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Dragon Isle Book Bundle 1-3: My Lord and Dragon, The Dragon Fighter, and A Dragon's Bite

Page 7

by Stern, Sophie

  Still, she smiled as Melissa talked about Alan, humoring her friend as she went on and on about his giant dragon dick and the width of his wingspan when he was in dragon form. Alan had been pursuing her actively for a few weeks now, but they had only recently slept together.

  According to Melissa, there was nothing like it.

  Lindsey continued listening with a smile on her lips. She knew Alan could never compare to her dragon.

  “Alan is originally from Ireland,” Melissa twirled a lock of her hair. “He moved here for business.”

  “What business?” Lindsey asked absentmindedly.

  “He’s going to take over the clinic,” Melissa said. This was news to Lindsey. There was a clinic on Dragon Isle? Of course, it made sense. Even dragons would get sick occasionally. Still, the idea that a big, strong shifter might have to seek medical help was amusing to Lindsey.

  “Is he a doctor?”

  “Yes, he’s been working at a private practice in Asia for the last few years.”

  “Huh,” Lindsey said. How interesting. “What made him decide to move here?”

  Melissa shrugged. “I guess he got tired of being lonely.”

  “What would you like to do while I’m at work?” Kade asked Lindsey one night. He had been working from home as much as possible, but on the days he had to go to the office, Melissa stayed with Lindsey.

  “What do you mean, Master?” She asked from her spot on the floor. He was petting her hair as he read a newspaper.

  “I’m going to have to start going in to the office more,” he said with a hint of regret in his voice. “Unfortunately, we have a company merger happening and I have to be around for it. I can’t exactly leave you chained up all day, now can I?”

  “No, Master,” Lindsey shook her head, though she had no idea what Kade was about to suggest.

  “Would you like me to have Melissa come stay with you?” Kade lowered his voice as he stroked her hair.

  “I could stay by myself,” Lindsey offered up. She had been on the island for awhile. Surely Kade knew she could be trusted not to run away. Even if she managed to escape into the surrounding forests, where would she go? Surely a wild animal or other dragon would catch her before she managed to make it to the opposite side of the island.

  Though the dragon clan didn’t officially prohibit people from having slaves on the island, it was frowned upon. She knew that if she somehow did get to the city and talk with Victoria or raise a fuss about Kade, he could be banished from the island.

  Or worse: have his winged cut off.

  A wingless dragon was much weaker since it couldn’t fly, but more than that, it was publicly shamed.

  No one was afraid of a dragon that didn’t have wings.

  “Do you think you’re responsible enough to stay on your own?” Kade’s voice wasn’t condescending, simply curious.

  “I think so, Master.”

  “We’ll give it a trial run,” he said to Lindsey, after a moment. “If you behave and you’re a good little slut for me, I’ll let you stay while I’m at work.”

  She snuggled against his leg and smiled.

  “Thank you, Master.”

  He pet her hair a few minutes more, then he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out.

  “Thank me for my generosity, pet.”

  Without hesitation, Lindsey turned and took his length in her mouth, slowly tasting him. She teased his head just a moment before slipping her mouth down onto the rest of him. Kade groaned as she took him, letting her quietly know she was pleasing him.

  When he had finished coming over her breasts, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He put Lindsey on her sleeping mat and placed a blanket over her legs and waist, leaving her cum-covered breasts exposed.

  “I want you to think of me tonight, sweet human,” he whispered. Kade placed a soft kiss on her forehead, then left the room, leaving Lindsey to drift off to sleep by herself.


  Kade had wanted a slave for as long as he could remember.

  The normal D/s relationships were great, but this? This was perfect. He didn’t have to spend his time worrying about finding the right girl or finding a girl who could tolerate his proclivities. No, Kade could just go to work and come home to his perfect little human.

  And perfect, she was.

  Lindsey was not scrawny, nor was she large in stature. Dragonwomen were notoriously tall and usually quite muscular. While many dragonmen found their bodies attractive, Kade did not. Kade liked his women small. He liked them curvy. He liked them soft.

  And he liked Lindsey most of all.

  She was obviously a little self-conscious about her looks, but he planned to change that. It was one of the reasons he demanded she be naked at all times. She was perfect and Kade liked to look at her. Her ass was a little rounded and her tummy was a little padded, which made her soft and huggable.

  It made her everything he was not.

  He arrived home one day to find her kneeling in the hallway. She always waited for him there. This made him feel satisfied with his decision not to keep her in the cage anymore. Though he still sometimes worried she would run away, Kade knew he didn’t treat her poorly enough that she would run without telling him.

  No, she would talk to him about it.

  Kade was sure of it.

  He had spent months planning for Lindsey’s arrival. Now that he had his little doll, he didn’t plan to let anything shorten their time together. The only sad part about their arrangement was that it was just that: an arrangement. At the end of a year, Lindsey would return home to get a job or do whatever it is human girls like to do.

  And Kade would be alone.


  He had been on his own as long as he could remember. While Kade’s friends and siblings chose to take mates and settle down, he never had. He had been focused on building his business empire, focused on fighting for the rights of dragons, focusing on becoming disgustingly rich.

  And where was he now?




  He had been so desperate for company that he had seriously gone for some sort of mail-order bride, but it wasn’t even that. Lindsey wasn’t even promising to stay with him forever. She was just staying with him for a little while, just to ease the pain for a bit.

  And soon she would be gone, just like every other good thing in Kade’s life.

  His brothers and sisters had long ago stopped talking to him. They always did, once they decided to have children. Kade was a bad influence, they all thought. He didn’t blame them, what with his long work hours, foul language, and appetite for deviant sexual activities.

  Most of them were no longer on Dragon Isle, though. They had moved to cities where they could blend in. A few had joined dragon clans in other countries. One had gone into government work.

  And Kade had stayed where he was.

  He hid away in his mansion, in his castle of desperation, trying anything he could to find happiness.

  And now he had, even if just for a little while.

  Now he had found something so perfect, he never wanted to let her go.

  He found Lindsey curled up in the living room, reading a book. She was always reading, it seemed. She didn’t know it yet, but Kade had ordered a large number of books to be delivered the following week.

  He had done it just to please her, just to make her smile.

  He would do almost anything to make Lindsey smile.

  “Good afternoon, pet,” he said, slipping onto the sofa. He lifted her feet and pulled them into his lap. Did she purr as he did so? It seemed like it. Maybe she had a bit of panther-shifter in her somewhere and just didn’t know about it.

  “Hello, Master,” she said.

  “Reading anything good today?”

  She grinned. “A new mystery. We aren’t sure whether the doctor or the English teacher is the murderer, though.”

  “My bet is on the doctor,” Kade smil
ed. “You never can be too sure with those professional types.”

  She laughed heartily, causing her breasts to bounce. He reached out and cupped one, then he massaged her gently. Immediately, Lindsey put her book down and shifted her position. She moved so that she was straddling Kade, facing him. Her breasts pressed against his shirt. Her nipples hardened.

  “Master,” she whispered into his ear. His cock grew hard as she told him how much she wanted to suck his dick, how she was already wet for him.

  “Show me,” he growled.

  Lindsey looked into his eyes as she reached between her legs. She slipped two fingers inside herself, playing for just a moment. Then she pulled them out and slipped them between Kade’s lips. He hissed as he tasted her sweet flavor, then lifted her up and carried her out of the room.

  They would continue this little adventure outside.

  Kade carried Lindsey’s body easily. She felt lightweight with him, almost miniscule. Is this how tiny, short girls felt all the time? She had never considered herself to be particularly small. This felt wonderful, though. She could get used to the feeling.

  He carried her through the mansion, but surprised her by walking outside into the cool evening air.

  “No dungeon tonight?” She asked quietly, stroking his face with her fingers.

  “No dungeon,” he confirmed. His voice was deep. Kade’s words came out in a low growl. She knew that if she reached down, she would feel his cock hard and ready.

  She knew he would be up for anything.

  He took her to a tree in the yard that was close to the ocean waves, but not quite on the beach. She could see where the sand began that disappeared until the dark ocean waves. Part of her was a little glad they were in a grassy area and she wouldn’t have to worry about cleaning sand from her entire body later. Part of her wondered what he planned to do to her.

  Several ropes hung from the branches. Kade set Lindsey down and immediately began touching the different ropes.

  Was he going to tie her up?

  Out here?

  She shivered.

  The sound of the waves was gentle, filling her ears calmingly, as Kade lifted Lindsey’s arms above her head. He tied her wrists to the tree so she was restrained, but left her feet free. She could wiggle and move around a bit, but she couldn’t escape.

  Suddenly, she realized this meant he could play with her and she could fight back.

  A little.

  Just enough to make her feel like she had power.

  Just enough to give her the illusion that she was in control.

  “Pet,” Kade spoke. His voice was still deep, still tinged with desire. He circled her as he often did, reminding her that he was the hunter.

  She was the hunted.

  Goosebumps covered her body as she watched him staring at her.

  He was going to eat her alive.

  And they both knew it.

  He stepped closer and traced his finger up and down her spine.

  “You’ve been here awhile now, little human. Tell me, is it what you expected?”


  “What did you expect?” His fingers traced circles on the round globes of her bottom, then he traced back up her spine.

  “I thought you might be meaner,” she whispered. Kade chuckled. “You’re still mean sometimes,” she added quickly. “But not like I expected. I didn’t think I would enjoy being around you.”

  “Because I’m so handsome?” He asked playfully, but his fingers never stopped working her body.

  “Yes,” she breathed deeply. Oh, his hands felt so good on her. She never wanted him to stop. “But also because you care about me.”

  “What makes you say that?” He voice tensed slightly, barely enough for her to detect. His fingers never stopped moving, though. Was she doing the wrong thing by being open? Part of her wanted to hold back, to keep her feelings about Kade for herself. The rest of her knew well that he required – nay demanded – honesty from her.

  “You always take care of me,” Lindsey whispered. How could she articulate what she meant? She rarely shared tidbits from her past, but maybe it would help Kade see why she loved being here so much. Maybe she could explain. Maybe she could show him how awful things were before he saved her.

  Because that’s what Kade had done.

  He had saved her.

  Kade trailed his fingers around her body so he was standing in front of her. With her arms above her head, holding her in place, she couldn’t hide from him. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t cover her breasts. She couldn’t cover any bit of herself.

  It didn’t matter, though. This was Kade.

  “I dated someone for a long time,” she told Kade slowly. “And I was never quite enough for him.”

  Did Kade growl beneath his breath? It sounded like it.

  “Never quite thin enough, never quite good enough in bed. Never quite passionate enough. When he left me, I thought my life was over.”

  Kade massaged her breasts, squeezed her nipples as she talked. This made it difficult to focus, so she tried to hurry and get the words out before she was orgasming during her confession.

  “I was jobless, Kade. I couldn’t find work. I didn’t have a boyfriend. I didn’t have any friends.” She had felt so hopeless, so alone. She had felt isolated, like no one could possibly understand what she was going through.

  Like no one could possibly love her after that.

  “And then Victoria told me about you.” Kade leaned down and sucked one of her breasts into his mouth. He bit her nipple gently at first, then harder. Heat filled her body, rising to her core. Oh, how she needed Kade.

  “And you came,” Kade finished for her.

  “And I came,” she agreed. Her voice was husky and aroused, but Kade didn’t speed up. He continued playing with her slowly, leisurely, like he had nowhere else to be, nothing else to do.

  “I’m glad you came to me, little human,” Kade took a step closer. His frame towered over hers. With her bound hands, she felt even smaller than usual, even more helpless. She wiggled unintentionally, not used to the close proximity of his giant self.

  She sucked in a breath as he watched her, head cocked. His eyes roamed her body before settling on her mouth.

  Then Lindsey knew she was done for.

  Kade came forward and pressed his body against hers. He wore loose pants and the silk felt soft against her naked legs. His hard erection pressed into her belly as he looked into her eyes.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?”

  She nodded.

  Kade kissed her then, owning her mouth as he owned her body. He owned every bit of her, she thought. She hadn’t planned to give him her heart, but something about living with him was such a relief.

  She was so cared for that she couldn’t dream of running away.

  Not from Kade

  Not from this.

  When her time was up, she would have to go home. Maybe she would find a nice man to settle down with, but how could “nice” be good enough after this?

  She didn’t want a nice, quiet gentleman. She wanted the dragon. She wanted the loss of control. She wanted the freedom to relax into whatever Kade had chosen for her.

  She wanted him.

  Kade slid his hands up and down Lindsey’s body. He settled them on her hips as he took one nipple in his mouth. He sucked for a moment, then twirled his tongue around her nipple as it hardened. Waves of sensation floated over her body. He was everywhere at once, completely consuming her.

  Kade ran his fingers up and down her body, then followed them with his mouth, nipping at her. The dragon side of him loved to bite, and he nibbled at each inch of her body. Soon her belly and hips were covered in small bite marks, but she didn’t mind.

  She never minded with Kade.

  His tongue caressed her belly button, dipping inside before swiping back to her nipples. She arched her back and moaned. She was so wet. If only he would slide his tongue lower. If only he would put his hands wh
ere she really needed them. Just a little lower.

  “How are you doing, little human?” He asked, looking up from her body. He studied her intently, watching for her reaction. “Are you still with me?”

  “Yes, Master,” she murmured, though the truth was that she was floating. Her body was completely absorbed in his touch. The only thing she was really thinking about was getting him to touch her more.

  “So pretty,” he murmured, standing up straight to look at her. He dropped his hands from her body and she whined at the absence of his touch. A cool breeze from the ocean rushed over her skin.

  “Now that you’re all tied up, you can’t escape.” Kade looked at her. “So how should I play with my little toy?” His eyes were dark and flashing. Hers were wide and unblinking. She couldn’t look away. If possible, it seemed like Kade was even bigger than before, and at this moment, she felt the full weight of his intimidation.

  Kade could do anything to her.

  And there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop it.

  His thick, heavy muscles gleamed in the moonlight. At some point, he had taken off his pants, so his cock stood huge and thick in front of her. How did she ever manage to take its length inside of her? It didn’t seem possible, yet somehow, it was. Was he going to fuck her now? Would he just tease her?

  Kade turned to get something from a bag by the tree. She hadn’t noticed it before. When had he placed it there? Apparently he had been planning this little rendezvous for some time. He rummaged around for a moment before returning with a long, dark strip of fabric.

  “As much as I love seeing you watch, little one, tonight I want you to be afraid.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but Kade quickly tied the blindfold around her eyes. It was snug, and Kade made sure to do a thorough job putting it on: she couldn’t see anything. Her hands were still bound above her head, though her feet rested on the ground. She could turn in a circle if she wanted to.

  But she didn’t want to turn.

  She wanted Kade.

  She didn’t call out in the darkness. She heard him breathing close to her, felt his presence next to her body. Lindsey breathed in deeply, focusing on making sure each breathe came and went. The sound of ocean waves filled her ears, competing for loudness with the sound of her racing heart.


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