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Page 61

by Maia Starr

  “Yes, let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Chaz’z nodded and before I knew it, we were back in his hovercraft and heading for home.


  “Are you okay?” he asked me gently when we were nearly back to his dwelling. I was surprised by the concern in his voice. He had been so angry and hurt by the betrayal, I almost wondered if I was imagining things.

  “Yes,” I said. “I hope I was able to get enough information for you.”

  “You did your best,” Chaz’z said, glancing at his rearview mirror. He had been doing that a lot since we left the palace. It was almost as if he didn’t trust that the surveillance had been cut off; another nifty trick Chaz’z had received from Laike.

  “Will Laike get in trouble if anybody finds out about this?” I asked. He had been so helpful. And although I’d never met him, I felt like I owed him a lot for making my job easier.

  “We would all get in trouble,” Chaz’z said distantly, gazing at his window again. “But don’t worry about him. He’s planning an escape from here. Most of the underappreciated are recruited in the cursed war. But he is leaving with his Earth female, and they will not be looking back. They will be all right.”

  “We could leave too,” I said. “If things got too bad, then…”

  “They won’t,” Chaz’z said, turning his serious eyes onto me. A tremor coursed through me. I had forgotten just how sensual his gaze could be.

  “All right,” I said, shifting uncomfortably and looking away. I couldn’t let myself get caught up in my attraction for Chaz’z. Not when there was so much at stake and he had to sort his feelings for me out. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us.

  We arrived at Chaz’z’s dwelling, and I was alarmed when Chaz’z shouted, “Oh Gods!”

  I looked out the window, and my stomach dropped. Zod and Samantha were standing in front of the doorway of the house, Zod with his hands crossed over his chest. Sam was wincing at the ground, her cheek swollen and bruised.

  “Zod, what is the meaning of this?” Chaz’z demanded, leaping from the car. I followed, impulsively running toward my sister.

  “You have my female!” Zod exclaimed, stomping toward me and grabbing me by the hair. Pain and fear coursed through me and I dropped the bag on the ground. Chaz’z eyed it briefly before his eyes flickered back to me.

  “Let her be, Zod!”

  “These two thought they could pull a fast one on us, Chaz’z. They need to be punished!”

  I cried out in agony as pain flooded my every nerve ending. Zod had pressed a cold bar against my neck, and a painful electrical current was coursing through my body, leaving me dazed.

  “Enough!” Chaz’z barked.

  Zod shoved me forward, and I fell to the ground in front of my sister. She knelt down and scooped my limp body in her arms, and we cowered in fear together on the ground.

  “Do not dare to harm a hair on either one of these humans!” Chaz’z growled. “Unless you want to live to regret it.”

  Zod sneered, and I could see the control break from Chaz’z’s face as he lunged forward.

  “Don’t!” I cried. I couldn’t bear the thought of Chaz’z going through the agony my body was in.

  He didn’t listen to me, and I winced as a sickening thud filled the air. Zod’s face had been struck by Chaz’z, leaving it a bleeding mess. Who would have thought that the Thressl’n had such purple blood?

  “You are going to pay for this,” Zod said, getting to his feet and launching at Chaz’z. Chaz’z avoided Zod’s staff and dodged behind him, pushing him forward onto his face.

  “Remember your rank, Captain!” Chaz’z warned.

  Zod growled in fury and stood again, running toward Chaz’z with the staff out in front of him. It connected with Chaz’z’s skin, and he cried out in pain.

  “Chaz’z!” I shouted.

  But miraculously, he didn’t drop to his knees. Instead, he glared at Zod through the pain and gripped the staff, thrusting it over his knee and breaking it in half.

  “Commander!” Zod whined, looking down in shock at the broken pieces of his weapon.

  I was flooded with desire as I watched Chaz’z move his powerful body. He leaped in front of us, standing between Sam and me and Zod’s fury.

  Zod ran forward again, this time a high-pitched sound emanating from his lips. He landed a blow on Chaz’z’s broad chest, but Chaz’z had had enough. He unleashed his full power on Zod, striking him again and again until he fell back on the ground, purple blood pouring onto the ground.

  “If you ever harm either one of these females again, I won’t go easy on you,” Chaz’z said darkly into Zod’s face. “One of these females is mine, and the other is yours. And my rank is higher, so I choose which one I want. Not you!”

  Chaz’z stalked toward me and Sam and knelt down in front of us. He lifted me gingerly from Samantha’s protective grasp and glared down at Zod.

  “And if you mistreat this one, then I will keep them both. Do you understand?”

  Zod’s face filled with fear and he nodded frantically.

  “Get out of my sight,” Chaz’z said.

  He stood like that, holding me gingerly, until Samantha and Zod had made it inside Zod’s house down the street. Chaz’z knelt down swiftly and picked up the bag with all of the research in it and carried me inside.


  Chaz’z carried me carefully through the halls of his home and laid me down on his bed, caressing me gently.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, concern apparent on his handsome face.

  “Yeah,” I said, smiling up at the face of my savior. “Thanks to you.”

  “That is good,” Chaz’z said, stroking my cheek. The tenderness in his eyes made me feel overwhelmingly guilty.

  “You didn’t have to do that, though,” I said, turning my eyes away from him. “I can’t forgive myself for hurting you like that.”

  To my surprise, Chaz’z laughed heartily. “Oh female. You still don’t know how I feel for you, do you?”

  “Um…angry?” I guessed.

  Chaz’z smiled at me.

  “I was angry. But feelings are fleeting, female. All but two. Care, and hate.”

  “And you don’t hate me?” I asked, propping myself up on the bed. The feeling of Chaz’z’s strong hand stroking my cheek and moving down to the soft, sensitive skin on my neck was almost too good to be true.

  “Of course not,” Chaz’z said.

  His face was inches from mine, and I studied the beautiful flecks of gold in his silver eyes. How had I been lucky enough to find such a perfect being, when men from my own planet had left me wanting? I had never been more grateful to meet someone in all my life.

  Chaz’z seemed to sense my sentiment, because his face creased in a handsome smile. He slowly bent his head down and kissed me lightly on the lips. The feeling of his body near mine filled me with heat, and soon his lips were pressing more urgently against mine, our need for each other awakened in a sudden, fierce wave of longing.

  I cried out as his hands circled under me, and he sat in front of me on the bed, sitting me up in front of him holding me close to his muscular torso as his hands roamed every inch of me. I gasped as his lips found their way to the sensitive mound of my nipple, and he lifted my shirt eagerly, the heat of his mouth suddenly enveloping it and sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

  He broke away just long enough to strip us both fully, his long, strong fingers sending wave after wave of bliss coursing through my body. I couldn’t help but gaze at the perfection of his sculpted muscles, and he grinned at me as if he could sense just how aroused his body made me.

  I cried out in pleasure when he pushed me gently back on the bed, gripping my hips gently in his big hands as I lay on my back. I could feel the deep, hot thrill of having his member so close to my middle, and he showered me with hot, passionate kisses as he slowly made his way inside me.

  I could feel myself opening for him like a flower as my des
ire for him canceled out anything else on my mind, and he hissed in pleasure as my body closed around him. I closed my eyes, basking in the feeling of his manhood pulsing inside of me. Chaz’z kissed me again, long, languid laps of his tongue, making me forget the world around me and focus only on the pleasure of our bodies intertwined.

  Chaz’z looked into my eyes and thrust suddenly inside of me. I could feel his power parting me in half, and writhed under his touch as pleasure surged through my body. I could feel every inch of his impressive muscle inside of me, and gripped his shoulders as, again and again, my Earth was shattered by his blissful force.

  “I never want to be with anybody but you,” Chaz’z said, turning his majestic eyes onto me and touching my face. His powerful thrusts stopped momentarily, leaving me suspended in anticipation.

  “I love you,” I whispered, unable to keep the words from spilling from my lips. “I’ve never loved anybody like this before.”

  “Love…” Chaz’z said, as if testing the flavor of the word. He then smiled down at me, a shockingly beautiful smile that I got momentarily lost in. “I love you as well, Alexa.”

  His smiled broadened, and he buried his face in the nape of my neck, sending little shivers of ecstasy coursing through me. My body was shocked as he resumed thrusting inside of me, and I felt myself beginning to quake beneath him. I had never been so close to such a powerful climax before, but as Chaz’z continued to push inside my body, I could feel myself coming closer and closer to something powerful.

  I cried out, trying my best to hold back, but Chaz’z hissed in rapture as his powerful orgasm began to erupt inside of me. I moaned deeply, my body succumbing to the force of his hips, and a sudden explosion of pleasure left me quaking beneath Chaz’z’s powerful body. I held tightly to his strong biceps, bracing myself as wave after wave of ecstasy filled me.

  Chaz’z slowly brought me back down from the height of my pleasure by gently lessening the fervor of his thrusts, emptying the final drops of his desire inside of me before we parted. He scooped me up into his strong arms, and we lay together on his bed, panting deeply.

  “Thank you for coming back to me,” Chaz’z said, kissing my forehead.

  I held him tightly and smiled. “Thank you for letting me.”

  We laid like that in a pleasant silence until, before I knew it, I had fallen into a blissful sleep beside the man I loved.


  Chaz’z Wyl’es (Commander of the Fleet)

  “You mean it’s true?” I asked in shock.

  Supreme Leader Aloitus sighed and nodded his head.

  “I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this,” he said, his voice low.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I had no idea…”

  Aloitus pushed the documents back to me and sighed deeply.

  “The Vellreq are such a powerful force. The only way to fight them has been to work smart, in secret. If they think we are helping them, it will make it easier for us to help ourselves. I know you understand.”

  “I know now,” I said quietly. “I am sorry for doubting you.”

  “It’s all right,” Aloitus said, smiling brightly. “I am proud to have a man like you on my team. If I truly was working with the Vellreq, it would be a disaster. As it stands, this is the only way to keep them from invading Jenal’k. You know we are low on manpower. It would be a genocide.”

  “Fate truly chose you as Supreme Leader. Only you could navigate us through such a crisis.”

  “It’s not easy to be detested, but it was what the oracle suggested. For Zod and I alike are meant to be seen as fearful, and silently go about our roles as leaders of men without any of the credit.”

  “It’s hard to believe Zod’s personality is all an act,” I mumbled.

  Supreme Leader Aloitus grinned. “It’s not an act. That’s why he was chosen. But there is good in him, too. A strong drive to do what is right. He has been most useful in the diplomatic matters. The Vellreq believe in his dark side. I choose to believe in the light.”

  “I see…and you’re sure there will be no repercussions? The men will be relieved to know the truth. Why have you kept it from us for so long?” I asked.

  “The fewer who know, the better. It is safest. But don’t worry, Chaz’z. There is a plan. Fate has a way of handling these things, and the situation is more in our favor now than it ever has been before. Trust me when I say, the Thressl’n will rise, greater and more respected throughout the universe than we have ever been before. The Vellreq will be defeated.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, standing up and bowing deeply. I felt so foolish for ever doubting my faith. Fate always had a reason for the way things were. And now, it was more important than ever that I play my part.


  “That’s incredible,” Alexa breathed, embracing me tightly. “You mean Earth isn’t doomed?”

  “No,” I said, smiling broadly at her. “Earth isn’t doomed.”

  “I have to tell Sam!” she exclaimed, running to the door. She paused before she opened it and turned to me, her beautiful face bright. She grew more beautiful every day. “I love you, Chaz’z.”

  “I love you, Alexa,” I replied. “You’d best go now! Zod is still working. I know he has turned over a new leaf and all, but he still doesn’t like people visiting when he isn’t home. His work is very sensitive.”

  “Right!” Alexa said, bounding off.

  I smiled to myself and walked to the back of the house, to the little room that used to be Alexa’s. I walked inside and gazed down at our beautiful little baby boy. He was the first hybrid to be born, and had my skin and his mother’s beautiful eyes.

  Together, Alexa and I were beginning a legacy. One that would ultimately provide the Thressl’n with the esteem we deserved and restore our people’s faith in the government, and in Fate.

  I lifted my son, and we smiled at each other.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me,” I said, kissing his soft head. “But I have a feeling your Aunt Samantha will be over soon.”

  We sat in the rocking chair beside the crib, both of us anxious for the woman we loved most in the universe to come back home.

  Book 4: Aloitus

  (Aliens Of Jenalk)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1

  Melinda Jefferson (Daughter of the Prime Minister)

  “A recent string of disappearances leaves police investigators looking to the sky. Chemical trails found leaving Earth’s atmosphere—”

  I clicked the television set off with a sigh. My father had done a lot of stupid things in his time, but buddying up with the Vellreq when they came to our planet was the worst of them.

  “My lady, you’ve been summoned.”

  I cringed at the grating sound of the voice of the Vellreq servant that King Korta had assigned me.

  “All right,” I sighed, standing and following her to Korta’s quarters.

  “Your father hasn’t gotten back to me yet,” Korta said darkly, without greeting me.

  “About what?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. I want you to get in touch with him.”

  “If you can’t get in touch, what makes you think that I can?” I asked, glowering.

  My father had always treated his political career as the most important thing in either of our lives, and now that he had forced me into marrying the King of the Vellreq to gain his favor, it felt like my life was a constant tug of war between the two of them.

  Korta turned his black eyes to me, and I shivered as a cold chill went down my spine.

  “Just get him in here, or you will regret it.”

  I bowed rigidly at him, forcing myself to bite back my angered words. They would get me nowhere. I had crossed Korta once before, and it hadn’t ended in my favor. There was not a good enough reason to willingly cross the King of the Vellreq.

  I left Korta’s quarters, my heart hammering angrily in my chest as I grabbed my jacket from the hooks. It was a Vellreq design; one I frankly found hideous
ly ugly. But Korta had insisted I stay up to date on all of the latest fashion trends for Vellreq nobility, and I was forced to do everything wearing uncomfortable clothes that always felt a little bit too starchy.

  “Where to, my lady?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I told you not to call me that, Kirk. The Vellreq aren’t in the car. It’s not like they can hear you.”

  “Still,” Kirk said nervously, rolling our windows up and putting the car in drive. “I don’t want them to overhear and think that I’m disrespecting their new queen.”

  “I’m not the queen yet,” I said. And thank the stars for small miracles. “The ceremony won’t take place until Korta and my father finally agree on the terms.”

  Kirk sighed, driving me to the end of the long, winding property where we had to await permission at the gate. “They’re back to treating women like cattle huh?”

  “Are you surprised? The Vellreq look like something that walked straight out of the dark ages. I’d be more surprised if they actually respected me.”

  Kirk shrugged mildly and asked, again, “So, where to?”

  “Korta wants me to talk to my father. Again. He’s hemming and hawing about the latest change to the contract. Before Korta announces me queen, they have to agree on all terms and my father is making it very difficult.”

  “With all due respect,” Kirk said, “your father has always struck me as a little bit hungry for power. I know you shouldn’t say that about your own Prime Minister, but…”

  “It’s all right, Kirk. I could never be offended by you.”

  Kirk and I had grown up together on the estate before the Vellreq had come to Earth and claimed it for their own. They had somehow concluded that my father was the most powerful man on the planet, probably due to the immense media coverage he received worldwide (and not for being a generous, caring leader either, mind you). In fact, they were so convinced of his superior status that I was immediately listed as a marriage prospect, offering much in the way of glittering goods to my father, who wanted to be seen as being responsible for heralding in a new age of evolution for humanity and our technology.


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