All Hell Let Loose
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Moorhouse, Roger Berlin at War Bodley Head 2010
Mowat, Farley And No Birds Sang Cassell 1980
Muirhead, John Those who Fall Random House 1986
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Say, Rosemary & Holland, Noel Rosie’s War Michael Mara Books 2011
Schlesinger, Arthur A Life in the Twentieth Century Mariner Books 2000
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Schneider, Helga The Bonfire of Berlin London 2005
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Schwanenflügel, Dorothea von Laughter Wasn’t Rationed Alexandria VA 1999
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Simpson, Tony Operation Mercury Hodder & Stoughton 1981
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NOTE: Ranks and titles are generally the highest mentioned in the text
Aachen, 583
Abbott, Lt. Stephen, 214
Abe, Vice-Adm. Hiroake, 261
Abraham, W.E., 221
Abramov, Sasha, 172
Abrial, Adm. Jean-Marie, 63
Abyssinia, 110–11, 113
Ackerley, Joe Randolph, 344
Addison, Air Vice-Marshal Edward, 358
Addison, Edward, 473
Africa: British colonies at outbreak of war, 10; Britain raises recruits in, 409–12
Afrika Korps, 111, 114–15, 129–30, 365–6, 370, 375, 377
airborne forces, 326
airborne operations: German in Crete, 123; at Arnhem, 580–1; in Rhine crossing, 611
aircraft carriers: in Battle of Philippine Sea (1944), 565–7
Akhmedov, Capt. Ismael, 32
Alam Halfa, 366
Alamein see El Alamein
Albania, 109, 115–17, 188, 406
Albrecht, US Marine Karl, 436
Aleutians: Japanese attack on, 245
Alexander, Lt.Gen. Sir Harold (later 1st Earl): commands in France (1940), 63; takes command in Burma, 222, 227; meets Stilwell, 223; transferred to Middle East, 227; appointed Middle East C. in C., 366; Churchill’s demands on, 369; on US Army weakness in North Africa, 378; as Eisenhower’s deputy, 378; reputation in North Africa, 380; conduct of Sicily campaign, 447, 449–50; overrules Clark at Salerno, 451; and advance on Rome, 455; calls on Italian partisans to rise against Germans, 459; considers death penalty for deserters, 462–3; on quality of German soldiers in Italy, 529; successful attack in Italy, 529
Alexandria: as British naval base, 107; French squadron interned at, 125; Royal Navy ships attacked by Italian human torpedoes, 294; decoy Malta convoy sails from, 295
al-Husayni, Mohammad Amin, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 107, 405
Ali, Rashid, 124
Allain, Jehan, 72
American Volunteer Group: in Burma, 221
Amery, Leo, 17, 416, 423–4
Anders, Gen. Władysław, 7, 20–1, 305, 528, 595–6, 654
Anderson, Gen. Kenneth, 378
Andrievich, Alexander, 146
Anglo-Saxon (British coal-carrier), 276–7
Annan, Noel, 517
Anthony, Maj. Seth, 410
anti-Semitism: in France, 81, 126, 403, 514, 660; throughout Europe, 514; in Britain and USA, 515–16; in Russia, 515; made unacceptable by Holocaust, 674; see also Holocaust; Jews
Antonescu, Gen. Ion, 117
Antwerp, 579, 582, 584, 586
Anufriev, Yevgeni, 151
Anzio, Italy, 334, 453, 528–9, 531
Arakan, 434–5, 560, 633
Archangel, Russia, 284
Ardeatine Caves, Italy, 460
Ardennes: German advance in (1940), 54–5;
Battle of the Bulge (winter 1944–5), 367, 589, 591–5
Arlington Hall (US intelligence centre), 369
Arnhem: radio communications failure, 446; Montgomery plans to capture, 577–9; battle for bridge, 580–3
Arnim, Gen. Jürgen von, 377–8
Arnold, Gen. Henry Harley (‘Hap’), 481, 651
Arrow Cross militia (Hungary), 599, 601–2
Arthur, Douglas, 30, 111
Artom, Emanuele, 406
Ashford, Pam, 17
Asia: resistance to post-war return of colonial rule, 658
Assam, 560, 564
Atkinson, Rick, 455
Atlantic: shipping movements, 274–5; and air cover, 275; air gap and Irish neutrality, 398
Atlantic, Battle of the: and oil imports, 99; US participation in, 189; importance, 271–2; war against submarines, 272–3, 280–2, 306;
Allied success, 284
Atlantic Charter, 420, 512
Atlantic Monthly (USA), 186
Atlantic Wall, 533
atom bomb: used against Japan, xvi, 251, 648–51; Stalin’s desire for, 612; development, 646–8; debate over use, 648–50
Attlee, Pvt. Bill, 533
Auchinleck, Gen. Claude: takes command at Narvik, 50; replaces Wavell in Middle East, 128; troop numbers in Middle East, 136; armoured force destroyed, 138; dismisses Ritchie and takes command of Eighth Army, 364, 366; replaced by Montgomery, 366; qualities, 667
Ault, Cdr. Bill, 238
Aung San, 634–5, 659
Aurel, Voichita, 514
Auschwitz-Birkenau, 501–2, 506, 513, 520
Australia: troops in Papua New Guinea, 253, 263–7, 413, 433; troops hold out in Tobruk, 114–15, 131; forces in Greece, 118–20; casualties in Syria, 127; quality of troops in North Africa, 131; and Japanese threat, 199, 400; troops’ irresolution in Malaya, 206, 211–13; limits refugees from Japanese, 210–11; declines to divert troops to Burma, 222; labour obstructionism, 413; support for Britain, 413; troops in Borneo, 645; total casualties, 670
Austria, 671
Autumn Mist, Operation, 590, 595
Axum (Italian submarine), 295
Backe, Herbert, 141, 348
Bader, Douglas, 88
Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 117, 448, 451, 458
Bagration, Operation, 527, 546, 548, 550, 668
Baldwin, Hanson, 413
Balkans: Axis controls, 124; Soviet army drive for, 550–1
Ball, George, 517
Ball, Pvt. Victor, 119
Baltic states: Stalin annexes, 75; and German invasion of Russia, 146; embrace Germans, 158; Jews eliminated, 511
Barbarossa, Operation, 140–3, 145, 153, 178
Barclay, George, 88, 102–3
Baring, Sarah, 353
Baromykin, Boris, 178–9
Barthrop, Paddy, 84
Basu, P.K., 422
Bataan peninsula, Philippines: resists Japanese, 231–5; death march, 234
Battle of Britain: conduct, 80–8; British victory, 101; effect on US sentiment, 187; pilots’ experience of, 470
Battleaxe, Operation, 128
Baxter, Corp. Peter, 328, 352, 378
Bayly, Christopher, 500
Béarn (French aircraft carrier), 74
r /> Beaver, Lt. Dorothy, 335, 358, 590
Bekbulatov, Valentina, 356
Belgium: neutrality, 25; Germans invade and occupy, 53–5, 72; surrenders, 63; fishing fleet relocates to Brixham, 340; liberated (1944), 577; civilian suffering, 592
Belgorod, 384, 392
Belgrade: Russians capture, 550
Bell, Ottilie, 490–1
Belov, Capt. Nikolai, 304, 308, 314, 321, 337, 376, 382, 386, 396, 526, 630
Belsey, Elizabeth, 29