Book Read Free

Queen of Hearts

Page 18

by A. C. Grey

“There are generally two types of poker players,” Angie continued. “Loose players, who play a lot of hands, who are less selective about what hands they’ll play. Then there are tight players. Those who play only the best hands, who fold many sub-par cards.”

  Zoey shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she awaited Tess’s text.

  Lucky for me, you seem to be a pretty loose woman. At least with me. I like the fact that you’re anything but shy in the bedroom. And I thoroughly enjoy the feeling of your tight hole spasming around my fingers. A feeling I plan to enjoy again and again. And very soon. – T.

  Just as Zoey thought she’d lose it completely, Tess rose to head to the podium.

  “And now, Tess is going to talk about the various betting rounds and pot odds,” Angie announced.

  It was apparently her turn to speak, but not before she sent one more text.

  Yeah, time for me to talk. I think about pot odds. How I’m going to focus, when all I can think about is me between your thighs, I don’t know. But I do know one thing. Odds are, we’re both getting lucky. Very, very lucky, later today. – T.

  Zoey and Tess continued their game of cat and mouse throughout the rest of the day. At one point, Tess, Angie, and the other instructors each set up at a different poker table and each took a group of students to play some practice hands. Zoey made sure to sit next to Tess and to surreptitiously touch her in all sorts of inappropriate and suggestive ways beneath the table. Tess struggled, because the only hands she could think about had nothing to do with poker, but rather were the ones playing not so subtly across her lap.

  Finally, the day came to an end. Tess practically dragged Zoey from the room, before pulling her into a secluded corner.

  “Zoey, you and I are getting out of here right now. You’ve been a very, very naughty girl and this teacher is not going to stand for it. It’s time to punish you.“

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Zoey, you and I are getting out of here right now. You’ve been a very, very naughty girl and this teacher is not going to stand for it. It’s time to punish you . . . “

  Zoey chuckled and arched her eyebrow. “Oh really? Because, teacher dear, if you recall, you gave as good as you got. So I’m not sure you’re really in any position to be disciplining anyone.”

  “Okay, then. Either way, we’d better get out of here, because I’m about five seconds away from ripping your clothes off right here. And the other students might get upset if they see that I’m giving the teacher’s pet special treatment.”

  Zoey grinned. “It’s not my fault if they’re not up to your rigorous standards like I am. Anyway, I’ve got a surprise for you, but it’s going to take a little while to set up. Can I meet you back at your house in an hour or two?”

  Tess looked at her with interest. “A surprise, huh? What is it?”

  Zoey shook her head. “You don’t really expect me to tell you, do you? After you kept the entirety of our date the other day a secret? I don’t think so, Ms. McLeod.”

  Tess leaned against Zoey’s body, immediately sending jolts of white-hot pleasure shooting through her, and looked up with puppy dog eyes at her girlfriend. “Please, Zoey? You know you want to tell me.” Tess lazily drew patterns across the exposed skin at Zoey’s neck with her fingers, sending chills throughout Zoey’s body.

  Zoey chuckled and pulled back. “You may be hot, Tess McLeod . . . ridiculously hot, but I am not that easy. Now take that hot ass of yours home and I’ll see you soon.”

  Tess let out a sigh and grumbled. “Not fair. This better be good, Zoey. You get me all worked up and then make me wait even longer. I believe the word tease has been thrown around. Right now, I’d say you are definitely the tease.”

  “But you love it.”

  “Yeah,” Tess sighed. “I do.”

  * * * * *

  Tess sat impatiently in her living room, checking her phone and peering out her window every few seconds, anxious to see what Zoey had planned. She wasn’t even sure how Zoey was getting home, since they’d driven to the poker class together. She sighed and began to pace back and forth across the room. She was anxious beyond belief. She hated surprises. She hated the unknown. She’d often joked that patience was a virtue that she didn’t have. That was certainly true at the moment.

  She was impatient not only because she wanted to know what Zoey had up her sleeve, but also because after their incredibly hot sexting during the day, she’d been in a constant state of arousal. She’d even briefly entertained the idea of taking care of that problem herself while she waited, but decided that the added anticipation would make the inevitable and ultimate conclusion to their day together even more epic.

  Finally deciding that she needed to distract herself, Tess dialed a familiar phone number.


  “Hey, mom,” Tess replied.

  “Hey, sweetie? What’s up? You’ve been unusually quiet lately. I haven’t heard from you in ages.”

  Tess let out a contented sigh before continuing. “I met her mom.”

  “Met who, sweetie?”

  “The one.” Tess couldn’t help but beam, as she finally admitted what she’d probably known deep down since the day she first laid eyes on Zoey.

  “The one? As in the one and only person for you?”


  “Tess, that’s fantastic. I was starting to worry this day would never come! Tell me about her,” her mother urged.

  “She’s perfect, Mom. Her name is Zoey and she’s new to Vegas. Just moved here from New York. She plays poker too and she’s gorgeous, I mean takes my breath away. And she’s smart and funny and goofy and warm and caring and makes me smile. I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s really wrecking my poker game!” Tess paused to catch her breath.

  Her mom chuckled. “You’re rambling, honey. Now I know it must be serious. She sounds like quite a catch. And I take it she’s as smitten as you are?”

  “Yes. At least that’s the impression I get. I was a little worried. I’m the first woman she’s been with, but she’s left me with little doubt that she’s in this for the long haul.”

  Her mother paused, letting silence hang between them for a minute. “I’m really happy for you, sweetie, but you know, as your mother, I have to ask. This isn’t another Claire all over again is it?”

  Tess shook her head before realizing her mom wouldn’t see the gesture through the phone. “No. I was obviously sensitive to that issue, but she’s not like that. In fact, she’s already given up a lot to be with me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Her family is very conservative and when her father found out that she was dating a woman, he insisted she move back home to New York. When she refused, he threatened to cut her off without a dime – her family is very wealthy. She stayed, Mom. For me . . . and for herself. She wants to make this poker thing work, she wants to make us work.”

  “She sounds like a strong, admirable woman. And if you trust her, then so do I.”

  “I do trust her, Mom. I trust her with my heart. More importantly, I love her. I love her so, so much.” A warm smile played across Tess’s lips as she admitted this to her mother. Never before, not even with Claire, had she told her mother that she’d been in love.

  “Well, then . . . “ Her mother paused, taking in the full effect of Tess’s admission. “That’s good enough for your father and me. When do we get to meet her?”

  “I’ll have to talk to Zoey, see when our schedules are free. We’re a bit busy with the World Series and it might not be possible to fit in a trip to see you right away.”

  “That’s fine, sweetie. Just keep us posted. I am so happy for you, Tess. And please send my love to your Zoey. With what’s going on with her family, it sounds like she can use all the love and support she can get.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I will. Not everyone is as lucky as I am to have such caring, understanding, totally awesome parents.”

  Her mother laughed. “Okay, sweetie. I’ll talk to yo
u later. Love you.”

  “Love you too. Bye, Mom.”

  Tess grinned as she hung up the phone. Somehow, admitting her feelings to someone other than Zoey, especially to her parents, made them seem all the more real. Maybe they could sneak away for a few days, relax away from the bright lights of Vegas, meet her family. She was so proud to call Zoey her girlfriend, and couldn’t wait to show her off. Tess hugged herself as she reminded herself for the billionth time how lucky she was to have found Zoey Cameron.

  Just then, a giant roar from outside brought Tess out of her thoughts. Looking, she saw a leather-clad sexy vision in black pulling up into her driveway on a giant Harley-Davidson. Swinging her leg over the side to dismount, Zoey stopped to pull off her helmet and shook her long, dark locks free. Looking like something out of every man’s . . . and many a woman’s fantasy, Zoey came strutting up the driveway.

  Tess stood in the open doorway, mouth agape as she took in the sight before her. She had thought that Zoey’s leather jacket, tight jeans and aviators had been a sexy look before. Now, with the added accessory of a motorcycle, Zoey left Tess in a state of abject awe.

  Zoey sauntered up to Tess and snaked her arms around her still-speechless girlfriend’s waist. A sexy, confident smile played as across her lips. “Hey, babe. Miss me?” Zoey asked, a husky sensual undertone to her voice.

  “I . . . uh . . . wow. Zoey,” was all Tess could think of to say. She grabbed the lapels of Zoey’s jacket and pulled her girlfriend’s body into her own. “Just kiss me,” she rasped.

  Happy to oblige, Zoey closed the remaining few millimeters between them and captured Tess’s lips in a frenzied, lust-filled kiss, plunging her tongue into Tess’s welcoming mouth, pouring all her thoughts, her feelings, her desire, directly into her girlfriend. Tess’s throat vibrated with a low moan as she tangled her arms about Zoey, desperately seeking any way to deepen their embrace, to meld their bodies as one. Finally, lungs screaming for oxygen, they broke apart.

  Tess looked up into Zoey’s deep brown eyes, taking a moment to catch her breath. “Motorcycle-chic is definitely a good look on you. Where did you get the bike?”

  “I rented it for a few days. I wanted to take you on a memorable date and I thought it might be fun.”

  Tess smiled and nodded. “So where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” Zoey grinned before heading inside. “Get your things and let’s hit the road.” Still a bit winded and at a loss for words, Tess nodded again and silently complied.

  They headed out to the bike and Tess took her seat behind Zoey, clinging closely to her girlfriend’s body. Tess momentarily turned her head and rested her cheek on Zoey’s back, closing her eyes to inhale the unique, yet familiar scent of her girlfriend, savoring the closeness of their bodies.

  Zoey handed Tess a helmet and replaced her own. She kickstarted the motorcycle and they pulled away. Tess was in heaven. The wind whipping about them as they headed to a destination still unknown, the thrum of the engine vibrating between her legs, keeping her just a little more on edge than she’d otherwise be. Or maybe it was simply the feel of Zoey’s strong, luscious body pressed against her own – for safety’s sake only of course. Tess smiled at the thought. The evening was beautiful. Somehow, the smoldering desert heat that often plagued the city was absent. The cool breeze, the silent embrace with her girlfriend, the joy of speeding by the surrounding environs. It was perfect.

  Though Tess couldn’t see it, a look of sheer bliss was plastered across Zoey’s face. This was the kind of life Zoey could get used to. Evening joy rides, basking in the feel of the wind against her face, with the love of her life clinging to her. The quiet, comfortable mutual solitude, shared with the woman she loved. The peace, the love, the feel of sheer and utter fulfillment. She was free. For the first time her life she was completely free – and she had her soul mate to share it with. A few weeks ago, the idea of a soul mate would have scared her senseless. Not anymore. It was anything but scary. It was perfect. It was everything. Tess was everything. Tess was her everything.

  After heading outside the city limits, Zoey pulled off onto a dirt road. Finally, she came to a stop in a secluded area overlooking the mountains. As Tess dismounted, Zoey smiled and grabbed her hand, leading them up a trail. After a moment, Zoey stopped. Before them was a blanket, spread out with a picnic basket and candles.

  “How did you? Zoey . . . This is incredible.”

  Zoey smiled and headed over to light the candles. “I have my ways. Are you going to stand over there gawking or are you going to come join me?”

  Tess laughed and made her way to the blanket, sitting down next to the basket, which she opened. Inside were some strawberries, some champagne, and a spread of crackers and cheese.

  “I thought we could sit here and watch the sunset over the mountains together. I know it’s no Elvis Museum, but . . .”

  Zoey’s words were cut short as Tess drew her in for a slow, lingering kiss, gently swiping her tongue across Zoey’s lips until her girlfriend slowly parted her lips, granting access. The champagne and food was forgotten as their tongues slid against one another in languorous, sultry dance. Zoey finally pulled away, which elicited a groan of protest from her girlfriend.

  “If we don’t stop, we’re going to miss the sunset.” Zoey stretched her legs out before her and Tess laid her head in Zoey’s lap, as they watched the sun’s descent together, beautiful oranges and reds playing across the mountainous horizon. They sat in comfortable, completed silence as Zoey gently, lovingly stroked her hand through Tess’s hair. Tess reached up and took Zoey’s other hand in her own, lacing their fingers together before bringing their joined hands to rest atop her heart.

  “This is absolute perfection, Zoey. You are perfection,” Tess whispered. A gentle, contented smile spread across Tess’s lips, a gesture that was matched on Zoey’s own face. She was right. For her, there had never been a more joyous, a more comfortable, a more beautiful night in her life. It was perfection.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tess closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness and intimacy of their position, as Zoey continued to stroke a hand through her hair. The feeling of contentment, of perfect, blissful silence, was not something that she was used to. In every other relationship she’d ever been in, she’d felt the weight and the burden of each pause in conversation. She’d often struggled to fill those gaps, rambling on about whatever inanity came to mind, just to avoid the deafening silence. Those silences were always pregnant with awkwardness, silences born not out of a deep emotional connection, but rather a lack of one. It was different with Zoey. So, so different. She felt completely, wholly, unashamedly linked with her on every level. There was no need to fill the silence because their silence did not represent a chasm between them. Rather, it represented a bond, so strong, so deep, that she felt it to be irreversible, indelibly written across their souls.

  As the sun disappeared beyond the mountains and darkness enveloped them, Tess shifted, lying on her back so that she could look up into her girlfriend’s face, which was beautifully lit by the candles surrounding them. “I love you, Zoey Cameron,” she said simply, blue eyes smiling with the depth and passion of her emotion.

  A smile crept across Zoey’s face as she gently cupped Tess’s cheek in her hand. “I love you too, Tess McLeod.” She gently stroked her thumb across her girlfriend’s cheek.

  Tess gathered her thoughts for a moment, briefly biting her lower lip in a nervous way that Zoey found mesmerizing. “So I was thinking . . .” Tess hesitated.

  “Yeah? Care to enlighten me? I have many talents, but being a mind reader, unfortunately isn’t one of them.” Zoey smiled at her girlfriend, hoping her humor would put her at ease.

  “Ah, yes. I am an admirer of many of your . . . um . . . talents . . . “ Tess grinned as she thought back to some of her previous encounters with Zoey. “But anyway . . . I was thinking that um . . . maybe you’d be willing to come with me to San Diego sometime soon to meet my
parents?” Tess looked up at Zoey warily, studying her face for any indication of her opinion on the subject. Unfortunately, Zoey had quickly mastered the art of the poker face and Tess could not get a read on her.

  Slowly, a small smile crept across Zoey’s candlelit features. “You want me to meet your parents?” She looked deep into Tess’s gorgeous blue eyes.

  Tess nodded.

  “I’d love to . . . if you’re sure.”

  Tess sat up and gently caressed Zoey’s cheek, gazing deeply into those soulful brown eyes that she’d grown to love so much. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, but I don’t want to scare you off if you think this is too soon.”

  Zoey shook her head. “Not too soon. Not at all.”

  Tess beamed, melting Zoey’s heart even more than it already was. “Great, because I have a confession to make.”


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