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I Do... NOT

Page 5

by Kimolisa Mings

  An hour passed before he did get to his feet and bade everyone good night. A flurry of contact information was exchanged with promises of meeting up in the city.

  “That was fun,” Julian said as I walked him to the front door.

  “Yeah. Too bad it had to come to an end.”

  “It doesn’t have to, what are you doing tomorrow?”

  “Well, I didn’t have anything planned,” I replied. “But I don’t know what the others are up to.”

  “I didn’t ask what they were doing,” the timber of his voice vibrated down to my bones. “I asked what were you doing?”

  “Nothing,” I breathed, but I could think of a few things I would like to do to the man standing in front of me.

  “Well,” Julian licked his lips. “What do you say to us going on a hike, that is if you aren’t the kind of woman who would be bored by such things.”

  “I think I can struggle through,” I stepped forward and opened the door. I could feel the warmth of his body and if I stepped forward, I…

  “So I’ll see you tomorrow around 6 am?” he asked stepping through the door.

  “Sounds good.” I watched Julian stride down the walk, then down the street. He had a confident walk that spoke of a man comfortable in his skin.

  “This just might be the easiest bet I’ve ever won,” Toya’s voice broke into my thoughts.

  “It’s not over until it’s over,” I closed the door and faced her.

  “Oooh, fighting words,” she yawned. “Well, this is going to be date one, better make it count. Nite, Alexa,” Toya did an about turn and made her way towards the bedrooms.

  “Nite, Toya,” I called out, thankful that she didn’t count tonight as Date One. Whatever tomorrow's date was, I intended on having a good time.

  Chapter Twelve

  A shriek broke through the quiet woods and I succumbed to Julian's tickles.

  “Enough, enough,” I squirmed in his arms. Under any other circumstances, I would be reluctant to escape but I was very ticklish and Julian was taking full advantage of that fact.

  “Say it,” his fingers strummed my sides like it was the strings of a cello.

  “Uncle, uncle,” I panted and instantly I was released. “Ooh, I'm going to find your weakness, Mr. Cole and I'm going to pay you back.”

  Leaning in until we were nose to nose, he said, “Promise?”

  If I leaned in, I could... I didn't have to Julian did the deed. His lips pressed against mine and my eyes fluttered shut. It was better than I could ever imagine. I fell into it. Into the fullness of his kiss, the way the tip of his tickled my lips making them part. Then I pulled away. This was moving too fast, but looking at him, I didn't feel like it was moving fast enough.

  This time I leaned in. I claimed his lips and he claimed mine. I wanted this. So lost in the moment, I barely heard the jingle in the depths of the pocket of my pants. It was Julian who pulled away.

  “Your phone is ringing,” his voice was husky.

  “Un huh,” I didn't want to open my eyes and return to reality. I didn't want to see the woods surrounding us, the sunlight trickling through the leaves overhead. I just wanted to feel his lips, to smell his intoxicating scent of musk and sweat, and to feel Julian's warmth.

  “It's still ringing,” he cupped my cheek.

  With a groan, I opened my eyes and saw the frustration I felt on Julian's face. Pulling out my phone, I saw it was Toni calling. I held up a finger and walked down the path.

  “Hello,” I tried to sound normal.

  “Hey, Alexa,” Toni responded. “I Know you are out with Julian, having a good time, but you're starting to cut it close.”

  “Oh my God, what time is it?” I ran over to where Julian stood and looked at his watch. “I'm coming, I'll be back right away and I'll be ready in no time.”

  Disconnecting the call, I looked up at Julian. I was torn, I wanted to stay with him and let time fly away without a care in the world, but I had to go.

  “Do you have to leave today?” Julian stepped forward, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Yes,” I sighed, resting my forehead on his chest. “I've got work in the morning, appointments, schedules.” And getting my stuff from Malachi's place.

  “Call in sick,” was whispered in my ear. And I really considered it.

  “I can't,” I looked up and instead of kissing Julian, I said, “Take me back.”

  He met my gaze and his arms tightened around me. He was as torn as I was and the thought of him throwing me over his shoulder caveman style brought a smile to my face. “What are you thinking, woman?”

  “It's for me to know and for you to never find out,” I nipped his lower lip and pulled away. “Now, take me home, Mr. Cole,” I started down the trail, heading in the direction we came.


  When I got to the cabin, I said a quick goodbye to Julian and barely yelled that I was back before launching myself into my room. Naomi's things were already gone, most likely already stowed away in Toni's minivan. I had less than an hour to pack and make a quick change.

  “I'll be ready to leave on time,” I said when I sensed someone in the doorway.

  “I don't doubt it,” Toya leaned against the door jamb.

  “Can we not do this right now,” I snatched up clothing and tossed them into my bags.

  “Do what?” she asked as innocent as a child... up to something.

  I glanced across at her, “You know what, and as you can see, I'm busy.”

  “Do you need help?”

  “No, no,” I looked around, clamping down on the overwhelm bubbling up. Taking a deep breath, I met Toya's gaze, “I've got everything under control.”

  “Okay,” she held up her hands in defeat, she knew when to push and when to step away and step away she did.

  I managed to pack and freshen up with a minute to spare. When I brought my bags out, everyone was talking in the living room. They were going over the route back to the city.

  Seeing me, Luisa called out, “Look who made it? We were really considering leaving you, but I'm not sure if it would really be a punishment for you.”

  “I won't even respond to that,” I said, making a beeline for the front door.

  “I'm just looking out for my interest,” she chuckled.

  “Well, I'll be in the minivan if anyone wants me,” I said before walking out the door. That was more for theatrics as we spent the next few minutes saying our goodbyes.

  The drive home was quiet. I supposed it was because we were adjusting back into our lives. Toni was probably thinking about the state of her home after a boys only weekend. Naomi was most likely thinking about work or the mystery man. As for me, I was thinking about the morning spent with Julian.

  “Are you going to see him again?” Toni's voice was low.

  I didn't answer right away, I didn't really have to think about it, but I didn't want to talk when it was too early to give an opinion. Still, I said, “Yes.”

  “Well, he's a nice guy and you two look cute together,” Toni glanced across, then returned her eyes to the road.


  By the time we returned to the city, night had replaced dusk. Entering my apartment, I went to the bathroom. It was there that I noticed that Malachi had come. The empty spaces that were evidence of a man with whom I shared my life didn't unnerve me. It just meant that we were moving on.

  As I made my way to the bedroom, my phone chirped. I didn't bother turning on the lights, I dropped my bags on the bed and pulled out my phone.

  Julian: I hope you made it home alright

  Instead of tapping in a reply message, I called him.

  “Hey.” I wished he was here or I was there.

  “Hey,” I replied. “And yes, we made it back safely.”

  “Glad to hear,” Julian said. “Are you free Saturday night?”

  “Uh, yeah, but I thought you were coming back next Monday?”

  “That was the original plan, but I had a change of mi
nd,” he replied.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, I have more of a reason to be in the city than out here,” Julian admitted. “So what do you say? A dinner at Noma?”

  Once again, I admired Julian's taste. He had named a popular restaurant that had the most decadent desserts. “I say yes.”

  “Great,” I heard a smile in his voice. “So I'll meet you there at about eight?”


  “Then it's a date, I'll see you then.”

  “Yeah, until then,” I said before hanging up.

  Yes, it was a date, it was date #2. Three more dates to go and maybe by the fifth date, I'll know if Julian is worth losing the bet and coughing up $100.

  Turning on a bedside lamp, I saw a sheet of paper on my pillow. It was folded neatly in four and place squarely in the center of my pillow. It could only be from one person.


  We can't end our relationship like this. We can make it work in spite of everything. I love you and I want to build a life with you.

  Think about it.

  - Malachi

  I folded the paper back, almost as though trying to take it back to a time when I didn't know the contents of the note. In spite of my indiscretions, in spite of my breaking his heart on numerous occasions, the last being my ending our brief engagement, he wanted to be with me.

  What he didn't seem to grasp was there was no going back, no us. I had moved on and it was time he did the same.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Knock, knock.”

  I looked up, expecting to see a colleague in the doorway, instead there stood Clark Sullivan.

  “Am I interrupting you?” he strolled in.

  “No, not at all,” I lied. The truth was Jennifer and I were in the middle of the preliminaries of a case. She had stepped out to get a file, leaving the door to my office open for her immediate return.

  “Are you here to see Mr. Weiss?” I asked as I tried to neaten up my desk.

  “Not really,” he replied. “I got called in to collect the contract and go over it...”

  “Would you like to have a seat, Mr. Sullivan?” It appeared as though he was here for an extended visit as opposed to coming to say a quick hello.

  “Clark,” he took the seat. “Please, call me Clark.”

  This was not a casual request made to make both parties comfortable. This was the beginning of something and this something was not professional.

  “Then call me Alexa,” I looked up from closing a file and smiled.

  “Can I?”

  “Can you what?” I cocked my head to the side, my hands coming to a stop and resting on another file I had closed.

  “Can I call you,” his gray eyes studied mine. “Perhaps, that call can lead to us going out.”

  “I'm not sure that would be wise, seeing you will be a client,” I pointed out.

  “Then I won't sign the contract,” his lips formed a small smile as an impishness played in his eyes.

  I sat back in my chair, “You would deny yourself top level legal representation for a date with me?” When I said it, it sounded preposterous, to say the least.

  Clark leaned forward, “Yes, especially when I believe I will have an outstanding time.”

  “Is that so?” My eyebrow rose.

  “Very much so.”

  “Well,” I stretched the word out to its limit. “I don't see the harm in us going out once. When were you thinking?”


  “Unfortunately, I've got a late meeting with a client,” I spread my hands out to encompass the contents of my desk. “How about tomorrow night?”

  “I've got to meet with the board of one of my companies,” was Clark's response. “What about Thursday?”

  I reached across for my tablet and after bringing it to life, I accessed my calendar. “I can do Thursday.”

  “Let’s meet at the bar of the Claremont Hotel for drinks,” Clark got to his feet. “Then we go from there.”

  “I can work with that,” I got to my feet and walked him to the door. “As for signing the contract, my unbiased legal advice is you should sign it.”

  “Unbiased,” he chuckled, then glanced across at me. “I was planning on signing, it will give me the opportunity to work closely with a certain female lawyer.”

  Stopping at the door, I smirked, “I wonder who that could be?”

  In that instant, Jennifer appeared on the other side of the doorway. A file in her hand and a question on her face, but instead of asking the question, she apologized for taking so long.

  I brushed aside her apology as I knew what it was like to go in search of a file only to find it was taken out by another person in the firm. “Jennifer, this is Clark Sullivan who is going to become a client of the firm,” I said. “And Clark, this is Jennifer Coates, my secretary and right arm.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Sullivan,” she said and they exchanged pleasantries before Clark excused himself.

  “I'll see you on Thursday,” he said as he walked towards the reception area.

  Before Jennifer could ask me one of the dozens of questions flying through her mind, I said, “Let’s take a look at that file and see how it can give us some insight into this case.”

  Yes, it was a date with a client, but there was no denying that Clark Sullivan was an attractive man. Plus, it's not like a simple date could lead to a relationship. I was taking Toya's advice after all, and I would never know until I try, Clark might be great company.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Malachi's life was like clockwork only deviating slightly every now and then to his annoyance. In the beginning, I admired this in him, but near the end, I found it stifling. Still, I was grateful for it, when I went to his apartment for my stuff.

  Every Wednesday between 2 and 4 in the afternoon, Malachi would be conducting site visits. This happened without fail over the two plus years we've been together, so when I stepped into the apartment, I didn't notice anything out of the norm. I had collected everything that was mine from all the rooms except the bedroom. It was only as I was approaching it that I heard very distinct noises. Moans.

  Opening the door, I saw a woman's back. It was a back I've seen over the years, clothed or bare, with the exception for the straps of a bikini. Right now it was completely bare. Its owner now straddling the owner of the apartment. Her hips rolled as they both...

  “Alexa!” Malachi's grip on her hips released as he hoisted himself up.

  The last thing I saw before I slammed the door shut was Naomi looking back.

  At first, I slowly backed away, the scene playing over and over again in my hand. Then hearing movement on the other side of the door, I spun around and bolted for the front door.

  She. He. How long? How could they? How could she? Why?

  “Alexa!” Malachi called out as I gripped the handle of the front door.

  I didn't turn around. I couldn't face that right now. “I should have called before coming,” I held up the keys to his place then slammed them on the table beside the door.

  “Alexa,” he sounded closer and the sound of my name on his tongue sickened me.

  “It's... none of my business,” I ripped open the door and barged out. It was none of my business, I chanted to myself as I traveled to the ground floor, still tears pricked the back of my eyes. It was none of my business, still, as I stepped outside, I exhaled a sob.

  Walking down the street, my vision was blurred from unshed tears. Coming to a stop at an intersection, I heard the ping of an incoming message. When I saw who sent it, I gripped the phone and opened the message. It had one word, “Sorry”.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Naomi,” Luisa said. “And Malachi.”

  “Yes,” I sniffed.

  Somehow, I was able to return to work, and after going to the restroom, I managed to make it through my numerous meetings with my usual level of professionalism. Only two people noticed that something was off. Jennifer just looked on with c
oncern and whenever I said something that was not completely correct, she would 'remind' me of what was accurate. Mr. Weiss called me into his office, but I told him I was a little under the weather but I was getting better. We knew I was lying, but they knew there had to be a good reason.

  After a slew of Spanish words, my friend said, “I never really liked her.”

  At this, I laughed, remembering Naomi's claim of the others not liking her. “Right now, I don't like her, either. It's not that I want Malachi, it's the fact that he was sleeping with Naomi, my friend. Then there is the question of how long have they been sleeping together.”

  I told Luisa about seeing Naomi leaving Malachi's office and Naomi recognizing the engagement ring. As I spoke, I recalled the phone conversation I overheard while we were at the cabin and Naomi being evasive.

  “Mija,” Luisa's voice was low. “All the evidence was there. You just never had a reason to put it together. I'm sorry.”

  “I'm sorry, too,” I sighed. “I'm sorry I didn't let go of that friendship a long time ago.”

  “Well, now you have and those two are now in your past. Now you can focus on the future and other people, like Julian,” she was smiling. I could hear that she was smiling.

  “And Clark,” I smirked. I knew it was a good idea to call Luisa, she would be able to help me put things into perspective or at least refocus my attention.

  “Clark? I don't know about a Clark.”

  “Clark Sullivan. He is a business man who is going to be a client of the firm,” I explained. When I heard no response, I said, “Don't tell me you're Googling him.”

  “I'm Googling him... oh, he's cute. Looks like he did very good for himself.”

  “Yes, well, we're going out for drinks,” I shrugged even though Luisa couldn't see it.

  “And what about Julian?”

  “I'm seeing him on Saturday.”

  “Saturday? I thought he was coming back on Monday?”

  “Well, as he said, he has a reason to come home early,” Even saying it made me flush and I remembered the kiss and what it promised.


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