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Queen of Hearts

Page 24

by A. C. Grey

  Tess couldn’t help but smile as she watched her Zoey play at the final table of the World Series of Poker Main Event. Zoey had come such a long way in terms of her confidence. It was written all over her face. She was a strong, smart, aggressive player and Tess knew, without a doubt, that her girlfriend had a real chance of winning this tournament. Yes, she was biased, but even studying Zoey from a detached, poker pro’s view, she really thought so. Her mom reached over and took her hand, before leaning in to whisper in her ear. “She’s doing great, Tess. She doesn’t look scared at all. I know I’d be petrified, with all those TV cameras and bright lights. She’s playing like she owns the place.” Tess smiled and nodded, grinning with pride. And Zoey was playing as if she owned the place. She quickly took down a few substantial pots and even knocked out one of her opponents, bringing her one place closer to glory.

  Max, Angie, and a few of Tess’s other poker friends joined them. Max leaned over. “Hey, what’d we miss?”

  Tess turned and grinned at him. “Oh, nothing much. Zoey’s making mincemeat out of her opponents. Total rock star.”

  “That’s my girl . . . or uh, your girl.” Max smiled as he corrected himself, proud of how well Zoey was doing.

  Tess nodded and continued. “Between her and Gomez, my guess is these other guys don’t last more than a few hours, barring any bad beats.”

  Indeed, Tess’s prediction came true as Zoey and Jack ran through the table over the next few hours, eliminating player after player as they accumulated more chips. By the time they took a break, there were only four players left, but most of the chips resided with Zoey and Gomez.

  At the break, Zoey made her way over to Tess, who quickly wrapped her arms around her, pulling Zoey in for a quick, chaste kiss. I am so proud of you, Zoey. You are kicking some serious ass. She reached up and ran a gentle hand across Zoey’s cheek before leaning in to give her another peck on the lips.

  “You sure do move on fast, Zoey. What’s it been, a month since we split up? I never took you for a slut, but I guess I was wrong.” Zoey’s skin crawled as she turned to see Steve standing there.

  “Excuse me?” she said, noticing Tess’s father stand, ready to come to her defense, along with Max.

  “Come on Zoey, you and I both know that you’re just experimenting here. And apparently you’re pretty indiscriminate with your tastes if you can switch that easily to women. What do you say that you come back home with me and I’ll remind you what’s it’s like to be with a man . . . a real man . . . and not some dykey substitute.”

  Zoey opened her mouth to reply, at the same time signaling to her companions to hold back. Just as she was about to respond, another familiar voice cut in.

  “Stephen. That is no way to talk to a lady, especially one who happens to be my daughter. And I won’t have you using derogatory slurs about Tess here. I’d suggest that you remove yourself from the premises immediately before I am forced to make a scene. And I’d also suggest that you start looking for a job. Come Monday, you’ll no longer be welcome at my company. We don’t have any room for hateful, disrespectful weasels such as yourself.” Zoey turned in shock to see her father standing there as Steve stalked away.

  “Dad? What are you doing here?” She was completely taken aback by the appearance of her father.

  “I’ve come to see my daughter win a poker world championship.” A small smile spread across his face. “And perhaps afterwards, we can spend some time together and I can get to know your young lady Tess a bit better. After all, if she’s going to be a part of your life, she’ll be a part of my life as well.”

  Zoey was rendered momentarily speechless and she answered the only way she knew how. She drew her father into a tight hug as a few tears sprung from her eyes. “Thank you, Dad. Thank you for understanding and for giving me a chance to be happy.”

  He rubbed a reassuring hand across her back and chuckled lightly. “You should thank Tess. She’s the one who talked some sense into me, reminded me of what’s really important and of how much I love you.”

  Zoey pulled away in astonishment, looking over at her girlfriend, who was smiling, but also holding back tears. “You did this? For me?”

  Tess nodded. “I hope that’s okay. I just couldn’t stand to see you hurting.”

  Zoey released her father and immediately embraced Tess. “Thank you, baby. I love you so much.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Zoey.” Tess leaned in and kissed her gently. “Now, it looks like the break is about over. Go and win your title. We’ll talk more later.” Zoey gave her one more hug and, grinning like an idiot, headed back to the table.

  Zoey looked up into the stands and her whole body flushed with love. Her cheering section had expanded to include not just Tess, but her girlfriend’s parents, her father, and several of their poker-playing friends. She’d taken a giant risk and it had paid off. She still had her family, but she’d also gained a new one – her Vegas family, as well as Tess and the McLeod family. She’d always been afraid to leap without a net, to take any big chances, afraid she’d lose everything. With Tess’s help, she’d finally had the courage to take that jump. And not only had she not lost everything, she’d gained so much. A new, stronger support system, confidence in herself, self-satisfaction, a love of her profession, and most importantly, the love of an incredible, passionate, beautiful soul named Tess McLeod. No matter how this tournament played out, she knew she’d won. Lady luck had been extremely kind to her. With one more grin at her friends and family, she returned her focus to the game. It was time to take her final prize – the title.

  Soon enough, it was down to Zoey and Jack. As was the custom at tournaments such as this, a parade of scantily clad women strutted out, dumping piles of cash onto the poker table, displaying the $8 million that the winner would take home. Zoey tried to ignore it, telling herself that she needed to focus on the win, the prestige, the title. Still, it was hard not to be affected by the mountains of cash surrounding her.

  Zoey took a moment to pause and analyze the situation. She had slightly more chips than Gomez and if she could just get him to bet all of his chips at the wrong time, the title would be hers. After a few uneventful hands, Zoey decided it was time to make a move. She maintained a neutral façade as she pondered her options. She knew that Jack was a hyper-aggressive player. If he sensed weakness, he’d go for the jugular, betting enormous amounts of chips in an effort to scare her away. Deciding to play it coy, she checked, indicating that she didn’t want to bet, hoping to give him the impression she had a weak hand. She maintained her even breathing as she ran her fingertips over Tess’s picture for good luck.

  Sure enough, Jack went for the kill, immediately announcing that he was all in. As he pushed his chips towards the center, Zoey let out a sly smile.

  Her expression did not go unnoticed by Tess. She turned towards Zoey’s cheering section and whispered. “She’s got this. Gomez is a dead man unless he gets lucky.”

  “How do you know?” Max asked.

  “Just trust me. I see it in her eyes. She looks like the cat that got the canary. She knew exactly what she was doing when she checked her hand.”

  Sure enough, Zoey turned over the mother lode of all poker hands – pocket aces. Gomez groaned as he turned over the seven and eight of clubs. While he wasn’t dead yet, Zoey’s hand was a clear favorite.

  Knowing that the hand could be the end of the tournament, the crowd and the players watched in tense silence as the dealer turned over the first three community cards. A gasp rippled through the crowd as the cards were revealed. The dealer had turned over the six of clubs, the five of hearts, and the queen of clubs. This meant that if another club or a four or a nine came up, Zoey’s hand would be beaten. A club would give him a flush and either a four or a nine would give him a straight. There were suddenly many ways his hand could beat Zoey’s.

  Zoey’s heart was pounding a mile a minute, as she struggled to breathe. The dealer seemed to take forever to reveal the next co
mmunity card. She let out a sigh of relief as he turned over an uneventful three of spades.

  Tess gripped her mother’s hand tightly as she leaned in anticipation. One card to go. One little card. She silently prayed to the poker gods for a good card. One more card and her girlfriend would win. Finally, unable to bear it, she closed her eyes. She couldn’t look.

  The dealer flipped over the final card, in what seemed like slow motion. Zoey cringed in fear as she looked. There it was, the card that would decide her fate. It was . . .

  The ten of diamonds.

  The crowd erupted into cheers. Tess opened her eyes and immediately burst into tears of joy, hugging everyone around her. Before Zoey fully realized what had happened, Jack was standing, offering her a congratulatory handshake. People were hugging her, shaking her hand, offering her words of praise and congratulation.

  She couldn’t believe it. She’d done it. Not only had she won the biggest tournament in poker, she’d done it on her first try. And she’d been the first woman ever to do it. She searched the milling crowd for the one person she wanted to share this moment with the most. She struggled to find Tess, everyone in the room wanting a piece of her. Finally, locking her eyes on Tess’s, she beamed. They both pushed their way through the crowd towards each other, tears glistening in their eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, Tess reached Zoey and pulled her in for a deep, searing, probably inappropriate kiss, right in the middle of the poker room.

  Breathless, they finally pulled apart, arms still twined around each other. Tess reached up and caressed Zoey’s cheek. “I know I keep saying this, but I am so, so proud of you, Zoey. You did it. You’re the world champion.”

  Zoey grinned. “I still can’t quite believe it. And I’m a little sorry.”

  “Sorry? Why on earth would you be sorry?” Tess looked at her, perplexed.

  “Because you’ve been trying to do this for a lot longer than I have. I feel like I kind of stole your thunder.”

  Tess shook her head. “Never, ever think that, Zoey. I’ll get my chance, eventually. And besides, I may not have won the title, but I think I got a pretty good prize myself. One that’s worth way more than any gaudy bracelet or pile of cash.”

  “What’s that?” Zoey asked.



  One Year Later

  Zoey and Tess snuggled together on the couch, enjoying a quiet afternoon together. Tess laid her head against Zoey’s shoulder as she traced patterns absent-mindedly across her girlfriend’s leg. “So, are you sad that you didn’t repeat as world champion?”

  Zoey shook her head. “No, not really. I mean the odds of winning that tournament twice, let alone twice in a row, are astronomical. Despite how badass a player I am, I can’t win them all. And neither can you.”

  Tess nodded. They’d both made a respectable showing at that year’s World Series, but had come up empty in their quest for a bracelet. “At least we got knocked out on the same day, so we get to spend more time together. As much as I love watching you play, I can think of many other ways I’d rather spend my time with you.” Tess smiled and kissed Zoey gently on the lips. “Are you going to miss it?”

  “Miss what?” Zoey asked, unsure of what Tess was getting at.

  “Miss being the reigning world champion? The tournament will be over tomorrow and then you’ll have to give up your throne.”

  Zoey laughed. “But my throne was so comfortable.”

  “And nobody filled it better than you, babe. I can tell you one thing. Whoever the next titleholder is, they’re never going be able to match you. You’ll forever be the hottest . . . sexiest . . . most awesome World Series champion ever . . .” Tess punctuated each word with a kiss. “At least until I win.”

  Zoey burst out laughing. “Glad to know that your recent defeat hasn’t shaken your confidence, babe.”

  Tess grinned. “Never.”

  Zoey looked at the clock and groaned. “Do I really have to go to this stupid interview? I’m old news at this point. Can’t they just wait a day and interview the new champ?”

  Tess rubbed her back. “But why would they want to do that? I’m sure you’re much more interesting. And more interesting to look at. Now go get your bracelet and let’s head out. The sooner you do the interview, the sooner it will be over.”

  Zoey sighed and went to retrieve her championship bracelet. It really was pretty gaudy and tacky, covered in all sorts of bling. Some champions preferred to wear their bracelet when they played, as a blatant advertisement of their former glory. Zoey hated it and only wore it for media events like the one she had today. She didn’t feel the need to flaunt her success, choosing instead to let her play speak for itself. And the fact that her win had been broadcast on television across the globe meant that plenty of people knew exactly who she was. She didn’t need to wear an overt reminder of her fame.

  As she approached the cabinet where she kept her bracelet, she pulled up short. It wasn’t there. “What the heck? Where is my bracelet? I know I put it back here after the last time I wore it. Have you seen it?” She turned to ask Tess for help, only to discover Tess directly behind her, kneeling on the floor.

  A small, goofy smile crept across Tess’s lips and Zoey’s heart began to thud out of her chest as the realization of what was happening washed over her.

  “I thought maybe you’d like an upgrade in jewelry.” Tess pulled a small black velvet box from her pocket, opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond solitaire ring. She took a deep breath, looking into Zoey’s chocolate brown eyes, tears glistening in her own. “Zoey. The last year of my life has been the most memorable, the happiest, the fullest, the best year of my life. There is one and only one reason for that. It’s you. I often worried that I’d never find real love, the kind you read about in fairy tales, that you see in the movies, that you dream about as a little girl. I started to doubt that it really could exist. But then I met you. You are my fairy tale, you are my dream. I cannot and refuse to even attempt to imagine my life without you in it. I’m all in, Zoey. I’m betting on us. You’re it for me. Every day I spend with you is better than the one before, and I want to continue that trend. Zoey Cameron, I love you with all of my being. Will you be my happily ever after? Will you marry me?”

  At this point, tears of joy were streaming down Zoey’s face. Tess had just verbalized all that she’d long thought. Kneeling before her was the love of her life, her soul mate, her everything. Wiping away her tears, she nodded and struggled to regain her voice. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I will marry you. I love you so much.” She pulled Tess up into a passionate, deep kiss, their tears mingling as they melded their bodies together, mutually rejoicing in their future together. Tess pulled back and slid the ring onto Zoey’s finger.

  Zoey grinned. “So much better than any damn bracelet.”

  Tess laughed. “I’m in total agreement with you there. Now come on,” she said as she pulled Zoey’s bracelet from her pocket. “Let’s go get this interview over with. I need to make love to my fiancée.”

  * * * * *

  One year, eight months later

  Zoey stood at the entrance to the chapel, her arm laced through her father’s. She took a deep breath as she struggled to reign in her emotions. It was finally here, the day that she married her best friend, her soul mate.

  Sensing her nerves, her father gently patted her hand. “Relax, honey. There’s nothing to worry about. Just focus on Tess and everything will be fine.”

  Zoey smiled weakly. “Thanks, Dad. Really, I’m fine. I just can’t believe it’s finally here, the thing I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl. My wedding day. Maybe not quite how I used to envision it, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “And neither would I, honey.”

  She turned to look at him. “You really mean that? I mean, you’re really okay? With me marrying a woman and all?”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Of course I do Dad. With all of my heart

  “Then that’s all that matters. Sure, the idea may have taken some getting used to, but all I want is for you to be happy. And your Tess clearly makes you happy. So yes, Zoey. I am okay with this. I am more than okay. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. This may not have been the traditional wedding that your mother and I envisioned for our daughter, but that’s okay. We’re just glad that you’re so happy and that you’ve found such a special person. We’re lucky to have her in the family.”

  Zoey smiled. “Thank you, Dad.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “And it could have been worse. At least I was able to talk Tess out of having Elvis marry us. I think Mom might have died.”

  He laughed. “She is an odd one, your Tess. But I love her for it.”


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