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Sexy Stepbrothers

Page 1

by Amore, C. C.


  Sexy Stepbrothers - Copyright

  Bad Boy: Austin - A Stepbrother Novella


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Saved by the Stepbrother


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Love thy Stepbrother


  Chapters 1 & 2

  Sexy Stepbrothers

  C.C. Amore

  Copyright © 2015 C.C. Amore

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the author.

  All rights reserved.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Every character in this book is over 18 years old. This story contains adult themes and is meant for adults only. None of the characters are blood-related.

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  Bad Boy: Austin - A stepbrother novella

  C.C. Amore

  Copyright © 2015 C.C. Amore

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the author.

  All rights reserved.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Every character in this book is over 18-years-old. This story contains adult themes and is meant for adults only. None of the characters are blood-related.

  Would you like to be one of the first to know when I release a new book? Just sign up for my newsletter. You can also visit my FB page to get Advance Review Copies!

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  The juices from between my legs flowed to my thighs from the expectation of having my first love inside me. He spread my legs apart with his strong arms and exposed my crotch to him. He kissed my inner thighs but avoided touching my nether lips. His teasing made it almost impossible for me to contain myself, and I tried to push my hips toward him. I needed to feel his tongue on my pearl.

  He grabbed my pelvis and stopped me. “No, no, no,“ he said. “I set the pace, and the place where I do it.”

  I bit my finger in lustful agony. “Please, don’t tease me so much.”

  He grabbed me by my hips and turned me on my stomach like I didn’t weigh anything. At first, I covered my wide hips with my hands, but he grabbed my wrists and moved them away. “Why would you hide your hips? They are perfect,” he kissed me, “you are perfect.”

  I didn’t answer him.

  His hands moved on my outer thighs and up to my hips. He massaged and kissed my waist, sending shivers to my crotch each time his lips touched my naked body. The body part I’d been most ashamed of seemed to be his favorite and got the most attention.

  After he had teased me by touching massaging and kissing my wide hips a while longer, I knew I was about to burst. I raised my round ass up towards his face and his warm breath hit my lips.

  “Ahh!” I moaned, just from having felt his breath on my passage. He squeezed my ass in his hands and spread them apart.

  Suddenly, his tongue touched my pearl and I gasped for air. “Oh!”

  He licked around it and down my lips before he came back to my most sensitive spot. I tried to shove myself against him to make him do it more, but he kept me in place with his hands. “I decide the pace…” he said between licks.

  As sudden as had been his first lick on my nub, he was as sudden moving me back on my stomach and spreading my legs apart. I watched this handsome man’s mouth disappear against my lips as I held his head in my hands. He twirled his tongue around my nub, sometimes stabbing it, sometimes sucking it. He licked it gently at first, but increasing the pressure little by little.

  I moaned from the touch of his tongue and rocked myself against his skillful mouth. I moved my pelvis up and down to have him lick me all the way and from everywhere. From my pearl all the way down to my tight anus and back to my nub. His soft, warm tongue entered into my untouched passage and explored it while his fingers rubbed my clit. His tongue went in and out, stabbed, jabbed and made circles around it.

  “Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” I moaned.

  I buried my face to a pillow to stop the screaming as I reached the peak of pleasure, but some of the screams managed to escape regardless. The blazing fire that had been building inside me exploded all over his face.

  Chapter 1

  The rows of corn on either side of the road expanded as far as I could see as I sat on a small patch of grass near the road and threw small rocks out to the fields.

  God. This couldn’t be happening. What a load of shit.

  “Are you gonna help me figure this thing out or not?” he yelled from the car.

  I turned my back on him. He could do whatever he damn well pleased. I wasn’t going to go anywhere near him.

  A strong gust of wind made a mess of my blond hair and I tried my best to comb it behind my ear. Even mother nature couldn’t stop me from venting my anger.

  “Yuhuu?” he yelled.

  “You do what you have to do,” I yelled back.

  A car streaked behind me on the road and a cloud of dust engulfed me, making me cover my face and flinch away from the incoming dust.

  Were they here, finally?

  “And fuck you too,” I heard him curse at the car whizzing by. If I knew him at all, and by all means his old habits seemed they were still there, he had probably accompanied his shouting by showing a certain finger.

  The passing car honked until it got too far for me to hear. At least they didn’t stop for a fight. That would be the last thing I’d need. Another fucking fist fight.

  I heard Austin walk towards me on the gravel road and stop next me. “Are you going to keep on pouting for the rest of this fucking day, or will you help me?”

  My jaw clenched. “You caused this, shit head. You fix it!”

  “Last time I checked I didn’t volunteer to drive you. If it wasn’t for your sister, I’d have you walk there.”

  “Fuck you.” I pressed my lips together. “And if you weren’t the way you are, we would have been there yesterday, right? So whose fault is that?”

  “It’ll be your fault if we don’t get there tomorrow,” he snapped and walked back to the car.

  I watched him comb his disheveled black hair with his dirty hands as he walked away. His bare feet were filthy, but his sweaty torso shone in the bright sunshine. The jeans he wore had worn out from the pant legs like they usually did with him.

  “And why don’t you put a shirt on,” I said, throwing yet another rock to the corn field. “No one is going to help us if you keep flashing your special tattoos!” My jaw tightened with each passing moment I spent with him and I squeezed a rock in hand until the anger boiled over inside me. I stood up from the patch of grass and walked so fast to
the car that gravel shot from underneath my feet and the hem of my sleeveless yellow dress flung in the strong gusts of wind. I pointed a finger at him. “Don’t you dare make this my fault. You know what you did!”

  He leaned against side of the car and looked inside the opened hood. His muscular arms glistened when he rubbed the small stubble on his chin. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Always my fault. I know your way of thinking. Blame it on me, like always.”

  “Couldn’t you have fucking thought of what would happen before doing what you did? Huh? Did you think about that?”

  “What would you have wanted me to do? Let that fucker keep insulting me for things I that weren’t my fault? He only got what was coming for him. Nothing else.”

  I walked next to him and I pushed him, but it was in vain. He was too big for me to hurt him, even if I wanted to. “The cops could be after us for all we know. Just because of your stupid ego.” I pushed him again and again until I found myself hitting his arm.

  He grabbed my wrists in his large, strong hands. “Would you stop it!” He pushed me away and I stumbled to the embankment. He didn’t have use a lot of force, but yet I somehow knew he didn’t intend me to stumble like that.

  “Jerk!” I yelled, stumbling down.

  “What would you have wanted me to do? Stop a gorgeous girl from throwing herself at me? She was practically begging me to kiss her and I only did what every other man would have done.”

  “Yes! That’s exactly what you should have done!”

  “How was I supposed to know she was the owner’s daughter?”

  “If you didn’t let your cock do the thinking for you, we wouldn’t be in this situation!”

  “That’s fucked up, Alyssa. You’re just jealous of these things happening to me and not to you. It’s not my fault you are so insecure.”

  “Fuck you! You don’t know anything about me!”

  He didn’t bother to answer me and was only focusing in an old pickup truck approaching us. And this time the car didn’t just pass by us, but came to a stop next to us.

  “Y’all need some help?” the driver said.

  “Yeah. We could use some water. Our engine overheated,” Austin said in his low voice as he walked to the passenger side window of the pickup.

  I walked next to Austin, dusting the dirt from my dress but still boiling with anger.

  The stranger fixed the hat on his head and took out the toothpick he had been biting. “What are you folk doing around here anyway? You don’t look locals to me.”

  “We were just passing by when we got our engine problem. I already called AA, but that was what,” Austin looked at me, “an hour ago?”

  The hate in my eyes had to have been evident for Austin and as much as I wanted to continue our previous discussion, this wasn’t the right time for it. I bit my lip hard so I wouldn’t lash out at him. “Something like that, yes,” I said and crossed my arms.

  “That’s a pity,” the stranger said and placed the toothpick back in his mouth. “You wouldn’t want to stay stranded here all day, now would ya?”

  “No, we wouldn’t,” Austin said. “Staying with each other all day would kill us.”

  “Hey! The feeling is mutual!”

  “You don’t seem like a happy couple,” the stranger said. “Are you related? Brother and sister?”

  “She’s my stepsister and I’m stuck with her,” Austin said, with a disapproving look toward me.

  “It’s more like I’m stuck with him!”

  The stranger chuckled. “Aren’t you two sweet. But hey, I might have some water with me if we can come to an agreement on the price.” He cast a lustful look towards me and didn’t hide the fact that he seemed to be only interested in what I had underneath my dress.

  I covered myself with my hands and lowered my eyebrows. I didn’t want to say what I thought. He might give us the water and we’d be away. And I’d get away from Austin.

  “Let me tell you what,” Austin said. “I’ll give you ten bucks for a gallon of water. Ok?”

  The old man rubbed his chin without taking his eyes off me. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to help you folk and I do have the water…I just don’t think that’s as good of a deal as the deal I had mind.”

  “What did you have in mind? I’m not paying you more, if that’s what you’re asking,” Austin said.

  The stranger looked at me, lust gleaming in his eyes. “We don’t get much action around these parts and the women in town just don’t do it for me. Do you know where I’m getting at, boy?”

  “Boy?” Austin leaned further inside his car and pointed a finger at him. “Listen up grandpa, you want to sell that water or not?”

  “Sure, I’ll sell you the water. But I don’t want cash.”

  “We don’t have much to trade for but I got a nice guitar, if you’re interested?”

  “Nah,” the stranger flicked his hand. “I’m not much of music aficionado, get it?” he chuckled at his own joke until the toothpick disappeared inside his mouth. He startled and spit it out on his overalls. “Dammit!”

  “I don’t have anything else to trade, so what’s it gonna be? Can we make a deal?”

  The old man brushed his overalls, trying to remove his own spit from his dirty clothes. “How old are you, Sweet Pea?”

  I had an idea of what he was getting at, but I didn’t want to spoil our chances of getting that water and getting away from Austin faster. “I’m twenty one years old...”

  “You like to have a good time, Sweet Pea?” the stranger said, leaning in closer. “All those curves you’re trying to hide ain’t fooling me. I could show you few new tricks in the back of this pickup.”

  I turned my head away to avoid his lustful eyes and tightened my arms on my chest.

  “That’s right, Sweet Pea. Turn around so I can take a better look at that curvy body of yours.”

  Austin took a brief look at me and the old man before it set in him what he had meant. “What the fuck, old man? Are you some kind of a perv?” Austin shouted. He leaned further inside the stranger’s car and grabbed him by the collar. “Who do you think you are? Trying to hit on my fucking sister you sicko! I’ll fucking beat you up. You understand me?” he shouted, little drops of spit flying from his mouth.

  The stranger tried to get Austin’s hands away from him, but his grip was too strong. “I was just making conversation with the lady!”

  “By asking her to fuck your dirty old ass and fucking her with your eyes? In front of his brother?”

  The panic on the old man’s face became evident. “It was only harmless banter. Let go of me!”

  Austin tightened the grip on the pervert’s collar. “How did you think this was going to end? Me letting you fuck my sister for a gallon of water? Are you stupid?”

  He struggled to remove Austin’s grip on him, but it seemed futile. “Hey! Hey! We can still make a deal on the water, you know? No need to make any hasty decisions.”

  Austin looked into the trunk of the car through rear windshield. “You don’t even have any water on you, do you?”

  I followed Austin’s gaze and realized he was right. The old man didn’t even have any water on him!


  “You’ll fuckin’ regret this!” Austin yelled and pulled one of his hands back. It could only mean that he was about to go off on him. Ruthlessly.

  The stranger realized what was about to happen, panicked and hit the gas pedal. The car skidded on the dirt road before the tires gained traction and took off.

  “Let go, Austin! It’s not worth it,” I yelled.

  But he didn’t. The car gathered more speed while he hung from the passenger side window trying to land punches. His bare feet drag on the dirt road, ripping apart his jeans. The car swerved from side to side on the dirt road until I lost sight of them in the dust cloud raised by the car.

  “Let go of him!” I shouted.

  The car sped off into the distance, but I could still hear the sounds of fighting and grumbling.
I heard the horn honking uninterrupted for a few seconds until the car seemed to gather more speed and then the cloud of dust disappeared behind a bend. I ran after them, still yelling Austin to let go and fearing I’d end up finding him in a ditch. Or even worse, ran over.

  My legs burned but ran after them until I saw a person lying on the road holding his ribs. “Austin!”

  Even though his face was covered in dust, there didn’t seem to be any visible injuries on his face other than the small cut on his lip, which dripped blood from the corner of his mouth to his bare chest. His abs and back had gotten the brunt of the impact when he fell down and I could see the beginning of several bruises on his torso.

  I lay down next to him and held his head.

  “I got a few solid punches on that perv,” he said, spitting out blood.

  His hot, naked torso pressed against me as I embraced him.“Why did you do that? I knew how to handle him. Why did you have to do that?” His strong heart pounded so hard I felt its every beat on my chest.

  He stood up with wobbly legs. “Are you serious? He was an asshole and got what he deserved.”

  “And because you couldn’t stay calm, we are still stuck out here in the middle of nowhere for who knows how long!”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry for thinking you’d have a problem with what he was suggesting. Well excuse me!”

  “That’s the excuse you always use! You think that I cant take care of myself and you think your fists will solve every problem. Don’t you have a brain inside that handsome face, or did you only get the looks without the brains, huh?”

  “You don’t know anything about me,” he said and walked away from me, not caring that his whole body was covered in dust.

  “I know enough that you’ll fight anything and everything just for the fun of it!”

  “Shut up!”

  I kicked the gravel beneath my feet in frustration. “Now what are we going to do?” He wouldn’t answer me because that’s how he was. A hot-headed man who walked away when things got difficult. “Ass!” I kicked more gravel to vent some of my anger while periodically looking at him just to show him how mad I was, even if he purposefully avoided my gaze.


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