered. When a Kordolian chooses to face you in his full battle armor, helm and all, it’s a sign of extreme hostility. He’s either being very rude, or you’re about to meet your maker.

  They have their customs and etiquette too, and I’ve slowly come to realize that when it comes to Ami and I, Tarak’s Kordolian manners are impeccable.

  A rush of affection surges through me as I study his severe, handsome features. He’s opted for the dark shades—the exact same wayfarer style sunglasses I gave him when he first encountered Earth’s harsh sunlight. They have a bit of an old-school rockstar vibe about them, and I like that. They’re so quirky and unexpected, and yet they suit his hard, arrogant features perfectly.

  He seems to like them too. He’s had the exact same style replicated for all his men, like some sort of Uniform.

  Only Kordolians could pull off such a thing and still manage to look like guys you just don’t want to fuck with.

  As I stare out of the viewport, a smile creeps across my lips. Ami’s asleep in my arms, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. The flight back from Adelaide only took about ten minutes, but it was long enough for her to fall asleep on my shoulder.

  She always falls asleep on flights.

  Kalan’s talking softly into his comm, his voice too low for me to catch all the words. He’s speaking in Kordolian, giving a report to Tarak, I think. Something about idiot Enforcers and barely tolerable…

  As he receives Tarak’s reply, Kalan’s face turns into a stone-cold mask.

  Okay, that’s his game face.

  Something’s going down.

  “What’s happ—”

  I don’t even get a chance to finish my sentenc
e as Rykal and Kalan rise to their feet and silently disappear through the rear exit. I briefly contemplate going after them, but I know better than to get between Tarak and his business. Besides, I’ve got sleeping Ami in my arms, and I don’t want to wake her just yet.

  I stare down at her face, which is totally serene. Her pale cheeks have a hint of pink in them now, the result of a day spent walking around in the sun.

  There’s something so wonderful about holding a peacefully sleeping child in your arms. It’s the feeling that all is right in the world, even when the most terrible storm might be raging outside.

  I watch as Kalan and Rykal approach Tarak and salute in the most military fashion, even though they’re apparently mercenaries now.

  Mercenaries don’t have salutes, do they?

  In that perfectly imperious way of his, Tarak accepts their show of loyalty with a simple nod of his head. He issues a rapid string of orders, and they disappear, cutting across the red dust with inhuman speed.

  Tarak stares up at my little viewport, and it’s almost as if he knows I’m watching him.

  For a moment he just stands there watching me, his expression inscrutable. The pilot, a young Kordolian called Mirak, pokes his head into our cabin and offers a respectful salute.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I say quietly as he glances at sleeping Ami.

  Predictably, he ignores my little protest against formality. “I’ve sent your items to your residence on a porter-bot,” he whispers, taking care not to wake Ami. “The boss will be up any momen—”

  “Thank you, Mirak,” my husband says as he appears behind me without a sound, his voice as soft as his pilot’s. “You may leave us.”

  Damn it. When did he get here? I was just looking at him through the window a heartbeat ago.

  But I’m used to his stealth and inhuman speed by now. It’s not like he does it on purpose. I can’t ask him to change the way he moves. It’s as much a part of him as the mysterious nanites that dwell in his bloodstream.

  Strong hands descend on my shoulders, gently kneading my aching muscles. “Did you get what you wanted, wife?”

  “I always get what I want,” I murmur half-jokingly, letting out a deep sigh as I close my eyes. My lower back is sore from carrying Ami around all day. My feet ache. I’m tender deep inside my pelvis, which always happens when I get my period. A dull cramp shoots through my body, causing my breath to hitch.

  “That’s because I spoil you,” Tarak rumbles, moving to my side. “I will take this monsterling from you now.” He bends down and gently retrieves Ami from my arms, putting his innate strength to good use. Miraculously, he manages not to wake her.

  As if sensing that she’s with her father now, Ami snuggles up against him, letting out a soft, contented sigh.

  His scent, his warmth, his overwhelming presence… Suddenly, I’m drowning in his ocean. He places his hand on my cheek, tracing his thumb along my skin in an unmistakably possessive gesture.

  He tucks his finger under my chin, forcing me to look up.

  The shades have disappeared. Wine-dark eyes capture mine, and in that glance I see everything.

  Protectiveness. Desire. Love.

  But there’s something else too, an undercurrent of… something.

  All is not right. He’s angry. Not at me, but at something. I know him too well. He tries his best to hide it, but I know. It’s in the rigid set of his jaw and the stiff line of his shoulders. It’s in the invisible tension that radiates from him, a dark undertow that I swear I can feel…

  It’s not just my imagination.

  I have no doubt all this has something to do with whatever has been going on up on Silence.

  My thoughts whirl as I try and imagine what could have possibly caused this reaction in him. Bad news? Depraved enemies? A new threat to our existence?

  It could be anything. For once, I decide not to try and pry all the details out of him. He probably wouldn’t tell me, anyway. He always tries his best to shield us from the ugliness of the Universe.

  “I trust you,” I say softly, letting him know that I see right through him. We’re joined at the freaking soul-level now. I felt it for the very first time when he pulled me back from the brink of death in the monstrous sci-labs on Yol Kruta, the swallowing pit. For one sublime moment, our consciousnesses merged, and I saw him for what he truly was. “I know you.”

  “Yes,” he agrees, staring at me with an intensity that awakens my desire all over again. “Only you know me, Abbey.”

  Holy hell. That look. Even after all this time, it never fails to floor me.

  How does he do this?

  He’s a silver-skinned Eros, a black-magic sorcerer.

  “We will leave soon,” he says, a certain sense of urgency entering his voice, mingling with the dark undercurrents. His hand moves, gloved fingers gliding over my soft skin, his deft touch sending a pleasant ripple down my spine. He threads his fingers into my messy hair, which has come loose, the result of Ami playfully—and painfully—tugging at it.

  She’s fast asleep now, the sound of her breathing lulling me into a kind-of trance. My husband’s touch is a salve on my tired, aching body.

  “Dare I ask where we’re going?” My voice cracks slightly as a tendril of desire unfurls in my core.

  He’s impossible, this man.

  “I told you already, it is a surprise. It is pointless to try and ask, my amina.” His expression becomes stern, a hint of what I call his command tone entering his voice. “Let’s go inside and put this one into her bed.” He gives me a long, appraising glance. “And you must rest too.”

  “Is that an order?” I tease, not telling him that I like his command tone. He could order me to do anything in that sexy voice, and I would drop to my goddamn knees for him.

  “You are on your period,” he says, perfectly deadpan. “Now I know what it really means. You did not tell me everything, Abbey,” he chides gently.

  I stare at him, wondering what kind of advice he’s received, and from who. Suddenly, he’s acting as if menstruation is some sort of awful condition that causes immense suffering.

  “Of course, I made some enquiries. You did not explain things properly, wife of mine. If I had known…” His eyes narrow. “I should not have allowed you to go into the city today.”

  I snort. “I’m not some delicate flower, Tarak, and it’s not like I need to be confined to bed rest for the next few days. You were thinking of restricting me from going out? On my own planet?” I raise an eyebrow, only half-serious. “That’s not a good example for Ami.” I don’t want my daughter growing up scared. This is her planet, and I’m going to teach her how to own her place in the Universe.

  “I always think about restricting you,” he says mildly. “For someone like me, it would be by far the easier option.”

  “Oh, I know. You Kordolians are just terrible.” I poke him in his rock-hard abs. “So… it would be easier that way, would it? Are you sure about that?” I laugh softly. I would give him hell, and he knows it.

  He smiles, giving me a look that’s both dangerous and benevolent. Seriously, what’s up with him?

  He dips his head in acquiescence. “Your freedom is my responsibility, wife. Of course I would not lock you up like some rarified Kordolian noblewoman.” He strokes Ami’s hair ever so gently. “I never take the easy way out, Abbey. You know that.”

  “Yes, I do,” says the man toppled a goddamn empire just to keep us safe. He took me to Yol Kruta, the place where he’d suffered the most, where he’d been used as a science experiment and tortured in the most unimaginable ways. He went back to the place of his very worst nightmares just to save me.

  And now we’re here, safe for the moment, but with the ever-present menace of the shattered empire lurking in the background. Not for once do I think Tarak’s enemies are just going to lie down and accept the hand he’s dealt them.

  They’re Kordolians, after all.

  This is how it always is with the two of us.
We’re locked in a perpetual dance, feeling each other out, testing limits, making giant leaps of faith.

  Back and forth. Push and pull. Control and release.

  But he respects my freedom, and I appreciate that very, very much. Considering who he is, where he’s come from, it’s nothing short of remarkable.

  Sometimes I forget how much he’s changed.

  “I would tell you not to worry about a thing,” he says gently, “but I know you will watch me closely and read me like an open book. You are far too clever to pretend otherwise, so I will tell you only this: I am building a ring of Callidum and plasma fire around this planet, Abbey. They won’t touch you or our daughter, ever.”

  I get the feeling things are about to get very interesting. “I know, I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”

  Without disturbing Ami, he leans in and kisses me on top of my head, surrounding me in his heady warmth. A soft, wondrous laugh escapes his lips. “This is exactly the reason why I spoil you,” he murmurs, a note of amusement entering his voice, countering the darkness that shadows his every move.

  Now I’m even more determined than ever to spoil him back.

  Heat suffuses my cheeks as I stare at him. A devious little half-smile curves his grey lips, almost as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

  Well, he can hear my heartbeat.

  He’s got an unfair advantage.

  Damn it. I need to take a long, cold…

  “Shower,” he whispers, running his fingers through my disheveled hair, slowly teasing out the strands in the most maddeningly sensual way. “I will put this child in her bed, and then I will find you there.”

  “Mmm.” A low, primal sound issues from my throat, and I barely recognize my own voice. He’s reduced me to guttural moaning. I vaguely recall that I might have said something about shower sex earlier on.


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