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The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the West

Page 52

by Tom Holland

  119 Urban II, col. 288

  120 Hugh of Cluny, p. 147

  121 Urban II, cols. 302–3

  122 Ekkehard of Aura. Quoted by Riley-Smith, p. 33. Riley-Smith’s astronomical investigations have confirmed that the celestial phenomena reported by contemporaries were authentic.

  123 “Historia peregrinorum euntium Jerusolymam”: ibid.

  124 Fulcher of Chartres, p. 56. The allusion is specifically to the papacy but in the context applies no less forcefully to Jerusalem.

  125 See Delort, p. 64

  126 Quoted by Cowdrey (History 55), p. 188

  127 Gerbert of Aurillac, Letter 36

  128 For this estimate, see Bull (1993), p. 4

  129 Robert the Monk, p. 729

  130 Ralph of Caen, p. 22

  131 Gesta Francorum, p. 1

  132 Matthew 24.30

  133 The Latin word “crusata” did not come into use until the thirteenth century.

  134 Anna Comnena, pp. 308–9

  135 For Alexius’s self-presentation as the last emperor, see Charanis and Shepard (1997).

  136 Albert of Aachen, 4.13

  137 Estimates as to the precise numbers on the Crusade are inevitably hedged about by uncertainty. See Phillips, p. 6

  138 Guibert de Nogent, The Deeds of God through the Franks, p. 225

  139 Revelation 19.13–15.


  Primary sources

  Sources for medieval history tend to be much less freely availaible than their equivalents from the classical period. Not only do a majority remain untranslated, but many are accessible only in intimidating volumes of nineteenth-century scholarship. Two resources are particularly indispensable. One is the Patrologia Latina, an immense compendium of sermons, saints’ lives and other writings on ecclesiastical themes, gathered together in no fewer than 221 volumes by a single French priest, Jacques-Paul Migne. The other is the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, an even more titanic anthology of sources for the study of medieval history, begun in 1826 and ongoing to this day. Its title notwithstanding, the range of texts it embraces is far from confined to Germany. It is, however, authentically monumental.

  The following abbreviations were unavoidable:

  AASS: Acta Sanctorum Quotquot Orbe Colunter, Société des Bollandistes Antwerp, Brussels and Paris, 1643–1940

  EHD: English Historical Documents 1, c. 500–1042, Dorothy Whitelock London, 1979

  MGH: Monumenta Germaniae Historica

  AA: Auctores Antiquissimi Libelli: Libelli de lite imperatorum et pontificum

  SRG: Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separati editii

  SS: Scriptores

  PG: Patrologia Graeca

  PL: Patrologia Latina

  All quotations from the Bible are from the Revised Standard Version. All quotations from the Qur’an are from the translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (Indianapolis, 1992).

  Abbo of Fleury: Apologeticus ad Hugonem et Rodbertum Reges Francorum, in PL 139

  Abd Allah b. Buluggin al-Ziri al-Sanhaji: Al-Tibyan, tr. A. T. Tibi Leiden, 1986

  Adalbero of Laon: Poème au roi Robert, C. Carozzi Paris, 1979

  Adam of Bremen: History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen, tr. Francis J. Tschan New York, 2002

  Adémar of Chabannes: Ademari Cabannensis Chronica, Pascale Bourgain Turnhout, 1999

  Adso of Montier-en-Der: “Letter on the Origin and Time of the Antichrist,” in Apocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, The Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarola, tr. Bernard McGinn New York, 1979

  Aelfric: Colloquy, G. N. Garmonsway London, 1947

  Aelfric: Aelfric’s Catholic Homilies, Malcolm Godden London, 1979

  Albert of Aachen: Historia Ierosolimitana, Susan B. Edgington Oxford, 2007

  Albert of Metz: Fragmentum ed Deoderico primo episcopo Mettensi, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1854

  Alcuin: Letters, in Alcuin of York, c. A.D. 732 to 804: His Life and Letters, by Stephen Allott York, 1974

  Amatus of Monte Cassino: The History of the Normans, tr. Prescott N. Dunbar Woodbridge, 2004

  Andrew of Fleury: Miraculi Sancti Benedicti, Eugene de Certain Paris, 1858

  Andrew of Fleury: Vie de Gauzlin, Abbé de Fleury, Robert-Henri Bautier Paris, 1969

  Angilbertus: Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa, in MGH Poetae Latini aevi Karolini 1 Berlin, 1881

  Anna Comnena: The Alexiad, tr. E. R. A. Sewter London, 2003

  Annales Hildesheimenses, in MGH SRG 8 Hanover, 1878

  Annales Quedlinburgenses, in MGH SS 3 Hanover, 1839

  Annals of Ulster, tr. Seán Mac Airt and Gearóid Mac Niocail Dublin, 1983

  Archives d’Anjou, Paul Marchegay, 3 Angers, 1843–56

  Ari Thorgilsson: Book of the Icelanders, Halldór Hermannsson Ithaca, 1930

  Arnold of Regensburg: Vita S. Emmerami, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1841

  Arnulf of Milan: Liber Gestorum Recentium, in MGH SRG 67 Hanover, 1994

  Augustine: City of God, tr. Henry Bettenson London, 2003

  Augustine: On Order, tr. Silvano Borruso South Bend, 2006

  Avitus of Vienne: Epistulae, in MGH AA 6.2 Berlin, 1888

  Battle of Maldon, in EHD

  Beno: Benonis et Aliorum Cardinalium Schismaticorum Contra Gregorium VII. et Urbanum II. Scripta, in MGH Libelli 2 Hanover, 1892

  Bibliotheca Cluniacensis, Martinus Marrier and Andreas Quercetanus Mâcon, 1915

  Blickling Homilies, tr. Richard J. Kelly London, 2003

  Bonizo of Sutri: To a Friend, in The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century, tr. and I. S. Robinson Manchester, 2004

  Bruno of Merseburg: Saxonicum Bellum, in MGH Deutsches Mittelalter 2 Leipzig, 1937

  Bruno of Querfort: Passio Sancti Adalberti, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1841

  Bruno of Querfort: Vita Quinque Fratrum, in MGH SS 15 Hanover, 1887

  Byrhtferth: Byrhtferth’s Manual, tr. and S. J. Crawford London, 1929

  Carmen de Hastingae Proelio, in Morillo, 46–52

  Cartulaire de l’Abbaye de Saint-Aubin d’Angers, B. de Broussillon, 2 Paris, 1903

  Cartulaire du Ronceray, Paul Marchegay Angers, 1856

  Charlemagne: Epistolae, in MGH Epistolae Karolini Aevi Berlin, 1892–1925

  Chronicon Mosomense: Chronique ou Livre de Fondation du Monastère de Mouzon, tr. and Michel Bur Paris, 1989

  Chronicon Novaliciense, in MGH SS 7 Hanover, 1846

  Collectanea Byzantina II, S. G. Mercati Bari, 1970

  Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos: De Administrando Imperio, tr. R. J. H. Jenkins Dumbarton Oaks, 1967

  Corpus Scriptorum Muzarabicorum, J. Gil, 2 Madrid, 1973

  Desiderius of Monte Cassino: Dialogi de Miraculis Sancti Benedicti, in MGH SS 30/2 Leipzig, 1934

  Documents pour l’Histoire de l’Église de Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers (768–1300), L. Rédet Poitiers, 1847

  Donation of Constantine, Ernest F. Henderson, in Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages London, 1910 319–29

  Dudo of Saint-Quentin: History of the Normans, tr. Eric Christiansen Woodbridge, 1998

  Egil’s Saga, tr. C. Fell and J. Lucas London, 1975

  Einhard: The Life of Charlemagne, in Two Lives of Charlemagne, tr. Lewis Thorpe London, 1969

  Encomium Emmae Reginae, tr. Alistair Campbell Cambridge, 1998

  Erchempert: Historia Langabardorum Beneventarnorum (

  Eucherius of Lyon: The Passion of the Martyrs Van Berchem, 55–9

  Eusebius: Eusebius’ Life of Constantine, tr. Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall Oxford, 1999

  Eusebius: In Praise of the Emperor Constantine (∼vandersp/Courses/texts/eusebius/euseprai.html)

  Ex Miraculis Sancit Alexii, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1841

  Flodoard: Annales, Philippe Lauer Paris, 1905

  Fontes ad Topographiam Veteris Urbis Romae Pertinentes, VIII, Regio Urbis X, Mons Palatinus, G. Lugli Rome, 1960<
br />
  Fulbert of Chartres: The Letters & Poems of Fulbert of Chartres, F. Behrends Oxford, 1976

  Fulcher of Chartres: The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Sources, Edward Peters Philadelphia, 1998

  Gallus Anonymus: The Deeds of the Princes of the Poles, tr. Paul W. Knoll and Frank Shaer Budapest, 2003

  Geoffrey of Malaterra: De Rebus Gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae Comitis et Roberti Guiscardi Fratris Eius, E. Pontieri Bologna, 1927

  Gerbert of Aurillac: Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum, in MGH SS 3 Hanover, 1838

  Gerbert of Aurillac: The Letters of Gerbert with his Papal Privileges as Sylvester II, tr. Harriet Pratt Lattin New York, 1961

  Gesta Consulum Andegavorum: Chroniques des Comtes d’Anjou et des Seigneurs d’Amboise, L. Halphen and R. Poupardin Paris, 1913

  Gilo: Vita Sancti Hugonis Abbatis, H. E. J. Cowdrey, in Studi Gregoriani 11, 1978

  Glaber, Rodulfus: Opera, John France, Neithard Bulst and Paul Reynolds Oxford, 1989

  Gregory I: Homiliarum in Evengelia, in PL 76

  Gregory I: Moralium Libri, in PL 75

  Gregory I: Regulae Pastoralis Liber, in PL 77

  Gregory VII: The “Epistolae Vagantes” of Pope Gregory VII, tr. H. E. J. Cowdrey Oxford, 1972

  Gregory VII: The Register of Pope Gregory VII 1073–1085, tr. H. E. J. Cowdrey Oxford, 2002

  Guibert de Nogent: A Monk’s Confession: The Memoirs of Guibert of Nogent, tr. Paul J. Archambault Philadelphia, 1995

  Guibert de Nogent: The Deeds of God through the Franks: A Translation of Guibert de Nogent’s Gesta Dei per Francos, tr. R. Levine Woodbridge, 1996

  Hariulf: Gesta Ecclesiae Centulensis, in Chronique de l’Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, F. Lot Paris, 1894

  Heliand: The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel, tr. G. Ronald Murphy Oxford, 1992

  Henry II, in MGH Diplomata Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae 3 H. Bresslau, H. Bloch and R. Holtzmann Hanover, 1900–3

  Henry IV: Die Briefe Heinrichs IV, in MGH Deutsches Mittlealter 1 Leipzig, 1937

  Henry of Huntingdon: The History of the English People 1000–1154, tr. Diana Greenway Oxford, 1996

  Hermann of Reichenau: Chronicon de Sex Aetatibus Mundi, in MGH SS 5 Hanover, 1844

  Hildebert: Vita Sancti Hugonis, in PL 159, cols. 857–94

  Hrotsvit of Gandersheim: Pelagia, in Opera Omnia, Walter Berschin Munich, 2001

  Hugh of Cluny: Two Studies in Cluniac History 1049–1126, H. E. J. Cowdrey Rome, 1978

  Ibn Hazm: The Ring of the Dove: A Treatise on the Art and Practice of Arab Love, tr. A. J. Arberry London, 1997

  Inventio et Miracula Sancti Vulfranni, Dom J. Laporte Rouen, 1938

  Itinera Hierosolymitana et Descriptiones Terrae Sanctae, T. Tobler and A. Molinier Osnabrück, 1966

  John Canaparius: Vita Sancti Adalberti, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1841

  John the Deacon: Chronicon Venetum, G. Monticolo Rome, 1890

  John of Fécamp: Epistola ad Leonem IX, in PL 143, cols. 797–800

  John of St. Arnoul: La Vie de Jean, Abbé de Gorze, Michel Parisse Paris, 1999

  John of Salerno: St. Odo of Cluny: Being the Life of St. Odo of Cluny by John of Salerno and the Life of St. Gerald of Aurillac by St. Odo, tr. G. Sitwell London, 1958

  John Skylitzes: Synopsis Historiarum, I. Thurn Berlin, 1973

  Jordanes: The Gothic History of Jordanes, tr. Charles C. Mierow Princeton, 1915

  Lactantius: De Mortibus Persecutorum, J. L. Creed Oxford, 1984

  Lampert of Hersfeld: Annales, in MGH SRG 38 Hanover, 1894

  Landulf Senior: Historia Mediolanensis, in MGH SS 8 Hanover, 1848

  Laxdaela Saga, tr. Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Palsson London, 1969

  Leo VI: Tactica, in PG 107, cols. 419–1094

  Leo of Synada: The Correspondence of Leo, Metropolitan of Synada & Syncellus, M. P. Vinson Washington, DC, 1985

  Leo the Deacon: The History of Leo the Deacon: Byzantine Military Expansion in the Tenth Century, tr. Alice-Mary Talbot Dennis F. Sullivan Washington, DC, 2005

  Lex Salica, in MGH Leges Nationum Germanicarum 4/2 Hanover, 1969

  Liber Miraculorum Sancte Fidis, A. Bouillet Paris, 1897

  Liber Tramitis Aevi Odilonis Abbatis, P. Dinter Siegburg, 1980

  Life of King Edward who Rests at Westminster, tr. F. Barlow Oxford, 1992

  Life of Pope Leo IX, in The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century, tr. and I. S. Robinson Manchester, 2004

  Liudprand of Cremona: Antapodosis and History of Otto, in The Works of Liudprand of Cremona, tr. F. A. Wright London, 1930

  Liudprand of Cremona: Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana (The Mission to Constantinople), Brian Scott Bristol, 1993

  Leo of Vercelli: “Panegyric on Otto III,” in Kaiser, Rom und Renovatio, by P. E. Schramm, pp. 62–4

  Louis IV: Recueil des Actes de Louis IV, Roi de France (936–954), P. Lauer Paris, 1914

  Michael Psellus: Fourteen Byzantine Rulers, tr. E. R. A. Sewter London, 1966

  Milo Crispin: Vita Beati Lanfranci Cantuariensium Archiepiscopi, in PL 150, cols. 53–4

  Odo of Cluny: Collationes, in PL 133

  Orderic Vitalis: The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, tr. Marjorie Chibnall, 6 Oxford, 1968–80

  Ottar the Black: Knútsdrápa, in EHD, 335–6

  Otto I: Diplomata, in MGH Diplomata Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae 1 Hanover, 1879–84

  Otto of Freising: The Two Cities, tr. C. C. Mierow New York, 1928

  Paul of Bernried: The Life of Pope Gregory VII, in The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century, tr. and I. S. Robinson Manchester, 2004

  Paulinus of Aquileia: Carmina, in MGH Poetae 1 Berlin, 1881

  Peter Damian: Vita Dominici Loricati, in PL 144, cols. 1009–24

  Peter Damian: Vita Romualdi, G. Tabacco Rome, 1957

  Peter Damian: The Letters of Peter Damian, 1–120, tr. Owen J. Blum, 4 Washington, DC, 1989–98

  Peter the Venerable: De Miraculis, in PL 189, cols. 851–954

  “Poeta Saxo”: Annalium de gestis Caroli Magni imperatoris libri quinque, in MGH Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini 4 Berlin, 1899

  Primer of Medieval Latin: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry, Charles H. Beeson Washington, DC, 1986

  Quellen zur Geschichte Kaiser Heinrich IV, F. -J. Schmale I. Schmale-Ott Darmstadt, 1961

  Ralph of Caen: The Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of Caen: A History of the Normans on the First Crusade, tr. Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach Aldershot, 2005

  Rather of Verona: The Complete Works of Ratherius of Verona, P. L. Reid Michigan, 1991

  Regino of Prüm: Chronicon cum Continuatione Treverensi, in MGH SRG 10 Hanover, 1890

  Richer: Histoire de France (888–995), tr. R. Latouche Paris, 1930

  Robert the Monk: Historia Iherosolimitana, in Recueil des Historiens des Croisades: Historiens Occidentaux 3 Paris, 1866

  Ruodlieb, tr. Gordon B. Ford Leiden, 1965

  Russian Primary Chronicle, tr. S. H. Cross and O. P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor Cambridge, Mass., 1953

  Saxo Grammaticus: History of the Danes, tr. Peter Fisher and Hilda Ellis Davidson Cambridge, 1979

  Sigebert of Gembloux: Chronica, in MGH SS 6 Hanover, 1884

  Sigehard: Miracula S. Maximini, in Acta Sanctorum Quotquot Toto Orbe Coluntur, Iohannes Bollandus Antwerp, 1688

  Snorri Sturluson: Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings, tr. Samuel Laing London, 1844

  Snorri Sturluson: King Harald’s Saga, tr. Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Palsson St. Ives, 1966

  Snorri Sturluson: The Ynglinga Saga (

  Thangmar: Vita Sancti Bernwardi Episcopi Hildesheimensis, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1841

  Thietmar of Merseburg: Ottonian Germany: The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg, tr. David A. Warner Manchester, 2001

  Urban II: Epistolae et Privilegia, in PL 151

  Vita Altmanni Episcopi Pataviensis, in MGH SS 12 Hanover, 1856

  Vita et Mira
cula Sancti Leonardi, A. Poncelet, in AASS, November 3

  Vita Sancti Athanasii, in PL 149

  Vita Sancti Nili Abbatis Cryptae Ferratae, in MGH SS 4 Hanover, 1841

  Warner of Rouen: Moriuht, Christopher J. McDonough Toronto, 1995

  Wazo of Liège: Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium, in MGH SS 7 Hanover, 1846

  Wido of Osnabrück: Liber de Controversia inter Hildebrandum et Heinricum Imperatorem, in MGH Libelli I Hanover, 1891

  Widukind of Corvey: Res Gestae Saxonicae, in MGH SS 3 Hanover, 1838

  William of Apulia: La Geste de Robert Guiscard, M. Mathieu Palermo, 1961

  William of Jumièges: The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni, tr. E. M. C. van Houts, 2 Oxford, 1992–5

  William of Malmesbury: Vita Wulfstani, Reginald R. Darlington London, 1928

  William of Poitiers: The Gesta Guillelmi of William of Poitiers, tr. R. H. C. Davis and M. Chibnall Oxford, 1998

  Wipo: Gesta Chuonradi II Imperatoris, in MGH SRG 61 Hanover, 1915

  Wulfstan: Lectio Sancti Evangelii Secundum Matheum (

  Wulfstan: The Sermon of the Wolf to the English (∼wulfstan)

  Secondary sources

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  Airlie, Stuart “After Empire – Recent Work on the Emergence of Post-Carolingian Kingdoms,” Early Medieval Europe 2/2, 1993

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  Alexander, Paul J. The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1985

  Ali, Shaukat Millenarian and Messianic Tendencies in Islamic History Lahore, 1993

  Allen, Roland “Gerbert, Pope Silvester II,” English Historical Review 28 1892

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  Althoff, Gerd Otto III, tr. Phyllis G. Jestice Pennsylvania, 1996

  Armstrong, Karen: Muhammed: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam London, 1992


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