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Finally Us (Next Generation Book 5)

Page 8

by J. M. Walker

  “Well…” I went to the dresser, bent over and started rummaging for pajamas from the bottom drawer. “I guess you’ll have to bring me to your apartment, and then I can be naked as much as you want.”

  He groaned. “Fucking hell.”

  I laughed lightly, thankful that the weight of our conversation had lifted some. I was also thankful that Vince had patience because I wasn’t sure if either of us were ready for that conversation. Even though I wasn’t exactly sure what all needed to be said or how it would go, I just wanted to enjoy his company. It was why I hadn’t said anything for so long. I had hoped that I would just get over it but when you love someone and they hurt you, it’s almost impossible.

  While Vince got dressed, I did the same. “Vince?”

  His head shot up. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He did up his jeans and came toward me. Pinching my chin, he placed a soft peck on my mouth. “Whatever is going on in that beautiful head of yours, I’m not going anywhere, Queenie. No matter how much you push me away, I’ll always be here.”


  It was the day before Vince’s birthday party and as much as I was trying to distract myself from thoughts of him, nothing worked. His words bounced around in my head. How he wasn’t going anywhere no matter how much I pushed him away. God, could he be serious? Did he want more out of this than just sex? I wasn’t sure but what I did know was that I enjoyed his company. That was nothing new but now that we’d had sex again, things changed. Quickly. He slept over a few nights ago, after finally doing what we both wanted, but we didn’t have sex again. He had the patience of a damn saint because I knew that I sure as hell didn’t.

  Letting out a hard sigh, I pulled into the parking lot of The Dove Project and put my car into park. Hopefully getting some work done would help distract me from thoughts of the man who constantly invaded my dreams and every inch of my body. But I knew no matter what had happened previously between us, it would be nothing like what was coming. I had no idea how I knew, but I could feel it. Vince was intense. I had seen the same thing in his father. Whenever he looked at Vince’s mom, Creena, it was like she was all that mattered. While he loved his kids, his wife reached a part of him that no one else ever could and I wanted that.

  A gentle tap on the window made me jump.

  Ashton Donovan opened the driver door. “You just going to sit there or are you coming in and helping us?”

  I scowled and left the vehicle. “It’s not my fault you guys are behind because we got some new volunteers that you can’t stop drooling over.”

  He chuckled, wrapping me up in a hug. “How’s it going?”

  “Not too bad.” I squeezed him, my heart warming. Ashton gave perfect hugs. They were firm enough where you felt safe and protected in his arms, but they never became inappropriate. Although, maybe it had just been me. He once had a thing for our friend Luna, and slept with both Piper and my sister for a short time. He got around but I knew there was someone out there for him. He just had to find her.


  I jumped at the deep voice coming from behind me.

  Ashton released me, glancing over my head. “Problem?”

  “Nope.” Vince came up to my side, lightly brushing his fingers over my hip. “You good?” he asked me.

  “Yeah.” My body heated at the subtle touch coming from him. It wasn’t like we had ever announced whatever this was that we were doing. We never made it public or even put a label on it. But I liked that he touched me in public, not caring at all who was around.

  Ashton glanced between us. “This is new.”

  “Nope,” Vince repeated. “Not new. Just continuing.”

  “Really.” Ashton scratched his jaw. “Interesting.”

  “Alright.” I rolled my eyes. “If you two are done. I have work to do.” I turned on my heel and headed toward the large building that I had been volunteering at for as long as I could remember. The Dove Project had been a part of our families before us kids were ever born. It was a part of us, and I knew even after our parents were gone, the center would continue to grow and expand and be there for people in need.

  When I entered the large building that now looked more like a compound than anything, I waved to the receptionist and passed a couple of girls putting up flyers on the activity board. I made my way to the office, put my purse in one of the lockers, and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge we kept stocked.

  “Well, I don’t know what you want from me, Angel. The center is growing, and I’m needed here.”

  I stood up straighter at the sound of Mom’s voice coming from down the hall.

  “I know, baby. Yes, I’ll let the girls know.” She laughed. “I think they’ll be able to handle us going away since we never really got a honeymoon. Yes, we’ll do it after Ryder leaves. God, do you not know me at all?” Her laugh deepened. “Fine, fine. Meadow isn’t coming in today. The little one had a rough night, so she’s tired.”

  I left the office, finding Mom leaning against the wall.

  Her head snapped up, her gaze landing on me. She smiled. “Gigi’s here. Yes, I will. Okay, love you too.” She said her goodbyes and shoved her cell in her back pocket. “How are you doing?”

  “Good.” I gave her a hug, reveling in the feel of being in my mom’s arms. That single moment relieved some of the stress of not knowing what the hell was going on between Vince and me.

  “Your dad said that Vince was at your place the other morning.”

  My stomach flipped. “Uh…yeah. He came over to make sure I was okay.”

  Mom leaned back, searching my face. “Your father may believe your lies but I’m not stupid, Gigi. You’re more like me than your sister and brother.”

  I pulled away and tugged at the end of my t-shirt. “It was nothing. I went to Luna’s, had a little too much wine and Vince picked me up and drove me home.”


  I sighed, hating at the moment how well Mom knew me. “He spent the night, but nothing happened.”

  She gave me a small smile. “You don’t have to justify your actions to me, sweetheart. It’s not like Vince is some random guy.”

  “I know.” I looked down at my feet. “It’s just…it’s complicated.”

  “I get that.” Mom hooked an arm around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head. “But that boy loves you. You can tell me I’m wrong all you want but I see it. Your dad sees it. Your brother isn’t around much and even he sees it.”

  “Do you guys talk about it or something?” As much as I wanted to be pissed that they discussed my love life or lack thereof, I couldn’t. “Do you have any advice?”

  She gave me a small smile. “Let the walls down. Rip the Band-Aid off and get to talking, girl. If I had done that sooner with your dad, we would have had a much easier road. But I’m thankful every day that he loved me enough to keep pushing and to not give up on us. Give the kid a break, don’t make him have to fight as hard…but don’t make it too easy either.” She winked.

  I laughed. “Thank you.”

  “Of course. I know it’s been hard since your accident. You had other plans for your life, but I know that Vince has always been in those plans as well. Hasn’t he?”

  I thought a moment, mulling over her words. “He has,” I finally said.

  Mom smiled and placed a kiss on my head. “I figured. But enough of this.” She pulled away, gave me a wide smile, and started listing off things she needed me to work on.

  I committed them to memory and went to get started when I remembered the conversation she was having with Dad. “When you and Dad go away, you should choose somewhere warm.”

  Mom’s smile grew. “We were discussing Mexico. I just want to leave the country and go somewhere we’ve never been. We’ll let you know of course.”

  “I’m glad.” I gave her a quick hug. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t need to thank me. I’m your mom. It’s what I do. It’s kind of my thing.”
  I laughed, released her, and started backing up. “Well whenever I become a mom, I hope I get at least half of your mom traits.”

  “You will.” She winked. Her phone suddenly rang. Pulling it from her back pocket, she sighed and placed it at her ear. “You know, I love you with every inch of me but you’re driving me crazy. Yes, Angel, I just told Gigi. I know you’re excited.” She shook her head, gave me a wave, and went into the office. “I’m doing everything I can to get things set up so we can leave,” she said, shutting the door behind her.

  I laughed.

  Making my way to the storage closet, I grabbed a ladder to start changing out the lightbulbs in the hall. Our moms wanted the bulbs changed out to eco-friendly ones, to save money. Even though the center was receiving funding from the government and people were constantly donating to help, they still wanted to do everything they could to save money and to help the environment.

  Setting up the ladder, I quickly checked my phone to see if I had gotten any new text messages. Truth was, I had hoped Vince was still around. My body burned, remembering the way he had used me the other night. Although, I had used him just the same. He had felt so damn good. Almost too good if you asked me.

  When my phone came up empty, I sighed and shoved it back in my pocket.

  As soon as I went up the ladder and got to the highest step I needed to change out the lights, it gave out beneath me. I stumbled, lost my grip, and expected to fall to the ground. But instead, when I landed against something hard, it didn’t hurt like I thought it would.


  I opened my eyes, not realizing I had closed them and found Vince holding me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his face pale.

  “I…” I looked around me.

  The step on the ladder was split in the middle like someone had cut it in half. My stomach twisted, bile rising to my throat.

  “Queenie.” Vince put me gently on my feet but kept his arms around me. “Hey.”

  “I’m fine,” I finally told him.

  He turned me, checking me over to make sure that I was actually fine like I told him. “Are you sure?” he asked, keeping me close.

  I nodded but I couldn’t help but wonder if the ladder had been tampered with. No. I was being paranoid. There was no way that someone could be that ruthless. Not at the center. Everyone who came into The Dove Project was there to help others, provide for them, care for them. It wasn’t possible that someone would want to hurt me.

  “Gigi.” Vince wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leaning his forehead against the side of my head. “You sure you’re good?”

  “Yes.” I cupped his arm. “Thank you for catching me.”

  “Always, baby. I’ll always catch you.”

  I shivered, knowing that he wasn’t just talking about me falling off the ladder.

  “Hey guys.”

  Both of us turned to my mom coming toward us from down the hall.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, glancing at the ladder.

  “The step broke and Gigi fell,” Vince explained, keeping his hand on my hip.

  “Oh God. Are you okay?” Mom asked, inspecting the step.

  “Yeah.” Even though what I had with Vince was new, I liked the fact that he wasn’t afraid to touch me in front of people, especially my mom. I stepped back, a soft sigh escaping me at feeling his hard body pressed up against mine.

  His eyes burned into my head, his hold tightening on my hip as if to say, ‘I got you, babe.’

  “Your dad isn’t going to like this,” she mumbled, inspecting the ladder. “We got some new volunteers. I’ll have to look into things.”

  “I’m sure it was just an accident.” But even though those words left my mouth, I knew they were a lie. Someone did this deliberately. I just didn’t know who or why.

  “We run background checks on everyone, but I’ll see if I can find out if anyone was here who wasn’t supposed to be,” Mom gritted out, giving me a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Me too.” I didn’t want to think what damage falling off the ladder could have caused. I had already destroyed my knee by doing a spin and jump wrong. I could still feel the pain as my leg had twisted in a way that hadn’t seemed humanly possible.


  I jumped, forgetting Vince was behind me. “I’m fine,” I told him when that frown between his eyebrows deepened. “I promise.” I stood on tiptoes, placing a soft peck on his cheek.

  When I went to pull away, he wrapped himself around me.

  “If something happened to you...” His voice trailed off, his face pushing into the crook of my neck.

  I was momentarily shocked by the nervous energy coming off of him. “Hey.” I returned the embrace. “I promise I’m fine.”

  He lifted his head. “I need to see for myself.”

  Before I could ask what he had meant by that, he grabbed my hand and led me to a nearby storage room. No one ever went into this room. Even though it had been packed with stuff, it was like we kept everything just in case we needed it one day.

  “Vince.” I spun on him when he gently shoved me into the room. “Listen, I promise I’m fine.”

  He slammed the door shut, clicking the lock into place and closing the distance between us. “You can tell me that all you want but it’s still not convincing me otherwise. I need to see.”

  “You can’t expect me to get naked in here.” Not that I was opposed to getting naked in public, but I could never do something like that at a place like this.

  “As much as I want you naked, we’re not doing that here.” Vince lowered to his knees. “Hold onto me.”

  My heart jumped but I did as I was told. Cupping his shoulder, I waited. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do but knew that I needed to reassure him.

  “Are you sore at all?” he asked, wrapping his hand around my shin.

  “I…” I realized then that I was a little stiff. “Not sore exactly.”

  His dark eyes shot to mine. “Stiff?”

  I nodded.

  A shadow passed over his face. “Your body must have tensed when you fell.” He trailed his fingers down my shin. “You sure you’re good?”

  “I am. I promise.” I ran my hand to the back of his neck. “See?” I kicked off my sandal and wiggled my toes. “All good.”

  Cupping my foot, he leaned back and brought it up to his mouth. He placed a soft peck on top of it before helping me back into my sandal.

  But that small movement did something funny to me. It made me realize that no matter what, he would drop everything and do anything to make sure that I was in fact okay.


  He pushed to his full height.

  “Are you convinced now?” I asked, placing a hand on his chest.

  He covered my hand. “If something happened to you, I don’t know what I would do.”

  “Nothing happened.”

  “Not now it didn’t,” he snapped.

  “Hey.” I pulled my hand from his and cupped his face.

  Vince pushed his cheek into my palm. That single touch alone seemed to calm him. As his shoulders dropped, he let out another slow breath.

  “You don’t think it was an accident. Do you?”

  “No.” Vince pulled away and ran a hand through his hair. “But it doesn’t matter right now. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” He came back toward me and placed a soft kiss on my mouth. “I’ll see you tonight?” he asked, pinching my chin and tilting my head back. “I’d like to ring in my birthday balls deep inside you.”

  I coughed, my body heating at what he was suggesting. “Well, that’s an image.”

  He smirked, his gaze dropping to my chest. “I can’t believe you still wear this,” he said, fingering the pendant hanging from the necklace he had bought me so long ago.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” It had been my favorite present I had ever received. There was no way that I woul
d ever take it off.

  His jaw clenched, his thumb moving over the small ballet slippers pendant.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, staring up at him.

  “Yeah.” He placed a soft peck on my forehead before pulling away. Heading to the door, he unlocked it but turned back to me before he opened it. “What time will you be home tonight?”

  “I have to finish up here and then I’ll be heading to the studio.” I had a routine to work on before teaching my students next week. “But I shouldn’t be too late.”

  “I’ll text you when I’m on my way.”

  “Actually.” I went toward him. “Come with me.”

  Vince didn’t ask any questions as we left the storage closet. I led him to the office, needing to give him something that I probably should have given him a while ago.

  When we reached the room, I was about to step inside when I almost bumped into Ainsley Cloet. “Oh God. I’m sorry.”

  She gave me a small smile, shrugging her shoulders in a quick move. I actually wasn’t sure if I saw it or not. She quickly rushed off, hugging a book to her chest and disappearing around the corner at the end of the hall.

  “I feel bad for her,” Vince said, voicing my thoughts.

  My heart stuttered. I did too. Not knowing exactly what Ainsley had been through, I just knew that she didn’t talk. She could hear perfectly fine but from what I had been told, she hadn’t spoken more than a few words in several years due to a past trauma. She knew American Sign Language and used it to communicate. She kept to herself most times but had always been nothing but nice.


  I jumped, finding Vince staring at me. “Oh.” I laughed. “Sorry. Distracted.”

  He chuckled, shaking his head.

  Making my way into the office, I went to my bag and started looking through it for a specific item. I smiled when I found it. “The girls have one and so do the twins.” I turned, holding a key in my palm. “I want you to have one too.”

  Vince frowned, his gaze dropping to my hand. “This a key to your house?”

  “Yeah. The girls still have theirs even though they moved out. I figured since you’re coming over more, it would be easier for you to have one. Then you don’t have to wait for me to be home or awake.”


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