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Covert Affairs

Page 4

by A. C. Grey

  Meg offered Lucy a smirk. "Maybe you're not so bad after all, Crane.” She playfully punched Lucy in the arm, instantly regretting it as the contact sent her nerves ablaze all over again. Meg swallowed hard as Lucy shot her a dimpled grin in return. The key to this mission was going to be focus. And not focus on the gorgeous woman in front of her.

  "It's still fairly early. Why don't we get changed into something that will get this guy all riled up and head down to the casino?" Meg finally offered. She just prayed that she could keep her hormones in check.

  Lucy nodded. It took all of her effort not to blurt out that anything Meg chose to wear would rile her up. Forget about Ray the target. "Sounds good," she finally managed. "Meet you in the lobby in half an hour?" She tried to keep her cool. The last thing Lucy needed Meg to know was how hot and bothered she was.

  Meg gathered up her files and headed to the door. "See you in half an hour,” she said, steadying her breathing as she exited.

  * * * * *

  Meg's legs nearly collapsed beneath her as Lucy strode from the elevator half an hour later. She was wearing a deep blue, halter-neck dress that cut about mid-thigh, displaying those gorgeous, mesmerizing legs that had haunted Meg's dreams over the past week. Meg struggled to keep her tongue in her mouth, wanting to just stare and pant like some rabid dog. In way, she was rabid. She was crazy. She was crazy with lust for the woman before her.

  Lucy didn't notice Meg's stunned look because she was entirely too busy doing some gawking of her own. Meg was wearing a sleek red dress with a plunging neckline that left very little to the imagination. The dress clung to every curve of her luscious body and Lucy struggled to keep herself upright. Finally, taking a deep breath, she stepped from the elevator and strode toward Meg.

  Their eyes locked as Lucy walked the few steps that separated them. It was as if time slowed, and only they existed. Sounds were muted, other sights were blurred. In that moment, they lived only for one another. Finally, Lucy reached Meg.

  Offering a small, dimpled grin. Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Shall we?"

  Meg nodded. "Let's go. We've got a hot date.” She paused, knowing very well the tease she was being. "A date with Ray the geek.”

  Lucy chuckled softly at Meg's obvious tease. Knowing that two could play at that game. "That we do. Now let's get it on. I mean. Let's get on with it.” She smirked back at Meg and they headed into the casino.

  They settled at a bar near the blackjack tables, content to just sit back and wait, hoping that their mark would make his appearance soon. They ordered drinks and settled into a light, easy conversation. Since they really couldn't talk much about their mission, given the public setting, they focused on the personal.

  "So tell me about your family,” Meg asked after they'd discussed favorite movies, books, colors, and other inanities.

  "Well, my father is a retired colonel in the U. S. Marine Corps. He and my mom live in Tampa now.”

  "Any siblings?" Meg asked. Immediately, she sensed some tension in Lucy and regretted the question.

  Lucy nodded and looked down. "I have . . . had one brother, James. He and I both followed in our dad's footsteps and joined the service. But Jim. Well, he was killed in combat.”

  Meg placed a gentle hand on Lucy's arm. She could tell the wounds were still raw. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up something that would upset you.”

  Lucy shook her head and brushed away a single tear. "It's okay. It’s not something you could have known. Asking about family is a perfectly logical and acceptable thing to do. So, anyway, what about your family?"

  Meg responded quickly. "Well, my parents and my sister Missy still live in California, where I grew up. We don't talk much these days.”

  "Work keeps you too busy?"

  "Not exactly. Though work does help provide an excuse.”

  "What then?"

  Meg hesitated to say the words. She didn't know why exactly. Lucy had given her all of the right signals. Even so, it was something she couldn't take back. And she'd been burned in the past before. "Well . . .” She chewed on her lip a bit, nervous for some reason. "I grew up dating men. I even almost married one. But then, well, I fell for a woman and broke off our engagement. Things didn't work out, but I eventually got the courage to tell my family. They're very strict Catholics. They didn't take it so well. So we don't really talk as much anymore.”

  "Now it's my turn to be sorry.” Lucy said, laying her hand gently on top of Meg's. "I'm sure they'll come around. They love you. And that's what love is about. Supporting your loved ones no matter what. When I told my dad that I was gay, I expected him to throw me out. He’s not exactly the liberal type. But he said that he loved me and that he loved me for who I was. I bet your family will come around eventually. It may just take time.”

  Meg nodded, her chocolate brown eyes gazing into Lucy's. "I hope you're right,” she said, practically at a whisper. Both felt a sense of relief, of growing trust. They'd both just shared a little piece of personal anguish. And now, all the cards were on the table – at least the falling for the straight girl dilemma was out of the picture. They sat there, eyes locked, no words needing to be spoken, for a few moments. Then Meg saw Lucy's eyes flick to something over her shoulder.

  "Now, not to ruin the mood, but our boy Ray has just shown up. So who gets the job of seducing him? I think I'm up for the job,” Lucy said, readjusting her dress, slightly jiggling her perfect breasts, much to Meg's delight and dismay.

  It took all of her energy to pry her eyes away from Lucy's delicious chest. Focus, Murphy, she reminded herself. She looked back up at Lucy to see a knowing smile. She'd been caught staring. Oh well, Meg thought. There were worse things. She smiled back flirtatiously “I don't know. I'm pretty good at this sort of thing. I think you should let me handle Ray over there. Trust me, when I'm through, he won't know what hit him.”

  "Aw, come on, Meg. Why do you get to have all the fun?" Lucy pouted teasingly.

  "I don't know . . .” Meg began.

  Chapter Five

  Meg pondered the decision for a moment. Maybe she should let Lucy have this one. After all, they were a team. And frankly, at the moment, the only person Meg felt like flirting with was the raven-haired vision in the blue dress sitting next to her. But after some intense internal debate, Meg's competitiveness got the better of her.

  "I don't know Lucy. This mission is too important to risk just so that you can have a little fun. I've been trained in the art of persuasion. I'm the professional. You'd better let me handle this.”

  Lucy was disappointed, but wasn't about to let it get her down. "Alright, go ahead Meg.” She waved her arm dismissively towards where Ray was sitting. "If you say you can handle a geek like him, I believe you. But you owe me one, spoiling all my fun.” She winked at Meg and shot her a flash of dimples, letting Meg know that she was teasing.

  Meg smiled back and stood. "Right. Watch how it's done, Crane.”

  Lucy couldn't help but laugh. This was going to be interesting. While she had no doubt about Meg's seduction skills – hell, she'd witnessed those first hand – she still wasn't so sure Meg knew what she was getting into. Geeks like Ray, they weren't typical guys. They were practically a whole different species. Sure, as a gold star lesbian, Lucy had never honestly tried to get a guy like Ray into bed, but that didn't mean that she hadn't learned early on exactly how to use her feminine wiles to get what she wanted. It would be interesting to see if Meg could persuade Ray to give her any useful information. Lucy was eager to watch the show unfold. Though whether it was because she wanted to see if Meg could succeed or whether she just wanted an excuse to stare at the woman was hard to tell.

  Ray was deep in the middle of a hand as Meg took a seat next to him at the table. As Ray finished the hand, she attempted to smile at him, but he didn't even look up to acknowledge her. Some social skills, Meg thought. This might be just a little bit harder than she thought. But only just a little bit. After all, she was Meg Murphy and she was a
brilliant, beautiful confident woman. What's not to love?

  Meg laid down some cash and the dealer exchanged it for some casino chips. He dealt each of them a hand. Ray studied his cards, continuing to ignore Meg. Sensing that she was going to have to be the one to make the first move, Meg leaned over and spoke. "Hey, there. I couldn't help be notice you here playing all alone. And judging from all those fancy chips in front of you, I'm guessing you're good at this game. Care to help a girl out and give me some tips on how to play?"

  Ray still didn't look up. "The object is to get to twenty-one without going over. The face cards are worth 10 each and an Ace can be a one or an eleven. It's really quite simple. Just calculate the odds.”

  Meg silently shook her head. This guy was obviously going to be a hard nut to crack. She leaned further towards him and placed a hand on this thigh. "You obviously are a master, aren't you? Care to show me some of your skills?"

  That finally got his attention. He looked up at her through his thick glasses. Meg offered him a megawatt smile and began running her nails lightly along his thigh. "I . . . uh . . .” Ray stammered. He continued to absent-mindedly ask the dealer for more cards until he'd gone over 21. A bust.

  Meg chuckled lightly. It didn't take that much to distract Ray after all. "Awww. Looks like you lost a hand. Why don't you let me buy you a drink and I'll make it up to you somehow.”

  "Um . . .” Ray swallowed hard, clearly at a loss as to how to react. "I've uh . . . got to go.” He finally managed. In a haste, he gathered his stacks of chips, stuffing them into his pockets, a few stray ones flying to the floor as he fled. He didn't look back, rushing away from the table.

  Lucy, who had watched the whole scene unfold, laughed to herself. She could have told Meg that coming on too strong would have been a bad idea. Still, it had been entertaining to watch the overconfident super spy crash and burn. Tearing her eyes from Meg, who still sat at the blackjack table, looking a bit perplexed, Lucy scanned the room for Ray. She just hoped that Meg hadn't completely scared him away. Not until she had a shot at him. She smiled to herself as she saw him sitting at another bar across the room, gulping what looked to be a stiff drink.

  By this time, Meg had returned to Lucy's side. "Well, I don't know what just happened there, but he ran off like some scared jack rabbit,” Meg said as she slid onto the stool next to Lucy.

  Lucy laughed. "Maybe it's because you were eyeing him like a wolf who hadn't eaten in days. You scared the poor guy half to death.”

  "Not my fault that the only woman who's probably ever talked to him is his mother,” Meg muttered, not willing to admit she'd mishandled the situation. "Give me a minute and I'll try again.”

  "Not so fast, Meg,” Lucy smirked, with just a hint of her dimples playing across her cheeks. "If you haven't scared him too much, I may be able to get him talking. Let the professional handle this one.” Lucy grinned, mocking Meg's previous use of the word professional.

  She stood and sauntered away from Meg, adding just a bit of extra sway to her hips, knowing it would get under the blonde's skin. After all, just because Lucy had decided to keep things professional between her and Meg didn't mean she shouldn't have a little fun. And a little teasing never hurt anyone.

  Meg's mouth ran dry as her eyes followed Lucy. The gentle sway of her hips, those legs, that body. Everything about this woman just drove her insane. Meg felt a jolt of pleasure shoot out from her core and through each of her limbs. If she wasn't careful, this woman would be the death of her.

  Lucy found Ray huddled over his drink. "Is this seat taken?" she asked. He shook his head, so she slid onto the stool next to him. She knew she had to take this slow after the way he'd bolted from her partner. She just hoped he hadn't seen her with Meg.

  "I'll have a cosmo,” she told the bartender. "And another drink for my friend here.” Ray looked at her cautiously, clearly wary after his encounter with Meg.

  Lucy shrugged at him. "You look like you could use another drink.”

  "Thanks,” Ray said, downing the last of his current drink as the bartender set another before him.

  Lucy sipped her drink and sat in silence for a bit. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him off again by moving too fast. So she had to tread lightly. Finally, she spoke. "Rough night?"

  Ray shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. Just came here to relax a bit after work and some girl put the moves on me. Broke my concentration.”

  "And that's a bad thing?" Lucy asked, continuing to play it cool.

  Ray shrugged again. "Not necessarily. But I don't know. I mean, look at me. I'm not the type of guy who exactly gets a lot of attention from pretty girls. And she came on so strong. There's no way a girl like her would be into a guy like me. It just doesn't happen. So I'm pretty sure she was one of those high class call girls that frequent this place. A lot of the businessmen passing through here are into that sort of thing. But I'm not. I may not get a lot of female attention, but I'm not about to pay for it.”

  Lucy struggled not to laugh. He thought Meg was a hooker. Priceless. Continuing to go slow, Lucy kept up the conversation. "I hear you. This place is something else. I'm here on business and it's all glitz and glamour and excess. I'd much rather be at home in front of a good Star Trek marathon. Maybe play a little World of Warcraft while I watch.” She eyed Ray cautiously, looking for some signal that she'd gotten his attention.

  Ray looked up at her, making eye contact for the first time. "You like Star Trek?"

  Lucy grinned and nodded at him. "Love it. Why are you surprised?"

  "Well, it's just that,” his eyes raked over her, “girls who look like you generally aren't into stuff like that.”

  Lucy smiled again, gently tossing her dark locks. "Well, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that, but I'll take that as a compliment.”

  Meg watched them from across the room. She had to admit, Lucy was getting further than she'd gotten. Though she couldn't hear the conversation, at least Lucy had got him talking. She felt just a slight twinge of jealousy as Lucy lit up at something Ray had said. Meg wanted those dimples all to herself. The fact that their charms worked just as well on Ray as on her was beside the point. In that moment, the importance of the mission was fast escaping Meg's mind.

  Lucy continued the conversation, anxious to make Ray feel at ease. "So what's your favorite Star Trek movie?"

  Lucy could see Ray start to visibly relax. "That's easy. Star Trek 5.”

  "You’re kidding! Star Trek 5 is terrible. Star Trek 3 is definitely the best by far,” Lucy replied, making sure to bat her eyelashes just a little.

  "No way, Star Trek 5 is infinitely better than Star Trek 3,” Ray replied, smiling at Lucy for the first time.

  "There’s no comparison.” Lucy said. "5 was awful. They should’ve quit while they were ahead.”

  "Quit while they were ahead! If they’d quit after Star Trek 3, the series would have ended on a completely sour note. It would have ruined everything.” Ray's face was alive for the first time, clearly engrossed in the conversation.

  Lucy knew she was onto something. Gone was the monosyllabic guy who couldn't make eye contact. Now he was eagerly debating the merits of these movies. In reality, Lucy didn't really care for either of the movies, but would do whatever it took to get this guy comfortable, so she could go in for the kill. She swatted his arm playfully, leaning in slightly. "Are you joking? Star Trek 5 nearly ruined the whole series!" She grinned again, knowing full well what effect her dimples had on most people.

  Ray shook his head and smiled. "I don't think so. We're going to have to agree to disagree here.”

  Lucy's hand hadn't left his forearm and she was happy to see that Ray had made no attempt to move it.

  As Meg watched intently, she started to feel her jealousy rise. Lucy was leaning into the guy. She was touching him. She was using those damn dimples. In that moment, Lucy only had eyes for that stupid geek. And it was making Meg's blood boil. She didn't like it one bit. She wanted that attention. Craved
it. Deep down, Meg knew that Lucy was putting on an act. Ray clearly wasn't her type, being male and all, but even so . . .

  Lucy smiled at Ray again. "I'm Lucy, by the way.” She'd hesitated to use her real name, but on the off chance she ran into Ray again, she didn't want to have to worry about multiple identities.

  "Ray,” he said simply, taking her offered hand and shaking it. Lucy took a moment to stroke the back of her hand with his thumb. It was a very subtle, very quick gesture, but she saw Ray's eyes darken ever so slightly. Her plan was working. She just had to keep it up.

  "So, Ray. What do you do for a living?"

  "I'm a tech guy. I run the computer systems for a private club outside the city. Club Paradiso. Maybe you've heard of it?" he said, eying Lucy for a reaction. He was obviously hoping to impress her, Lucy thought.


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