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Page 12

by Julia Sykes

  Ana took one look at my disapproving expression and laughed. “I think you have an admirer of your own!” She shouted over the music, shooting a pointed glance toward the bar. I followed the direction of her gaze to find Craig – my crush from Med History – leaning casually against the bar along with a few other Sigma Alphas. He was regarding me with flagrant appreciation. As soon as our eyes locked, he left his friends and started toward me.

  “Do you know that guy?” Ana asked, watching him approach.

  “Yeah. He’s in one of my classes. This club is pretty popular with his fraternity. I’m just going to say hi. Will you be good for a sec?”

  “Sure. I’ll find someone to dance with.”

  I was mildly surprised that she would dance with a random guy when she was married, but I guessed it made sense, given what she had said about her husband not really caring about her. A little dancing never hurt anybody. It wasn’t like she was cheating or anything.

  I gave her hand a squeeze and turned to find Craig. He was only a few feet away, and he quickly closed the distance between us.

  “You want a screaming orgasm?” He asked with a roguish smile.

  “What?” I asked, shocked. Craig always seemed so sweet, and a little shy.

  He held out a small plastic cup, offering it to me. It was filled with milky liquid. Oh. He had bought me a screaming orgasm shot. Despite myself, one corner of my lips tugged up, and I reached for the cup.

  “Good choice,” I told him, touching my shot to his before taking it back. It was smooth and sweet and went down far too easily. “Thanks.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he teased. “Want to dance?”

  I hesitated for a moment. It felt wrong to dance with Craig. But he was everything I thought I wanted, wasn’t he? He wore expensive, preppy clothes and he carefully styled his hair. He was a Business major. His parents had a place in the Hamptons. He had even dropped hints about inviting me there next summer. Craig was the poster boy for nice and normal.

  “Sure.” Without allowing myself to think about it further, I wrapped my arms around his neck in invitation. His hands found my waist, and his hips began to move against mine in time to the music.

  Usually, this was the point where alcohol and man scent combined to make me horny. Only, Craig’s expensive cologne was doing nothing for me. It was cloying and far too sweet. The heat of his hands on me barely permeated my skin. Even though sweat glistened on his brow, I didn’t feel remotely warm.

  Javier. All I could think about was Javier. And in that moment, it pissed me off. I had wanted Craig for months, and now he was making his move. Javier didn’t try to touch me like this. Hell, I shouldn’t want him to touch me like this.

  I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t really notice when Craig leaned down into me. Shock jolted through me when his lips touched mine, and I instinctively tried to jerk away. His hand closed around the back of my head, and his arm tightened around my waist, holding me to him.

  Anger spiked through me, and I shoved my hands against his chest, pushing him away. He broke the kiss and stepped back, even though he could have easily held me against my will.

  “What the hell, Craig?” I demanded.

  To my surprise, he appeared more hurt than irritated. “I thought you liked me.”

  Confusion flooded me. “I do.” I had liked him for months. “I mean, I did. I don’t know. I can’t do this right now. Sorry.” I turned to find Ana, but his hand closed around my arm.

  “Wait, Charlotte. I’m sorry. Come have another drink with me?”


  “Charlotte!” Ana’s voice was higher than usual. I tugged free of Craig’s hold to search for my friend. My stomach dropped when I saw that Ramirez was gripping her upper arm hard, his face twisted in a scowl. “I have to go home.”

  “Wait!” I demanded, fixing Ramirez with a glare. Alcohol gave me courage. Well, it made me stupid, really. “She’s not going anywhere. We’re having girls’ night.” I couldn’t let Ana go home with her obviously furious husband. What if he beat her for dancing with another man?

  His eyes widened slightly in surprise before narrowing at me. “If I had known Ana was going out with Santiago’s wife, she never would have been allowed to leave the apartment. I checked the GPS on her cell when she wasn’t home, and I tracked her to this shithole. This won’t happen again. You’ll go home too if you know what’s good for you.”

  “Are you threatening me?” I demanded. “Javier won’t like that.”

  He sneered at me. “I don’t see you wearing his ring. You’re a slut, just like my Ana.”

  “She didn’t do anything!” I insisted, fear for my friend eclipsing worry for myself.

  “Go home, Charlotte. Please.” The lines of Ana’s face were drawn. Her concern helped sober me. It wasn’t a good idea to argue with Ramirez.

  “Is everything okay here?” Craig was back, coming to my rescue like the gentleman he was. But he had no idea what he was getting into. I had to get him clear of the King and diffuse the situation between Ana and her husband. The best way for me to do that was to drop it. I would talk to Javier about my concerns over Ramirez when I got home.

  “Yeah,” I told Craig with a forced smile. “We were just leaving.”

  He eyed Ramirez worriedly. “Can I walk you home?” He really was too damn perfect. Too bad I no longer felt even the mildest attraction to him.

  “You should call Javier,” Ana said nervously.

  I shook my head. “I’ll be fine.” No way did I want Javier to know I had been dancing with another man. That I had kissed another man. I hadn’t meant for it to happen, but that didn’t change the fact that it had. And I was certain I never wanted Javier to find out.

  “Will you be okay?” I asked Ana, but I fixed Ramirez with a hard stare as I spoke.

  “I’ll be fine,” she promised. “Really.” But her husband was already pulling her away, and it was obvious there was nothing I could do to stop him.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” Craig asked as I watched them disappear in the crowd.

  I shook my head. “No, thanks. I’m good.”

  I walked away from the man I should have wanted. But all I could think about was getting home to Javier.

  Chapter 13

  “Where have you been?” Javier demanded as soon as he set eyes on me. Disapproval and raw lust warred in his expression. My dress evidently had the desired effect.

  But I didn’t have time to think about that.

  “You have to help Ana,” I ordered immediately, my voice slurring only slightly.

  “Have you been drinking?” Disapproval won out over desire, and his censorious frown deflated some of my righteous anger.

  “Yes,” I admitted, pressing on. “I went out with Ana Lucia, but her asshole husband showed up and dragged her home. He was really pissed. I think he’s going to hurt her, Javier. You have to help her.”

  “And you walked home alone? Wearing that? And where’s your ring?” He was still stuck on disapproval.

  “I forgot to put it on again after class, okay? I had a rough day, and it slipped my mind.” He was missing the point.

  “That can’t happen, Charlotte. Especially if you ran into Ramirez. Do you have any idea what he might have done to you?”

  I stomped my foot. “Listen to me, damn it! He was threatening Ana, not me. You have to do something about it.”

  He took a sudden step forward, getting right up into my personal space. His hand closed around my jaw, tilting my head back so I was trapped in his hard black gaze.

  “No. You listen to me.” His voice was firm, with a softly dangerous quality to it that had never before been directed at me. I went utterly still and silent, sobering in response to his domineering treatment. “I can’t do anything against Ramirez. Not without good cause. His relationship with his wife is his business, and if I moved against him because of her, it wouldn’t end well for anyone. Ana most of all.�

  “But he might beat her,” I managed to protest weakly. “He was so angry.”

  The harsh lines around his mouth eased. “I’ve never known him to hurt Ana. I understand your concern, and I’m sorry I can’t do more for her. I can ask Miguel to check in on her, but nothing more.”

  “But what if he-”

  He touched his finger to my lips, silencing me. His eyes softened with sympathy. “Not every man is like your father. Ramirez might not love his wife, but that doesn’t mean he’ll abuse her.” Then his gaze sharpened again. “You are another matter. He wouldn’t hesitate to hurt you if he felt provoked. Please tell me you didn’t challenge him.”

  “I… I did kind of tell him to leave Ana alone.”

  “Kind of?” He arched a single dark eyebrow.

  I swallowed. “Okay, I did tell him to leave Ana alone. When it became obvious he wasn’t going to, I backed off. I’m not stupid.”

  He cocked his head at me, considering. “No, not stupid. But you behaved foolishly tonight. What were you thinking, talking to Ramirez like that? And walking home alone in that dress?” His eyes flicked to my cleavage, and I felt a surge of feminine satisfaction.

  Hard on its heels came remorse. I had disappointed him. I didn’t like that.

  “I’m sorry, Javier. I had a really bad fight with Rachel earlier and I needed to talk to Ana. I didn’t mean for anything bad to happen.”

  His eyes found mine again. “It’s okay, muñequita. I’m not angry. I was just worried about you. I’m glad you’re all right.”

  Relief and a hint of wonder bloomed within me. I had been conditioned to expect pain with a man’s disappointment. But Javier’s disapproval came from a place of concern, not anger. He only ever thought of my wellbeing. I felt a surge of gratitude toward him for showing me kindness that I had never known before. I had been right to trust him. And if I could trust him, what was wrong with wanting him? He was so close. His masculine scent infused the air around me, and his firm yet tender hold on my jaw reminded me of my sensual dream the night before.

  “I want you, Javier,” I confessed breathily.

  His lips turned down in a small frown, but he didn’t release me. “You’ve been drinking. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “I know exactly what I’m saying,” I insisted. “Do you know why I fought with Rachel? Why I needed to talk to Ana Lucia? It’s because I like you, Javier. I care about you. I was confused about what that meant, but I’m not confused anymore. Ana told me I should tell you how I feel, and that’s what I’m doing. Do you know how often I think about our kiss? How I think about how you held me at Decadence?”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw, and lines of strain appeared around his eyes. “I won’t take advantage of you, Charlotte. It’s my job to take care of you, and -”

  “If you want to take care of me, then you’ll help ease this ache inside me. I’m going crazier every day you don’t touch me.” The lingering buzz of alcohol helped me make my bold confession, but the yearning that had tormented me for weeks provided its own fuel.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” His voice was tight with frustration. But still, he didn’t release me, and he didn’t back away. He remained firmly in my personal space, as though he couldn’t bring himself to put distance between us.

  I touched my fingers to his jaw, trying to erase the tension there. “Then show me,” I begged.

  He cursed and closed the short distance between us. His lips came down on mine, hard and demanding. I met him with equal fervor, and I opened my mouth so my tongue could tangle with his. He growled and gripped my hips, his fingers digging into me. All his gentleness was gone, consumed by his raw need. I craved this treatment; it reached the primal part of my brain that wanted to revel in the basest pleasure. Pleasure I knew only Javier could give me.

  He shoved me back against the wall, and I moaned into his mouth at his show of power over me. I loved how small I felt in his strong arms.

  Even through his jeans, I could feel his cock straining for me, pressing into my belly. I reached between us and fumbled at his belt. His hands found the hem of my dress, shoving it roughly up over my thighs and ass so that it bunched around my waist as I finally freed him from his pants. I wanted to touch him, explore him, but he seized my wrists and pressed them against the wall above my head, holding them there with one hand. With his other, he reached into his back pocket.

  He tore his mouth away just long enough to rip open the condom wrapper with his teeth. His lips crushed to mine again as he sheathed himself.

  He reached between us and shoved my panties aside. My pussy was throbbing for him, my legs wet with my arousal. There were no thoughts and no tender, reassuring words. Only animalistic passion. I gave myself over to it completely, and so did Javier.

  He released my wrists to slide his hands under my thighs, and he lifted me as though I weighed nothing. My legs wrapped around his hips and my arms twined around the back of his neck to brace myself. His tongue surged into my mouth at the same time as his cock impaled me in one swift motion. Pain speared through me. My cry was muffled by our kiss, and he paused, giving me time to adjust to the unfamiliar intrusion. His fingers pressed into my thighs as his muscles tightened with the effort of holding himself back. The little bite of pain helped ground me to him. I trusted him. I wanted him. And despite my discomfort, there was still a persistent ache at my core that craved to be eased. Only the pleasure he gave me would free me from it.

  With that knowledge, I relaxed around him, my body welcoming him in. He lifted me slowly, and his cock slid almost all the way to my opening. Then he lowered me abruptly, driving all the way back into me. His hips ground against my clit, and hot lines of pleasure sizzled through me. He began to take me in earnest, driving in and out of me in a merciless, hungry rhythm. Sharp cries left me with each thrust. He caught them on his tongue, devouring the sounds of my lust.

  A terrible, exquisite pressure was building inside me, and my inner muscles grasped at him, seeking more. The head of his cock found a secret spot, and the pressure released in a shocking explosion. Ecstasy ripped through me, and I screamed into him. His cock began to jerk inside me in response. I felt the briefest moment of loss when his lips left mine, but then his teeth bit into my neck. The flare of pain only heightened my orgasm, making my vision go white as nearly unbearable pleasure wracked my system. He groaned against my neck as he came, and satisfaction flooded me at the knowledge that I had brought him perfect bliss as well.

  He slowly withdrew from me, and I shuddered as the friction caused little aftershocks of pleasure to crackle through my sex. He released me from his bite, caressing the sore area with his lips and tongue. If he hadn’t been holding me up, my knees would have buckled.

  One arm snaked around my upper back, and the other braced beneath my ass. I leaned into him, tucking my head against his chest as he carried me toward the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed, his gentleness returning now that the predator within him had finally been satisfied. His kiss turned languorous, and he took his time exploring my mouth rather than ravaging it. My tongue moved against his, no longer challenging but softly submitting.

  When he finally pulled away to allow me to breathe, he trailed kisses down my neck, paying special attention to the place where he had bitten me. My flesh was tender there after the harsh bite, and a sense of vulnerability washed over me at the reminder of the rough way he had claimed me. Even though my sex was sore, desire throbbed back to life at my core.

  Lying there with him hovering over me, touching me, I could hardly believe this was finally happening.

  “Thank you, Javier,” I murmured huskily.

  He pulled back from me and fixed me with a sharp grin. It sent a thrill of erotic trepidation shivering through my body. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  My breath hitched in my throat, and desire stirred once again. In truth, it had barely faded when he granted me that first sweet release. I craved another
. I craved him.

  “Get undressed. I want to see you.” It was a low, even order. Something tugged inside me in response, and I sat up without a thought. I reached behind me and slowly pulled down my zipper with slightly shaking hands. He watched me intently, his eyes nearly black with unconcealed lust. This was so different from our frenzied tugging on each other’s clothes in the hall. Nervousness made me pause, but he simply held me in his gaze, waiting silently for me to continue. Something about his bearing told me I had no other choice.

  I gripped the bottom of my dress where it was still bunched up around my waist and pulled it over my head. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and my breasts bounced free. I wasn’t sure if it was their increased size, but they felt heavier than I could ever recall. My nipples were tight and aching, matching the persistent need blooming at my core.

  Trapped in his dark stare, I didn’t break eye contact as I reached for my panties.

  “No. Leave them on. And the heels.” I shivered at his sensual command. “Lie back and spread your legs.”

  Automatically, I did as he demanded.


  I suppressed a needful moan as I complied, opening myself for his study. My thong pressed into my labia, applying torturous pressure. My body was stretched out before him. I felt like an offering, waiting to be devoured by a hungry god. Lust rolled through me as he simply studied me for long moments, his eyes raking over every inch of me. Even though I had been naked with other men – even more naked than I was now – I had never felt more exposed.

  “Touch yourself.”

  I took in a little gasp. “What?”

  “You said you think about our kiss all the time. I do too. And I know what you do in here while you think about me. Show me.”


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