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Covert Affairs

Page 2

by A. C. Grey

  The woman smiled, a hint of dimple flashing across her cheeks as bemusement flashed in her gorgeous blue eyes. "It certainly is. It's almost unbearable. It makes one want to, I don't know, just strip down and run around naked.” Before Meg knew it, gone was the shy, slightly flustered girl. In her place was a flirtatious minx, clearly intent on playing the game just as hard and just as well as Meg.

  It was Meg's turn to stutter as the woman slowly crept her fingers along the bar before beginning to lightly caress Meg's arm. "I . . . uh . . .”

  The woman chuckled at Meg's lack of a coherent response. Spurred on by the laughter, Meg regained her composure. She leaned in slightly, giving the woman a birds' eye view of the tops of her breasts. Watching the smile fade from the woman's face was priceless. "Like what you see?" Meg asked.

  "Um . . . what?" her sparring companion replied.

  "You know. Sightseeing. The hills, mountains . . .” Meg said coyly.

  The brunette grinned, leaning a bit closer and giving Meg an intoxicating whiff of some exotic and slightly fruity scent. "Sure. Though I have to say, I've been a bit bored. There's absolutely no one to do . . . I mean nothing to do around here.”

  Meg couldn't help but smile at the obvious and purposeful slip of the tongue. Their banter was really quite silly and quite cheesy, but she was loving every minute of it. Deciding it was time to make her move, Meg slowly placed a hand on the woman's mostly bare thigh. She leaned in close, gazing directly into those crystal blue eyes. "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I like you. I think you like me. What do you say that we take this conversation somewhere more private? Get to know each other better. You know. Spill our life stories, have a little fun.”

  Meg felt the woman tense up and she suddenly regretted her words.

  "Thanks for the offer. I'm flattered, but it's getting late and I've got an early morning tomorrow. Perhaps a raincheck? I'm sure we're bound to run into each other again.”

  "Sure," Meg said, not quite certain how else to respond. So much for no rejection. She rose from her stool. Rejection or no rejection, she was in need of yet another cold shower. This woman had definitely gotten Meg's attention. If there was one thing Meg lived for, it was the thrill of the chase. Just as she turned to leave, she turned back towards the woman. "I never got your name.”

  "It's Erica. And yours?"

  Meg smirked. "That's for me to know and you to find out.” With that, she headed to the door. Meg knew that their little game wasn't over just yet, despite Erica’s rejection of her advances.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Meg awoke to a phone call. Her eyes bleary with sleep, she rolled over and grabbed her phone. She picked it up, went through the security protocol, and waited for McManus to explain the reason for his call.

  "Murphy. Good, I caught you. We've gotten some recent intel that suggests that this compound has more security than we previously thought.”

  "And?" Meg prompted.

  "They've got some pretty complex computer security systems.”

  "What of it?" Meg replied. "I can hack computers with the best of them.”

  "Not these computers, Murphy. Their encryption programs are state of the art. Not the kind of thing we want an amateur, casual hacker playing around with.”

  Meg scoffed at McManus's words. "I'm far from an amateur, Tom.”

  "I know, but Meg, this mission is too important to compromise just to stroke your ego. We're going to bring in an expert to help you.”

  "I don't need the help,” Meg protested. Not only was she confident in her computer skills, but she preferred to work alone. An extra person meant that she moved that much more slowly. It also meant she had to worry about someone besides herself.

  "Murphy. This is not open for discussion. We're getting you the best of the best. We've identified who we want to bring on board. She’s perfect. She has a PhD. in computer science. A former NSA hacker. Her background checks out. Her other credentials are stellar as well. Most importantly, she’s the one who originally designed the encryption software in use at the compound, so she’ll know all the weak points to attack.”

  "So what's the problem?" Meg asked, sensing his hesitation.

  "We're having a little trouble getting her on board.”


  "Apparently she's quit the business and she’s not taking any new jobs. We've got her former boss on the task, trying to convince her.”

  "Why not just go with another hacker? Surely there's more than one expert out there,” Meg said.

  "Yes. But she's the best. And this mission requires the best. We don’t have time for any hesitation, any mistakes.”

  "What does this mean for me?" Meg asked, afraid of where this was going.

  "It means sit tight for right now.”

  Meg let out a frustrated sigh. "Understood.” After saying her goodbyes, Meg sank back into the pillows on her bed. She let out a groan. More waiting. With nothing to do but think about that woman. And all the dirty things she wanted to do to her.

  * * * * *

  Lucy Crane's phone rang early that morning. Expecting the call, Lucy answered quickly.

  "Hey, Lucy,” Jan Walker, Lucy's ex-boss, replied.

  "What's up?" Walker had emailed her the day before and had requested a call.

  "The U.S. government is requesting your help with a top secret mission,” Walker began.

  "But I'm . . .”

  "Yes. I am fully aware that you are retired, but they wouldn't take no for an answer. Apparently they want you and only you.”

  "What about Teddy?" Lucy offered a former co-worker. "She's every bit as good as me.”

  "I already offered. They wanted nothing to do with her.”

  Lucy sighed. "My answer is still no.”

  "I get it, but I promised them that I would at least give you the details before accepting your refusal.”

  "Ok. Fine. Spill it,” she said, eager to get the call over with.

  "They weren't big on details, obviously, since it's top secret. All I know is that a Navy Seal has been captured. Apparently in the country of Antarra. The government is very keen to rescue this Seal and other things, which they wouldn't go into. Wherever he's being held is heavily guarded by top-notch computerized security. The software is Neocryptex. That's where you'd come in, since you designed it.”

  Lucy's mouth went dry at Walker's description. The information she'd just heard piqued her interest. It was definitely tempting. It was too perfect almost. But did she really want to run around with some spy? Probably some jerk who thinks that he's god gift to women. Someone who thinks he's the next James Bond? But still . . . It was so tempting. This could be her chance to really help.

  After some hesitation, Lucy replied. "Okay. Tell them I'll do it.”

  * * * * *

  Two days later, Meg made her way to the hotel bar. She'd received word from McManus that she was to meet her hacker at the bar. Some woman named Lucy Crane. Meg struggled not to prematurely judge the woman. The last thing she needed was a sidekick. And chances are, that sidekick would be a liability. She was probably some nerd with a pocket protector and tape on her glasses who loved Star Trek and spoke Klingon fluently. Meg had been told that she would know Dr. Crane because she would be reading a copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. What a dork . . .

  Meg walked into the bar, the self-satisfied smile that was the result of her own private nerd jokes still on her face. However, that grin slid from her face as she saw who was reading Jane Austen at the bar. Not a nerd at all. Far from it. It was . . . the sexy brunette. The one she'd recently toyed with. The one who had flirted back. The one who had told her that her name was Erica. Not Lucy. What the hell?

  Chapter Three

  Meg paused for a moment, pondering what exactly she should do. Lucy . . . Erica, whatever her name was, hadn't noticed her yet. The fact that the woman had lied about her name made Meg's blood boil. It wasn't exactly the way to start off a trust-filled working relationship. B
ut then again, Meg reminded herself, she hadn't exactly been upfront with her identity either. Was it fair to hold the woman before her to a different standard? But on the other hand, she was the one with the secret mission. When they'd met, presumeably Lucy had no idea she'd be called upon to help with a covert operation. So why the secrecy?

  And what the hell was a woman like Lucy Crane doing in a place like Antarra? And what was she doing there just days before being called in for a top secret job? It seemed too convenient to be a coincidence. Meg brushed off her anger. At least for the time being. Starting off any relationship, working or otherwise, with accusations was hardly the ideal solution. She'd play it cool for now. Maybe play it really cool. Pretend she'd already forgotten their encounter from the other night. If this woman wanted to remain anonymous, remain forgettable, so be it. Two could play at that game. With a self-satisfied smirk, Meg approached the woman.

  "Dr. Crane?" Meg said nonchalantly.

  The woman lowered her book, those familiar blue eyes peeking out over the top of the pages. Just a hint of a smile flashed across Meg's lips as she saw the shock register on her face.

  Recovering, Lucy smiled awkwardly and offered her hand to Meg. "That's me. You must be Meg Murphy.” A slight smile played across Lucy's face, letting Meg know that she definitely remembered their nameless encounter from a few days ago.

  "That's right. Nice to meet you, Dr. Crane.” Meg said, pretending it was indeed their first meeting. Choosing to continue to play it cool, Meg turned to the bartender and ordered her usual, a vodka tonic, before turning her attention back to the woman.

  "Please, call me Lucy.”

  Meg arched a knowing eyebrow, a subtle and silent reference to Lucy's use of a fake name just days earlier. Their unspoken game was interrupted as Lola set Meg's drink down on the bar.

  "No martini? Shaken not stirred?" Lucy asked playfully. "How very non-conformist of you.”

  Meg couldn't help but chuckle. "I try my best not to be a walking stereotype. Which I see, applies to you as well. Not exactly what I picture when I think of someone with a doctorate in computer science.”

  "I'm full of all sorts of surprises,” Lucy responded flirtatiously.

  Meg smiled again, but then caught herself. She was falling right back into their seductive banter of a few days ago. She chastised herself, remembering that this woman was indeed full of secrets. That there was something not quite right about her. She was definitely hiding something. And, Meg reminded herself, just because this woman was like walking, liquid sex, did not mean that she could forget that Lucy Crane was not to be trusted. At least not yet. No matter how damn sexy she was.

  Lucy had to admit, she'd been a little surprised when she'd been told to meet a female covert operative at the hotel bar. She'd been expecting some chauvinist, macho guy who'd expect her to play the damsel in distress. And she'd been more than a little surprised, shocked even, when she discovered just who Meg Murphy was. Yes, this spy was definitely a woman. All woman. And unfortunately (or fortunately) for Lucy, Meg Murphy and her blonde mystery crush from a few days ago were one in the same. One the one hand, she'd be lying to herself if she'd said she wasn't glad to have a chance to spend some quality time up close and personal with the gorgeous golden-haired bombshell. On the other hand, she hadn't exactly gotten off on the right foot with the woman. Lying about her name, leading her on. And Meg did not seem in any hurry to acknowledge Lucy's deception. She'd expected anger. Meg’s lack of reaction had thrown her off guard. And it had her intrigued.

  "So, anyway, shall we get down to business?" Meg said, immediately feeling a flush creep across her skin as the double meaning of her words hit her.

  Lucy had nearly choked on her drink when Meg suggested that they get down to business. Obviously Meg had meant actual business. Not dirty business. Still, the double meaning was not lost on her. And wasn't lost on Meg either, judging from the cute blush that betrayed Meg's embarrassment.

  Deciding to remain professional, Lucy simply nodded and replied, "sure.” Yes, keeping a professional distance was best. As much as this gorgeous woman stirred desires and feelings within her unlike any she'd felt for a very long time, now was not the time for emotional entanglements. Emotions were messy. They led to poor choices. They led to lowered defenses. And right now, the last thing Lucy could afford was a costly mistake because she’d allowed her hormones to rule her. No sex was worth that. No matter how hot that sex promised to be.

  "So how much do you know?" Meg began, glad that Lucy had let her off the hook.

  "Not much.”

  "Okay. Why don't we head back to my room and I'll tell you what I know. Not the kind of thing we should be talking about in a public place like this.”

  "Super,” Lucy responded, letting out a slightly ragged breath.

  As they headed back to Meg's room, both women couldn't help but think about the fact that they'd almost taken this exact path a few nights before, with very different intentions. They walked in silence, both lost in their thoughts, both warring with the unavoidable attraction and their need to keep their distance.

  Meg opened the door to her room and held it open for Lucy. As Lucy passed, Meg's breath hitched as she took in the subtle fruity scent of her perfume. It was intoxicating and it took all of Meg's willpower to remind herself that this woman was full of secrets and that it would be a dangerous game to trust her so willingly. Especially just for the sake of a good roll in the hay.

  They settled on the sofa in the small living area of Meg's suite and Meg began the briefing. "So what we know is that a team of Navy Seals was sent to raid a secret compound of the extremist group Morvada. Have you heard of them?"

  Lucy nodded. "Of course. A bunch of crazies who are not afraid to use terrorism to try and force their beliefs on others.”

  "Yeah, a little over-simplified, but it'll do.” Meg said. "Anyway, they've got a compound out in the desert near here.” Meg unrolled a map and pointed out the location. "It's disguised as a sort of elite club for the rich and powerful. The type of club that you don't get into without a very exclusive invite. The club itself does exist, but our intel suggests that somewhere in that compound, Morvada is hiding a weapon. Possibly a biological weapon. The Seal team went in, but somehow, their mission was compromised. Almost as if the members of Morvada were expecting them. A few of the Seals died, a few escaped with their lives, barely. And one other Seal was captured. We don't know if he's dead or alive.”

  Lucy's face blanched at the details. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute. This operation was so much bigger than anything she'd dealt with before. Sure, she'd spent some time in the Marines. She'd been in high pressure situations. But never like this. Never with so much on the line. If she couldn't see this mission through to the end, she'd never forgive herself. "I see,” she responded, doing her best to hide her emotions. "And where do I come in?"

  We don't know much yet, but according to my superiors, the compound is laden with all sorts of computerized security. The most state-of-the-art, hacker-proof software out there. Some of which, so I’m told, you designed. Apparently there was a mole at the NSA who sold your software, and others, to the highest bidder. He’s been caught, but not before the software landed in the wrong hands. Anyway, I'll need your help, when the time is right, to get me through that security.”

  Lucy nodded again. "Okay. So when do we start? Tonight? Let's get these bastards before they can cause any more harm.”

  Meg leaned back and held her hands up. "Whoa there! Not so fast. We need to take our time. Be patient. Find the right way to get in there.”

  "I don't understand. From what you've said, time is of the essence. We need to get in there before anyone else, that Navy Seal gets hurt. And to stop them before they use that weapon. Cleary, after the Seal raid, Morvada knows the U.S. government is onto them. They're not going to sit back and wait. So neither can we.” Lucy was beginning to feel tense. She desperately needed this mission to go well. But she couldn't let on jus
t how much so. And Meg already had reasons to doubt her. All because of her stupid fake name back at the bar.

  "Lucy . . .” Meg began, in a slightly condescending tone. "First of all, we have no idea if this Seal is even still alive. So yes, while I want to rescue him, this operation has to be done right. It's not just his life at stake, it's the whole world. And frankly, he’s not my number one priority. That weapon is. We can’t afford to rush things and then blow our one chance to stop this insanity. So we will take our time, gather intelligence, and wait for the right opportunity.”

  Lucy was growing frustrated and she ran a hand through her dark locks before letting out a sigh. Meg seemed to be taking this far too lightly. "I don't get it. Give me a gun, we'll sneak in there tonight, and I'll disable any security cameras and alarms along the way. This is what I get paid for.”


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