Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts Page 13

by A. C. Grey

  A small, tentative smile spread across Zoey’s face. “I love you too.” She almost whispered it as several new tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Tess reached up and gently wiped them away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. If this is too much . . .”

  Zoey shook her head. “No, it’s just right. These are happy tears. It’s exactly what I needed to hear today. Are you sure? You’re not just saying it to make me feel better?”

  Tess chuckled. “I’m sure. You want to know how sure?”

  Zoey nodded.

  “I’ve never said it before, at least not to anyone who wasn’t family.” She paused for a moment. “Okay, maybe I might have told the occasional poker dealer that I loved them when they dealt me the right cards. But never like this. Never in a relationship. Not even with my ex. I thought I was heading there with her, but I never said it. I love you, Zoey Cameron. And it scares the hell out of me, because I’ve never felt this way. Ever. Until you.” Tess gazed directly into Zoey’s deep brown eyes, attempting to convey the depth of her feelings.

  “After what happened with your father today, I totally understand the doubt you’re feeling. But don’t ever doubt this. I love you.” She reached up and placed a gentle hand on Zoey’s cheek, cupping it as she drew her towards her for a brief, but heartfelt kiss. As Tess pulled back, she leaned her forehead against Zoey’s. “But also know that I’ll wait. If you’re not ready, please don’t feel that you need to say it back. I know you already have, but I don’t want to pressure you. I’ll be patient. You’re worth the wait.”

  Zoey offered Tess the first real smile she’d seen since the arrival of her father. “No. I want to say it. I meant it. I love you too, Tess. I’ve been in denial, trying to suppress it. I’m always the first to say it. I’m always the one who jumps in headfirst. And consequently, I’m the one to get burned in the end. I think, even though I wasn’t willing to admit it at the time, I fell in love with you the first time you called me sweetie, patronizing as it was. I don’t know what’s going on. I feel so out of control. I don’t know which end is up and it’s all because of you. But I do know that I love you, and makes me so, so happy to know you feel it too.” Zoey laughed as a tear trickled down Tess’s cheek. “Now who’s the weepy one?” She gently wiped it away.

  “Oh, be quiet, Zoey. Just shut up and kiss me.”

  Happy to oblige, Zoey leaned in and took Tess’s lips with her own, threading her hands through Tess’s auburn locks as she deepened the kiss. Their tongues tangled against each other as fireworks exploded in their chests, the silent affirmation of their newly professed love taking the embrace to a whole other level of intimacy. Finally, bodies screaming for oxygen, they drew apart. Smiling, Tess took Zoey’s hand. “Come on, let’s get you moved in. I want to take my gorgeous girlfriend home.”

  Home. Zoey smiled at the thought. Yes, they were going to where Tess lived and yes that would be home. But in reality, there was a whole other meaning. Zoey knew, without a doubt, that to her, Tess was home. No matter where they lived. Tess was home.

  * * * * *

  After retrieving Zoey’s things from her hotel room, they headed back to Tess’s place. Tess opened up the front door and immediately drew Zoey against her, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. “Welcome home, Zoey.”

  “You’re sure this isn’t too soon? I don’t want to burden you.” Zoey couldn’t help but feel she was imposing. As much as her heart was screaming to stay, she had to be sure.

  Tess smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before heading to the kitchen. After rummaging around in a drawer, she returned, gently caressing Zoey’s hand before placing something in her palm. Looking directly into Zoey’s eyes, her own blue ones shining with love, she caressed the brunette’s face gently. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, Zoey.” She smiled as Zoey looked down at her hand, to see the set of keys Tess had just placed there.

  A smile slowly crept across Zoey’s face. “You are without a doubt the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Tess McLeod. I love you so much.” Zoey pulled her in for a long and heart-felt hug, content to just stand there and take in the essence of the woman who had come to mean so much to her in such a short period of time.

  After a few moments of contented silence, Tess pulled away and kissed Zoey gently on the cheek. “Come on, let’s get your stuff unpacked and then we can relax.” Zoey nodded and they proceeded to unpack her things from the car.

  After they were done getting Zoey settled, they collapsed on the couch. Neither really felt the need to talk, so they sat in silence, content to just relax in each other’s arms. Zoey absent-mindedly fidgeted with a lock of Tess’s hair as the events of the day replayed through her mind.

  Now that she was finally settled and things had been taken care of, the emotions of the day began to overwhelm her again. She was so incredibly happy, yet so incredibly sad at the same time. She’d lost her family on the same day that’d she’d discovered that Tess loved her. The conflict of such pain and such joy was just too much to bear. Snuggling closer to Tess, she wrapped her arms tightly around the redhead. “Just hold me?”

  Seeing the struggle written all over Zoey’s face, Tess nodded. “Of course, baby. Just let it out. I’m here.” Zoey’s body slowly began to shake as the sobs took her over. Tess held her close, gently stroking Zoey’s hair, placing gentle kisses atop her head. It tore her apart to see Zoey struggle like this. It made her want to track down Mr. Cameron and give him a piece of her mind. The fact that anyone could coldly judge, and destroy such a truly beautiful person, inside and out, made her furious. But more than anger, she felt pain. Her heart ached for Zoey. To be forced to make a choice between what made her happy and her family, those she’d known forever, was unconscionable. Zoey had made the right choice in the long run. Tess knew that for sure. She’d have never been happy had she gone back to her old life. With or without Tess, she knew this to be true. Zoey had grown some much. She was a free spirit now, no longer capable of being kept in the carefully constructed cage her father had raised her in. But that didn’t make the decision any easier.

  Sensing that Zoey’s tears were coming to an end, Tess reached down and took Zoey’s chin in her hands, bringing Zoey’s eyes to meet her own. “I am so proud of you, Zoey. It kills me to see you in such pain. But even if you’re not feeling so sure about it right now, I know without a doubt, you will get through this. We’ll get through it together. You are so strong. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”

  Zoey smiled weakly and laughed as she wiped the tears away. “Even when I’m all red and splotchy and full of boogers?”

  Tess laughed and reached over to grab a tissue, offering it to her girlfriend. “Yes, Zoey. I love you even when you’re splotchy and boogery.” She placed a quick kiss on Zoey’s lips before rising from the couch and pulling Zoey with her. “Come on. Let me take care of you.”

  Zoey was unsure of what Tess meant, but Zoey followed her anyway. She’d follow her anywhere. Tess led them to the bedroom and patted the bed. “Wait here a minute.” Tess headed to the master bath and Zoey heard her turn on the bath faucet.

  After a few minutes, Tess reappeared and led Zoey by the hand into the bathroom. A luxurious bubble bath was awaiting her, complete with candles and soft music. Tess slowly and gently undressed her. After shedding her own clothes, Tess joined Zoey in the tub, sitting behind her with Zoey’s back cuddled up against her. Tess gently washed Zoey’s hair, soothingly massaging her scalp and temples before grabbing a washcloth and gently washing her. There was no passion, no sexual intent. All Zoey felt was love and care.

  Zoey finally was able to relax, to let go of some of the stress and hurt she’d felt. As Tess lovingly stroked her skin, placing gentle, chaste kisses along her neck and shoulders, she slowly felt the emotions of the day melt away.

  Tess smiled as she finished, feeling Zoey relax back against her, feeling the tension fade from her muscles. It hurt her so much t
o see Zoey in pain. The obvious relief Zoey was slowly feeling in turn granted Tess some peace of mind. Zoey reached up and pulled Tess’s arms around her, lacing their fingers together. After just holding each other in comforting silence for several minutes, Tess placed one final kiss on Zoey’s temple and rose. “Let’s get you out of here before we both freeze to death and turn into prunes.”

  Zoey smiled gingerly back at her. “We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

  Tess grabbed a towel and slowly, gently dried off her girlfriend before attending to herself. She then took Zoey’s hand and led her back into the bedroom. “Lie on your stomach.” She directed Zoey towards the bed. After retrieving some lotion, she joined her on the bed. She began gently kneading any remaining stress out of Zoey’s back and shoulders.

  Zoey closed her eyes and sighed deeply as Tess worked out the last kinks of tension from her body. The soothing feel of Tess’s hands as she gently massaged her back was like nothing she ever experienced. If Zoey didn’t know better, she would have sworn that she could feel the love seeping from Tess’s hands into her skin. She was so lucky to have found such a gentle, caring person. The thought that she could have, and probably up until a few weeks ago, would have, discarded such a gift at her father’s insistence made her shudder.

  Zoey had never felt so relaxed in her whole life. Given the day’s events, this was saying something. As the massage came to an end, Tess gently nudged her to turn over. After Zoey did so, Tess hovered over her, placing a gentle sensuous kiss on her lips, her tongue slowly tracing its way across her lips, asking for permission to enter. Zoey granted her access, pulling Tess flush against her as their kiss deepened, conveying the heightened emotions of the day.

  Tess slowly trailed her way down Zoey’s jaw line to her pulse point. Placing soft, gentle kisses across Zoey’s skin, she continued, covering every inch of her collarbone before reaching down to gently caress Zoey’s breasts.

  Zoey gasped as Tess gently took her already pebbled nipple into her mouth, swirling it around her tongue, nipping and teasing it before moving on to do the same to her other breast. Everything was gentle. There was nothing rushed, nothing frenzied. Just quiet, soft, perfect caresses.

  Tess kissed her way down Zoey’s tanned abdomen, leaving a lazy trail as she explored the area with her tongue, blowing cool air across the now wet surface, stoking the fire building between Zoey’s legs.

  Looking up into Zoey’s darkened eyes, feeling her heavy breathing, Tess had no doubt that it wouldn’t take much to offer her girlfriend a much needed release. In no mood to be playful or a tease, Tess didn’t waste any more time before lowering her mouth to Zoey’s lust-slickened center. She began by gently tracing patterns over her girlfriend’s drenched slit with her tongue, circling, but never directly touching, her sensitive bud. Drawing her tongue up and down Zoey’s length, she gently teased her opening, before stiffening her tongue and entering her. Zoey cried out, arching her hips to meet Tess, needing as much contact as possible. Tess reached up and gently rubbed Zoey’s bundle of nerves, which elicited a series of passionate moans from the brunette.

  “Oh, Tess . . .” Zoey gasped as her hips began to buck, needing a release like her life depended on it.

  Sensing that Zoey was close and wanting for her to feel the depth of her love, Tess replaced her tongue with her fingers, slowly entering Zoey’s heated canal, as she rose to make herself eye level with her girlfriend.

  Tess locked eyes with Zoey as she set a pace and began to slowly and gently thrust in and out of her. Zoey trailed her hand down the redhead’s body, eager to give Tess the same pleasure she was experiencing, but Tess placed a staying hand across her arm.

  “Don’t. Let me take care of you.” Tess backed up her words by capturing Zoey’s lips in a loving, deep kiss meant to show her the depth of her love. Pulling back, Tess continued to thrust into Zoey, adding the weight of her hips against her hand. As her climax neared, Zoey began to arch her hips, meeting Tess’s hand, a lover’s dance all their own.

  Looking directly, into Zoey’s eyes, Tess began to whisper. “I love you so much, Zoey. Come for me, baby. I want to see you come. I love you. Let me love you.”

  Zoey was overwhelmed by Tess’s sensitivity. As their passion reached a fever pitch, Zoey arched her back once more as she fell into the abyss, her release crashing all around her, along with the overwhelming sense of love and joy that Tess had instilled in her. As she shuddered with the force of her climax, a few rebellious tears escaped her eyes. She felt so loved, so at peace. Finally, her body stopped quaking, and she collapsed under Tess, wrapping her arms tightly around her. Snuggling into the crook of her shoulder, she placed a gentle kiss against Tess’s neck. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Now let me . . .”

  Tess rolled off Zoey and shook her head. “No, Zoey. This was about you. I just wanted to show you how much you are loved. Now go to sleep.” Tess kissed her gently on the temple and spooned her from behind.

  Zoey wanted to protest, but the overwhelming emotions of the day took over. Safely wrapped in Tess’s arms, suddenly a world on her own didn’t seem so scary.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Zoey awoke and lazily smiled as she reached over to Tess’s side of the bed. Her pleasant thoughts of the night before were interrupted by the realization that she was alone. Unreasonably panicking, she shot upright, looking around for any sign of her girlfriend. She wouldn’t have just left her, would she? Before irrational doubts had a chance to take hold, Zoey heard a commotion coming from the other room. Releasing the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, she threw on a t-shirt and some pajama pants and headed out to see what Tess was up to.

  Before she even entered the room, Zoey could hear a stream of expletives escaping from Tess’s perfect mouth. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Tess cursed as she struggled to put out what looked like a flaming piece of toast. Unable to resist, Zoey stood there for a few moments, taking in the chaotic and charming scene before her. They hadn’t discussed cooking, but it clearly was not Tess’s strong suit – at least judging from the amount of smoke coming from the kitchen. The wounds of the previous morning were still fresh and Zoey still felt the pangs of loss. The pain was tempered, however, by the sight of the flustered redhead currently fighting a losing battle with the kitchen. It was hard not to feel just a little better knowing that she wasn’t alone, that she was loved by someone as special as Tess. Someone who’d stand by her, no matter what. Also, the fact that her girlfriend was making a complete idiot of herself in her attempt at the culinary arts made Zoey forget her pain for a least a few moments. She stood there, a half-smile on her face, as she watched Tess destroy breakfast.

  Finally, feeling sorry for her, Zoey made her way over and wrapped her arms around Tess from behind, placing a kiss on her cheek.

  Tess, who had been caught up in the disaster that was breakfast, hadn’t heard Zoey enter the room. She jumped, momentarily startled by the arms roping around her waist. She quickly relaxed however, as Zoey’s warm breath tickled her neck.

  “Need some help?” Zoey whispered as she continued to place gentle kisses across Tess’s cheek and jaw line.

  “I think I’ve got it.”

  “Oh really?” Tess could feel Zoey’s body shake with laughter as she responded. “Judging by the state of what I’m guessing was once a piece of toast, it looks like you might need rescuing.”

  Tess turned in Zoey’s arms, locking eyes with the gorgeous woman before her. “I am most certainly not in need of rescue, Zoey. I am not some damsel in distress. And I’m perfectly capable of making you breakfast. I just had a little setback is all.”

  “Tess, for both our sakes, please admit that you are not a star in the kitchen. I, on the other hand, am. Which is lucky for you.” Zoey grinned and placed a quick kiss on Tess’s pouty lips before turning to attend to what might have once been called food. Her eyes gazed over the counter, quickly assessing what could be fixed, before she sprung into action.

Deciding that fighting the battle would be futile, and downright stupid because she’d have to eat her own sub-par cooking, Tess took a seat at the breakfast bar, content to watch Zoey work. It became quickly obvious from Zoey’s skilled and practiced movements that she was no stranger to a kitchen.

  “Are you sure you don’t need any help?” Tess asked after a minute, feeling guilty to just watch while Zoey worked.

  “Nooo. Definitely not. Let me do something for you for a change. You just keep your beautiful ass parked over there looking pretty, so I can check you out in between tasks.” Zoey sent Tess a flirtatious look.

  “Hey! Stop objectifying me. I am more than a hot piece of tail.” Tess crossed her arms in mock anger.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, babe, but I can’t help it. Objectifying you is one of my favorite pastimes.” Zoey snickered and turned back to her cooking.

  Tess attempted to keep a straight face, but was unable to, mirth breaking through her façade. She did some objectifying of her own as she watched Zoey skillfully put together a breakfast that looked ten times better than the burnt toast and runny eggs she’d been attempting. Even all rumpled and disheveled from sleep, Zoey was gorgeous.


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