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The Great War

Page 66

by Peter Hart

  Milne, Lieutenant General Sir George 192, 194

  Milner, Lord 423

  Mitchell, Lieutenant Frank 436–7

  Moltke (battlecruiser) 115, 264, 323

  Moltke, General Helmuth von, the Elder 12, 15, 25, 32, 60, 428, 469

  Moltke, General Helmuth von, the Younger

  and the Schlieffen Plan 14

  wants war as quickly as possible 15, 25–6, 469

  strengthens German forces on Franco-German border 14–15

  avoids invading Holland 15

  attack on Belgian Liège forts 15

  and alliance with Austria-Hungary 15

  Austrian discussions with 20

  Alsace-Lorraine offensive 40

  despatches two corps east 64

  changes plans in the Paris region 65

  Battle of the Marne 67

  replaced by Falkenhayn 67

  Prittwitz replaced by Hindenburg 85

  and Falkenhayn 125

  Monash, Lieutenant General Sir John 447, 449, 459

  Monastir (Bitola, Macedonia) 191

  Monchy-le-Preux 331, 336, 337, 453

  Monmouth (armoured cruiser) 110, 111

  Monro, Lieutenant General Sir Charles 184–5

  Mons, Battle of (1914) 53–7, 72, 463

  Mons, retreat from 57

  Mons-Condé Canal 54

  Mont Kemmel 428, 431

  Mont St Quentin 453

  Montauban 222

  Montdidier 441

  Monte Hermada 384

  Monte Podgora 380

  Monte Sabotino 380

  Monte San Daniele 381

  Monte San Gabriele 381

  Monte San Michele 381

  Monte Santo 380

  Montenegro 10, 165

  Montreuil château 209

  Mordacq, Colonel Henri 140

  Morhange, Battle of (1914) 39, 40

  Morin, Sergeant Émile 150–51, 443, 445


  First Moroccan Crisis (1905–6) 20–21

  Second Moroccan Crisis (1911) 21

  French protectorate 21

  Morris, Lieutenant Lionel 237

  Morritt, Captain William 56

  Mort Homme ridge 203

  Morval, Battle of (1916) 235

  Moscow 165

  falls to the Bolsheviks 303

  Napoleon’s retreat (1812) 13

  Mosul oil fields 293

  Mouquet Farm, Battle of (1916) 230

  Mousley, Lieutenant Edward 283, 284

  Mulhouse 38, 39, 40

  Mullins, Private Francis 192, 193

  Murdoch, Keith 184

  Murray, General Sir Archibald 63, 395, 397, 398–9, 400–401


  Nahr Falik 407

  Namur 51, 235

  Napoleon Bonaparte 13, 124, 272

  Napoleon III, Emperor 4, 11

  Napoleonic Wars (1803–15) viii

  Narew River sector 158

  Nasiriyah 275

  National Defence Act 411


  in fascism viii

  rise of the concept x

  in the colonies 8

  Slav 9, 21

  in Turkey 10

  in Austro-Hungarian Empire 23

  nationalistic minorities 471

  naval race 97, 98

  Navy Act (1898) 96

  Navy Act (1900) 96

  Nazi Party 470, 471

  Nek, The 177, 179

  Nettleton, Lieutenant John 440

  Neufchâteau 41

  Neuilly, Treaty of (1919) 471

  Neuve Chapelle, Battle of (1915) 130–39, 153, 155, 173, 186, 197, 211, 213, 225, 232, 447

  Neuville-St-Vaast 145

  Neville, Colonel Wendell C. 440–41

  New Zealand, troop convoys from 110

  New Zealand (battlecruiser) 115

  New Zealand Brigade 177, 179

  Nibrunesi Point180

  Nicholas, Grand Duke 84, 88, 162, 163

  Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia

  autocratic rule 6, 296

  political reform 7

  orders Russian mobilisation 26

  exchange of telegrams with the Kaiser 28

  replaces Grand Duke Nicholas 163, 242

  oblivious to popular discontent 297

  abdication 298

  Nicosian (steamer) 117, 123

  Niemeyer, Senior Lieutenant 223

  Nieppe 430

  Nieuport 70–71, 77

  Nightingale, Captain Guy 183–4

  Nile Delta 396

  Nivelle, General Robert 192, 204, 296, 328, 329–30, 338, 339, 341, 347, 359–60, 424

  Nivelle Offensive 192, 296, 338, 338–45, 348

  Nixon, Lieutenant General Sir John 271, 272, 275, 276, 279, 280, 281, 282

  Norfolk Hill 273, 274

  North Africa: colonialism 5, 10, 20

  North Sea 99, 103, 108, 320

  Germany’s freedom restricted 101, 109

  and blockade 115, 118, 249

  Britain defines as a military area 119

  Scheer resumes sweeps 252

  North-West Frontier 269, 272–3

  Northern Barrage 318

  Northern Group of Armies 69

  Notre Dame de Lorette Spur 145, 151

  Noyon 441

  Noyon Salient, France 149

  Nunan, Lieutenant Stan 408

  Nunn, Captain 274, 275

  Nürnberg (light cruiser) 110, 113

  Nusrat (Turkish minelayer) 169


  Obourg 55

  Ocean (pre-dreadnought) 169

  Odin (sloop) 274

  Oise River 329

  Oosttaverne Line 348, 351


  Albion 302

  Blücher 438–41, 443

  George 415, 416, 428

  Georgette 428–38

  Gneisenau 441–42

  Hagen 438

  Mars 415, 416, 425

  Michael 415, 416–27

  Oram, Sub-Lieutenant Henry 256

  Ors Communal Cemetery 463

  Osowiec Fortress, siege of (1915) 158

  Ostend 68, 312, 319, 323, 351, 363, 368

  Otranto (auxiliary cruiser) 110, 111

  Ottoman Empire, fall of viii, 3–6, 10, 11, 21, 93, 471

  Ourcq River 66

  Ouvrage de Thiaumont strongpoint 205, 206–7

  Oven, Colonel von 36

  Oversay island 316

  Owen, Lieutenant Wilfred 462–3

  ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ 463

  ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ 463

  ‘Strange Meeting’ 463


  Pacific Ocean 110, 472

  Palestine 461, 471

  Palestinian Campaign 293, 308, 398–409, 413, 414

  Pan-Slavism 5, 9


  fall of (1871) 12

  siege of (1870–71) 16

  Moltke’s plan to drive the French from Paris 65

  Pétain intent on defending 423

  Parker, Corporal George 459

  Pasic, Nicholas 25

  Passchendaele 71, 367

  Passchendaele, First Battle of (1917) 366–7

  Passchendaele Ridge 77, 351, 356, 357, 361, 362, 363, 365, 459

  Passchendaele-Gheluvelt Ridge 354

  Pau, General Paul 39, 40

  Peking: embassy staff besieged 103

  Perry, Private Alfred 171

  Pershing, General John 316, 412, 465

  Persia, oil fields 271

  Persian Gulf 268, 269

  Perthes, Champagne, France 127

  Pétain, General Henri 202–3, 341, 343, 344, 421, 423, 424, 465

  Pétain, General Philippe 145, 148

  Petit Couronné 192, 193

  Petrograd 300, 302

  Petrograd Soviet 298

  Peuty, Commandant Paul du 214

  Philippine-American War 412

  Piave River 388, 391

  Piave River, Battle of (1918) 389–90

nbsp; Picton Davies, Lieutenant H.G. 153

  Pilchem Ridge 348, 352, 354, 357, 365, 430

  Pilditch, Captain Philip 230, 236, 241

  Pilica River 90

  Plan XVII 17, 32

  Alsace-Lorraine offensive 17, 38–41

  Ardennes offensive 41–50

  Platzr, Private 128

  Plemmer, Private 128

  Ploiesti oil fields 248–9

  Plumer, General Sir Herbert 348, 351, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 366, 417, 429, 459

  Po River 382, 389

  Pochhammer, Commander Hans 112–13

  Poelcappelle, Battle of (1917) 363, 365–6, 367

  Pohl, Admiral Hugh von 116–17

  Poincaré, Raymond 423


  last partition of 18–19

  German Ninth Army advances into

  Russian Poland 88

  occupied by German forces 303

  German loss of Polish territory 470

  Polish Salient 163

  Polygon Wood, Battle of (1917) 362

  Pommern (pre-dreadnought) 264

  Port Stanley, Falkland Islands 111

  Portuguese corps 428–9

  Posen conference (1914) 90

  Pound, Commander Dudley 109

  Powell, Captain Ifor 190–91

  Pozières, Battle of (1916) 229–30

  Pozières Plateau 224

  Pozières Ridge 229

  Pozières 222

  Princess Royal (battlecruiser) 111, 115

  Princip, Gavrilo 24, 471

  Pripyat Marshes 163, 243, 245

  Prittwitz, Lieutenant General Max von 84, 85

  Prussia 1, 4, 325

  Przemyśl, Poland, siege of 87–8, 89, 90–91, 159, 160, 162

  Pulteney, Lieutenant General Sir William 69

  Putnik, Field Marshal Radomir 91, 92, 93, 165


  Queen Elizabeth class (super-dreadnoughts) 252

  Queen Mary 254, 255

  Quinton, Private William 73, 74–5, 78, 79, 142–3

  Qurna 271, 273, 289

  Qurna, Battle of (1914) 270, 275


  Rabe (of 15th Reserve Infantry Regiment) 230–31

  Rapallo, Italy: Allied conference (1917) 388, 415

  Rasputin, Grigory 296

  Rawa-Russkaya, Battle of (1914) 87

  Rawlinson, Lieutenant General Sir Henry 69, 70, 131, 138, 139, 153, 210–11, 225, 226, 227, 232, 425, 446, 447, 451, 459

  Raymond-Barker, Major Richard 433

  Red Army 304

  Red Guard 302, 303

  Redan Ridge 224, 239

  Rees, Herbert 58

  Rees, Lieutenant Tom 237

  Reinsurance Treaty (1887) 2, 4

  Renault, Désiré 46

  Rennenkampf, General Paul von 84, 85, 86, 87

  Reynal, Commander Sylvain Eugène 204–5

  Reynardson, Captain Henry Birch 273–4

  Rhine River 18, 465, 469

  Rhododendron Ridge 177, 179

  Richthofen, Lieutenant Manfred von 237, 238, 332, 334, 422–3, 433–5

  Rickenbacker, Captain Edward 454, 455

  Riga, Latvia 162, 243, 300–301, 385

  River Clyde (tramp steamer) 173

  Robertson, General Sir William 191, 196, 290, 292, 341, 352, 405, 413, 415, 448

  Rodman, Rear Admiral Hugh 316

  Rogerson, Captain Sydney 439

  Romani, Battle of (1916) 396

  Rommel, Lieutenant Erwin 386–7

  Rose, Private Geoffrey 449–50

  Rossignol, Battle of (1914) 41–7

  Rosyth 115, 316, 323

  Roulers 68, 70, 351, 362, 363, 368

  Roupell, Lieutenant George 54

  Routh, Captain Eric 337

  Rowland, Private Charles 450

  Royal Air Force (RAF) 408, 448

  Royal Flying Corps (RFC)

  aerial photography reconnaissance 134–6, 364

  relationship with the BEF 136

  Battle of the Somme 214–16, 236–7

  new generation of aircraft 215–16

  harassment of Turkish steamer 290–91

  aging aircraft 331–2

  Battle of Arras 334, 335

  Battle of Cambrai 371–2

  Royal Navy

  2nd Battle Squadron 114, 115

  3rd Battle Squadron 115

  5th Battle Squadron 252, 254, 255, 257, 259–60

  6th Battle Squadron 316

  1st Battlecruiser Squadron 104, 114, 115, 252, 254

  2nd Battlecruiser Squadron 115, 254, 260

  3rd Battlecruiser Squadron 253, 257

  1st Cruiser Squadron 258

  10th Cruiser Squadron 118, 318

  1st Light Cruiser Squadron 115, 256

  12th Flotilla 264

  Channel Fleet 101, 109

  Grand Fleet 102, 107, 111, 114, 169, 251, 305, 306, 309, 311, 315–16, 323

  at Scapa Flow 101, 103, 117, 252, 253

  Battle of Jutland 253, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 266, 267

  risk from mines and submarines 94, 252, 253, 267, 305, 306

  role of 103–4, 118

  Harwich Force 104, 115

  South American Squadron 110

  supremacy under threat from Germany 7, 8, 95, 97, 102–3, 251

  Naval Mission to Turkish Navy 22, 167

  ‘two-power standard’ 94–5

  battleship design 97

  naval race 97

  battlecruisers 97–8, 255, 306

  fixation on guns and speed 99

  submarine service 100

  blockade x, 101, 109, 115, 118–19, 120, 249, 309–10, 315, 318–19, 325, 327, 465

  early mobilisation 101–2

  Spithead Review 102

  Battle of Coronel 110–11

  Battle of the Falkland Islands 111–13

  Battle of Dogger Bank 115–17

  low standard of gunnery on battlecruisers 117

  convoys issue 120–21, 311–15, 469

  ‘Q’ Ships 122, 310

  Battle of Jutland 253–67, 305–6

  protecting advance to El Arish 397

  Ruffey, General Pierre 41

  Rule, Lieutenant Edgar 447


  independence 10

  resolves to stay out of the war 83

  decision to participate in the war 191

  joins the Allies 231, 247–8

  declares war on Austria-Hungary 248

  invades Transylvania 248

  German invasion of 248

  Mackensen enters Bucharest 248

  Ploiesti oil fields 248–9

  surrender of 303

  Rumanian Army 191, 247–8, 295

  Rupprecht, Crown Prince 40

  Russia 5, 6, 7

  population 5, 82

  industrialisation 5, 7

  French aid 5, 14, 81, 84

  and Pan-Slavism 5, 9

  relationship with Serbia 5–6, 27

  autocracy 6, 296

  Duma 7, 296, 297, 299

  enmity towards Germany 7

  threat to Turkey 10

  Plan 19 produced (1910) 19

  Plan 20 19

  aims to secure Constantinople 19–20, 22, 27

  mobilisation 26–27, 83

  Germany declares war 29, 83

  Austria declares war on 83

  railways 84, 244

  Joffre determined to support Russia 148

  declares war on Turkey 168

  apparently tamed by Germany 198

  Tsarist government 296

  spy scares 296

  Rasputin cult 296

  food riots 297

  Provisional Government 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303

  Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies (Soviet) 297

  Tsar’s abdication 298

  Soviet-style committees 298, 300, 302

  Allies refuse to recognise Bolshevik government 303

  loss of coal fields and industrial heartlands 303

  civil war 304

  Communist state 470–71

  tyranny of the Tsars 470

  Sykes-Picot Agreement 471

  Falkenhayn favours peace with 125, 163

  Russian Air Service 244

  Russian Army

  First Army 19, 84, 85, 86, 88

  Second Army 19, 84, 85, 86, 89

  Third Army 19, 84, 87, 160, 161

  Fourth Army 19, 84, 87, 88

  Fifth Army 19, 84, 87, 89

  Seventh Army 243, 299

  Eighth Army 84, 87, 243

  Ninth Army 88, 243

  Tenth Army 84, 87, 88, 158, 159

  Eleventh Army 243, 299

  Twelfth Army 158, 159

  XX Corps 158

  Stavka 88, 160, 162, 163, 295

  size of 5, 81, 295

  modernisation 7, 13, 14

  mobilisation 81

  weaponry 82

  disaster at Tannenberg 86

  lax wireless security 85–6, 88–9

  withdrawal from Galicia 162

  loss of territory 163

  casualties 163

  new defence line 163

  Salonika Campaign 189

  successful offensive against Austria-Hungary 191

  Russian prisoners and casualties 242

  rise in desertions 247, 298, 300

  food rations 296–7

  stands aloof from 1917 Revolution 297–8

  demobilisation 303

  Russian Empire viii, 5

  Russian High Command 19, 163–4, 247

  Russian Navy 7

  Russian Revolution (1905) 7, 82, 297

  Russian Revolution (March 1917) 292, 297–8

  Russian Revolution (November 1917) 302–4, 342, 368, 392, 410

  Russo-Japanese War (1904–5) 6, 7, 26–7, 84

  Russo-Turkish War (1877–8) 6

  Ruzsky, General Nikolai 158, 160, 164


  Saalwächer, Lieutenant Commander Alfred 314

  St Daniel 386

  St Julien 140, 142, 354, 361

  St Mihiel Salient 129, 144

  St Omer 70

  St Pierre Divion 212, 239

  St Quentin 416

  St Quentin Canal 369, 373, 459

  Saint-Germain, Treaty of (1919) 471

  Saint-Mihiel, Battle of (1918) 454–5

  Sainte-Ménehould, France 344

  Salisbury Plain 424

  Salonika Campaign 184, 187–95, 288, 308, 409, 413, 414

  first Allied troops disembark 188

  French enthusiasm for 189

  the port of Salonika 190

  major health issues 190–91

  Rumanian decision to participate 191

  Sarrail’s failed offensive 192–3

  abdication of King Constantine 193–4

  Sarrail dismissed 194

  Second Battle of Doiran 194–5

  Bulgaria surrenders 195

  casualties 195

  Salonika Expeditionary Force (SEF) 188, 192, 195

  Sambre Canal 463

  Sambre River 41, 51

  Samsonov, General Alexander 84, 85, 86, 87

  San River 87, 89, 161

  Sannayeh 269

  Sanniyat 285, 290, 291

  Sarajevo: assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 23, 24

  Sari Bair Ridge 177, 178


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