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Before Lucky (Forever Love, #3)

Page 5

by J. S. Cooper

  “How about your number?” The guy I had made eye contact with went in for the kill right away, and my breath caught as I waited to see what Lucky would do. He was a handsome guy, too preppy for my taste, but perhaps Lucky would like him.

  “Ha ha, funny guys.” She dismissed the question without answering. “I’ll bring two waters while you guys decide.”

  “Aw, so I take it that’s a no?” The guy pouted and I rolled my eyes, still listening to the conversation but feeling more at ease.

  “I’m sorry, but between work and school, I don’t really have any free time to talk on the phone.”

  “Where do you go?” The other guy looked up at her curiously, and I strained my ears to listen as well.

  “I’m at the University of Miami,” she smiled. “I’m a history major, so lots of reading, writing, and research.”

  “History is boring.” The guy laughed. “We’re both at UM law school.”

  “Oh, cool.” She nodded her head and smiled. “I guess I could say I find the law to be a bit boring as well.” ZING! I grinned at her words.

  “Oh, so do we.” The guy laughed. “But it’s all about the money, money, money.”

  “And making it rain on them hoes.” The other guy laughed and they high-fived. I saw Lucky’s face change from interested to disgusted, and my insides felt lighter than a balloon.

  “Excuse me please, Lucky.” I called out to her, and she smiled at me gratefully.

  “Excuse me, guys, I need to take care of my other customer, but I’ll be back with your waters and to take your order in a few minutes.” She walked over to me without waiting for an answer. “How can I help you, Zane?”

  “I thought you might want an excuse to get away from those wannabe rap artists.” My breath caught as Lucky’s eyes lit up in laughter and her obvious struggle to keep it in.

  “Thanks.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s not every day I get to meet winners like that.”

  “Thank God for that.” I played with my fingers before I spoke again. “So, you go to UM?”

  “Yes,” She nodded. “I even hope to graduate some day.”

  “That’s cool.” I smiled, trying to contain the excitement that was bubbling up in me. I couldn’t believe she was a history major. I had an idea, but I wasn’t sure if it would work, and I didn’t want her to know that I knew what she was studying. “Do you like movies?”

  “Movies?” She looked confused. “That was a random topic change. I guess I do enjoy movies.”

  “Sorry, I’m a bit all over the place today. I’ve just found that many people who like history like movies, and you know, documentaries.”

  “I can’t say I’ve watched too many documentaries, but that’s mainly because I don’t have much time, or cable.” She pulled out her pad. “And now I better get your drink order before I get in trouble for chatting with the customers all night.”

  I want to be more than your customer. The words were spoken in my head, but as soon as I thought them, I knew they were true. I also knew I had to call the Johnsons back. As soon as possible. Maybe there was a way for me to get to know Lucky and to continue Noah’s work. It had seemed highly impossible when I had spoken to them earlier. How was I going to make a historical documentary on their lives? I’d told them that I would try to work my magic and see what I could make happen. I knew that if Noah were alive, he would want me to continue making the documentary on the Johnsons. And now that I knew Lucky was interested in history, it seemed like a sign. Maybe this was Noah’s way of helping to bring Lucky into my life. It seemed like fate that she was also interested in history, and this documentary was on the history of the Johnsons’ life and segregation. It was almost like a sign. And I would do anything I could to make sure that it came true. I needed to bring Lucky into my life, if I wanted to stop my constant thoughts about her. I knew that once I’d had my fill, she would be forgotten like all the rest.


  Sandra, my date for the night, arrived about ten minutes later, and I was surprised at how laid-back and smart she was. I wasn’t sure why Braydon had dated her. Yes, she was pretty, but she wasn’t beautiful, and she didn’t seem the sort to care about Hollywood and fame. In fact, it was refreshing talking to someone who wasn’t an airhead or self-centered.

  “Here are your two salads.” Lucky dropped the plates off at the table, and this time I didn’t look over at her and smile my thanks. I kept up my eye contact with Sandra and smiled. I couldn’t afford for another date to think my attention wasn’t 100% on her.

  “I hope this will be the most delicious salad you have ever had.” I smiled seductively at Sandra, hoping to get Lucky a little jealous.

  “Anything else?” Lucky questioned, and I shook my head without looking at her again. A part of me felt bad for ignoring her, but I knew that I would be too distracted by her if I made eye contact with her, and I needed to focus on Sandra. I had a gut feeling that Sandra knew something about Braydon, and I wasn’t going to allow myself to fail at getting that information out of her.

  “I’m sure it will be good. Though, I really wanted a juicy burger and fries.” She laughed.

  “So why didn’t you get one?”

  “I had a burger for lunch. I try to eat one healthy meal a day. Otherwise I will blow up like a balloon.”

  “That’s unlikely,” I looked over at her trim body and smiled.

  “I recently lost about 50 pounds.” She grinned at me. “And I think my body is missing it.”

  “Fifty pounds? Really?” I was shocked for two reasons. One, I couldn’t imagine her being overweight, and two, I couldn’t imagine Braydon dating an overweight girl.

  “Yeah,” She sighed. “I lost the weight at rehab.”

  “Rehab?” I tried not to be nosey, but I had a gut instinct that the information I was after was tied up in this story.

  “Yeah,” she ate some salad and paused. “I was addicted to cocaine and weed.”

  “Cocaine and weed?”

  “My last boyfriend got me hooked.”

  “Oh?” BINGO!

  “Yeah, he liked to snort a lot of coke.” She shook her head. “I should have known I was walking into trouble. You always hear that Hollywood types are druggies, but I guess I didn’t really expect it.”

  “He did a lot of drugs as well?” I was surprised. From everything I had heard, Braydon wasn’t really a drug abuser, more of a drug pusher and casual user.

  “Yeah, coke, heroin, molly. You name it, he was doing it.”

  “Huh.” I frowned. This didn’t sound right.

  “Yeah, so I dumped him and dated his friend.” She laughed. “Though, I started dating his friend ’cos he got it cheaper for me.”

  “Oh? So you dated two actors then?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know you’re thinking, why date two drug addicts?” She laughed. “Honestly, the second guy wasn’t an addict, he just had access to a lot of drugs.”

  “I see.” I was betting the second guy was Braydon.

  “I mean, if I am being honest, I still preferred the first guy but he became too much of a downer. Braydon was fun and had the hookup.”

  “So Braydon helped you score?”

  “Well,” Her face went white. “I don’t really want to talk about it. I’ve been clean for a few months now.”

  “Good for you.”

  “But yeah, I lost weight in rehab. So I try to eat lots of salads to keep the fat off.”

  “Interesting.” I didn’t want to tell her that I’d never really heard of an overweight drug addict before. But I didn’t think that it was a really relevant part of the conversation.

  “But I’m clean now.” She leaned towards me. “I hope I haven’t turned you off by being too honest about everything. I know that’s a flaw that I have.”

  “Of course not, I love honesty.”

  “Is everything tasting okay? Is there anything else you guys need?” Lucky stopped by the table again, and this time I turned to her, but she looked over my head a
nd didn’t make eye contact with me.

  “It’s great, thanks, Lucky.” My voice was soft and I willed her to look at me but my nonexistent magical powers didn’t work. I sighed inside and realized that she was probably upset at me for ignoring her earlier. My stomach lurched as I realized that she might not easily forgive me. I knew that I was already in an awkward position, trying to get to know her while bringing a different date to the diner every week. She probably thought I was a player, or a jackass, or both. And she wouldn’t be far from the truth. But I couldn’t allow her to just dismiss me. She had wheedled her way into my subconscious, and her smile was indelibly ingrained in my mind.

  “She seems nice.” Sandra raised an eyebrow at me.


  “Your crush.”

  “Sorry what?” I looked at her on confusion.

  “The waitress.” She nodded towards Lucky. “Lucy, or whatever her name is.”

  “It’s Lucky, and she’s not my crush.”

  “If you like her, you should ask her out.”

  “I’m on a date with you.”

  “Hey, I don’t mind, honestly. I’m just trying to get by, day by day. And frankly, I was surprised when you asked me on a date.” Sandra shook her short, dark brown hair. “I thought you were going to be a jerk, based on what Braydon used to say about you. But you’re cool. I just don’t think we have any sexual chemistry, you know?”

  “Oh, really?” I made a face, surprised at her remark. It was true that I wasn’t particularly attracted to her, but I was shocked that she wasn’t attracted to me. I mean, most women were, and I felt slightly dissed that she had dated Braydon but didn’t think I was good enough.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I could ride you all fucking night.” She winked at me. “But I don’t think that’s what you want.”

  “Well,” I laughed, slightly blown away at her words. This girl didn’t play. “I can fuck with the best of them.” I laughed out loud, and then groaned as I realized Lucky was at the next table. I had a feeling that she had heard what I’d said because she gave me a shocked look before turning away from me. Fuck it! I was making everything worse for myself. “Though, I’m not the sort of guy that just sleeps around.” I spoke loudly so that Lucky could hear, and Sandra gave me a funny look.

  “Dude, I’m not trying to be funny. And I know this is weird because we’re technically on a date, but just ask her out. Write a letter or note to her or something. Girls love that shit. Leave your number in the letter and ask her to call you.”

  “You’re pretty cool, you know that?” I shook my head in amazement. “But no, I won’t be doing that.”

  “I know, I know. I’m unique.” She laughed loudly. “And now that I’m not a fucking dopehead, I’m about more than just giving my body away.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Though, the offer for tonight is still on. I can rock your world if you want me to.” She leaned towards me and winked. “There are things I can do with an ice cube that will have you wishing you lived in the Sahara Desert.”

  “Oh?” I leaned toward her, intrigued. “You’re making it very hard to say no.”

  “But I’m not making it easy enough to say yes, am I?”

  I shook my head reluctantly. She was right. While my body was interested in finding out the tricks of her trade, mentally I wasn’t interested. There was only one person that I wanted in my bed, rocking my world right now. And until I had her, no one else would satisfy me. I needed to have her before I could exorcise her from my mind. I needed to taste her sweetness on my lips. She was my Eve, and my life couldn’t move past this point without the delight of me experiencing sin with her.

  “She’s looking over here, you know.” Sandra laughed. “And if looks could kill, I think I’d be in a cemetery right now.”

  “Come on now.” I laughed but my face flushed warm.

  “You cannot doubt that she also thinks you’re hot. Seriously?” She sat back and looked at me with disbelieving eyes. “You’re like the hottest guy in Miami, and perhaps the richest one as well.”

  “She doesn’t know I’m rich.”

  “Well you sure don’t look like a bum.” Sandra ran her eyes over me. “Not at all.”

  “Are you undressing me with your eyes?” I flirted back with her, happiness making me lightheaded. If she thought Lucky was interested in me, she had to have noticed something.

  “I am, but I don’t think I’m the one that has you so happy.”

  “You’re a nice girl, Sandra,” I started, but she held her hand up and stopped me.

  “But I’m not the girl. I get it, I get it.” She jumped up. “I think it’s best if I leave, and maybe you can talk to the waitress.”

  “No, don’t leave.” I shook my head. I still needed to get some info from Sandra about Braydon. “We should finish our food and get dessert.”

  “I could go for an ice cream sundae.”

  “You read my mind.” I ran my hands through my hair and knocked my fork onto the ground as I brought my hand down. “Oops.” I bent over to get it, and as my fingers reached it, another hand closed down on the fork and soft fingers grazed against mine. I felt a shock of electricity and looked up slowly. Lucky’s face was mere inches from mine, and her eyes were wide with surprise as she gazed into my darkened irises. I squeezed her fingers briefly, and we both looked at each other in awe as the flow of electricity between us connected us to each other. I’d never felt anything like this before, it was as if our two bodies together made a live circuit. I was almost scared to let go of her. Her touch made me feel powerful, and now that I had felt that jolt of adrenaline, I was loath to go back to my regular self. “I dropped my fork.” I continued staring into her eyes.

  “I saw, I was just picking it up for you.” Her voice was soft as she spoke and I watched her lips carefully as she talked. They were so pink and luscious and just waiting on me to nibble on them.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to help.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at her and we both laughed and straightened up. I could feel Sandra smirking at me, and I kept my eyes away from her. I couldn’t believe that she had been able to sense my connection to Lucky. I obviously wasn’t as good at hiding my thoughts and feelings as I had thought.

  “Are your salads good?” She turned away from me and looked at Sandra and I noticed that her face looked flushed. It pleased me to see that I affected Lucky as much as she affected me.

  “They are great, thanks.” Sandra nodded. “Oh, I love this song.” She started nodding her head to the Bee Gees song that was playing over the speakers.

  “I’ll just take the bill when you have time please, Lucky.” I said the only thing I could think of to keep the conversation going.

  “Leaving already?” She looked at me with slight disappointment.

  “Well, you know. I don’t want to hog up your table all night.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. I don’t mind. Well, you know what I mean.” She blushed deep red, and I watched as the deep heat caressed her face.

  “Not really. What do you mean?” I stared at her curiously, and Sandra slapped my hands.

  “Come on now, Zane. Give the girl a break.”

  “Sandra,” I shook my head and she rolled her eyes as she mumbled something under her breath that sounded a lot like “sucker.”

  “I’ll leave the bill with you then.” Lucky paused. “Have a great night.” She turned around and walked away slowly, and I realized that I was a sucker. All I wanted to do was ask her out. For once, I didn’t want to feel that hollow feeling that she was walking away and that I may never see her again. It was a deep, depressing feeling and it reminded me of how I felt when I realized my mother wasn’t coming back. After she had left, I had waited every morning by top of the stairs before the sun came up. I would wait with my blanket, before everyone had woken up, and pray that that would be the morning that my mother would walk back through the door. I had been ab
le to visualize myself running down the stairs and into her arms. She’d grab me close to her and swing me around, and I’d smell her perfume as I buried my face into her neck and she would take me to McDonald’s for breakfast and I’d show off to Noah when we got back. I had waited for a few months, until one morning my dad had come out of his room and caught me. He’d made it clear that my mother was never coming back and that she didn’t miss me or Noah. There was not going to be a loving reunion, a special rendezvous for an Egg McMuffin and chocolate milk. Not then, and not ever. I can still remember the first morning I had woken up and not rolled out of bed and gone to the landing. I had just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling with tears rolling down my face, and an anxious and sad feeling in my soul.

  It was a feeling that had never left me, and it had only grown worse with Noah’s death. It was an emptiness and dread, a loneliness that could never be filled; and a worry that never went away. Every time I left the diner, I felt a twinge of that worry and pure dread. I was scared that I was never going to see Lucky again. I couldn’t control the feeling that consumed me. I didn’t want this dread to control me. My life was becoming governed by the feeling. I didn’t even understand why I felt this way about Lucky. What did I really care if I never saw her again? But I knew I did care. I knew that I cared more than I wanted to admit to myself. And I was scared. I didn’t even recognize myself or my emotions anymore.

  “So I’m guessing tonight won’t be the night you ask her out?” Sandra grinned at me. “Instead, it could be the night I show you the night of your life.”

  “I’m afraid you’re correct with both of those questions.” I sighed. “But I’d love to hear more about your past.” I needed to get more information on Braydon right now. I’d worry about Lucky later.

  Chapter 5

  Two and a half months later

  Fridays were my favorite day of the week. I mean, I wouldn’t acknowledge that to anyone, but Friday night couldn’t come soon enough for me. Seeing Lucky’s face was the highlight of my week and the worry that I used to feel that she wouldn’t be working when I went in had faded tremendously. I still worried that she would be off, or that she would quit, but that was a lesser emotion. I no longer fought the emotions that she brought to the surface in me—I just ignored them instead. I still hadn’t asked her to go on a date, but I had plenty of letters sitting on my desk that I been too chicken to give her. Well, chicken isn’t really the right word. I’m not a chicken in any sense of the word. In other circumstances, I would have asked her out in a minute, but there were certain things holding me back. Primarily, I didn’t want to make things awkward if she said no or if the date didn’t go well. I still wanted to go to Lou’s Burger Joint on my dates: partly to see her, and partly because that was the most comfortable place for me. Okay, so I’m lying. It was pretty much all because I wanted to see Lucky and I didn’t want to ruin the rapport we had going. I didn’t want my asking her on a date to ruin anything.


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