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His Fifth Avenue Thief

Page 3

by Abbey MacInnis

“Thank you. If you had the resources, what would you do?”

  Cathlene swallowed the bite of toast she’d taken. Thinking of what she’d love to do if given a second chance impassioned her and re-lit the fire inside her. “I’d start a school for poor children, where they could learn to read and write and obtain the skills necessary to pull themselves from poverty. I’ve seen enough struggle. Children suffer the most.”

  Aaron lifted a puzzled brow. “Truly? I’ve never known you to have such a charitable nature.”

  She glared at him. “We’ve been parted for over two years, Aaron. My…experiences here have changed me. We aren’t the same people now as we were when we fell in love in Ireland. I’m not the spoiled, romantic, naïve girl waiting for her knight to come and save her. I’ve had a taste of independence. I quite like it.”

  “You quite like being on your own, stealing to support yourself? Where the risk of being caught could end your so-called independence, for good?”

  “Aye, I do,” she challenged brashly. “It's worth it.”

  His eyes grew shuttered, a warning to her that he was attempting to control his temper. “Do you realize how fortunate you are that you stole into my house this day and robbed me instead of another? If another had discovered you, at this very moment you’d be locked away in a cell awaiting your trial. Think of the opportunity I’m giving you to turn your life around and put the dark days of these last two years behind you forever.”

  How could she make him understand? She wasn’t proud of how she’d been supporting herself, but stealing had given her more freedom than she’d ever had in her entire life.

  “In Ireland, I was a bird in a gilded cage, protected and controlled. Here, I became my own person.”

  Aaron tossed his fork on his plate and leaned across the small table. “You aren’t a thief, Cathlene. You aren’t destined to rot away in prison or the poor house. You’re a lady meant to live the life of luxury.”

  She polished off the remaining rasher of bacon on her plate before delicately wiping her mouth. “No, I’m not a thief, but I’m not that same woman you fell in love with before. I’m stronger, tougher, harder. I know it isn’t easy for you to understand. You’re a man. Whether rich or poor, if born a woman, there is much more against you simply for being female. I know you disapprove of how I chose to survive, but I had no choice.” Cathlene refolded her napkin beside her plate.

  “I understand you had no other options available to you. I’m simply angry that you resorted to those means. And that you’d rather struggle to survive for the sake of maintaining your independence than remain with me to live the life you’re meant to as my wife.”

  Indignation burned in her blood. Did he still think her the delicate lady in need of protection? “Who decides who’s meant to live what life? Some would say you’re not fit to live this life you’ve made for yourself. Why should I be any different just because I’m a woman?”

  A look of surprise passed over his features. “There are indeed those who hold that belief. That despite all my wealth, I’m no better than the horse muck on the cobblestones.” He leaned forward in his chair. “I would hope you would stay with me because I am your husband.”

  Regret filled the hollowed hardened shell of her heart. He requested the one thing from her she couldn’t give him, not when fulfilling it could deprive her of the one thing she needed to survive.

  She knew he thought this a sound enough reason for her to acquiesce. But in her eyes, they owed each other nothing, even though he was her husband. She didn’t want anything from him, not when there wasn’t a bit of trust between them.

  “Two years ago I wouldn’t have hesitated, but now you are no more my husband than I am your wife. Turn me over to the police, then, if you find you can’t trust me. I’d rather live out the remainder of my days in a cell than be a prisoner of my own husband. At least there, I’ll have my self-preservation and independence, even if it’s a cell.”

  The Aaron she’d known was a man of honor. Despite his threats, that man wouldn’t turn her over to the law. This Aaron, however very well might. She didn’t fear him, or what he might do. She’d suffered worse these past two years. Prison seemed a paltry price to pay. She’d overcome that obstacle as she had the many others she’d faced.

  Aaron sent her a steady glance, his face expressionless. “You do have a choice,” he countered. “Escape, and risk capture and imprisonment. I would have you locked away, but only as a last resort. I have a proposition for you that in the end will serve us both in good stead.”

  Cathlene fidgeted in her chair. She’d never seen this side of Aaron before. This calculating, manipulative man who wore power like a second skin. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “Aye, tell me of this proposition.”

  He sat back in his chair and folded his muscular arms across his broad chest. “Since it is independence you crave, I’ll grant it to you, but it will be on my terms. I will not have my wife starving on the streets and stealing to support herself.”

  Hope threatened to bloom inside her. Perhaps she’d misread the predatory look in his gaze? “Thank you. That is quite generous.”

  “I’m not a cruel man, Cathlene. I haven’t forgotten how hunger can gnaw at your insides till you feel you’re going mad. I’ll return you your independence if you give me a child.”

  Chapter Three

  Shock plowed into her gut, twisting her stomach into knots. The hope inside her deflated. He wanted her to give him a child? “Are you mad?”

  He continued staring coolly across the small table at her. The space separating them seemed to shrink. With his eyes locked on her face, Cathlene found it difficult to catch her breath.

  The sheer sensual magnetism he exuded radiated from his every pore. His proposition called to mind memories of entwined sweaty limbs entangled in damp sheets.

  A tingling sensation began at the base of her spine and spread through to her fingertips.

  “No I’ve not gone mad. I need an heir. I’ve amassed quite a large fortune, and I have no doubt by the time I’m a decrepit old man, I’ll have expanded my finances even more. I need a son to continue my legacy.”

  He didn’t just want a child, but a son. She could be trapped with him for years until she had a son. And too, what if she only had daughters? And horror of horrors, what if she didn’t conceive?

  “How will this arrangement benefit me?”

  “For every month you remain with me, I’ll give you two hundred dollars. And on the birth of our first child, whether it be daughter or son I’ll triple that sum. Once you bear a son, I’ll double the amount I’ll have given you thus far.”

  “Then, I’ll be free to go and do as I please without any interference from you?”


  Cathlene ignored the rush of fire washing over her cheeks. She wouldn’t allow his bargain to debase or shame her. She’d stooped lower than she’d thought one could just to put bread in her mouth. Sleeping with a man and acting as whore with her own husband wasn’t so horrible. However it was quite ironic, but if it would grant her the freedom she desired, she’d do it. Once she gave Aaron a son, she could go anywhere and start a new life. One where she wouldn’t be beholden to anyone but herself. The thought sent elation skipping through her that went cold as she thought of the children she could have then lose.

  Once she clapped eyes on her child, boy or girl, could she leave them behind all for the sake of freedom? Could she live with herself and her choice?

  “Would I still be allowed to see our children?” She swallowed the last drops of tea in her cup, but the dryness in her throat persisted.

  Aaron toyed with his napkin as he appeared to consider her inquiry. Her heart raced fast, like one of the locomotives she’d heard of but never ridden. “If you leave, they won’t grow up knowing you are their mother. But I won’t deny you their company if you wish to remain in their lives. Though if you stay, you’ll be their mother in every way.”

  She lowered her li
ds to conceal the sudden burning tears which clouded her vision. To miss the opportunity to nurture and love and rear her children would shatter her already broken heart to splinters. But she had no other choice. Aaron was offering a once in a lifetime chance for her freedom. One she had to take. Remaining in New York could bring great risk to her if she were discovered. And discovery would only bring her certain death.

  She was on her own, and relying on Aaron for protection could only bring trouble down upon him. She hated that he’d stolen everything from her before sneaking away like a cat in the night, but he didn’t deserve to die for harboring a criminal. The bastard hunting her had already proved he’d stop at nothing to find her, even kill.

  On legs that trembled, Cathlene rose from her chair, her decision reluctantly made. She kept her expression neutral as she inquired, “You’ll pay for all my expenses?”

  Aaron followed suit. He came around the table and took her arm. “That I will. You won’t have any other worries other than conducting yourself as the proper wife of a banker.”

  “A banker? Aaron, truly?” She couldn’t help but let her lips slip into a slight smile. “I had a devil of a time teaching you your numbers.”

  He returned her grin, the whiteness of his teeth showing against his tanned skin. More heat spread through her limbs. “Aye, Cathlene. It’s to you I owe all my success. You persisted, not allowing me to quit until I’d perfected them.” He tilted her chin with the tip of a finger. “Now to our bargain, are we agreed?”

  Cathlene lifted her gaze to his and nodded. Her heart did a little jig in her chest. The heat condensed into one long coil of need that pooled low in her belly. “I know a good offer when I receive one. I won’t run away, Aaron.” There could be worse things for a woman to bear. Conceiving a son for her husband – whom she still found desirable – in return for her freedom and independence; that much she could manage. It was her heart, that if she wasn’t careful, would suffer the brunt of the pain of her decision.

  “Now that I have you returned to me, we must conduct ourselves publicly as a couple.” Aaron led her across the room to the door and out into the hallway. “We will attend social events as husband and wife. Those in my circle must believe we are happily married. But we must first start growing our bond in private in order to be convincing.”

  He thought they’d carry on as a couple? Uncertainty at her decision catapulted through her. It was one thing to bear his child. To publicly play the part of his wife was another kettle of rotten fish she didn’t wish to uncover. Did Aaron think they could just continue on as though they hadn’t been separated? As though they were still those starry-eyed lovers who only had eyes for each other, and no worries for their future as long as they were together?

  She’d go along with his ruse until she conceived and had their first child, then she’d leave. Save for their agreement, there wasn’t anything holding her to him. Cathlene wouldn’t allow herself to think of their children, not when the mere thought of leaving them already left a gash in her heart.

  “Growing our bond?” she echoed as she allowed Aaron to lead her up the wide staircase to his chamber where her bath awaited. Wisps of scented steam curled up from the tub. Lilacs permeated the air.


  He closed the chamber door.

  “I don’t see why that’s necessary. We had a rather strong connection until we were parted so abruptly. It’s been too long to make things right.”

  A fire had been laid in the great fireplace. The smoke, interlaced with the flowery scent coming from the tub gave the room a sensual feel. And Aaron standing in its center, his dark eyes taking a slow perusal of her, made her nerves jump to attention.

  He no doubt had seduction on his mind. Her heart turned over in her chest.

  Cathlene headed further into the room, the tub luring her. Exhaustion slowed her steps. He watched her progress closer. “It is indeed necessary.” He reached for a lock of her hair and used it to draw her to his side. “It’s been too long since I’ve touched you. If we’re to dance in front of others and you’re to be at my side, where I might wish to caress you.” He passed a warm gentle hand over her arm, its side brushing the curve of her breast. Her nipple puckered. Cathlene shivered. He arced a dark brow. “You will need to not flinch with disgust.”

  Cathlene licked her dry lips. She wanted to grab his hand and show Aaron where she ached the most and have him alleviate it. When she became intimate again with him, she feared that when it was time for her to disappear, she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to take her leave of him or their child.

  She removed his hand and lifted her chin to fasten an icy stare on him. Hurting Aaron was her only option so she might keep her heart closed. “To be sure, love, when you showed me the pleasures to be had between a man and a woman, I was but your too-willing whore. I’m a woman matured, and have sampled more of what sensual delights are to be found with other lovers. You surely do not believe I’ll be tempted by you with just a lackluster caress?”

  His visage darkened, the rage fairly restrained in his eyes. “What of our bargain, darlin’ Cathlene?” His inquiry slithered over her senses like hot dark velvet that wrapped her in its seductive web.

  She struggled to keep the quiver of want from her tone. She’d surely planted unkind images in his mind of her with other men. “There was no mention of pleasure in our bargain. I am to bear you a son, not find pleasure in your arms.” She added a frosty, haughty tinge to her words. “You were my first lover. And even then, my moans and cries were to appease your arrogance.”

  Liar. He was the best, and only lover she’d had.

  “Are you issuing me a challenge?”

  A chill coursed down her spine. Arousal spiked inside her as his eyes darkened with sensual intent.

  Cathlene realized the error of her words too late as he turned her into him and lowered his mouth to hers. Aaron pushed his tongue past her lips, parting them in surprise to delve and taste every inch of her mouth. To both possess and demand a response from her until she leaned against him, her limbs weak, her lungs empty, her body dizzy from lack of oxygen.

  Aaron cupped her bottom beneath her skirt, the heat from his hand scorching through the cotton of her drawers. He held her to him. His erection stood out hard against her stomach, a testament of his passion. He took a few steps toward the bed with her in his arms. To not lose her balance, Cathlene wound her legs around his hips, the movement forcing her hot center against him. She pressed herself tighter to him as pleasure coursed through her. She tore her mouth from his and skated it along the sharp angle of his jaw.

  Memories of them together in the most intimate of ways crashed through her. She closed her eyes as the downy softness of the feather bed brushed against the backs of her thighs. Her legs slid from Aaron’s hips to settle on either side of him. He leaned over her. She dug her fingers into his broad shoulders for purchase. She itched to feel his bare skin under her fingertips.

  Cathlene quickly rid him of his weskit, revealing the suspenders that held up his trousers. She slid them down his shoulders and over his arms. She widened the tear she’d made on his shirt with her dagger and sighed with satisfaction as the fabric gave way and opened for her exploration. She purred low in her throat as she re-familiarized herself with the wide expanse of his chest and taut firmness of his stomach. With clumsy fingers, she parted the ties of his cravat and tossed it aside.

  Aaron pushed up her skirt. His hand settled high on her thigh just above her plain garter.

  “Aye, Aaron. Please touch me.”

  She burned for his caress, for him to fill her with his hard length, and make her shatter around him.

  Cathlene spread her legs wider. He moved his hand higher to bypass the edge of her drawers to thread his fingers through the moist curls at her center. Aaron dipped a finger between her wet folds. Cathlene moaned and lifted her hips, her core eagerly stretching, preparing for his sensual invasion.

  It had been so long since she
’d had him inside her. She needed him like she needed food, air, water. And she’d die if she couldn’t have him.

  He teased her swollen nubbin, his fingertip circling in that way he knew would shortly send her into bliss. Her eyes popped open. She struggled to focus them on his face.

  She observed the superior tilt to his mouth as he mastered her with his skillful fingers that moved with purpose inside her. “Like so?” he asked, repeating the caress.

  Cathlene could only gasp as her climax neared.

  Frantic with lust, she reached down and fumbled to undo his trousers. Aaron shrugged out of his suspenders, and they, along with the trousers slid down his narrow hips.

  She clasped his hardness that throbbed against her hand. A bead of moisture formed along its tip. She raised her head from the coverlet to run her lips over the crown, capturing the bitter salty droplet on her tongue.

  Aaron pushed her back on to the bed and quickly removed her drawers. He laced their fingers of one hand, as he hiked up her skirt to her waist with his other.

  Anticipation zipped through her as he bent over her. She closed her eyes. He had a playful, naughty side to him that she loved. He knew when she needed a gentle touch and when she wanted a rougher coupling

  This very moment, she wasn’t wanting sweet and seductive, but wild and demanding. And from how he held her, his eyes challenging her to move, signaling to her that he would pleasure her only if she succumbed to his wishes. She knew he’d give her what she wanted, but only in his own good time.

  He lowered his mouth to suckle at her neck. She rolled her head to the side to give him easier access to the spot at the base of her throat that always made her shiver with delight. He passed his lips down her chest to her breast and the peaked nipple beneath the fabric of her chemise. He took the cloth, nipple, and all between his skillful lips and ever so lightly closed his teeth over it.

  Cathlene arched off the bed as he wetted the cloth with his tongue. He suckled and plied it until it became molded to her nipple, until the heat from his every caress against the wet cloth reached through to sensitive flesh, creating a sharp aching pain that sent fire spreading to her core.


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