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Page 16

by Julia Sykes

  I didn’t have to wait long. He entered me with an almost feral sound, stretching me in one ruthless movement. His fingers dug into my hips, holding my body in place while he fucked me hard. Strangled cries were forced from my throat with each jarring thrust. A part of my brain recognized pain, but I was caught on the riptide of his ferocious lust. It brought out my raw, base cravings, the need to be touched and fucked and utterly dominated.

  His hand fisted in my hair, tugging my head back so I arched against him, so he could penetrate impossibly deeper. I had a moment to register his thumb brushing along my folds, gathering up some of the wetness there, and then he was pressing against my asshole. I tried to squirm away. No one had ever touched me there.

  His other hand tightened in my hair, holding me in place. I couldn’t escape his onslaught. And I didn’t want to.

  “You belong to me, Charlotte,” he snarled. “All of you.”

  His thumb breached my opening. The act was deliciously forbidden. And unbelievably hot. He possessed me utterly, and I reveled in the release of being under his complete control. I didn’t have to be worried or scared. I didn’t have to pretend to be brave. I didn’t have to resist. He wasn’t giving me the choice.

  “Javier!” I came undone, screaming out his name as my orgasm tore through me. His harsh shout echoed around me, and his cock pulsed. Only when the last shudders of our pleasure had faded did he withdraw from me. We both collapsed onto the mattress, and he pulled me to him, draping my body over his.

  “I’m yours,” I murmured against his neck. “I’m yours.”

  Chapter 17

  “Do you know how many times I’ve fantasized about doing that to you?” Javier’s accent was thicker than usual, coming out in a low, satisfied rumble.

  Confusion threaded through my blissful, post-orgasmic haze, and I lifted my head from his hard chest so I could look him in the eye.

  “You’ve fantasized about spanking me?”

  He studied me carefully for a moment, assessing my mood. “Among other things,” he admitted.

  I idly traced the defined outline of his abs, curiosity filling me. “Like what?” I remembered the dirty, crude things he had said to me only minutes earlier, and I craved to hear more. He had treated my body harshly, but everything he had done had been out of an all-consuming desire to possess me and protect me. I had never felt more cherished than I did under his merciless erotic assault.

  He sighed. “Things you’re not ready for. Things I shouldn’t want from you.”

  “What do you mean? Is this because of my past? Because of how my father treated me? I understand you’re not like him, Javier. You’re not abusing me. This is different. I like it.”

  His lopsided grin was almost regretful. “I know you do. That’s why I can’t resist. Even though what I’m doing to you is wrong.” I opened my lips to protest, but he pressed two fingers against them. “You’re very young, Charlotte. You don’t understand what it is I want from you. Besides, I told myself I was done with all that, anyway.” He spoke softly, but I detected an edge of pain in his voice.

  “Done with what?” I prompted. “What do you want from me? Because whatever it is, I think I want it too.”

  His eyes flared with hunger, and something more: yearning.

  “You can talk to me, Javier,” I whispered, touching my fingertips to his tightened jaw. “Trust me.”

  He blew out a long breath and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. When he opened them again, they were a rich, earnest brown.

  “Do you know what BDSM is, Charlotte?”

  “BDSM?” Everything suddenly clicked into place; his possessiveness, his harsh brand of lovemaking, his desire to punish me. “So you’re into, like, Fifty Shades stuff?”

  His brow furrowed. “What’s Fifty Shades?”

  I blinked, uncertain I had heard him correctly. Who didn’t know about Fifty? “You know. Fifty Shades of Grey. You’re like Christian Grey.”

  His eyes darkened. “You mean you’ve had another Dom before me?”

  “What? No!” Then his meaning sank in. “Wait. You want to be my Dom? Oh my god, you are like Christian Grey! Minus the Red Room of Pain. And, you know, there’s the whole Latin Kings thing.”

  His expression turned fierce, and his black eyes narrowed. “I don’t want to be compared to your ex-boyfriends. And I would never have something called a Red Room of Pain. Who is this asshole, and why did you date him?”

  I couldn’t help it. I burst into a fit of giggles. Javier was jealous. Of a fictional character. It was actually kind of adorable.

  “Charlotte,” he snapped. “I’m being serious.”

  I gulped in several deep breaths, struggling to keep in my laughter. “Christian Grey is a character in a book,” I explained, grinning. “Like, everyone at Hudson U has read Fifty Shades of Grey. I thought everyone on the planet had read it.”

  Javier’s brows drew together, anger giving way to confusion. “Everyone is reading a book about BDSM?”

  I nodded. “There are three books, actually.”

  “And you like these books?”

  “Oh my god, I love them!” I said with fangirl enthusiasm.

  His annoyed expression shifted to a predatory grin. “So what does this Christian Grey do in these books that you like so much?”

  My amusement with his jealousy turned swiftly to embarrassment, and I shifted uncomfortably. “Um, you know. Kinky stuff.”

  His lips tugged up at one corner. “What kind of kinky stuff?”

  My cheeks burned. It was one thing to gush over how dreamy Christian was with Rachel, but admitting how turned on I got when reading sex scenes was entirely different. “Like, bondage and blindfolds and stuff,” I rattled off in a rush.

  Now he was the one smothering a laugh. “And stuff?” He mocked. “Is that stuff you would like to try?”

  I glanced away, no longer able to meet his dancing eyes. “I don’t know,” I mumbled.

  He caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger, redirecting my gaze to his. “Don’t you?” His warm breath teased across my lips, and I shivered. “Tell me.” I hesitated, but he didn’t release me from his intense eyes. “You promised to obey me, Charlotte. Now I’m ordering you to tell me what you want.”

  “I think you know,” I hedged.

  “I do. But I want to hear you say it. I want you to ask me for it.”

  “I…” I swallowed. “I don’t know what to ask for.”

  He brushed a doting kiss across my forehead. “So innocent, muñequita. Let me help you.” In a move faster than I could follow, he flipped me onto my back and settled his body over mine. His long fingers encircled my wrists, pressing them into the mattress on either side of my head. I stared up at him, wide-eyed and waiting for more.

  He dipped his head toward me, nuzzling my neck. His hot lips teased across my skin, his tongue tracing a scorching line from just below my ear to my shoulder. He nipped at the sensitive flesh there, and I cried out as the little flash of pain sent a searing line of desire straight to my clit.

  “You like when I hold you down,” he whispered in my ear. “You like being at my mercy.” His teeth closed around my earlobe, and my hips ground up against him in response. “You want me to take control. Don’t you?”

  “Yes!” The admission came out on a soft moan. With those few harsh touches and dark words, my body was practically thrumming for him.

  He bit my shoulder again, and I gasped. “Ask me for it. Tell me how much you want it.”

  There was something more to his demand than just a desire for dirty talk. He needed to hear me say that I wanted him to treat me this way. He needed my permission before he went any further.

  “I want you to take control, Javier.” My voice was clear and calm. “Please.”

  His kiss was merciless, but it was different from the hungry way he had taken my mouth in the past. This was more deliberate, controlled. A calm strength seemed to have settled over him, and all of the frenzied energ
y with which he had ravaged me before was channeled into something that was somehow even more overwhelming. His lips moved against mine in a ruthless assault on my senses, tugging and sucking until all the nerve endings there came alive. I opened for him, inviting him in. I could feel his arrogant smile against my mouth just before his tongue stroked in. He entered in teasing forays, until I arched up into him, silently begging for more. Only then did he take me in earnest, his tongue penetrating me with erotic intent. He didn’t let up until I was just as desperate for breath as I was for his touch.

  When he pulled away, my chest rose and fell in little short pants, and my head was spinning. His cocky grin nearly took my breath away all over again. I had never seen him look so at ease with himself. He needed this. He needed me, needed to dominate me. My pussy quivered at the thought.

  His fingers tightened around my wrists. “Stay.”

  Then he released me, his comforting weight leaving me as he pushed himself up off the bed. My body nearly followed his of its own accord, seeking to keep his hard one pressed against mine. I bit my lip and resolutely stayed where he had placed me. My position left me completely open and vulnerable to him; my breasts and sex were exposed, and he had placed my arms where I couldn’t cover myself out of self-consciousness.

  When he turned from me to rummage in the closet, I caught my first full sight of him from the back. I couldn’t help licking my lips. His shoulders were defined, his thighs powerful, and his ass was practically a work of art. Although I was sexually innocent, I had been with a few naked men in my time. None of them had come close to Javier’s perfection.

  He pushed aside my clothes and unlocked the mysterious trunk with a key he retrieved from the shelf set high up at the top of the closet. I never would have thought to look there; I was too short to have reached that far back anyway.

  Satisfied with what he found, he returned to me, his grin still firmly in place. But I only took in his joyous expression for a moment before my eyes fell on what he held: a length of coiled rope and a scrap of silky black material.

  I swallowed against my sudden trepidation. This was moving far too fast. I enjoyed rough sex with Javier – I even enjoyed him spanking me – but I had never experienced anything close to this.

  He was on me before I had the chance to scoot away, his body pinning me in place.

  “I told you to stay,” he said softly. “And you promised to obey me. Didn’t you?”

  “Y-yes,” I stammered.

  Setting the blindfold aside, he touched the rope to my cheek. I expected it to be scratchy, but I was surprised to find that the roughness was a pleasant sensation. He brushed it over my lips. They were still sensitive from his kiss, and I shivered as my nerve endings crackled in response.

  He watched my reactions intently, one corner of his lips quirked up. “I believe you mentioned bondage and blindfolds and stuff. We can start with the bondage and blindfold. Then we can figure out the stuff you like.”

  “Wait. Javier…” His name was tremulous on my lips, and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. Did I want to protest? Or beg him to continue?

  He kissed me gently and trailed the rope down the column of my neck. The feel of the rough material against my vulnerable throat made me tremble, but it wasn’t the result of fear.

  “If you want this to stop, all you have to do is say it.” His lips vibrated against mine as he spoke.

  “N-no. I don’t want you to stop.”

  He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Good girl. Now give me your wrists.”

  I held out my hands and offered myself to him. I trusted him completely, and my body was burning for more of his domineering treatment. My breath quickened as I watched him uncoil the rope. Seconds later, he looped it over my wrists, binding them together. He held the length of it, watching me with open curiosity. He gave a little tug, demonstrating that I was now leashed to him. My core contracted in response, and I let out an involuntary, needy whimper. His grin returned, cutting and almost cruelly pleased.

  Slowly, he pulled the rope upward until my arms were fully extended above my head. He then looped it through one of the slats on the headboard, securing me so my body was stretched out beneath him. I gave an experimental pull, testing my restraints. I barely moved an inch. Warmth bloomed within me, and that strange, heady sensation that had filled me when he spanked me returned. I let out a long, shuddering breath, my body relaxing into my bonds. His nostrils flared in response, and his eyes darkened with familiar hunger. He brushed his thumbs over my hardened nipples, and I squirmed at the almost painful pleasure of being touched there.

  “Perfect,” he murmured. “I knew you’d be like this. I knew it.” His gaze turned inward, and it seemed the words were meant as much for him as they were for me. Perhaps more so.

  Then he focused on me again, and his smile returned. “Let’s find out exactly what it is you want.”

  He slipped the blindfold over my eyes. The elastic band held it securely against my eyelids, and my head automatically thrashed in an instinctive effort to knock it free and regain my sight.

  His calloused palms closed against my cheeks, stilling my frantic twisting.

  “You’re safe, Charlotte,” he said gently. “You’re with me.”

  I drew in two deep breaths and nodded. Calm washed back over me at the knowledge of my complete trust in him, and my body softened.

  One hand left my face to stroke the undersides of my breasts, and the other hooked beneath my jaw, holding me in place so he could study my reactions.

  My nipples ached for him to touch them, to pinch and pull at them and give me more of that sweet, intoxicating pain. I whined when his hands moved away from my breasts. His low chuckle tickled across my skin as his touch skimmed over my abdomen. His fingers danced around my clit, slowly tracing my folds before sliding inside me. I opened for him easily, my slick arousal easing his entry. I gasped and ground my hips upward, seeking more stimulation. His palm pressed against my sex, and his fingers crooked inside me, gripping my pussy and forcing my hips back down against the mattress.

  “No,” he ordered calmly. “Don’t move. Don’t speak. I want your body to answer me.”

  “What?” I asked faintly, not understanding.

  I had a moment to register his hot breath on my mouth before his teeth bit into my lower lip. I gasped at the resultant sting.

  “Not another word, or I’ll gag you.”

  Gag me? I could barely imagine it. My sweet, caring Javier would do that to me? But the part of me that had long ago fallen for the darker side of him quivered in response to his erotic threat. My inner muscles clenched around his fingers. His cocky laugh held an edge of delight.

  “Would you like that, Charlotte?” His voice was somehow deeper than usual. “Do you want me to slip a gag between those perfect lips? I could do anything I wanted to you, and you couldn’t say no.”

  My core convulsed around him, and he let out a little satisfied rumble.

  Keeping himself seated within me, he brought his other hand to my mouth. Two fingers pressed between my lips, sliding along my tongue. I closed around him, gently sucking as he filled my mouth in the same way he filled my pussy.

  “What about taking my cock between these lips?” The words were husky with lust. “Do you know how I’ve ached these last months, dreaming of fucking your mouth?” His fingers pumped between my lips, and I moaned at the gentle scrape of his callouses against my tongue. I wondered what the smooth skin of his cock would feel like, and my core quivered.

  “We’ll add blowjobs to the list of stuff you like,” he said with amusement.

  His fingers stayed firmly pressed against my tongue, but his lips were suddenly at my nipples, brushing against them as he spoke dirty words across my skin.

  “Your nipples are very sensitive,” he informed me. “I like that. I wonder if you could handle clamps?” His teeth closed around my nipple, biting sharply. I cried out, but I arched into him rather than pulling away from the pain.
His tongue flicked the tip of my trapped bud, and a strangled sound clawed its way up my throat.

  He released me from his bite, licking and sucking until the pain turned to something hot and delicious. It made my clit pulse in response, and my pussy fluttered around his fingers again.

  “I think that’s a yes,” he said with satisfaction. “I could get you some clamps with little sapphires dangling from them. Wouldn’t that be pretty? They would match your eyes. I wouldn’t want to blindfold you for that. I’d make you watch while I tortured your breasts.”

  He bit down on my other nipple, tugging at it with his teeth. I let out a harsh shout as pleasure and pain assaulted my senses, muddling my mind until all that existed was the feel of his touch upon me. I couldn’t move away; I couldn’t see what he was doing to me. He had total control over my body, and it craved more of his twisted seduction.

  He sucked my tormented nipple hard, releasing it with a soft popping sound. My inner muscles fluttered around him. He hadn’t moved within me, but his dirty talk had me at the edge of orgasm.

  Slowly, he withdrew one finger from my wet folds. I clamped down around him, my pussy fighting to keep him in. Then all my muscles stiffened when he brushed against my asshole. I remembered how his thumb had penetrated me while he fucked me from behind, how utterly helpless I had been to resist his violation of the most taboo part of my body. He had claimed all of me; he demanded that I give him everything.

  “I want to fuck your ass, Charlotte.” His accent was so thick that I struggled to process the words.


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