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Nine Lives - Book 1

Page 9

by Kim Knight

  Kaitlin believed him and she could imagine how he knew. The thought of what he was capable of made her head swim and she imagined the feel of his belt slicing across her buttocks. Involuntarily, she moved her hips back to meet his next thrust and he grunted with anger and surprise.

  ‘You think I’m doing this for your pleasure?’ he hissed and quickly pulled out from her pussy. She struggled as she felt him re-position his cock between her arse cheeks and then, with a groan he thrust into her arse. She threw her head back and he clamped his hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. Her own juices had provided some lubrication but every thrust still hurt like hell. Her struggles seemed to ignite his passions all the more and he came quickly, pulling free to spray his come across her arse cheeks. She stayed, pressed against the metal door, for several minutes after he had gone. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to calm herself down. Her desires were like heated embers at her pussy and she knew that she would make herself sore when she got home. But until then she had to calm herself – no one could see her like this. Eventually she felt calmer and she lifted her trousers and panties, wincing at the soreness of her arse and the wetness of both their juices. She climbed the stairs with shaking legs and returned home to finish what he had started.

  Further texts followed and when she obeyed, meeting him somewhere in the hospital, he spoke only to give her commands. She was grateful for that because made it easier for her. She could have changed her phone number to avoid his contact but the thought of explaining to others why she had made the change and the fear that he would retaliate in some way, stopped her. She was trapped – for now. She told herself that she would find a way out of this mess soon. For now though, he was free to do whatever he pleased.

  She pressed her face into the mattress of the hospital bed that he had tipped her over and stifled her groan of pleasure as he sank his cock into her pussy. He knew that she took pleasure from what he did, he could hardly ignore the wetness that slid down her thighs or between her buttocks. He dug his nails into her hips and she gasped, lifting her head, ‘Please ... don’t mark me.’

  He paused in his fucking to grip her hair and pull her head back, ‘What?’

  ‘I said ... please don’t mark me, my Mistress will see and ... and ...’ she couldn’t finish the sentence, couldn’t voice the possibilities that she could hardly dare to consider.

  ‘Your Mistress?’ he snarled with disgust, ‘You have a Mistress?’

  ‘Yes,’ she replied, realising that he had the same tone of voice as the man who had tried to have her when she had first visited the club with Madeline. She tried to turn but he pushed her back down and resumed his fucking. He came with a grunt, filling her with his come. He said nothing as he rearranged his clothing and then left.

  Kaitlin stood slowly, redressed herself and then headed out of the hospital. She was just crossing to her bike when her text tone sounded. Sighing softly, she lifted the phone from her pocket and read the message. My place. Twenty minutes. Kaitlin almost dropped the phone when she realised that the message was from her Mistress. The semen sliding from her pussy suddenly seemed to freeze her sensitive skin. The hospital was fifteen minutes from home and thirty minutes from Madeline’s. She would have to go home first, there was no way that she could meet her Mistress with fresh semen sliding from pussy lips. A tiny sob escaped her as she climbed onto her bike. She managed to get home in ten minutes and showered hastily before changing her clothes. It was nearly forty minutes before she arrived at Madeline’s. The door was open and Kaitlin knew that she was in trouble. She entered and shut the door behind her. Stripping where she stood, hoping that her show of subservience would earn her some respite from the punishment that surely awaited her.

  ‘Where the fuck have you been?’ Madeline demanded, her tone making it quite clear that no respite would be forthcoming.

  ‘Mistress, I’m sorry, I couldn’t get away from work.’

  Madeline stared at her, perhaps searching for a lie. Slowly, she moved around the slave who hung from her wrists in the centre of the room. Kat noticed her for the first time – Anna. Madeline stroked the underside of her breast with the crop, ‘This slut has been doing a pitiful job of keeping me entertained ...’ the slave’s eyes widened but no sound escaped her tightly gagged mouth as the crop snapped down onto each of her nipples in turn, ‘and that is your fault.’ Madeline told Kat.

  She dropped to her knees and crawled towards her Mistress, ‘Please, forgive me.’

  ‘There will be no forgiveness ... only punishment.’ Madeline bent the crop between her hands, ‘First, I shall clamp your nipples. Then ... the flogger on your breasts I think ... then I shall crop your arse.’

  Kat hung her head, quivers rippling her skin as each torture was announced.

  ‘The clamps will stay on until this time tomorrow night.’

  She lifted her head, ‘Please, Mistress, I will surrender to your punishment but please, don’t make me wear the clamps all day – I have to work.’

  Madeline’s eyes were cold as she approached Kat. She was aware that the safe word had been used and she was not pleased. ‘I expected more from you.’

  Kat sobbed, ‘I’m sorry, Mistress.’

  ‘Very well then, you may remove the clamps before you leave for work and put them back on again when you get home.’

  ‘Thank you, Mistress,’ Kat breathed.

  ‘And tomorrow night you will suffer the same beating as you are about to receive.’

  Kat nodded, ‘For your pleasure, Mistress.’


  It was five days later that Kaitlin received a text from the doctor with instructions on where to meet him. She telephoned Madeline and asked to be excused from visiting that night as she had to work. Her Mistress agreed but ordered Kaitlin to wear the nipple clamps for at least two hours before they met again.

  The doctor was waiting for her in the car park and she followed him silently through the grounds of the hospital. The area that they approached was dark and deserted and she recognised a wing of the hospital that had been closed three years before following funding cutbacks. He used a key to enter the building and then used a torch to navigate the corridors and stairs until they entered the huge boiler room beneath the building. Rusty pipes snaked backwards and forwards across the ceiling, wall and floor, creating a maze of narrow passageways. He led her through the maze and she stuck with him for fear of getting lost. He eventually stopped and, with a click, switched the torch off. The darkness enveloped her and her chest heaved with sudden anxiety.

  ‘Strip,’ he commanded. She did so, shivering with cold. ‘Hands on your head,’ he commanded, his voice echoing in the darkness.

  She did so, gasping as he lifted each wrist in turn and snapped a metal cuff around it. As she sensed him move away, she tested the cuffs and the clink of metal from above her told her that the handcuffs were attached to a chain. Suddenly there was a whir and Kat flinched as inspection lamps burnt into life, powered by a generator a few feel away. She gasped as the chain above her suddenly tightened and she was lifted into the air. She turned her head and saw him turning the handle of a winch, lifting her higher until her feet left the ground.

  He fixed the winch in place and then lifted something from the floor, a thin, wicked looking crop. He approached her, ‘A woman in our world has only one place,’ he announced and gestured with the whip, ‘hanging above the floor, kneeling and bowed ... but always serving us men.’ He lashed out with the whip, catching her across the breasts and making her scream. She knew now he had chosen this place – he could strike her as hard as he chose and she could scream as loudly as she could – no one would hear. He struck her again, making her spin so that his next blow sliced her buttocks. Were it not for the needles of agony that the whip drove into her skin, she would have marvelled at his experienced skill. Within moments he had her gasping for breath, sobbing and covered in a sheen of sweat. Slowly he lowered the whip and studied her, ‘More?’ he asked, his eyebr
ow raised.

  She stared back at him, her lips curled in disgust, but didn’t answer.

  ‘Ah, the tough bitch copper returns.’ He delivered a frenzy of blows that had her screaming the safe word that he wouldn’t know. He laughed at her cries and tears, shaking his head with amusement. ‘Good, I think we understand each other.’ He moved back to stand with his arms crossed, studying the lines that criss-crossed her body. ‘Now, tell me, who is your Mistress?’

  She stared back at him, confusion in her tear filled eyes. ‘Why do you want to know?’

  His gaze darkened and he stepped forward, delivering four successive blows to her breasts before he stepped back again, ‘You dare to question me?’ He stepped forward and spun her so that he could strike her buttocks and thighs. ‘Who is your Mistress?’

  She stayed silent, her breath ragged.

  ‘Do you pay your Mistress? Is she simply a whore who hurts you for money?’

  ‘Don’t call her that!’ Kaitlin screamed, making him laugh.

  ‘Such loyalty,’ he shook his head, ‘Mis-placed, but loyalty none the less.’ He whipped her again and then shed his lower clothes. He was tall enough to thrust easily into her pussy easily, spearing her painfully. ‘You need a Master,’ he hissed into her ear as he crushed her breasts against his chest, his hands gripping her buttocks. ‘I’m going to make you come and then you’ll see, a Master is better than a whore Mistress, any day.’ He fucked her harshly and she writhed against his thrusts, desperate to hold off and deny him his victory over her. But the beating had been harsher than she had ever had and her body screamed for the respite that her orgasm would bring. He brought her to the edge and suddenly pulled free, laughing when she groaned with disappointment.

  ‘Easy now, girl, I’m just adjusting my position.’ He moved behind her and slid into her once more, the new angle better than before and her climax quickly built to intolerable levels. His hands reached around to the front, one grabbing and scratching at her injured breasts while the other searched lower. She screamed loudly when his searching fingers found her clitoris. Her body convulsed uncontrollably as juices sprayed from her, arching outwards as he rubbed his fingers harshly at her most sensitive area. He pulled from her again, spinning her round so that he could spray her stomach with his come. She rested her head against her arm as the glow of her climax momentarily overrode the pain of the welts that smothered her. Her eyes were half open and her mouth twisted in a small, involuntary smile of delight. Suddenly there was a flash of light and she jumped, realising that he was taking photos. After he had snapped several, he showed her the first one and she gasped at the sight. There was no denying the look of rapture, the look of lazy pleasure on her face – despite the harsh glare of the lights around her and the purple stripes that lined her body. He put the phone back into his pocket and then bent to search through her clothing. When he found her phone he pressed buttons until he nodded with satisfaction and then turned the screen towards her. Under the name Doc, he had added his mobile number into her contacts. ‘So you can ring me,’ he told her.

  ‘Why would I want to?’ she said hoarsely.

  ‘Because, darlin’, I can do that to you anytime you want ...’ he laughed as he lowered the winch, ‘... and you will want me to do that again, trust me. Soon enough you’ll realise that a whore for a Mistress is no dominant at all ... when you do, give me a ring and I will take you to the Master’s Club, where you belong.’

  She glared at him as he unfastened the cuffs.

  ‘Until then ... I’ll be in touch.’ He turned and, whistling to himself, left her to dress.


  The following night she stood before her Mistress, quivering with fear. ‘Mistress, please, I cannot serve you tonight, I am unwell.’

  Madeline raised an eyebrow as Kaitlin stroked her stomach. ‘Are you wearing the clamps as I ordered?’

  ‘Mistress, please, I have to go ... I feel sick.’ She hated lying to her Mistress but she couldn’t let her see the marks that the doctor had left on her body.


  ‘Mistress, please ...’

  ‘Defy me again and you will regret it,’ Madeline announced quietly, her anger singing in the air between them.

  ‘Mistress, I cannot, I ...’

  Madeline stepped forward and slapped her harshly, knocking her sideways. Momentarily stunned, Kaitlin’s eyes filled with tears as her Mistress’ anger rolled over her. Metal cuffs looped around her wrists and then she was hauled to her feet. The chain between the cuffs was hung over a hook hanging from the ceiling.

  ‘Please, Mistress, I beg you.’ Her despair was such that she forgot to use the safe word but doubted whether it would save her from her Mistress’ wrath anyway.

  Madeline stripped her clothes from her. Tearing the material and casting the rags aside. She paused momentarily as she tore a strip of material down Kaitlin’s back, revealing the healing welts and bruises beneath. She continued, slower now, tearing the material away as if unwrapping an unpleasant present. Her eyes were dark and filled with fury as she revealed Kaitlin’s nakedness and the full extent of the whipping she had received.

  ‘Mistress, let me explain -’

  ‘Speak out of turn again and I will gag you.’

  Kaitlin wanted to say more but the slave in her forced her lips shut. Kat hung her head, tears rolling from her eyes.

  ‘You sought the attentions of another? A Master?’

  Kat quickly shook her head, ‘No, Mistress.’

  Madeline stepped forward, harshly gripping each of her nipples and painfully squeezing and twisting them. ‘Are you denying these marks on your body? Do you think I’m stupid?’

  Kat gasped and sobbed, ‘Mistress, please ...’

  She lowered her hands, her nails scratching across Kat’s hips and then between her thighs, pressing at her bruised pussy lips and making her hiss with the sting of it. ‘He fucked you until you screamed with delight, didn’t he?’

  ‘Yes, Mistress,’ she sobbed.

  ‘Did he make you squirt?’

  Kat sobbed openly, ‘Yes, Mistress, but I didn’t want to ... I swear ... he gave me no choice.’

  Madeline laughed harshly, ‘Why? Did my stupid little slut forget the safe word?’

  ‘Mistress, please, let me explain.’

  She watched as her Mistress walked to the side of the room and returned with a coiled bullwhip. Her eyes widened with fear. She had only the felt the whip once and the memory of it chilled the sweat on her skin. Madeline played with the coils of the whip as she studied Kat again. Slowly she nodded, ‘Very well, explain.’

  ‘Mistress, when my arm was cut ... the doctor who stitched it ... he saw the marks on my body and he knew what I am.’ She swallowed, her throat dry from the rush of words, ‘... he said that he would tell everyone about me if I ... if I ... didn’t do what he ordered.’

  Madeline stared at her coldly, ‘And you are so ashamed of what you are ... of me ... that you would let a bastard like that fuck you rather than reveal yourself?’

  Kat could find no answer as the truth of her Mistress’ words stung her as harshly as any whip. In this place, this room of sex and pain, her reasons for doing what he had asked seemed pointless. In this place where she accepted, with all her heart, what she was and what her desires demanded of her, her reasons for protecting her life outside seemed pitiful. ‘I am sorry, Mistress, I feared for my career.’

  ‘And you put that above your desire to please me.’

  ‘Yes, Mistress,’ she whispered and closed her eyes as she watched her Mistress slowly uncoil the whip.

  The loud snap of the leather curling around her body was a sharp retort in the otherwise quiet room. Kat clenched her teeth, eager to bite back her cry and suffer the punishment with quiet acceptance. But she could hold back her cries for just a few moments and as the whip curled around her back and breasts, her scream tore from her throat, as much to vent her pain as to vent her anguish at the impossible position that
she had allowed herself to fall into. The whip circled her body several more times, bruising the battered flesh and causing her to sob pitifully as her Mistress slowly appeased her anger.

  She jumped as something cold touched her lips. She opened her eyes and stared at the glass of water as it was tipped up. The cool liquid ran between her lips and eased her sore, aching throat, dried by the terrible screams that had been ripped from her. She coughed as the glass was lowered and managed to rasp, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’

  Her hands were released from the cuffs and she dropped to the floor, too exhausted to move. She looked up as Madeline sat down beside her and lifted her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. It was such a tender action that Kat felt tears filling her eyes and her lips quivered.

  ‘You should have come to me,’ Madeline announced.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mistress, I didn’t know what to do.’

  ‘You were foolish and you have paid for it,’ she responded, ‘now, I want to know more about this bastard doctor.’

  Kat sat herself up and crossed her arms over her knees, trying not to shiver. ‘His name is Moore, he’s an A&E doctor at St Clare’s.’

  ‘And that is all you know?’

  ‘Yes, Mistress.’

  ‘Did he ask about me or mention me by name?’

  Kat frowned, ‘He asked me who my Mistress was ... but I didn’t tell him.’

  ‘I see.’ Madeline replied distantly and then slowly lay back, spreading her thighs. No further instruction was needed and Kat moved quickly to honour her Mistress.


  Things were different after that. Madeline was distant and clearly troubled. She didn’t whip Kat again for nearly two weeks and when she did, it was light. Kat didn’t question her but was grateful that Moore hadn’t contacted her, she feared that she would have gone to him willingly. The lack of attention from her Mistress was starting to affect her and she felt uncomfortable in her own skin.


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