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Page 12

by Lynn James

  “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. But there is something you aren’t telling me.”

  She smiled. Stacey could always read her so well. “The static is terrible and I’m just really tired.”

  Even through the static she could hear Stacey sigh. “Who is she?”

  She laughed outright. “I’m about a thousand miles from civilization, why would you assume there is a woman involved?”

  “Because I know you, sweetie. And I know women and that tone always means there is a woman involved. Spill it.”

  “You’re impossible, you know that, right?” She tried to deflect her. “We’re talking about me not you.”

  Stacey laughed softly. “Okay, so you slept with her. What’s the problem?”

  “You really aren’t going to let this go are you?” God she wished she could have this conversation without so much damn static.

  “I will once you tell me what’s really going on.”

  She really should have known that Stacey would discern she was leaving something out. She may as well save herself the trouble and just tell her.

  “Okay fine. I’m tired because I just spent last night having incredible sex with the ranger who is assigned to watch over me.”


  “And nothing. I’m attracted to her.”

  “I would certainly hope so. I would worry if you had sex with a woman you weren’t attracted to.” Stacey’s timely sarcasm made her smile.

  “Stacey, I’m…I’m insanely attracted to her. When it snowed and we were in the cabin, we spent hours talking. I felt so comfortable with her.”

  The static was almost deafening while she waited for Stacey to respond.

  “Devon, are you falling in love with her?”

  She tried to ignore her heart hammering in her chest. “It’s a little too soon for that, don’t you think?”

  She could hear the playfulness in Stacey’s words. “I don’t think I’m the person to answer that. Do you?”

  She laughed. “No. I suppose not.”

  “Does this ranger have a name?”

  “Elaine.” Damn, just saying her name makes me quiver.

  “ So where is ranger Elaine now?”

  “ She was called out to work early this morning and I came back to my camp to work.”

  “And you don’t know how she feels about you, but you want to?”

  “Well, yeah, something like that. What the hell is my problem?”

  “Devon, love, you and I both know that you aren’t like me. You can’t just have sex with a woman and move on. It’s much deeper for you and I doubt you would have slept with her if you didn’t feel something other than pure sexual desire.”

  She knew that Stacey’s comment was really an open-ended question. “There is just something about her.”

  “Good sex?”

  “Mind-blowing.” She could hear the exhilaration in her own voice. “I have never been so aggressive, insatiable, or satisfied.”

  Stacey laughed. “I knew there was hope for you!”

  “You can be such a guy sometimes!”

  “No love, I’m a woman that loves sex with other women. There’s a huge difference.”

  Yes, Stacey was definitely a woman who loved sex, God love her. “I just don’t know what I should do.”

  “It’s obvious you want to see her again, yes?”

  “Of course.”

  “And she said nothing about wanting to see you again?”

  “No, but there was almost no time for it. Still...”

  “Did you tell her what you wanted?”

  Devon slowly answered, “No, she had to go.”

  “Unless your ranger is a psychic, it seems to me that you have two choices.”

  Devon already knew the answer but asked anyway. “Which are?”

  “You can either accept the fact that you had one night of great sex and leave it at that, or you can track her down and tell her that you want more.”

  “Gee, you think? Thanks for stating the obvious, oh wise one.”

  “My little Dev is growing up. She finally realizes I’m wise.” Stacey’s twisted sense of humor made her laugh. “Seriously, I know that you don’t do one night-stands. But you won’t know if that’s all it was unless you tell her how you feel, or she tells you. You just need to do what makes you happy.”

  “Thanks, Stace.” She winced as static crackled again.

  “Let me know what you decide?”

  “I will. Have a good night.”

  “You too. Sleep well. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Sweet dreams.”

  Devon hung up her phone, glad to have the static in her ear silenced. She sank back into her bed pondering Stacey’s advice. The first choice didn’t seem much like a choice at all. Letting it go, without knowing, that just didn’t seem possible.

  Elaine had been called away for work. There really had been no time for them to discuss if their night together would be all that there was. Her gut told her that wasn’t the case. After all, Elaine had come to her campsite to seek her out, invite her to dinner and talk about what had already happened between them…before they ever had sex. Everything inside her told her it wasn’t just a one-night stand, not for her or Elaine.

  She was a scientist first and foremost and as a scientist she knew better than to let herself get ahead of the evidence. Of course, when there was an opportunity, she would gather more facts from Elaine. The simple truth was that she had shared a wonderful night of sex with an amazing woman, but it was equally indisputable that she still had work to complete.

  Her time in the cabin with Elaine the week before, or their amazing night of passion together didn’t change that. She had worked quickly and efficiently on this assignment and as a result only expected to be on location another week or so. If she saw Elaine again, that would be great. If not, maybe she would look her up when she got back home. No sense dwelling on unanswered questions. She knew she already had plenty on her plate, including a research deadline and a pregnant sister to get back to.

  Chapter 12

  Morning hadn’t come soon enough for Elaine as she made her way down the mountain. The hike seemed to take forever and the closer she got to Devon’s camp, the more questions began plaguing her mind. Would Devon even want to see her? Would she welcome Elaine’s presence or see it as an intrusion upon her and her work?

  After receiving the early morning call the day before, she had been forced to leave the cabin and Devon, far sooner than she would have liked. When she had arrived at her destination and had been informed that the lost hiker had found his group, she was relieved. Not only for the hiker’s safety, but because it meant that she could quickly return to the cabin and to Devon.

  When she had returned and found Devon gone she hadn’t really been surprised. She knew Devon had a job to do and was committed to it. She didn’t expect their incredible night together to interfere with Devon’s responsibilities. Elaine was also fully aware that Devon was anxious to get home to her sister and help prepare for the birth of her nephew. The sooner she finished her assignment, the sooner she could do that.

  Elaine had spent their day apart reliving the night before as she searched the area for signs of poachers. She tried not to hope that Devon would be at the cabin when she returned for the night. She was still disappointed to find that Devon had chosen so stay at her camp, but the fact was that Devon had no way of knowing how long Elaine would be gone and Elaine didn’t really believe that Devon was the kind of woman who would show up unannounced or uninvited on the off chance that Elaine made it back that night.

  If it hadn’t been so dark and it hadn’t taken her so long to do a sweep of the area, perhaps she would have made her way down the mountain to seek out Devon. Dr. McKinney certainly had a way about her. She had brought out a side of herself that she had never known existed. It was freeing she realized, in as much as it was frightening.

  But instead of going down the mountain in the pitch
dark, bitter cold night air, she stayed in the cabin and attempted to get some rest. But sleep hadn’t come easy. She craved the feel of Devon’s body next to hers. She could still smell Devon on the pillow and she wanted her there more than anything.

  As she tossed and turned, she tried to find some kind of balance.

  She would persuade herself to give Devon time and space to work, while she used the time to think, maybe sort out her feelings about the intimate encounter with the other woman. She knew she needed to think about what was happening, what had happened. There were many reasons they shouldn’t have slept together. Slept? They had certainly done little of that. Then she’d think about the magic of the night and wonder if it really was all that dark and dangerous for a midnight hike.

  Elaine didn’t have a multitude of past sexual experiences to compare Devon to, but she didn’t need them to know that she would never again meet another woman like her. Devon hadn’t tried to hide her desire or pleasure when she touched Elaine and she had been wonderfully responsive. The pleasure that Devon drew from everything they had shared was clear and Elaine loved that about her.

  Her entire experience with Devon had been completely different than anything she had ever shared with Grace. Thanks to Devon, she now knew what it was like to be with someone who took equal pleasure in giving and receiving. Devon and Grace were like night and day. Both in and out of bed.

  As dawn approached she had confronted the real source of her fears and uncertainties: her attraction to Devon was no longer just physical. After the long day apart, she knew she wanted to pursue more with Devon. She didn’t want just a casual affair. She only hoped that Devon wanted the same thing.

  As Elaine approached Devon’s camp, she understood at least one reason why Devon may have chosen the stay at her campsite the night before. The hike down the mountain had been treacherous. Patches of ice covered the rocks, making it difficult to maintain her footing. Thankfully, there was just enough snow to give her some traction and plenty of branches for her to cling to when she felt herself sliding. Upon reaching Devon’s camp, she spotted her hard at work and couldn’t help but stand and admire the vision before her.

  Devon had obviously not heard her coming as she knelt over a cleared patch of soil, seeming completely focused on her work. When Devon finally stood to stretch, Elaine hadn’t even realized that she had moved until her arms were wrapped effortlessly around Devon’s waist and the words, “Good morning,” had crossed her lips.

  The questions and fears that had flooded Elaine’s mind on the hike down were squashed when she felt Devon turn in her arms and pull her closer for a slow kiss. Devon’s sultry moans and parted lips invited Elaine to deepen the kiss. She pulled Devon tighter into her arms and felt the shiver that traveled the length of Devon’s body. Elaine’s hands ached to touch her bare skin. For the briefest of moments she thought of inviting Devon back to the cabin, but she was far too aroused for that. Her desire was blazing and her need to feel Devon would wait no longer.

  “I know you still have work to do and I promise I will help you catch up. But right now I really want you…need you.” Her voice broke. This was so unlike her, but all her thoughts and plans seemed pointless now that she had Devon near again.

  The trees were spinning all around her and the only thing Devon could focus on was Elaine and her dark, hypnotic gaze. It pleaded with her, but all she could hear was the pounding of her own heart. She was deeply pleased that Elaine had come for her and Stacey’s know-it-all advice was moot. Though she hadn’t heard Elaine’s words, she answered the question in Elaine’s eyes with, “Yes.”

  Elaine took Devon’s hand and led her to the tent. The truth was that the hard, snow-covered ground would do just fine, but the tent’s snug confines were perfect. She was hardly worried about them getting cold, the heat radiating from their desire alone was enough and she was sure that there were plenty of pleasant ways to continue keeping each other warm.

  Once they were inside, they quickly stripped off the offending clothes in a frenzy of burning kisses. Devon lay completely naked; her arms open and reaching, welcoming Elaine in for a long languid kiss. “I need you.”

  The words sent a quiver of longing through Elaine’s entire body. The lust burning in Devon’s eyes rivaled her own. She had never before known what it felt like to be needed or wanted so badly.

  “Anything you want, Devon, anything at all.”

  Devon brought Elaine’s hand urgently to her body where Elaine’s nimble fingers began stroking her already ample wetness, answering Devon’s plea. Devon’s words were interrupted by short raspy gasps making the actual words impossible to understand, but Elaine knew what they meant.

  Devon’s hand rested upon her own, guiding her as she gently stroked her, filling Elaine with the knowledge that she was doing exactly what Devon wanted. Faster and firmer when Devon needed it and then more slowly, just enough to tease her and heighten her arousal. Devon’s body moved faster against Elaine’s hand and became more rigid as she pleaded, “I need to feel you inside me. Please.”

  Elaine felt her own clit throb in response as Devon’s body yielded to her.

  “More, please, more,” Devon begged as Elaine slid another finger into Devon. “Oh God, that feels so good. Faster. Oh God, please.”

  Elaine, wanting nothing more than to please the beautiful woman in her arms, did exactly as she was asked. When she felt Devon’s body begin to tighten and arch, she pulled her fingers out to stroke Devon’s rigid clit. Devon climaxed with a low groan that started deep within her body and was finally ripped from her in exhausting pleasure.

  She lay panting in Elaine’s arms, struggling for breath. In spite of Devon’s obvious fatigue, Elaine couldn’t pry her hands from Devon’s body, instead she continued the slow steady stroking of Devon’s clit. Elaine whispered, “I’m sorry, Devon.”

  Devon couldn’t help but hold her breath until Elaine explained.

  “I’m sorry for the way I left the other morning.” Elaine smiled, “And I’m profusely thankful that you have such a comfortable sleeping arrangement.”

  Struggling to find her voice with such distracting things happening between her legs, Devon managed to say, “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Definitely,” Elaine replied as she began to playfully nibble and kiss Devon’s lips.

  The playful moment turned intense as Elaine’s touch became more deliberate, letting the deep rolling of Devon’s hips guide her. Elaine held Devon’s gaze, watching the gray pools darken until they appeared almost black.

  “Will you come for me?” Elaine whispered as she plunged her fingers forcefully inside Devon. Sliding between Devon’s parted thighs, Elaine found Devon’s tempo.

  “Oh…My…God. Yes, just like that.”

  “I asked you a question.” Elaine marveled at the degree of Devon’s surrender.

  Devon sounded as though she might cry when she finally moaned, “Yes. Just don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  “I’m not stopping. You know I won’t stop. Come for me.”


  Elaine watched the pleasure play across Devon’s face. She felt powerful. She felt completely desired and needed. Devon’s body and its every movement communicated to Elaine exactly what she liked and Elaine committed it all to memory.

  Devon pulled Elaine down for a ravenous kiss as her hips bucked and arched into climax. When Devon tightened around her fingers, Elaine matched it with a moan of her own. Everything about this woman is phenomenal.

  Elaine lay holding Devon as her breathing slowed. She could feel the warmth of her breath on her shoulder and for a brief moment thought to herself that she would like nothing more than to be in this position with Devon for the rest of her life. She was willing to leave the moment perfect unto itself. She could ignore the throbbing between her legs. She had gotten what her body had been crying out for…Devon.

  Devon lay exhausted and content, curled up tight against Elaine as she nuzzled deeper into h
er shoulder. She never knew she could feel so sexually confident and comfortable with another woman, but with Elaine she was both. She was a fabulous lover, but there was more…more that made Devon feel like it was safe to open herself up to her, physically and emotionally.

  Devon quietly whispered, “Thank you. And I’m sorry for being so demanding. I feel like I just can’t get enough of you.”

  “I think I’m the one who should be thanking you and never apologize for that.”

  Devon was quiet, her words barely audible. “I wasn’t sure I would see you again.”

  Elaine placed a finger under Devon’s chin tilting her head up until gray eyes met obsidian. With a gentle smile she said, “I wasn’t sure you would want to see me.” With a slight shrug she added, “But I couldn’t stay away.”

  Devon felt the tears well up and she tried to push them down. She cupped Elaine’s cheek, “I’m so very glad that you couldn’t.”

  Elaine’s eyes reflected more than a physical need. A thousand butterflies took flight in her stomach as she interpreted Elaine’s expression. Devon knew at that moment that this was more than just sex for both of them. The thousand butterflies turned into a thousand questions...for later. Right now, there was just the two of them.

  Elaine whispered, “I didn’t want to leave yesterday morning, but I knew that if I didn’t go quickly, then I wouldn’t have left at all.” She gently tasted Devon’s lips. “I missed you last night.”

  Devon was as helpless to control the pounding of her heart as she was to stop her hands wandering over Elaine’s body, mapping every curve, every plane. “I missed you too and I’m very happy you’re here now.” Devon was quiet for a moment before meeting Elaine’s eyes. “Elaine, I understand you have a job to do. We both do. And our jobs mean a lot to each of us. So please don’t ever apologize for having to work. The only reason I wasn’t sure if I would see you again is because we hadn’t talked about it. We didn’t have the chance to before you were called out. So I was unsure if that was all you wanted.”


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