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The Reality Incursion (Deplosion Book 2)

Page 44

by Paul Anlee

  2) Arthur C. Clarke famously said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Darak performs several feats of “magic” in this book. He travels in space without a vessel; he moves across intergalactic distances in the blink of an eye; he carries an entire campsite in a pea (complete with hot meal); he fights Angels. Yet, all of this is simply “advanced technology” to him. Do you think there is any instance of magic (apart from sleight-of-hand trickery) that is not just advanced or as-yet unfamiliar technology”?

  3) A number of famous people (Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, among them) have declared that it is essential for humans to colonize space in the coming decades as a matter of species preservation. Darya’s group, and Greg and Kathy, make strong economic and demographic arguments as well. Were their arguments compelling (how so), or should we focus on saving/exploiting Earth before we move into space? Do the circumstances of the alternative histories on Earth (one with the Eater threat, the other without imminent destruction) make any difference to your conclusion?

  4) As science explores the nearby stars, we are finding more and more Earth-like “exoplanets” (over 2,330 as of mid-2017) of the right size, gravity, and surface temperature to support life. Unfortunately, at least to date, we’ve yet to detect water, breathable atmosphere, or evidence of other complex life forms on any of them. Crucial parameters remain outside our survival range; temperature, oxygen levels, gravity, length of day, and length of year vary greatly from planet to planet.

  Do you think it’s likely that any single “Standard” life form (especially human) would be suited to colonize multiple planets? With Earth in trouble, would it be better to upload our minds into machines or to genetically adapt our species (and other life forms on which we depend) to survive on exoplanets? Would genetically altering humanity ensure survival of the species, or make us no longer human? Does it matter?

  5) Greg and Kathy worked on related research, but did not create the microverse known as the Eater; that was created by Darian and/or Larry. Should someone be held responsible for the death of Dave, the night guard in Chapter 7, or was his death just an unfortunate accident? Should Darian Leigh, if found, be charged with homicide? Were Greg and Kathy, as employees of the lab, complicit in any wrongful death or damage, even though they were not directly responsible for that specific microverse? What about University President Dr. Sakira, Department Chair Dr. Wong, or Prime Minister Hudson? What were their responsibilities to the world at the various stages of the Eater’s development?

  6) In various parts of the novel, characters use questionable means to accomplish their goals. Reverend LaMontagne murders more than once, and he blackmails President Mitchell into accepting his presence on the G26 panel. Darya uses a concepta virus to convince visitors to Alternus to attend a meeting. Alum kills trillions in defense of His Divine Plan to create Heaven. While some of their goals may be laudable, do the ends justify the means? Why or why not?

  7) Darak claims to be almost as powerful as Alum. He certainly speaks about the Living God as an equal. Alum, as the Living God, feels He knows what is best for the universe and is moving forward. Darak is taking time to inform the people affected (through Brother Stralasi and the Aelu). Do you agree with Darak that an informed, capable electorate is a requirement of any democracy? If you were a member of the Realm, would you prefer to participate in such decisions, or leave them in the hands of the Living God? Why?

  8) Many popular science fiction novels use some sort of faster-than-light (FTL) or warp drives to move people across huge interstellar distances in the galaxy. In the Deplosion series, I’ve recognized that FTL is contrary to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, so the Realm spreads at slower-than-light speeds. However, the story introduces entangled particles and the RAF to permit instantaneous jumps across distances. Do you think “shifting” is more, or less, plausible than FTL? Are we forever stuck exploring the vast universe at slower speeds?

  9) Physicists and philosophers have given serious consideration to the idea that the universe could be a simulation (for more info, see In the extreme, this idea ties to Solipsism, the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist, i.e. a simulation for one. While it may be impossible to tell if we’re inside a simulation, there are good reasons for suggesting it makes for an unlikely universe (a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation). Could you tell if you existed only as computer code inside a game? If so, how?

  Further Reading

  This series contains a lot of real science and speculates heavily on possible advances in several fields. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the areas discussed in this book, I suggest the following:

  Lawrence Krauss, A Universe From Nothing.

  An excellent review of cosmology and the possible origins of the universe.

  Andrew Thomas, Hidden In Plain Sight.

  A great series of five books at the time of this release, covering everything from gravity, relativity, quantum mechanics, time, space, and the particles that comprise all matter.

  Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion.

  A powerful analytic indictment of religious belief that applies logic and reason to spirit and faith.

  Francis Collins, The Language of God.

  A famous scientist’s perspective on reconciling belief in God with scientific studies of evolution.

  Jerry Coyne, Why Evolution is True.

  A fact-filled romp through the scientific evidence in support of evolution.

  George M. Church and Ed Regis, Regenesis.

  Inside the mind of one of the world’s leading synthetic biologists. Includes the origins of the field, current practices, and stunning visions of the future.

  James Rickards, The Death of Money.

  Analysis of how modern currency wars will be fought among major countries of the world, resulting in the collapse of the international monetary system.

  Matt Strassler (, Of Particular Significance.

  Insightful and informative website from a theoretical physicist with essays on a variety of topics in physics.

  iGEM is the International Genetically Engineered Machines annual competition. This is *the* place to go to learn about the exciting research done every year by university undergrads from around the world.


  Thanks to Lee for being the most patient editor imaginable, and to my great team of beta readers: Joel, Abby, Craig, Ed, Eric, Gary, Lorraine, Mike, Jeff, Kathie, Leanna, Scarlett, Barbara, Susan, and Rachel. This is a much better book for your insightful and invaluable feedback.

  A special thanks to the members of Cuenca: Writing Our World for all your support and especially to our dear friend, Scarlett Braden, for your energy, enthusiasm, and guidance along the way.

  All science fiction writers owe a debt to the giants who have gone before us, many of whom still produce prolifically. I have been influenced by many of the best, though none bear the responsibility for any of my errors. Isaac Asimov, Iain M. Banks, Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Ray Bradbury, David Brin, Arthur C. Clarke, Peter F. Hamilton, Robert A. Heinlein, Ursula K. Le Guin, Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Sheri S. Tepper, and John C. Wright, you have all been great inspirations.

  The scientific community crosses many borders and intellectual boundaries. My career in biology has been guided by great scientists like David Bailie, David Pilgrim, and David Wishart (I don’t know why I always worked for guys named David). My love of developmental biology, molecular biology, and genetics was inspired by Bruce P. Brandhorst in my undergrad years at Simon Fraser University. I also owe a deep debt of gratitude for the exciting and inspiring researchers in synthetic biology, including: Drew Endy, George Church, Tom Knight, Pam Silver, Chris Voigt, and Jay Keasling.

  I built upon a great many ideas in coming up with the speculative science, philosophies, and soci
opolitical economics in the series. The following have all been sources for ideas, but none of them can be blamed for where I ran away with the inspiration: Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins, Andrew Thomas, Matt Strassler, John Mauldin, John Hussman, James Rickards, and Thom Hartmann.

  About the Author

  Canadian author Paul Anlee writes provocative, epic sci-fi in the style of Asimov, Heinlein, Asher, and Reynolds, stories that challenge our assumptions and stretch our imagination. Literary, fact-based, and fast-paced, the Deplosion series explores themes in philosophy, politics, religion, economics, AI, VR, nanotech, synbio, quantum reality, and beyond.

  “When I was young, a teacher asked our class to write about what we wanted to be when we grew up. My story was entitled "Me, The Everything!" I've been fortunate to come close to fulfilling that dream in my life, at least intellectually. Computer programming, molecular biology, nanotechnology, systems biology, synthetic biology, business consulting, and photocopy repair, I've worked in many fields. I've spent way too much of my life in school, eventually earning degrees in computing science (BSc) and in molecular biology and genetics (PhD). I’ve even had the chance to work with some of the best researchers in the world at The National Institute for Nanotechnology in Edmonton, Canada.

  “After decades of reading almost nothing but high-tech science fiction, I decided to take a shot at writing some. I aim for stories that are true to the best available science while pushing my imagination far beyond the edge of what we know today. I love biology, particle physics, cosmology, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, politics, and economics. My philosophy is empirical physicalism and I blog regularly about the science and the ideas found in my novels. I believe fiction should educate and stimulate, as much as it entertains.”

  Paul and his wife currently live in Cuenca, Ecuador where they study Spanish and Chen-style Tai Chi, when not working on exciting and provocative new stories.

  Follow me on Facebook at Paul Anlee or write me at: Even better, visit me at my website,, read the blog and sign-up on my email list to be the first to hear about new books, new posts, and special announcements. That’s the best way to hear about FREE offers and special deals.

  Copyright © 2017 by Paul Anlee

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  Darian Publishing House (

  Chatham, Ontario, Canada

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout & Design ©2013 -

  Design Cover – Elizabeth Mackey Graphic Design

  Author Photo – John Keeble

  Background cover image copyright: Jean-Michel ALIMI, DEUS Consortium

  Acknowledgment: The author thanks Jean-Michel ALIMI, Scientific Director of DEUS Consortium ( and Director of DEUS Consortium for making available the background cover image obtained through DEUS numerical simulations. This image reproduces the distribution of dark matter in a universe with a cosmological constant.

  Visit the author’s website at:

  Follow the author on Facebook at: Paul Anlee or Paul Anlee Fans

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  The Reality Incursion/ Paul Anlee – 1st edition

  ISBN ebook: 978-0-9958442-3-0

  ISBN Paperback: 978-0-9958442-2-3




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