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Melt Me (Draco Family Duet Book 1)

Page 5

by Emma Nichols

  His brows rose. “Only two hours and you’re eager to leave already? You haven’t even been given a proper tour or tried out any of the amenities.”

  I licked my lips. “Dinner was good…”

  “How would you know? You barely touched it,” he countered, a grin on his face. “Come this way.” Blaise laid a hand on my lower back and began to direct me to the patio. The heat from his touch made me want to melt into him, but I resisted.

  I’m not that girl, I kept reminding myself. Only, I feared if I stayed here too long, I might become like those I abhorred. “Where are we going?”

  “First, I’m giving you the grand tour. Then we’ll come back out here for some of the wine I promised, and dessert. You’ll be starving by breakfast.” He chuckled. “And finally, I’ll give you that massage I promised when you’re ready to go to sleep.”

  I nodded. Dammit. I was going to end up being that girl. He was too kind, had been since the first moment we met, despite the way I snapped at him. My cheeks warmed as a wave of embarrassment hit me. “Okay. Thank you.” He growled and I glanced up at him wide-eyed. “Something I said?”

  “Actually, yes. So far, I’ve lost count of the ‘thank yous’ and we’ve had zero meaningful conversations.” Blaise sighed. “I think I liked you better when you were snapping at me.” I froze in place and he barely managed a half-step before he realized it. Then he turned. “I’m sorry. I’m not a people person. This is why I handle the computer side of the business and my brother handles the bodyguard part.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s not like I get a lot of practice being social. I spend my days helping my father.” I gestured to the house. “You see how much we interact. Needless to say, I suck at computers and I’ve grown to hate techies.” I huffed.

  His brows rose. “Glad we got that established.” Blaise blew out a breath. “Let me show you around so you can find what you need without having to ask anyone for help.”

  “I’m sorry, too, okay?” I moved to stand in front of him, blocking his way and forcing him to acknowledge me. “I’m out of my element. You saw how we live. I’m pretty sure the bathroom in the suite you set me up in costs more than our entire house.”

  “Not the whole house, but definitely the first floor.” He shrugged.

  “See? I’m doing my best here. Be patient with me.” I gnawed on the inside of my cheek and waited expectantly for his response.

  “I’m not exactly known for my patience, but for you…I’ll try. Help me?” He held his arms out at his sides.

  “Of course, I’ll help you,” I murmured. I’m not sure what response he expected, but for some reason, it felt like an invitation to me. Without hesitation, I walked into his open arms and pressed my head against his chest. I half-expected him to stiffen at my touch. He should’ve. We were practically strangers. And yet, I found myself feeling more at ease with him than I ever had with anyone else, which would explain my brazen actions. I held my breath and waited. I’d seen how he had responded to the other women who threw themselves at him. I figured it would only be a matter of time before he pushed me away. A few seconds at best. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me and drew me close.

  When he finally pulled back, almost reluctantly, he spoke in a low, seductive voice. “Let me show you around my home.” Blaise brought me through the doors into the kitchen. “In case you get hungry,” he teased. “Nothing is off limits.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded as the tour moved into the dining room. I didn’t want to gawk, but this was truly the most magnificent home I’d ever toured, and for a little while, I’d get to live here. So, I walked around and marveled over the high ceilings and exposed beams. “This place is so different from the traditional home I grew up in, obviously. I mean, you saw the place. Nothing grand about it.” I shrugged. “Even when we had money, my parents never wanted to move. That home was the first place they ever bought, the only place they’d ever lived together and there was no convincing them to relocate.”

  “I can see why they’d want to stay and I think that’s beautiful.” He wrapped an arm around my waist while he took me through the great room to the right side of the house.

  This place, though easily five times the size of the home where I’d been raised, felt warmer somehow. The rough-hewn dark wood floors were dotted with area rugs. There was artwork everywhere, from the paintings on the walls, to the sculptures, statues, and pottery. It had a very old world feel.

  “If you ever wonder where your father is, try here.” Blaise pointed to the door, which was barely ajar. “If not, the room across the hall is his suite.”

  I peeked through the opening and could see my father was in his glory. “You’ve made him very happy. Thank you.”

  He frowned. “What about you, Maggie? Are you happy?”

  I hesitated before responding. “I could be.” I shrugged. “I’m not used to thinking in those terms. I’m too focused on making everything work and getting everything done. I don’t remember being happy,” I admitted quietly. “Sometimes I wander around, go for walks at night. That’s about as close as I come.”

  “You can go anywhere you want during the day,” he began seriously, “but after dark, I’d prefer you stay away from the back of the house and never move beyond the gates.”

  “Oh.” I looked away to hide my disappointment.

  Blaise reached for my hand. “This might help with the boredom.”

  I let him tow me down the hall outside of my room. Then he pushed open the double doors and I gasped. “A library?” Slowly, I walked the perimeter of the room, admiring the floor-to-ceiling shelves loaded with hard cover books. Some of the leather spines appeared to be incredibly old, like Gutenberg Bible old. I beamed. “This will definitely help.”

  “And through here,” he pushed open the double doors on the opposite side of the room, “is where I work sometimes.”

  “Beautiful.” I couldn’t stop admiring the coffered ceiling. The room was absolutely perfect, from the high back chairs I imagined curling up in to read, to the overstuffed sofa opposite them. Hell, I’d be happy on the fluffy rug in front of the fireplace.

  “Ready for wine?” He beamed while he clapped his hands together.

  “Absolutely.” I strolled through the doors as I exited the room and glanced to my right. There was another little hallway with a closed door at the end. “What’s down there?” The house seemed to go on forever.

  “That’s my suite.” He frowned and I had the distinct impression he was trying to decide whether or not to share his inner sanctum with me.

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want…”

  “No.” Blaise swallowed hard. “You can see it.”



  “Come on in.” I tried to sound confident, but mostly, I was incredibly uncomfortable. I never let anyone this close. Like most shifters, I went to extremes to ensure my secrets remained hidden. There’d been no one in my room other than Fredo and Mishal…ever.

  “Okay.” Maggie smiled, but there was a sparkle in her green eyes as she tucked some loose strands of her long black hair behind one ear. Then she followed me into the room.

  As soon as we entered my bedroom, I heard her sharply inhale, which had me whipping around to figure out the cause. “What?” There was no hiding the edge in my voice.

  Maggie obviously picked up on it. Her brows rose, but she seemed to have decided against calling me out on it, which was no less than I deserved. “I’m simply in awe of the space. Look at the ceiling.” She motioned above her head. “And you sleep in this huge bed? Is it even a king-sized? Seems bigger.” She moved to press on the mattress. “Oh my God. I bet it’s like lying on a cloud.” She strolled around to the end of the bed where I had a loveseat and curled up in one corner. “Tell me you sit here and watch the fire.” She stared longingly at the stacked stone fireplace. Scanning the room, Maggie hopped to her feet and squealed as she pulled open the French doors to the patio.

  I covered my m
outh with my fist. She was so distracted. This was the safest time. I backed up slowly as I pulled the key out of my shirt where it usually dangled from the leather thong around my neck. When I reached the door to my secret room, I whipped around and locked it. This was a strange, new experience. Usually, I only locked it from the inside to assure my privacy. Hiding it, securing it from prying eyes was completely different.

  “Hey, what’s in there?” Maggie’s brow rose. “I saw you lock it. Red room?” She snickered.

  “Something like that.” I could feel a sweat break out over my brow. “How about that patio though…or have you checked out the bathroom?” I motioned for her to follow me to the other side of the room, which was about as far away from my burn room as we could get.

  “You can have your secrets, Blaise. We all do. I’m just teasing.” She shrugged and I actually mostly believed her.

  “Somehow I can’t imagine you having any secrets.” I tugged on my chin, an act that reminded me, once more, I needed to shave.

  Maggie’s eyes flashed. “Don’t do it.”

  “What?” I frowned as I moved to peer at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. “You like this scruff?”

  She leaned on the door frame and nodded slowly. “I do. I really do.”

  “Okay. We’ll see if I can stand it, since it seems to mean so much to you.” I winked at her.

  Her head tilted. “That’s nice, but why are you listening to me? What does my opinion matter?”

  I turned and laid my hands on her waist. “Because you matter to me.” Almost as soon as I spoke the words, I regretted them. Too soon. It was far too soon. My feelings made no sense. Inside my chest, I felt the strange flutter from earlier, like wings.

  Turning away from me, Maggie strolled over to the balcony. “This balcony is an architectural wonder,” she murmured, as if to deflect. I didn’t blame her.

  “Yes, it’s right over the cliffs.” I inhaled the salty air, filling my lungs completely. If I held my breath, I couldn’t speak. That would be the smarter move.

  “I could sit here all night.” Her shoulders loosened some as she stared at the starry sky.

  Then I exhaled. “We could have our wine and dessert here. I could start a fire, if you’d like. Hell, I could even massage you while you lay on my bed.” Fuck. Words. So many desperate sounding words. I rubbed my temple. What was this woman doing to me?

  “That sounds really nice.” Maggie faced me and leaned back against the thick cement railing.

  A knock on the door had me jumping. Fredo appeared in the doorway. “Sir.” I marveled at the way he could convey so much disapproval in one simple word. “Wine? On the patio.”

  “I know what I said,” I snapped. “Last time I looked, I still wrote the checks around here.”

  Fredo stiffened. “Yes, sir,” he mumbled sadly.

  “Alfredo,” I growled, “don’t forget to bring dessert.”

  He nodded slightly, eyes downcast. “As you wish, sir.” Then he disappeared again.

  I could feel my blood boiling. Laying a hand on my chest, I could feel the skin changing, growing more leather-like. I knew scales would soon follow and everything that made me a man would quickly be replaced by my dragon. I closed my eyes as I struggled to calm down. Happy thoughts. I needed a happy thought fast. I heard the carpet whisper as Maggie walked across it. My pulse accelerated. This was no good. I’d be a fucking fire-breathing dragon before she touched me at this rate.

  Then I felt her hands on my biceps. The cool touch soothed me slightly. I peeked at her with one eye, just in time to see her rise up on her tippy-toes. Her face was level with mine. My eyes widened as I realized her touch was a balm. In an instant, she pressed her lips to mine. My fists opened, and instead of pushing her away, which would’ve made more sense, I wrapped my arms around her. The closer she came to my body, the more I could feel myself regaining control. Never before had I reacted to anyone like this. Surely, it meant something.

  A throat cleared behind me. We pulled apart like we’d been caught in a compromising situation. In Fredo’s eyes, I probably had been. “Shall I set this up on the patio or on the side table?”

  My mouth opened, but before I could speak, Maggie jumped in. “Side table, please.” She followed him for the first few steps and paused in front of the fireplace. Laying a hand on the mantle, she asked, “And who’s in charge of stoking this bad boy?”

  “That would fall on me, Miss Maggie,” Fredo responded. “I see you have stoking that bad boy covered.” He gestured toward me and ignored my glare as he moved to make Maggie her fire.

  By the time the wood was crackling and the wine was poured, I’d regained my composure. “Goodnight, Fredo. That will be all.” I smiled, but made sure my eyes conveyed my irritation.

  “Of course, sir.” He wore a sardonic expression that had me questioning, for the second time today, why I employed him.

  While I stared after him, mostly to ensure he truly left, Maggie had reached my side with a glass. “Here’s yours. I’d hate to drink alone.” She giggled.

  “Why do I think you drink alone all the time?” I looked at her from the corner of my eye.

  “Because you’re wildly perceptive?” Her brow rose.

  “Are you always this honest?” My eyes narrowed in on her.

  “Sadly, yes. It’s one of my biggest flaws.” She took a big swig of the wine. “Wow. This is good.”

  “Well, for starters, it’s out of a bottle and not a box.” I snickered.

  “Right.” She took another big gulp.

  “You know, you could slow down and try enjoying it.” My brow furrowed.

  Maggie chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m a sleepy drunk, not sloppy in the least. And I really need some sleep.” She blew out a breath.

  “Tell me,” I murmured, as I steered her toward the patio. “I want to understand.”


  “I’m going to need more wine for this,” I whispered as I moved from his grasp over to the bottle. Acting purely on instinct, I filled my glass and moved to top his off.

  “What keeps you up at night? What has you so in knots you need alcohol to help you sleep?” Blaise smoothed my hair back from my face.

  “Can’t you let me be happy for one night?” I pleaded. “For a few minutes there, I was almost able to let it all go. For a tiny bit of time, I felt like myself.” I turned away and wandered lazily out to the patio. I could sense him, standing slightly behind me, watching. I felt his eyes on me a lot. I liked it. There had been no dating since my mother’s diagnosis. My life had stopped then. I’d accepted my fate. Still, having someone as attractive as Blaise Draco staring at me with such tenderness made me feel like a woman again.

  “You’re getting tense again,” he murmured as he moved closer to me. I could practically feel his warm breath on the triangle of my exposed neck. Blaise set his glass on the bistro table beside me. Then he placed both hands on my shoulders. “Yes. You’re definitely just as tight as you were before. I can fix it. I promised, remember?”

  “I remember. You promised you’d feed me too.” I felt pathetic, but I was trying desperately to return to the happy-go-lucky girl I’d been for a little while. I turned to face him. “Why do I feel comfortable with you?”

  His brow furrowed. “I don’t know, but I do understand. I feel it too.”

  “No, like from the moment I walked into this room.” I wrapped my arms around my body, causing the wine to slosh in the glass. Blaise reached out and removed it from my hand. “I don’t often feel like I fit anywhere, like I belong. Even in my own house, there’s a level of discomfort. But for some reason, this room had me opening up. Being near you has changed something in me.” I laid a hand on my chest. Something strange was going on behind my ribcage. Something really disconcerting. I felt all off balance.

  “I’ve never brought anyone home, let alone entertained anyone in my room.” He licked his lips. “I don’t understand it, but when I saw you at the show, I had to get to know
you. So, indulge me. Let’s figure this out together.”

  I reclaimed the wine glass from his hand and downed the rest of it in a few not so lady-like gulps. With a nod, I murmured, “Sure. Together. Yeah.” As exciting as it was to have him like me, it also terrified me. “Food first?”

  “So, the wine made you hungry and now you’re going to rush it through your system with food.” Blaise blew out a breath. “Right. I can’t imagine how this could go wrong. Fine. I’m here for you. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Thank you.” I grinned. Then I wandered over to the table. While the wine had held my attention when Fredo delivered the tray, he’d set more than that on the side table. Finally, I wanted to know what was under the silver lids.

  Blaise beat me to it. “Ah, miniature strawberry shortcakes. Oh, and look, he brought us roast beef sandwiches on homemade sourdough bread.” He chuckled as he pulled a flag out of the sandwich and passed it to me.

  “Eat me first,” I read. “I don’t remember falling down a rabbit hole, but it would explain so much.” I shrugged. “Fine. I’ll play the game. Gimme.” I held out grabby fingers and he shook his head as he passed it to me.

  “And at first glance, you seemed so civilized.” Then he lifted his sandwich and took a hefty bite. His lids lowered. After he swallowed, he mumbled, “You wouldn’t think a guy that cranky could make such a good meal.”

  “I don’t know that one has anything to do with the other.” I took a bite and shrugged.


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