All Hell Let Loose
Page 95
‘The course of the war’ Anders p.201 16.4.44
‘So back we go’ Raleigh Trevelyan Rome ’44 Viking 1982 p.142
‘Efficiency in general’ Atkinson p.490
‘This beachhead is’ ibid. p.488
‘I never saw so many’ ibid. p.416
‘The air roars’ ibid. p.386
‘It has become’ ibid. p.428
‘We could no longer see’ ibid. p.463
‘My heart bleeds’ ibid. p.534
‘evident that the project’ USMHI Forrest Pogue interview, The Supreme Command files
‘Personally I couldn’t’ AI Harris Bomber Command files
‘Who else is fighting’ Horatius Murray ed. John Donovan ‘A Very Fine Commander’ Pen & Sword 2010 p.164
‘3rd Royal Tanks were virtually’ Kershaw Overlord correspondence
‘if he was hit bad’ McCallum Overlord correspondence
‘I was the first tank’ Lewis p.117
‘You know, it sounds’ Jon Lewis ed. Eyewitness D-Day Robinson 1994 p.101
‘No one was moving’ ibid. p.102
‘Eva was very excited’ Klemperer Vol. II p.395
‘On the morning of 6 June’ Overlord files
‘It turns out that’ Poppel p.179
‘No landing or lodgement’ von Schweppenburg in Spectator 5.6.64
‘We all reckon’ Poppel p.181
‘Looting by troops’ FSV Donnison Civil Affairs and Military Government: North-West Europe 1944–46 HMS0 1961 p.74 report of 12.6.44
‘It was an onslaught’ IWM 78/35/1 Madame A. de Vigneral
‘The attack entailed’ IWM Col.H.S.Gillies letter of June 1944
‘One of the scenes’ Lewis.p.173
‘I have often wondered’ Richardson Overlord correspondence
‘Here we encountered’ Michael Reynolds Steel Inferno Spellmount 1997 p.75
‘The whole company’ ibid. p.81
‘We had to dig them’ Lewis p.167
‘the urgent need for’ USMHI First US Army report of operations 20.10.43–1.8.44
‘We were essentially’ Kershaw Overlord correspondence
‘A sheet of flame’ J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson MS Overlord files
‘There was, I think’ Charles Farrell Reflections Pentland 2000 p.20
‘We were all rather’ Cloudsley-Thompson MS
‘they’re all dead’ Patrick Hennessy Young Man in a Tank privately published 1997 p.79
‘There were a lot’ Kerr Overlord correspondence
‘strolling, hands in pockets’ quoted Reynolds Steel Inferno p.36
‘knowing that with’ Finucane Overlord correspondence
‘The front tanks are’ Ken Tout Tank! Forty Hours of Battle London 1985 p.39
‘Driver left’ Andy Cropper Dad’s War Anmas 1994 p.33
‘It was a hell’ Lewis Keeble Worm’s Eye View: The Recollections of Lewis Keeble Appendix C to Battlefield Tour: 1/4 KOYLI in the NW Europe Campaign
‘We discussed’ Craig p.176
‘They kept saying’ Pogue p.333 25.1.45
‘The spirit of human’ Craig p.31
‘On an average’ Robin Hastings An Undergraduate’s War Bell House 1997 p.104
‘I have drawn’ Rathbone Overlord correspondence
‘We were often’ Selerie Overlord correspondence
‘none of us were’ Lapp Armageddon files
‘I told them’ Diercks Armageddon files
‘Shit and shit’ Barry Broadfoot ed. Six War Years Toronto 1974 p.97
‘War is a merry thing’ Overlord files
‘The first men to die’ AI Godau, Armageddon files
‘The Russian won’t’ Second Army intelligence report, Armageddon files
‘I see worried faces’ Kurt Meyer Grenadiers Fedorowiz Publishing 1994 p.134
‘From 6.30 to 8 a.m.’ Zimmer Overlord files
‘How did the poor’ Poppel p.221
‘My darling Irmi’ Overlord files
‘In Soviet thinking’ P.H. Vigor Soviet Blitzkrieg Theory Macmillan 1984 p.137
‘This was the last’ Merridale p.167
‘The enemy’s use’ Armageddon files
‘They all looked pitiful’ Merridale p.242
‘camels on their knees’ ibid. p.259
‘One night you sleep’ Pis’ma s voiny p.188
‘It was incomprehensible’ Reynolds Steel Inferno p.40
‘There are a great many’ Moltke pp.282–3
‘No one ever laughs’ Wolff-Monckeburg p.104 25.6.44
‘For days we have’ ibid p.107
‘We thought it impossible’ AI Schröder, Armageddon files
‘Our nerves were shot’ Cropper p.38
‘The floor of the valley’ Bellfield & Essame The Battle for Normandy London 1975 p.209
‘My driver was burning’ Lewis p.271
‘We were shell-shocked’ Michael Reynolds Men of Steel Spelmount 1999 pp.32–3
‘The remainder of the war’ Spectator 5.6.64
Chapter 22 – Japan: Defying Fate
‘Old friendships dissolve’ Australian Forces Weekly Intelligence Review No. 118 NZ External Affairs file 84/6/1 pt.1
‘India is not at present’ LHA Lethbridge papers, Lethbridge Report p.5
‘It is now our turn’ Christopher Thorne Allies of a Kind p.555
‘The physical hammering’ Hart p.162
‘It was a stinking hell’ ibid. p.158
‘There are few things’ Thompson Burma p.219
‘We shot them on the tennis court’ ibid. p.215
‘We were attacked’ ibid. p.220
‘Your nerves got’ ibid. p.190
‘When you get to’ ibid. p.193
‘Come on you chaps’ Hart p.187
‘Well, Sam’ ibid. p.173
‘But one was burning’ Raymond Cooper B Company Dobson 1978 p.137
‘In the rain, with no’ ibid. p.389
‘If you went out’ Wooldridge p.132
‘Enemy dead were’ Harry Gailey Bougainville 1943–45: The Forgotten Campaign University of Kentucky 1991 p.155
‘Out here the war life’ Fussell p.109
‘It wasn’t dysentery’ Gailey p.124
‘Even under the best’ John Monks A Ribbon and a Star Henry Holt 1945 p.40
‘Large bogeys bearing’ Wooldridge p.163
‘The carrier below’ ibid. p.177
‘We had hardly any’ Miller p.147
‘It reminded me of’ Carl Hoffman Saipan: The Beginning of the End US Marine Corps 1950 p.223
‘Nowhere have I seen’ Time 3.7.44
‘They lost all account’ Norman Mailer The Naked and the Dead 1948 p.249
‘He was pretty shaken’ Wooldridge p.209
Chapter 23 – Germany Besieged
‘You and I are both’ Second Army intelligence report, Armageddon files
‘I have buried all’ ibid.
‘Then there’ll be nothing’ Wolff-Monckeburg p.86
‘I know why you want’ AI Moser Armageddon files
‘Café Kaefer’ Second Army Intelligence, Armageddon files
‘To be nineteen’ Fussell p.10
‘a walkover’ Harris to Portal 1.11.44, Cochrane Papers
‘Until we get Antwerp’ Marshall Papers Box 67/13 25.9.44
‘This is not only true’ Devers Military Review Vol. XXVII no. 7 October 1947 p.6
‘We all thought the war’ Koa Wing p.236 29.9.44
‘This … is a letter’ Day-Lewis p.19
‘the utter misery’ John Ellis The Sharp End Pimlico 1993 p.30
‘By the winter Americans’ Pogue The Supreme Command files USMHI Carlisle
‘In Montgomery’s 21st’ Dr John Petty British Army Review summer 2010 p.89
‘The English, and even more’ Armageddon files
‘I am getting exceedingly’ Marshall Papers Box 67/15
‘What a mess’ Ellis p.96
‘Words cannot describe’ A.K. Altes & N.K.C.A
. In’t Veld, The Forgotten Battle: Overloon and the Maas Salient 1944–45 Spellmount 1995 p.160
‘The war was over’ Broadfoot p.231
‘I remember from’ Robert Kotlowitz Before Their Times Anchor 1998 p.137
‘We strung out across’ Finucane Overlord correspondence
‘That’s what I keep’ ibid.
‘Alan Brooke was heard’ USMHI Sir Frederick Morgan quoted Pogue, Supreme Command files
‘I felt numb’ George Neill Infantry Soldier: Holding the Line at the Battle of the Bulge Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 200 pp.85, 91, 95–7
‘Through my vision slit’ Metelmann p.87
‘your butt hurt’ Schoo Armageddon files
‘Jesus Christ!’ Kotlowitz pp.120–1
‘burst into tears’ AI Beavers Armageddon files
‘If you are brave’ Second Army Intelligence, Armageddon files
‘I wasn’t scared’ AI Moody, Armageddon files
‘Fear reigned’ Donald Burgett: Seven Roads to Hell: A Screaming Eagle at Bastogne Dell 1999 p.1
‘They looked peaceful’ Lindstrom MS, Armageddon files
‘It was so foggy’ Reynolds Men of Steel p.120
‘Gordon got ripped’ Fussell p.131
‘in the small town’ William Hitchock Liberation: The Bitter Road to Freedom, Europe 1944–45 Faber 2008 pp.87, 89
‘The shattered remnants’ George D. Graves Blood and Snow: The Ardennes
‘My sergeant and I’ Reynolds Men of Steel p.113
‘We finished the battle’ AI Schröder, Armageddon files
‘Americans are not brought up’ USMHI Pogue The Supreme Command files
‘The record of accomplishment’ Blumenson Parameters
‘I shot myself’ Henry Hills narrative p.257, Armageddon files
‘The recommendation was’ Bowlby p.109
‘We left along our path’ Anders p.251
Chapter 24 – The Fall of the Third Reich
‘Lieutenant, sir’ Krisztian Ungvary Battle for Budapest Tauris 2003 p.20
‘The young soldier’ ibid. p.28
‘and promised that Budapest’ ibid. p.41
‘This is the most beautiful’ ibid. p.52
‘would not ruin’ ibid. p.35
‘The Russkis’ ibid. p.111
‘Bizarrely, a group of’ ibid. p.64
‘It was a girl of about’ ibid. p.141
‘Leaving the room’ ibid p.142
‘Supply situation intolerable’ ibid. p.147
‘Haven’t you got a mother’ ibid. p.239
‘In narrow Kazinczy’ ibid. p.247
‘Pus, blood, gangrene’ ibid. p.203
‘The Hitlerists continued’ ibid. p.208
‘They were simple’ ibid. p.293
‘a small, bird-like’ Donald T. Peak Fire Mission Sunflower University Press 2001 p.148
‘I’ve had enough’ Charles Felix Crossing the Sauer Burford Books 2002 p.153
‘a soldier in Aaron Larkin’s’ MS Aaron’s War Armageddon files
‘Pfc Harold Lindstrom’ Lindstrom MS Armageddon files
‘We were members’ History Branch Office of the JAG with the US Forces European Theatre 18 July 1942–l November 1945 Vol. I pp.242–9
‘I took aim’ White p.102
‘He wore a gray wool’ Fussell p.120
‘I am a deserter’ AI Pflug, Armageddon files
‘The German army left’ Djilas p.446
‘We are worn out’ Poppel p.133
‘Rifles will be carried’ Second Army Intelligence Report, Armageddon files
‘he once addressed’ AI Saurma, Armageddon files
‘rations were excellent’ Michael Reynolds Men of Steel p.231
‘I wanted to shout’ Grossman p.330
‘Estates, villages and towns’ Pis’ma s ognennogo rubezha 1941–1945 p.100
‘At least we were young’ AI Kowitz, Armageddon files
‘In these situations’ AI Pflug, Armageddon files
‘The world is a very lonely’ IWM 94/7/1 Mrs.S.H.Stewart MS
‘I don’t give a fuck’ Antony Beevor Berlin: The Downfall, 1945 Penguin 2002 p.33
‘Fritz, halt!’ Stanislav Gorsky Zapiski navodchika SU-76 [Memoirs of an SU-76 Gunlayer] Moscow 2010 p.108
‘We stay in all sorts’ Pis’ma s ognennogo rubezha p.186
‘I’m sitting in my candle-lit’ Fromm Armageddon files
‘We no longer fought’ Sajer p.382
‘To be an officer’ Beevor p.164
‘These days I keep’ Anonymous p.62
‘Hello my darling!’ Pis’ma s ognennogo rubezha p.137
‘Silence! I’ve got’ Beevor p.189
‘My God!’ Hagen p.213
‘It’s all over’ Moorhouse p.360
‘Dear Fatherland, set’ ibid. p.351
‘as if blood’ Ruth Andreas-Friedrich Berlin Underground 1938–45 New York 1947 p.273
‘Years ago they shouted’ Jacob Kronika Der Untergang Berlins Hamburg 1946 p.127 quoted Moorhouse p.359
‘when we left Lieberose’ Hugo Gryn with Naomi Gryn Chasing Shadows Harmondsworth 2001 pp.238–9
‘Along the whole length’ Beevor p.219
‘We moved across terrain’ ibid. p.226
‘Why drag out’ Potsdam Vol. IX/I p.59
‘Now we’re in front of’ Fromm Armageddon files
‘They all seem so miserable’ Anonymous p.36
‘a mere child’ Dorothea von Schwanenflügel Laughter Wasn’t Rationed Alexandria VA 1999 p.342
‘You see very young’ Anonymous pp.40–1
‘Berlin … presented a dreadful’ Sune Persson Escape from the Third Reich London 2010 pp.113–14
‘We are vegetating’ Helga Schneider The Bonfire of Berlin London 2005 p.55
‘If – instead of this’ Richard Bessel Germany 1945 Simon & Schuster 2009 p.141
‘No sound of man’ Anonymous p.189
‘Everywhere there’s filth’ ibid. p.185
‘The baker comes stumbling’ ibid. p.71
‘No one could invent’ ibid. p.230
‘a means of escape’ ibid. p.81
‘They do not speak’ Bessell p.267
‘Horrifying things’ Grossman p.327
‘I am a Russian’ Jacob Kronika Der Untergang Berlins quoted Moorhouse p.385
‘The pastor shot himself’ quoted Moorhouse p.372
‘They treated us with’ Bailey p.244
‘Illusions about the Red Army’ Djilas p.420
‘There was still too much’ Fraser p.267
‘Our celebration was’ Diercks MS Armageddon files
‘thank God it’s all over’ Cropper p.90
‘Within an hour the city’ Detachment 14A2 BCA Regiment Armageddon files
Chapter 25 – Japan Prostrate
‘We shall be doing no more’ Bayly & Harper p.431
‘Partisans, young men’ ibid. p.434
‘In all my life’ US Marine Corps Historical Institute Quantico Joseph Raspilair Papers
‘Lt. Patrick Caruso’ Patrick Caruso Nightmare on Iwo Naval Institute Press 2001
‘I saw … destroyers get hit’ Wooldridge p.253
‘I was amazed’ ibid. p.263
‘We took off last night’ p
‘LeMay is an operator’ Steve Birdsall Saga of the Superfortress Sidgwick & Jackson 1981 p.143
‘There was surprisingly’ ibid. p.149
‘having visited’ ibid. p.312
‘To me, that means’ The Hourglass pp.401–2
‘There have been innumerable’ Rikihei Inoguchi & Tadashi Nakajima with Roger Pineau The Divine Wind Hutchinson 1959 p.179
‘I can remember’ Wooldridge p.110
‘Kasuga Takeo’ Kasuga Takeo quoted Kamikaze Diaries Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney University of Chicago Press 2006 p.9<
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‘Many of the new arrivals’ Inoguchi & Nakajima p.148
‘a few of these pilots’ ibid. p.149
‘Now the wholesale’ Ohnuki-Tierney p.88
‘Today the Japanese’ ibid. p.126
‘Mother, I am’ ibid. p.173
‘The other day I paid’ ibid. p.209
‘My comrades!’ USMHI Japanese PoW dox PW2050 24.6.45
‘I’ve got a message’ Hugh Pettigrew quoted Thompson Burma p.352
‘We thought we would’ ibid. p.356
‘In the forefront’ Yoshida Mitsuru Requiem for Battleship Yamato Constable 1999 p.44
‘They had prepared’ Laura Fermi Atoms in the Family University of Chicago Press 1954 p.254
‘I have no hope’ Richard Rhodes Ultimate Powers Simon & Schuster 1986 p.641
‘Those who advocate’ ibid. p.641
‘The sure path’ Yoshijiro Umezu ‘Facing the Decisive Battle’ Kaikosha Kiji 17.5.45
‘Your lectures are so’ Nemesis files p.21
‘No one person’ AI Nakamura Nemesis files
‘We heard about’ IWM RNR 95/5/1
‘We played alarm clock’ Birdsall p.309
Chapter 26 – Victors and Vanquished
‘We … mourn most deeply’ Wolff-Monckeburg p.130
‘Like timid ground creatures’ New York Times 22.4.45
‘I felt as if’ Anders p.282
‘They greet me politely’ ibid. p.286
‘We, the Poles’ IWM 90/11/1 B. Lvov
‘Everyone agreed’ Koa Wing p.268 11.5.45
‘Darling I know’ Day-Lewis p.174
‘Gunner David McCormick’ letter in possession of Miranda Corben
‘For years I expected’ Kevin Wilson Journey’s End Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2010 p.392
‘It was, I suppose’ Schlesinger p.353
‘The war, while’ Pogue’s War p.379
‘I wanted everything’ AI Minamoto, Nemesis files
‘In those days, Japanese’ AI Konada, Nemesis files
‘seen it come out’ Wooldridge p.286
‘The ending of the war’ Birdsall p.311
‘I am ashamed’ Sebastian p.628 31.12.44
‘It would be an error’ Christopher Thorne Allies of a Kind p.401 5.4.44
‘I cried when I’ Bayly & Harper p.455
‘old friends so changed’ ibid. p.438
‘I knew we’d have to’ B.J. Kerkvliet The Huk Rebellion: A Study of Peasant Revolt in the Philippines Berkeley 1977 p.109
‘I soon found’ Forrest C. Pogue Pogue’s War p.202
‘they are more like’ Corti The Last Soldiers of the King p.80