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Covert Affairs

Page 7

by A. C. Grey

  "Meg. This could be our one chance to get inside. Come on. What's it going to hurt to go to some club for a little while? I don't think he's up to anything sinister. Worst case you're right, he's just some creep trying to score. We blow him off and no one gets hurt.”

  "Lucy. I'm the one who's been round the block before. I need to trust my instincts. He's up to something,” Meg said, her fiery temper flaring.

  Both women were worked up. Tensions were running high. The combination of the heat, their argument, and their overwhelming desire for one another had turned this rather simple argument into a blaze.

  They continued to argue back and forth in hushed, but passionate voices. Pete watched them with curiosity as they continued to bicker. There were definitely sparks flying between these two chicks. And it wasn't all anger. As a man, he knew a few things. A date with one hot chick was good. A date with two hot chicks was awesome. And a date with two hot chicks who clearly wanted to bang each other . . . well, that was fucking perfection.

  Lucy was losing it. She needed so badly for this to work out. For the mission to work. For her friendship, relationship, whatever it was, with Meg to work. She ran a frustrated hand through her dark locks. "Please, Meg. I need you to trust me. I know we didn't start out on the right foot and that was my fault. But please, I just have a feeling on this one. My gut is telling me we've got to follow this lead.”

  Meg grumbled and sighed. Everything inside her was telling her this was a bad idea, but something about Lucy's pleading look softened her resolve. Could her judgment be clouded simply because Lucy had found Pete and not her? Or because she was deathly afraid that this would turn into Ray part two, where she was overcome with almost unbearable jealousy at the sight of Lucy with someone other than her? In that moment, she didn't know. Her brain wasn’t functioning as it needed to. In the spy world, one needed a clear head, and that was not something she was capable of at the moment. Hadn't been capable of in quite some time. Ever since a certain hot geek had walked into her life.

  Lucy sensed Meg's weakening resolve. She leaned in, placed a hand on Meg's arm, and smiled at her conspiratorially. "Besides, Meg. You're a self-professed bad ass. If we get into a tight spot, I'm sure you'll be there to rescue me.” She smiled, just a hint of dimple playing across her cheeks.

  "Fine,” Meg said. "I have no idea why I'm letting you talk me into this. So help you God if this guy ends up being a serial killer or something.”

  "Think positive, Meg. This night is going to be great. I can feel it,” Lucy said as she gently slipped an arm around Meg's waist and led her back to Pete.

  Meg grumbled, her arms crossed as they walked. She struggled to focus on anything but the secure embrace of the woman next to her.

  "Sorry about that,” Lucy said to Pete as they approached him. "Meg's just been a bit high strung. You know, being cooped up with nowhere to go.”

  "No worries,” Pete said as he opened the truck door for them.

  The truck had no back seat, just a bench seat that barely fit three people. Lucy sat in the middle in between Pete and Meg. The ride to the club was tense. Meg focused on her breathing, making sure it was slow and steady. She and Lucy were pressed together from knee to shoulder and every last one of her skin cells was abuzz with feeling.

  Lucy struggled to occasionally respond to Pete's small talk, her hands folded neatly in her lap. They were the last place she wanted her hands, but she knew if she didn't keep them there, they'd creep over to Meg's body and do a little exploring of their own. Meg reached down to adjust the hem of her skirt and inadvertently grazed Lucy's knee in the process. Lucy let out a small gasp and jumped at the contact. Pete gave her a knowing look and said nothing, for which she was grateful.

  Neither woman could remember the last time they'd ever been so relieved to see a dance club. Both bolted from the truck the minute Pete had put it in park. Much more contact and both of them might have gone insane.

  Meg was also relieved to see that Pete had in fact taken them to a club and not to some creepy deserted area to murder them or something. Maybe Lucy had been right, or maybe he was still just trying to get in their pants.

  Pete bought them drinks and they sat at a table, flirting lightly with him, making eyes at each other, and waiting for the right moment to bring up the compound. After a few rounds of drinks, they were feeling much more relaxed and let Pete lead them to the dance floor.

  The three of them danced for a while, but Meg couldn't help but be drawn more to Lucy than to Pete. The combination of the late hour, the alcohol, and the undeniable attraction clouded Meg's judgment. Thoughts of the mission were lost. Soon, Pete had been pushed aside as Meg danced closely with the object of her desire, wrapping her arms around Lucy's slender waist.

  Lucy laced her arms around Meg's neck and gazed into her deep chocolate eyes. She nearly died as Meg began grinding her hips against her own. She had never felt so hot in her life. Yes, Meg Murphy should come with a warning label, she thought. May cause spontaneous combustion at a moment’s notice.

  Pete was content to stand back and watch the show for a bit. He then indicated that he'd go get another round of drinks and left them alone.

  Meg's heart threatened to beat out of control. Her heartbeat pulsed everywhere. Her chest, her ears, her center. Like a fast tempo leading her to some sort of sexual nirvana. As they dirty danced, she lived only for that moment. She saw only Lucy and those gorgeous blue eyes. She felt only the touch of her skin, the warmness of her breath, the thrust of her hips. She heard only the sounds of her breathing, the music that spurred them on. She smelled only Lucy's intoxicating scent, a mixture of fruit and life and lust and just pure . . . Lucy. Her lips and tongue longed to taste what promised to be the purest, most delicious set of lips that she'd ever seen.

  Pete, feeling as though his participation in this date fast approaching its end, finally butted in. "Hey. This place is kind of lame. Want me to show you where I work?"

  This offer immediately cut through the tense sexual cloud that had been hovering around the two women. They locked eyes and silently agreed. Lucy also offered Meg just a small smirk, as if to say "told you so.” So maybe Meg's doubts had been unfounded.

  "Sure. Sounds great,” Meg finally managed, taking a minute to find her voice. She needed another drink after that dance, but now was the time for a clear head. Or at least as clear as she could muster.

  * * * * *

  They crammed themselves back into that wretched truck and began the long-ish drive out to the compound. The rode in relative silence, Pete content to leave the women to their obviously lustful thoughts for one another. After that dance, the last thing Lucy needed was to have Meg's body pressed tightly against hers again. Her whole body was abuzz with feeling. She'd never felt so alive, so frenzied, in her life. Unable to resist this time, she slowly let her hand creep from her lap towards Meg's thigh.

  Meg's breath caught in her throat as she felt Lucy's hand sneak onto her leg. It was such a simple gesture, but it sent her heart rate skyrocketing all over again.

  Craving more, Lucy began to draw lazy patterns across the fabric covering Meg's thigh. She knew that she was being reckless, but in that moment, she didn't care.

  Meg closed her eyes and focused on the feel of Lucy's hand upon her. Focused on breathing in. Breathing out. Steadying herself. In just a few moments, if Pete delivered as promised, they'd be in the lion's den, so to speak. So it was no time for stray thoughts or clouded judgment. Even so, she couldn't bring herself to push Lucy's hand away. Might as well enjoy it for a bit.

  The truck pulled to a halt a short while later outside a fence with a guard station. Pete rolled down his window and said hi to the guard, who clearly knew him. Surprisingly, the guard did not question the fact that Pete had two guests with him. Meg shrugged it off, figuring it wasn't up to her to question their security policies.

  Once the guard had opened the gate, they pulled inside the compound. It was huge, with vast lawns of lush green
grass, a rarity in a desert place like Antarra. To one side was a pool area, as well as tennis courts. Behind the buildings was a gorgeous golf course. Yes, from the outside, this definitely looked the part of a rich exclusive club. Pete parked the truck and led them inside.

  Both women were struck by the beauty of the interior. As they stood in the lobby, which was huge, they took a moment to take in the marble, the gold, the ornate fixtures. They were taking a moment to admire a giant fountain in the lobby when a rich, older, well-dressed man saw them from across the room.

  "Ah, Pete! I see you have finally come through. What have you brought me?" the man asked.

  Pete looked at the two women sheepishly and began to whisper. "Listen. I may have messed up here. It's my job to find dates for the old dudes who come here. I haven't been doing so well lately. Anyway, that guy, he's my boss. He's going to fire me if I don't come up with the goods soon. And he'll kill me if he finds out I brought two girls here uninvited just to show off. Do me a favor? Play along?" His eyes pleaded.

  Meg wondered if he were serious about the killing part. Pete clearly looked nervous. And she knew what kind of work his bosses were actually in.

  "You're a pimp!" Lucy said, a little too loud.

  "Shh!" Pete said. "He'll hear you! And I'm not a pimp. No sex. I just arrange for the clientele to have a little company. Whether or not you get freaky is your own decision.”

  The man approached them. Meg turned to Pete. Now she understood why the security guard hadn't questioned their presence. "Don't worry about your boss killing you. I'll do it for him, you jackass. But in the meantime, I don't see that we have much choice.” She turned to Lucy. "We've got to play along or we'll have bigger problems than who gets to kick Pete in the nuts first.”

  Lucy nodded. Though Meg hadn't said it, she understood. The last thing they wanted to do was to get caught trespassing. These guys did not take security breaches lightly. "Okay,” she said. Pete looked relieved. They turned and smiled just as the man approached.

  "So what do we have here?" the man said, a lecherous look on his face.

  Chapter Eight

  As the older man approached, entirely too slick for Meg's taste, she did her best to smile. Addressing Pete, but never letting her eyes leave the man, she spoke. "Aren't you going to introduce us, Pete? Where are your manners?"

  The older gentleman took care of the oversight. "Don't mind him, he has none of the class and breeding that we demand of our members here at Club Paradiso. My name is Paolo Riballi.”

  Meg focused all of her energy and attention on the man. "I'm thrilled to meet you, Paolo.” She smiled flirtatiously at him as she took his hand, careful to let the touch linger just a bit longer than was necessary. "My name is Meg Murphy and this is my friend Lucy Crane.”

  Paolo turned his attention to Lucy and shook her hand. She did her best to appear interested, but couldn't help but feel just a twinge of jealousy at the looks and overtures Meg was making towards Paolo.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you both,” Paolo said, his eyes flitting back to Meg, who was clearly more interested in him.

  "Oh, the pleasure is all ours, I'm sure,” Meg replied before linking her arm through his. "This place is gorgeous. Lucy and I have been dying to see it and let me tell you, the rumors about your club do not do it justice. It's breathtaking.”

  Paolo chuckled, clearly enjoying the flattery. "Yes. Club Paradiso is my pride and joy. And I take it that Pete has filled you in on the terms of your invitation?"

  "Yes,” Meg replied, bluffing.

  "And those terms are agreeable to you?"

  "Of course,” Meg said, swatting his arm playfully. "How could they not be?"

  Lucy watched her intently. Meg really did know how to play to an audience. Lucy couldn't help but admire her skill. If their roles were reversed, she wasn't sure she wouldn't have told the old man to shove it. Flirting with a nerd was one thing, someone who was only a few years away from a nursing home was another.

  "It's so exciting to be here. Would you give us a tour?" Meg batted her eyelashes at Paolo while grasping his arm.

  Lucy couldn't help but smile. Meg really knew how to lay it on thick. She wondered what it would feel like to feel that attention herself. Sure, she and Meg had definitely had more than their fair share of flirting, but to just have Meg's open, unrestrained attention and affection. Lucy thought she might die from happiness.

  Meg smirked to herself as she watched Paolo swell with pride. Clearly he loved showing off the club. If only he really knew what she was up to. Then he might not be quite so eager to give her a grand tour.

  "Certainly,” he responded.

  Deciding she'd been a little too silent and not wanting to draw unwanted attention, Lucy stepped towards Paolo and took his other arm. "I'm super excited to see the place, Paolo. I hear it's awesome. Did you design it yourself?" she asked, looking at him with rapt attention. This was going to be hard. He was so sleazy and slimy. After just a few minutes with him, she felt as though she needed a shower.

  "Well, I had a hand in the design, certainly,” he said as he led them towards what looked to be the pool area. "But we brought in the very best designers and architects. We had to make sure we got everything perfect. We wouldn't want to look anything but our best.”

  Meg silently noted the hidden truth in that statement. Of course they'd have to make sure everything looked perfect. They wouldn't want to draw any unwanted attention to what really went on at this place.

  Paolo gave them a tour, which while fascinating, was not exactly helpful. Not likely that he'd show them the hidden terrorist fortress, Lucy thought.

  After the tour, Paolo gave them each a kiss on the cheek, with promises of lavish entertainment the next day, and led them to adjoining rooms.

  Meg and Lucy took a moment to take in their rooms. Much like any high-end hotel room, each of their rooms, separated by a connecting door, was lavish, full of plush materials and gleaming surfaces.

  Grateful that they hadn't been separated and that they'd presumably have some time to themselves, Lucy collapsed on a small couch. She eyed Meg, expecting her to join her, or at least to speak. Meg was in no hurry however, her eyes and fingers scanning every inch of the room.

  "What do we do now?" Lucy began, but Meg shook her head and raised a hand, indicating for Lucy to be quiet.

  Lucy furrowed her brow, unsure of Meg's sudden seriousness and watched as Meg continued to search the room. Lucy couldn't help but stare as Meg methodically worked each and every inch. She was so beautiful when she concentrated, Lucy thought. So focused, so capable, so damn sexy.

  Suddenly, Meg halted her search and headed towards the bathroom, turning on the shower. Perplexed, Lucy stayed where she was. Meg was certainly being cryptic, but maybe that was just part of the whole being a spy thing. Suddenly, Meg, looking slightly exasperated, came striding back out of the bathroom and grabbed hold of Lucy's arm, dragging her back into the bathroom with her.

  "What the . . .” Lucy began, not quite sure what was going on and trying desperately not to focus on Meg's grip on her arm.

  Meg shut the door behind them and turned on the sink as well.

  "Meg. What the hell is going on?" Lucy asked.

  "The rooms are bugged,” Meg whispered.

  The realization dawned on Lucy. They couldn't speak freely, at least not about the mission, out in the open. "So the running water . . .”

  "Will hopefully mask our conversations,” Meg finished for her. "I'd get rid of the listening devices, but then they'd know that we're onto them. So we just have to be careful not to talk about anything suspicious unless we're in here.”

  Lucy nodded. "So what now. Should we go explore the club?"

  Meg shook her head. "I think we should bide our time. Wait for them to come for us. We don't want to look too eager. I'm sure Paolo already has plans for us.”

  Lucy shuddered. "I hate to see what he has in mind. I'm willing to do a lot for this mission, but I draw the
line at sleeping with someone old enough to be my father . . . or my grandfather . . . or you know . . . just sleeping with anyone I don't want to period. And that includes men in general.” She was willing to do almost anything to ensure the safety of that Seal and society as a whole. But was she ready to prostitute herself? She wasn't so sure.

  Meg couldn't help but chuckle. "Of course. But we're going to need to be ready, should such a predicament present itself. Just so we're prepared with excuses.”

  Lucy nodded, chewing her lip as she thought. She couldn't help but wonder if Meg had been in this situation before. If Meg had let men touch her, kiss her, even sleep with her all for the greater good. She fought to suppress the jealousy bubbling up from within. She'd never in her life felt so possessive of another person. Which was ridiculous considering that she and Meg weren't even dating. That they hadn't even kissed. That they’d only known each other a few days. She had no right to such feelings. But she couldn't rid herself of those feelings, no matter how hard she tried.


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