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Wind Rider

Page 17

by Connie Mason

  He tore his mouth abruptly from hers and stared at her. Hannah met his gaze. She felt swollen, close to exploding. He climbed atop her and she arched upward to meet him. He slid down her body and lowered his head. Wind Rider’s glance met hers for the space of a heartbeat, and then she felt his breath touch her. Fierce pleasure radiated inside her. His thumbs held her open and his mouth ravished her. The wet sweep of his tongue brought wave after wave of rapturous spasms. They continued unabated as his tongue continued to circle her relentlessly, endlessly. If this was Wind Rider’s idea of punishment, Hannah thought dimly, then she would suffer it gladly, ecstatically. She cried out again and surrendered to another wave of potent, heady pleasure.

  The spiraling, throbbing splendor had not yet receded when Wind Rider rose to his knees, spread her legs and thrust his engorged sex into her, dropping frenzied kisses over her face, her breasts, and finally on her mouth. He could have climaxed instantly but forced himself to control the hot blood thundering through his veins. It was too soon .. . too soon ...

  Unaware of the battle Wind Rider was waging as he strained over her, Hannah jerked her hips up to meet his frantic strokes. Wind Rider cried out, calling upon the Spirit Above to calm him. Desperate to contain the wild thrusting of her hips, he anchored them to the bed with his hard hands. But Hannah was beyond the point of no return as she cried out and hurtled toward a second climax fully as dramatic as the one she had just experienced. Wind Rider felt his own control slipping and kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Then he removed his hands from her hips and let her have her way.

  He pumped himself into her, deep, hard, huge. Hannah felt fierce joy in his violent penetration, pulsing inside her so hot, so deep, as she contracted around him. They came together. This time the pleasure was so intense, tears streamed down Hannah’s cheeks. Moments later he collapsed atop her.

  Wind Rider rolled over and stared at the ceiling. Nothing had turned out as he meant it to. Instead of punishing Hannah as he’d intended, he’d ended up giving her pleasure and receiving pleasure in return. He wanted to believe Hannah, but Red Cloud had had no reason to lie about her eagerness to leave him. Spotted Doe was another story entirely. Wind Rider knew that his second wife was jealous of Hannah, and lying would have come easily to her.

  “Wind Rider.” The words whispered past her lips on a breathless sigh.

  He turned to look at her. Her face was flushed, her eyes a luminous green, and her lips were swollen from his kisses. He thought her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. “What is it, Little Sparrow?”

  “I don’t want to return to Mr. Harley. Will you take me with you?”

  “Will you return with me to Red Cloud’s village?”

  “You want to go back?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “No,” she said slowly. “I don’t want you to return to the Indian way of life and I won’t go with you.” They were the most difficult words she’d ever uttered. “I’m afraid. I don’t want you to die, and that’s what will happen if you return to Red Cloud’s village. You’ll go on the warpath again, and maybe the next time you won’t return. Please, Wind Rider, don’t go back.”

  “Would you prefer to return to Mr. Harley?”

  “I’ll be free in less than seven years. And maybe,” she said hopefully, “he’d be willing to sell my indenture and I’d be free sooner.”

  “I have no money.”

  “You can work. It’s the way of society. Men work and earn money.”

  “So I can buy your indenture?”

  She stared at him. “I didn’t say that. I’ll go away with you, anywhere you say, but not back to Red Cloud. You don’t belong there. You’re white, not Indian.”

  He turned toward her, placing a finger beneath her chin and tilting it upward. “Look at me. I don’t know if it’s possible to live my life as a white man. I’m twenty-five years old. I’m so thoroughly Indian, my own culture is strange to me. I can just barely remember my own mother and father.”

  “Your sister returned,” she reminded him.

  “Not without a fight.” Wind Rider smiled in recollection. “She fought Zach every step of the way. She left him on more than one occasion to return to White Feather and the People.”

  “I’d like to meet her,” Hannah said wistfully.

  “Perhaps one day you will.”

  “Do you believe me when I say that I didn’t tell Trent that you raped and abused me?”

  “Perhaps,” he allowed. “You call him Trent. I didn’t know you were on such intimate terms with him.” He scowled, remembering how he had seen them speaking together, heads bent toward one another, almost like lovers. “Have you lain with him?”

  Hannah gasped. “Wind Rider! I would never do such a thing and you know it.” She turned away, disappointment bitter on her tongue.

  “No, don’t turn away.” He grabbed her roughly and pulled her back to face him.

  She felt his heat press against her, breast to breast, thigh to thigh, and knew he wanted her again. His sex was hard, heavy, probing into the softness between her legs. He lowered his head, finding her mouth, his own mouth open and wet. He kissed her hard, bruising her lips. Hannah whimpered, feeling his urgency, his need, his confusion, his utter desperation. His life was changing and he didn’t want to accept it. Nothing would ever be the same for him, and her heart went out to him.

  “I want you, Hannah. I’ll never stop wanting you. You have bewitched me.” A shudder swept through him.

  A scant moment later he was driving himself into her. She gasped, trying to adjust to his hard, quick strokes as he slid into her and pumped violently. She could not bear it. She clasped him tightly around the neck and moved against him. It was too wild to last long, too sweet to prolong. The moment he heard her cry out and felt her contract around him, he shouted and spilled himself into her.

  “Yes,” he said, the moment his breathing slowed to a steady pounding.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I’ll take you with me. We’ll go where no one knows us. I’ll even find work and try to get along with the white eyes.”

  Hannah couldn’t recall when she’d felt such incredible joy. “You won’t be sorry, Wind Rider. Ill be a good wife to you. But we must hurry; Trent is escorting me to Denver tomorrow.”

  “There is still time. It’s best to leave in the dead of night, while the fort is sleeping. That’s still several hours away. Sleep, Little Sparrow. I will awaken you when it is time.”

  Trusting Wind Rider completely, Hannah fell into an exhausted sleep. Then the unthinkable happened. Tired from his long ride to the fort and his vigorous lovemaking, Wind Rider slipped into a deep slumber. He didn’t awaken until he heard pounding on the front door, and he realized it was full daylight.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Through a mist of sleep, Wind Rider heard the commotion at the door and jerked awake, horrified to see daylight streaming through the window. He groaned in dismay and jumped out of bed. Hannah awoke nearly at the same time.

  “Oh, my God, what happened? It’s daylight.” She leaped from bed, too distraught to care that she was naked. When she turned to Wind Rider she saw that he was already struggling into his clothes.

  “I do not know how it happened,” Wind Rider gritted out harshly.

  “Hannah, are you in there? Answer me, please. We leave in fifteen minutes.”

  “It’s Trent! How could we have overslept? What should I do?”

  The lieutenant’s voice carried easily through the small house. “Hannah! Are you there?” The doorknob rattled.

  “Answer him!” Wind Rider whispered harshly. “Tell him you overslept, but that you’ll be ready in time.”

  Suddenly realizing that she stood as naked as the day she was born, Hannah grabbed a blanket from the bed, wrapped it around herself, and approached the front door. “I’m awake, Trent. I overslept, but I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.”

  “Are you all right, Hannah? Your voice so
unds funny.”

  ”I—I’m fine, just groggy from sleep.”

  “We’ll be waiting for you in front of headquarters. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  When his footsteps faded away Hannah returned to Wind Rider, who was fully dressed now and had one leg through the back window. “It will only take me a few minutes to dress; then we can leave together through the window.”

  Wind Rider sent her a bleak look. “That’s no longer possible, Little Sparrow. It’s daylight. You will be seen leaving. There is no way now that we can leave together.”

  Hannah stared at him. “You want me to go with Trent and the patrol?” A shudder swept through her. “How can you leave me behind after last night? I can’t go back to Mr. Harley.”

  Grasping her shoulders, Wind Rider pulled her against him and kissed her hard. “Be reasonable. We can’t leave together, not now. You have to go with the blue coats. I will follow and strike when they least expect it. It will take many days to reach Denver. Be prepared at all times, for I will be following behind you.”

  “I’m afraid. What if they see you?”

  He gave her a cocky grin. “Have you forgotten that I was raised by Indians? They taught me well.”

  Before she could offer further protest Wind Rider kissed her again and slipped through the window. He walked nonchalantly to the place where he had left his horse, and by the time Hannah stepped from the house to join Lieutenant Gilmore, he was lounging in the shadowed doorway of a building only a few feet away—close enough to hear what was being said.

  “There you are,” Gilmore greeted her cheerily. “You look flushed; I hope I didn’t rush you too much. I’d hoped to get an early start.”

  Hannah shook her head in a negative motion. I’m fine. I’m sorry I overslept. How long will it take to reach Denver?”

  “I thought you’d be more comfortable riding at a leisurely pace in a wagon, and that will stretch our time to at least ten days.”

  Since she was a poor rider, Hannah thought his reasoning sensible. And if they didn’t ride too fast, she thought Wind Rider would have less difficulty following them.

  “I haven’t told you my good news yet,” Gilmore said, beaming. “I hope you’ll be as pleased by my surprise as I am.”

  “Surprise?” Hannah had a sneaking suspicion she wasn’t going to like his “surprise.”

  He placed an arm around her shoulders, giving her an intimate hug. Hannah stiffened but said nothing.

  “You’ve probably wondered why you’ve remained at Fort Laramie so long instead of being taken to Denver immediately.” Hannah stared at him, waiting for him to continue. She had been curious, but had assumed it had something to do with an escort not being available. “It’s taken this long for me to get myself transferred to the Colorado militia in Denver. The captain just received word that my request for transfer has been granted. And I hope a promotion will follow. Do you know what that means, Hannah? It means I’ll be able to keep an eye on you. With me nearby, Mr. Harley will be less likely to mistreat you. And maybe,” he hinted, “with enough pressure, hell sell your indenture. We’ll deal well together, Hannah; you need someone to protect you.”

  He hugged her closer, ignoring the men who were staring at them. Hannah felt heat rise to her cheeks. Why was Trent doing this? What did he want from her? His brazen behavior confused and humiliated her. Did he think she was a whore? Did he think less of her because she had been Wind Rider’s woman? What role did he expect her to play in his life? She tried to pull away; the greedy look in his eyes sent chills down her spine.

  “It’s a long way to Denver,” he murmured, for her ears alone. “We can get to know one another better.” He placed his hands around her waist to lift her onto the wagon seat.

  Wind Rider’s teeth were clenched so tightly, he felt the pain clear up to his temples. When the lieutenant placed his arm around Hannah’s shoulders he wanted to leap the distance between them and tear him away. And when the lieutenant’s hands circled her waist Wind Rider pushed himself away from the doorway, his face contorted with rage. Glancing over Gilmore’s shoulder, Hannah saw Wind Rider moving resolutely toward her, and she gasped out his name. If there had been anything she could have done to stop him, she would have done it, but he didn’t even glance at her. His furious silver gaze was focused entirely on the hapless lieutenant.

  “Wind Rider, no!”

  Gilmore heard Hannah, and his hands dropped from her waist. He whirled to confront the enraged man storming toward him, his hand on his weapon. Wind Rider recognized the rashness of his act, but by then it was too late. He didn’t stop until they stood toe to toe. His eyes were hard, unpredictable, dangerous.

  “Take your hands off my woman.” The quiet menace in his voice was unmistakable.

  Gilmore stared at him, astounded. “Wind Rider? You’re Wind Rider, the Indian who raped Miss McLin? Damn! You’re not even an Indian!

  If you’re not full-blooded white I’ll resign my commission.” He slanted an accusatory glance at Hannah. “Why didn’t you tell me Wind Rider was a white Indian?”

  Hannah’s lips trembled. Wind Rider had gone and done it now. Though he was white, they would still call him a savage and treat him accordingly. ”I-I didn’t think it was important,” she stammered. “Besides, Wind Rider didn’t...”

  “Don’t try to deny it, Hannah,” Gilmore said sternly. “I can see how frightened you are of the man. Don’t worry; I won’t let him hurt you again.”

  “No, you don’t understand.”

  “I understand only too well. Rumors have been flying for a long time about a white Indian, but the army put no stock in them. What do you want, Wind Rider? Do you have a white name?”

  “My name is Larson, Ryder Larson. I want my woman.”

  Gilmore laughed harshly. “I’m taking her back to Denver, to her master. You do know she’s an indentured servant, don’t you?”

  “Hannah is my wife.”

  “Your whore, you mean.” Hannah cried out in dismay at Trent’s harsh assessment of her. “You must know that even if you did marry her in some heathen ceremony, it isn’t legal.”

  “Go away, Wind Rider. Can’t you see you’re only making matters worse?” Hannah’s voice was shrill with fear. “I am ready to go with you, Trent.” She placed a hand on his arm, trying to draw his attention from Wind Rider. She’d do anything to keep Wind Rider safe.

  Wind Rider saw Hannah’s gesture, heard her place herself in Gilmore’s protection, and his temper exploded. “You will go with no man but me.” He grasped her arm, intending to pull her away, but Gilmore reacted swiftly.

  “Sergeant MacGregor, arrest that man!”

  Immediately, a burly man advanced toward Wind Rider, brandishing his weapon. When it looked as if Wind Rider would resist Gilmore said, “Privates Pilcher and Mickley, help MacGregor.”

  In growing horror Hannah saw the three men surround Wind Rider, cutting off all avenues of escape. A sob lodged in her throat. What would they do to him?

  Wind Rider stood very still. His uncontrollable temper had thrust him into a dangerous situation. What had happened to the restraint he had learned at the knee of his Cheyenne father? he wondered dimly. In the end, his white blood had prevailed over his Indian upbringing, and he grieved for the loss of that part of himself he considered Indian. Calmly, almost too calmly, he considered his chances for escape and found them severely limited. He sent Hannah a look so filled with venom, it nearly broke her heart. Did he really think she wanted to go with Trent?

  “What should we do with the man, Lieutenant?” Sergeant MacGregor asked once they had Wind Rider subdued.

  “Put him in chains and throw him in the stockade, Sergeant. Tell the sergeant of the guard not to release him under any circumstances.”

  “What are the charges, sir? Captain Purdue will want to know.”

  “Rape, for one thing. I’ll get a deposition from Miss McLin to verify the charges. And his activities with the Indians will need further inve
stigation. Tell Captain Purdue 111 conduct the investigation from Denver and wire him the results. Meanwhile, let him rot in the stockade.” He turned to Hannah and smiled. “Didn’t I tell you I’d protect you from the savage? He’ll not harm you again.”

  A choking sensation rose up to steal Hannah’s breath as Sergeant MacGregor poked Wind Rider forward with his gun. He paused once to glare at her over his shoulder. He raised his clenched fist, then quickly lowered it. But it was all the sign Hannah needed. She knew by that brief gesture that he would find her somehow, to punish her for this perceived wrong.

  “Are you ready to leave, Hannah?” Gilmore asked, pleased with the way he had handled the situation.

  “What will happen to Wind Rider?”

  “That’s for the army to decide. Rape is a serious charge. There is also the matter of his going on the warpath with the Indians. I can’t believe he’s actually a white Indian. What do you know about him?”

  “Not much,” Hannah lied. “I think he was raised by the Cheyenne. But he didn’t rape me. We were married according to Indian rites.”

  Gilmore frowned. “Don’t defend him, Hannah. I know you were forced. There’s no court in the country that will fail to convict him if he’s brought to trial. Forget him; he’ll never hurt you again. Concentrate on the future. I’ve transferred to Denver just so I could take care of you.”

  “You don’t care that I’ve been Wind Rider’s woman?”

  “Oh, I care. I’d like to kill the bastard.” He leered at her. “Still, he must have taught you something while you were his woman.”

  Hannah gasped in dismay. The longer she was with Trent Gilmore, the more she distrusted him.

  What Gilmore didn’t say was that while she wasn’t exactly the kind of woman he’d bring home to his mother, he was no longer living in the South. Western standards were different. Women were scarce, and Hannah McLin was beautiful enough to forgive her lapse as long as she was repentant. She was far lovelier than any woman he’d seen here so far. He doubted he’d ever marry her, given her unsavory history, but he certainly hadn’t anything against being her protector and lover.


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