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Dangerous trio 3

Page 2

by Jana Leigh

  Slipping into her slippers, she wandered out into the hallway. Once again, the man was waiting for her, leaning against the wall across from her door this time.

  Now, she had wished she had spent a little more time making herself look presentable. The sweats she was wearing were not that flattering, and she had combed her hair but she had not put any make up on.

  “Now what?” She asked groaning at the thought of having to relive her humiliation.

  “Nothing, just waiting so I could accompany you to the dining room. Edith the cook has made a brunch of sorts since no one was up for breakfast early. We are the first ones up, so I thought I would wait for you.” He explained and took her arm in his hand and pulled her with him toward the main area of the house.

  When they arrived yesterday, Ginny had been surprised her friends had had been able to keep this house a secret for so long. They had wanted to surprise Calli with it to convince her they were serious about wanting to take care of her. The 12

  house had state of the art security as well as everything you could possibly want, including a two story guesthouse that Bailey, Noah, and Dallas were staying in.

  The living area was huge and had a comfortable couch and chairs surrounding the biggest television she had ever seen. The kitchen was as big and nice as the rest of the house. It also held a huge table the cook used to place all the things she was cooking, just waiting for someone to show up and eat. There were eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, biscuits, gravy, and that was just for starters. She could see the woman making pancakes and on the stove, she saw what looked like breakfast burritos warming.

  Andres pulled out the chair for her and she sunk into the soft cushion while her stomach growled. He laughed and said, “Let me get you a plate.”

  “Crap,” she muttered and smiled politely when he brought her a plate and cup.

  She just watched as he piled food on her plate and filled her cup with coffee. He never even asked her what she wanted. How rude! She thought and then picked up her fork and tasted some of the eggs.

  He placed the creamer and sugar in front of her then he chuckled as she groaned and closed her eyes when the wonderful tastes exploded in her mouth. “Edith, you are a wonderful cook.” She announced and smiled at the older woman.

  “Thank you, my dear,” she beamed and went back to cooking.

  It only took a few minutes for the rest of her friends to start filtering into the kitchen, all exclaiming about the wonderful smells that were floating through the air. The cook made their mouths water even more when she said she planned to make homemade tortillas and tacos for dinner.

  “Margaritas?” Dallas said, looking at the hung-over women in the room.


  “Pass! I believe I humiliated myself enough last night.” Ginny said into her coffee cup.

  Both of the girls glared at Andres before trying to assure her she did not. Andres held up his hand in defense and said, “Hey don"t look at me, I tried for two hours to get her to talk to me last night. Then I spent the rest of the night in the bathroom waiting to see if she came out of her room.” Ginny looked up at him in surprise, “What?”

  Dallas cleared his throat and said, “Ginny, are you okay?” Noah, Steve, and Jolly looked up waiting for her answer. She grinned because she knew if she said one word to the contrary, they would kick Andres"s ass. They were worse than her brothers, but at least they thought she could find a man.

  They just wanted her to be happy and safe, though according to Noah, well fucked, was also added to the list.

  “I am fine, guys. Andres was a perfect gentleman.” She muttered.

  “That sucks!” Calli said glaring again at Andres, who raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Hang on, let"s give him a chance to explain why he was given the green light by Ginny, and then refused her offer.” Bailey said.

  What the hell had happened last night? She thought, looking around the table at her friends. Things were a little fuzzy but she was sure she had not completely erased what had happened.


  “Whoa there! This is not a Big Brother show here. I prefer to discuss some things in private.” Andres growled at the group.

  “Well, sorry to tell you big guy, nothing is sacred when it comes to us. We are the club Dangerous originals and we discuss everything together.” Jolly chimed in.

  Andres looked around the room and everyone agreed but Ginny, who still had her face buried in her cup of coffee. He was certain if she looked up, she would have a deer in the headlights look.

  “Okay then, I"m not in the club so I will have to refrain from partaking here.” He grumbled.

  “Oh, didn"t you hear? We voted you in last night, so yes you are a member.

  Tonight you have to dance naked in the full moon light and swear your devotion to our group.” Bailey laughed.

  “Dancing naked? When did we miss you doing that? Dammit Dal, did you take her over to the club?” Noah asked.

  “Not yet, I think she may need a little discipline though.” Dallas growled at Bailey who clapped her hands and laughed at her men.

  “Don"t I wish!” Calli grumbled. “One of my men is wounded and the other is too wrapped up in work! Last night I had to take care of myself.” Calli complained.

  “Oh no, you did not just say that!” Steve yelled and stood up. Calli jumped and ran around the table with Steve hot on her heels. Jolly laughed and rolled his wheelchair and joined the chase trying to block Calli as she raced around the kitchen.


  The others cheered her on until Steve caught her and threw her over his shoulder.

  “You will have to excuse us for a while; clearly we have to show our little lady here who wears the pants in this family.” He growled and spanked her on the ass before heading back towards their section of the house.

  Jolly rolled after them and yelled at their guests, “Make yourself at home, and do not be worried if you hear a little screaming!” Dallas and Noah chuckled and looked at Bailey hungrily. “Do not get any ideas boys; I just got cleaned up from last night.” She warned and squeaked when Dallas pulled her away from the table.

  Noah grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at Ginny and Andres, “I love it when she squeaks.”

  Ginny chuckled as her friends took Bailey and a plate of food and went towards the guesthouse. “See ya later,” she called.

  Andres looked at his food, feeling a little out of place. There was a playful atmosphere in the house considering their situation. Ginny and him were alone again sitting at the long table partially emptied of food. When he had met her the first time, he felt a pull towards her. She was quiet and shy, but drop dead gorgeous and she had no clue that he was attracted to her.

  He picked up his cup of coffee and smiled into it. He thought, what better time to have a little fun? Over the last few years, he had had little to no time to find a girlfriend. He had been so busy with his work and taking care of his grandmother, he had no time to himself.

  His job had been demanding and lately he had been thinking of making a few changes. He was a corporate attorney and his clients loved him, but they also 16

  were demanding. He wanted to have his own agency so he could take on a few clients and not have to have them assigned to him where he could not make a choice of backing off. His senior partners loved to push things off onto him, so they could go on vacation and use the money he brought to the agency to have fun. While he was stuck in the office working, on their cases.

  This was the first time in the last six years he had nowhere to go and no pressing phone calls to return. It was a strange feeling, thinking he was at loose ends and for once, he had a female sitting in front of him he was attracted to. Most of the women his grandmother tried to set him up with were divas. They wanted his money and not much else. As long as he took them to the best restaurants and places around town, they had been easy to please. He looked at the woman before him and thought she would probably care less if he took her to the Met or to a footba
ll game.

  She was deliciously messed up. Her hair piled on top of her head in a ponytail, no makeup on and wearing her sweats. He should have laughed instead of sporting the biggest hard on he had had in a long time. Crap, if his dick got any harder, the teeth from his zipper would be embedded in his cock for life. He shifted a little and waited for his new interest to look up.

  He had heard her last night talking to her friends about herself; he frowned thinking she really did not think she was pretty. Her hair and her eyes may be brown, but they were a deep warm color that he became addicted to after the first few minutes of seeing her. She had a heart shaped face that was very endearing.

  He felt warm and comfortable when he looked at her. She may think she was average, but to him she was perfect. They complimented each other and he knew when he had her naked and writhing beneath him she would fit his body to a tee.


  Chapter 2

  While he sat thinking about seducing her, Ginny was trying to think of something to say. She was feeling a little awkward knowing her friends were around the house having sex, and here she sat with Andres wanting to jump his bones. She was sure it would be a pity fuck at this point. Who was she kidding she would take anything. Her dreams last night had her body so ready to have an orgasm, she knew at some point today she was going to have to get the dildo out.

  She sighed and put her cup down, “Well, Andres I think I will go for a little walk and look at the gardens in the back.”

  “I"ll go with you,” he said and stood up.

  “You don"t have to. I am capable of wandering on my own.” She said frowning, thinking it was the perfect excuse for him to leave her alone.

  “I realize that. I just thought I would like to get to know you a little more.” He said softly.

  “Why?” She blurted out.

  “If you do not know the answer to that question, I have been seriously lacking in my skills here.” He teased.

  “Okay,” she said and frowned, not really understanding what the hell he was talking about. She reached the door that led her to the back gardens. When she had seen them yesterday, she had wanted to go out and wander them then, but 18

  because of the circumstances, Steve had asked them to wait until they had the perimeter secured.

  She took a path that led away from the guesthouse and the main house so she would be as far away from any noise as possible. She did not need a reminder of what she was missing. Ginny, of course, could not make it a few feet without tripping and if Andres would not have been so close, she would have ended up sprawled at his feet. He reached out, steadied her, and took the opportunity to grasp her hand and hold it tightly as they walked.

  They wandered in silence except for a few times when she commented on the flowers and the colors they came across. He did not respond, only watched the emotions that floated across her face as she came across new flowers. She obviously loved the color purple because she became the most excited when she came across and flowers of that color.

  They came to the center of the garden and there was a gazebo in the middle. It was surrounded by vines and plants, so when you were inside, no one could see in. She took a seat on the bench that was inside and he slid next her. They talked for an hour about what they had seen before the topic turned a little more personal.

  He asked her questions about her family and job while he shared in kind. They took up most of the morning sitting in the garden getting to know each other.

  The more time went on, the more he was convinced he had been correct in thinking when they met that he could fall in love with this woman. She was everything he wanted. He had never really believed in the whole love at first sight thing, but now he was sure. The only problem was he knew she would not be so easily convinced.


  “Ginny, what do you want out of life?” He asked taking her hand in his. Wow, he was going for the deep questions. Ginny paused before answering because she wanted sex, not for him to run away screaming. Finally, after not being able to think of a cute comeback, she went for being honest.

  “You know the same thing most people want. A husband, kids, dog, and house.” She said and smiled to herself, “preferably in that order.” He chuckled, “What about your job?”

  “Well, when I met Dallas and Noah, they became my family too. I don"t really think of what I do as a job. I love those guys; I can"t see myself ever leaving them.

  Besides, they pay me great, and I get to see my best friends every day. I am Dallas"s personal assistant, but I also am going to be taking over the management of Dangerous soon. Dallas wants to be able to spend more time at home with Bailey. I am excited about the change; I will still see everyone since they live right next door. In addition, Noah and Dallas own the building on the opposite side of the club; they are renovating it to be apartments. As part of my contract, I get to have the whole top floor. It will be awesome. I have been working with the renovators and designing the perfect loft. It is light and spacious, in the next few weeks as a bonus for all the shit that has been happening, they hired a decorator to come in and decorate for me.” She said. “You know I met Dallas and Noah when they first got out of college and I was looking for a job as a waitress at the club. My parents had just been in a car accident, my mother was killed, and my father was in the hospital. The bills were mounting up and my brothers were working their asses off to pay them. I felt I needed to contribute and so I went into the club one day to fill out an application. Dallas knew right away I was never made for that club but he took my application anyway. He sat with me and interviewed me, ready to give me a pat on the head and send me on my way.” She chuckled and stood up.


  “Noah was doing the whole cab thing then too, since they had just bought the buildings. He was parked out front when I came rushing out with tears in my eyes and drove me home. He listened to my story and refused payment for the ride. The next day my father"s bills were all paid off by an anonymous, donor, and I had a job offer from Dallas. That was six years ago, my family loves them, even accepts their quirky lifestyle.” She explained softly to him. “I know it"s weird to some people how they are and I can understand if you are uncomfortable.”

  Andres shook his head, “Ginny, anyone who has so much love as your friends obviously do, are not weird. They are lucky. I wish I could find one woman, any more than that for me would be too much. I"m selfish that way. When I find the woman I want, I will focus all my attention on her so she will never want to look at another man.”

  Ginny smiled back at him and was thankful he was accepting of her friends.

  Because they were going to be in close quarters for a while, she did not want to have to kick his ass if he hurt any of her friends.

  “So, we had better get back for lunch.” She whispered.

  “Yep, we have been gone for long enough.” He said standing and holding out his hand to her.

  She smiled and took his hand, thinking it was nice for a while to think of the time they spent together to be a first date. Of course, she knew it was not true, but it would be nice to dream.


  They walked back slowly to the house. When they reached, the door they had come out of, they could see their friends had come back out of their rooms after the morning. She smiled and watched as the trios cuddled on the sofa together, watching another football game. It was the men"s favorite pastime. She looked at Andres in time to see his eyes lit up when he saw that a game was on. At least he had that in common with the men.

  They went into the living area and took the last couch that was available. Ginny let go of his hand and scooted to the edge. He frowned, allowed her a little room, and took the other end of the couch. He did not like that; she pulled away from him, but figured he would give her time to get used to the idea of him touching her.

  “Hey guys,” Ginny said softly to her friends.

  “Hey girlfriend, what did you think of the gardens?” Noah asked.

  “I loved them,
I wonder if I could get the designers to make me one in the loft.

  Like a corner or something?” She said.

  “I am sure you can, when we get the all clear to contact the outside, we can call the decorators and get them started on it. I just got an email from the office, you should check yours too. Someone broke into Dangerous last night and trashed the place. It had to be closed for repairs. I figured while all this shit was going on we would keep it closed. No one is down there to keep things in order. No worries, we can do a little remodeling I was planning on anyway. Remember those rooms I wanted on the second floor? Let"s look at getting them done. You have the stuff on your computer, don"t you?” Dallas asked.


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