Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts Page 12

by A. C. Grey

  “When they nicknamed this place ‘Sin City,’ they weren’t kidding. First the gambling, and now this woman. Your mother and I raised you better than that. Zoey, I’m disappointed in you. You’ve let yourself become misguided, you’ve lost your way. It’s time for you to come home to New York. You’ve had your fun. Now it’s time you settled down with a good man and started a family.”

  “No,” Zoey replied, hoping her face didn’t betray the turmoil and uncertainty she was feeling.

  “No? You’ve never disobeyed me before, Zoey. To say I’m concerned would be an understatement.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad, but I’m happy here.” Zoey struggled to keep her composure, not sure how much more she could take. She was standing her ground, but she knew if he kept pushing, her willpower might break.

  “Zoey, you leave me with no other choice. Either you fly home with me today or I’m going to be forced to remove my support of you and this alternative lifestyle of yours. You’ll be on your own. Please don’t do this. I love you and want nothing but the best for you.”

  “If you want the best for me, then let me live my life in a way that makes me happy. Don’t give me ultimatums.”

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures. So which is it going to be, Zoey?” He stared deep into her eyes, letting her know he was deadly serious.

  Zoey closed her eyes, struggling to maintain control. Her inner turmoil was wreaking havoc on her. She had been so happy. Free. Confident. In control of her life for the first time. Proving to herself that she could make it on her own. But could she really? She’d always had her father there as a safety net. Was she strong enough to truly make it on her own? Of course, she wouldn’t be on her own. She’d have Tess. She’d have her friends. But what if she and Tess didn’t make it? Then she’d have no girlfriend and no family. But family was supposed to accept her for who she was.

  “Well, Zoey?” Her father interrupted her reverie. She took a deep breath. There was really only one thing to do. She took a deep breath and began to speak.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Zoey looked straight into her father’s eyes, hoping to emphasize not only the power of her conviction, but also the immense hurt he was causing her. “I really hope that you’ll reconsider, but if I’m forced to choose, there’s only one choice for me to make.”

  Her father leaned back in his chair, a self-satisfied look on his face, indicating that he knew exactly what she’d choose. His overconfidence spurred her on, giving her more courage to continue.

  “I choose to stay here. On my own. In Vegas. With Tess.”

  A look of shock washed over her father’s face. It hurt her to know that she was disappointing him. She’d been raised to fear such disappointment and had always tried her hardest to make him proud. But she knew the time for doing what he thought was best, instead of what was really best for her, had passed. It was time to put herself first for once.

  “Zoey, please reconsider. I am seriously concerned for your well-being. How much do you know about this woman? Are you sure she isn’t just using you for your money?”

  The idea that Tess was interested only in the size of her bank account had never crossed Zoey’s mind. It wasn’t because Zoey was naïve or blinded by lust. It was because she knew without a doubt, despite their short acquaintance, that Tess was incapable of such a thing. She shook her head. “That’s not it, Dad. I’m sure of it. Besides, Tess is one of the most successful poker players in the world. And despite what you say, it’s not gambling. It’s a skill. Just two days ago, she won several hundred thousand dollars. And that’s not the only thing she’s won. Her house alone must be worth a few million dollars. And Tess is one of the most genuine, caring, and kind people I’ve ever met. She’s not a gold digger. But if you have to cut me off to prove your point, so be it.” Zoey waved her hand dismissively, hoping that her inner pain wasn’t showing through.

  “How can you be sure she isn’t just a fling, Zoey?”

  “Because she’s already become one of the most important people in my life. She matters to me, Dad. A great deal.”

  “She’s important enough to throw away your family? Important enough to just dismiss those of us who have been there for you your entire life?” Her father was clearly exasperated, but Zoey remained firm.

  “You’re the one who’s forcing me to make that choice, Dad.” Zoey struggled to keep her tone even, not wanting to make a scene in public.

  “As your father, it is my job to protect you from making unwise decisions. That is all I’m trying to do. I cannot emphasize enough to you how disappointed I am.” He shook his head, clearly shocked that she hadn’t caved like he’d expected.

  “I’m a grown woman, Dad. I wish you’d let me make my own decisions and at least try to support me in those decisions. You keep telling me how disappointed you are in me. Frankly, I’m disappointed in you. Family is supposed to be the constant – the people who are there for you, to support you no matter what. It’s not like I just told you I’m an axe murderer or something.”

  “Clearly we’re getting nowhere, Zoey. So I’ll ask you one more time and beg you to reconsider before you throw your life away so carelessly.”

  Zoey shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Dad.” Her response came out almost as a whisper as she rose from the table and fled.

  * * * * *

  Zoey returned to her room and sank back onto the bed, taking a moment to reflect on what had just happened. She couldn’t believe she’d done it. She’d just cut herself off from everything she knew, from her family, from her security. Her heart was breaking, and yet she felt so free. She was going to be the strong, independent woman she knew she could be. She was going to make it on her own. She was scared, damn scared, but for once, she was going to let go of that fear.

  She shook her head, attempting to rid herself of the disbelief. She’d finally done it. She’d finally stood up to her father, something that she’d never been able to do before. It was something that Tess had given her the strength to do. The thought of Tess suddenly crumbed her shaky sense of relief. Shit! Tess. She’d undoubtedly hurt her. How could she have been such an idiot? Her “friend,” Tess, might not even want anything to do with her anymore. She needed to talk to her. She’d worry about her own problems, like how she was going to survive with no money, later. Right now, all that was important was making amends with her girlfriend – at least she hoped she was still her girlfriend.

  Zoey picked up her phone and dialed Tess’s number. After listening to several rings, each irritating tone causing Zoey’s heart to sink further, the voicemail came on. Zoey couldn’t help but smile slightly at the sweet, cheerful tone of Tess’s voice. After leaving Tess a message asking her to please call her, she grabbed her purse and keys and headed to her car. On the off chance that Tess was avoiding her calls, she’d have to make an in-person visit to her house. Hopefully she’d be there.

  As Zoey pulled up to Tess’s house, her heart sank. Tess’s car was gone. She dialed her cell phone again, hoping that she’d pick up. No such luck. She left another voicemail and also sent a text message for good measure. She let out a sigh and slammed her head back against the headrest of her seat. Finally, frustrated and still overwhelmed by the fight with her father, she allowed herself a moment to wallow in self-pity, tears trickling down her cheeks. She’d really screwed up. Not only had she just lost her family, but she’d clearly upset Tess. She only hoped she hadn’t done irreparable damage to their relationship.

  Composing herself, Zoey called and left Tess another voicemail before making the rounds of the typical Vegas locations that she knew Tess frequented. Tess was nowhere to be found. Frustrated, Zoey called Max.

  “Hey Max.”

  “What’s up, Cameron?”

  “Have you seen Tess today?” Zoey hoped he would have some information as to her whereabouts.

  “Red? No. Why?”

  “I messed up. Big time.”

  “What did you do
, Cameron? Tell her that a pair of jeans made her butt look big? Pull too hard when you two were braiding each other’s hair? Paint her toenails the wrong shade of pink?”

  “Max, I’m serious. My father showed up, unannounced this morning. Tess was with me. I panicked. I introduced her as my friend, not my girlfriend. I clearly hurt her.”

  “Ouch,” he responded.

  “Ouch is right. And to top it all off, my father didn’t buy it for a minute. He told me if I didn’t leave Tess and poker and come home to New York, he’d cut me off.”

  “Wow. Papa Cameron doesn’t mess around! What did you do?”

  “I told him that I was staying here. That poker and Tess made me happier than I’d ever been.”

  “Good for you, Zoey.”

  “Yeah, hopefully it wasn’t for nothing. I haven’t been able to find her. I need to explain, to apologize.”

  “Sorry, I can’t help you there, Zo. Why don’t you give Angie a call? Maybe she’ll have an idea of where she’s at.”

  “Do you have her number, Max? I don’t have it.”

  After Max gave her the number, they said their goodbyes. “Good luck, Zoey. Though for what it’s worth, I don’t think you’ll need it.”

  “Thanks, Max.”

  “Anytime, Cameron.” They both hung up and Zoey dialed Angie’s number.

  * * * * *

  “Hello?” Angie answered after the third ring.

  “Hey, Angie. This is Zoey Cameron.”

  “Hi, Zoey.”

  “Sorry to bother you. Max gave me your number.”

  “No bother. What’s up?”

  “I was wondering if you might have seen Tess today, or if you might know where she’d go if she were upset?”

  “I take it you two had a fight?”

  “Something like that. Let’s just say I was a complete ass this morning and now I can’t find her to apologize. She’s not answering her phone.”

  “I’m sure you’ll work through it, whatever it is. I haven’t seen her today. There is this park she goes to sometimes when she’s had a bad run at cards. When she needs to think.” Angie gave Zoey directions to the park.

  “Thanks Angie. I really appreciate it.”

  “Not a problem. One thing, Zoey.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t mess this up. I’ve known Tess for a long time and I’ve never seen her like this with anyone. Even her ex, Claire. So don’t toy with her heart if you’re not sure. It’ll break her.”

  “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep from messing this up. It’s important to me as well.”

  “Okay, then. If you do find her, tell her to call me and fill me in later. In the meantime, go get your girl.”

  “Thanks again, Angie. Bye.” Zoey hung up and headed to the park Angie had suggested. She silently prayed that Tess was there. She needed to make this right. The thought of losing Tess devastated her. She knew they’d only been together for a short time, but right now, mending what she’d broken felt like a matter of life and death.

  * * * * *

  Tess took a few deep breaths as she sat on her favorite bench, overlooking a small duck pond. This park, filled with trees, was like an oasis in the middle of the Las Vegas neon desert. It was place she came when she needed to think, to find some silence, to get away. And she definitely needed all of that at the moment.

  Her heart ached. She’d be blinded by her feelings for Zoey. She’d let her tear down the protective walls she’d so carefully constructed around her vulnerable heart. And what had it gotten her? Hurt all over again. Just like with Claire. Only this was a hundred times worse. The fact that she felt so much, felt so deeply, after such a short acquaintance, was frightening. And now, the uncertainty caused by Zoey’s words this morning threatened to break her.

  Friend. She was Zoey’s friend. Was that what Zoey really wanted? Would she fall in line and do as her father told her? Maybe she’d just been an experiment. Now that her father was here, maybe Zoey would come to her senses and fly back to New York. Go and marry some stodgy banker who’d give her a bunch of babies and a stable, boring, “normal” life.

  The doubts were overwhelming. She was usually so confident and doubt was not something she dealt with often. Yet, she felt as though she were drowning with uncertainty. If she really examined herself, she knew why. It was because she cared – deeply. She cared so much for Zoey, someone she’d only known for a short time. And because she cared, it mattered. So her confidence was in shambles. The thought that Zoey might not fight for herself as a strong independent woman, fight for her poker career upset her. But the thought that Zoey might not fight for them, for her, for her heart . . . that shattered her.

  “Hey.” Zoey’s gentle voice brought Tess out of her thoughts. She turned around, wiping away a few tears, to see Zoey, her Zoey, standing there.

  Zoey offered her a bashful smile before coming to sit beside her on the bench.

  “I . . . am so, so sorry, Tess.”

  Tess’s heart sank. Unused to the doubt, she assumed the worst, that Zoey was here to end things. “Don’t. Please don’t apologize Zoey. I understand this is all new and scary. I’m sure it was a hard choice to make and going back home might be the right thing. I don’t pretend to understand, but I’ll support you. As much as it will hurt, I’ll still be your friend. It’s not . . .”

  Zoey cut her words off with a brief but heartfelt kiss. Tess was shocked at first, but eased into the kiss, reaching up to cup Zoey’s cheek and to bring her closer.

  Finally Zoey pulled back and gently stroked away the tears that Tess had been unable to contain. “You’re cute when you’re scared, Tess.” She offered a small, reassuring smile. “Now please, let me finish what I need to say. I promise, it won’t hurt.”

  Tess nodded. Zoey took her hand and brought it to her lips, gently kissing her knuckles. “I am so sorry that I panicked this morning. You are so much more than a friend to me. Suddenly, unexpectedly, you’ve become the most important person in my life. You make me so happy and I can’t imagine being without you. . . which is what I told my father when he threatened to cut me off.”

  Tess was silent for a moment, savoring the flood of relief brought on by Zoey’s words. Then the full extent of what she’d said sunk in and she gasped in shock. “He didn’t! He actually threatened to cut you off?”

  Zoey nodded. “He said if I didn’t stop playing poker and end my sinful relationship with you, then I’d be on my own. He asked me what my choice would be. I chose you . . . and me. My new life. On my own.”

  Tess’s heart swelled, knowing how hard that decision must have been for Zoey, the girl who always did as she was told. Her bright blue eyes shimmered with a mixture of pride and awe. “You are so, so strong. I’m so proud of you. I know how difficult that must have been.”

  “It was . . .” Zoey began, her voice wavering as her overwhelming emotions finally took over. Hot tears began to run down her cheeks as she finally let herself break down.

  Tess drew her into her arms and rubbed Zoey’s back reassuringly. “I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling, but do know this. You are not alone, Zoey. I will be there with you every step of the way. I’m sure Max and our other friends will be too. And maybe your father will come around. Give him some time to get used to the idea.”

  They sat without speaking for several minutes, Zoey’s body quaking against Tess, her tears staining the redhead’s shoulder, as she let out all of the pent up emotions of the day.

  Finally, Zoey’s sobs ceased. Tess placed a gentle kiss on the top of Zoey’s head. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  Zoey looked up into Tess’s eyes, her face red and puffy from her crying jag. “I don’t have a home anymore.” Another tear escaped her beautiful brown eyes. Tess gently kissed it away.

  “Sure you do. My home is your home, Zoey. I love you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I love you.”

  Tess’s words cut through Zo
ey’s emotional haze like a bolt of white, hot, thrilling lighting. She sat up and gazed directly into Tess’s piercing blue eyes, a look of shock on her face. “You do?”

  Tess bit her lip, silently cursing her impulsivity. It had felt right to say it, but perhaps it was too soon. The last thing she wanted to do was to scare Zoey, or worse, to burden her with yet another thing on a day that was already so hard for her. What if she didn’t feel it? Then she’d feel this obligation – either to say it back without meaning it, or feel as though she’d be letting her down if she didn’t say it. Finally, deciding that taking it back or trying to cover it would be worse, Tess nodded. “I do.”


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