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Seduction Game (Art and Soul)

Page 13

by Candy J. Starr

  She grabbed my wrist so I couldn’t flee, her fingers clutching me like talons.

  “Don’t get attached. Don’t think this is more than it is. If Junichi becomes emotional about you, you are out of here,” she hissed.

  Damn, the sunshine in my heart disappeared. I hated that this woman had power over me. I hated what they did to Junichi. And damn my life for needing that money so desperately.

  Belle and I deserved our fresh start and the money obviously meant nothing to the Tachibanas but hell, it made my flesh creep to think what I’d become. But I’d hate myself even more if went home to have Sean stalking me. It only took a second of thinking about waking up with him standing over me for me to lose all my moral conflicts. In the end, all I’d have was the security that money would bring.

  When I got to my room, my phone buzzed. A message from Junichi. That cleared some of the murky fog his mother had wrapped around me.


  “Hell yeah,” I replied.

  Was he going to cook me food? Did he even know how to cook? Maybe he meant his mother had made something.

  “I’m making pasta.”

  Whoa. He could cook. He could? Maybe I should go help him. I didn’t want to end up having to eat a gross mess. I had no confidence at all in his cooking.

  I threw on some fresh clothes and headed downstairs.

  “Hey, Audrey.” Shun sat on the couch playing games, while Junichi messed around in the kitchen.

  A look shot between Junichi and I, but I hid my face so Shun couldn’t see me flush. I plonked down on the sofa beside him.

  “I thought you were going to help me cook,” Junichi said.

  “Looks like you have everything under control.” He was using a jar of sauce. Surely no one could mess that up. “I need to help Shun. Help him die.”

  I grinned at Shun and picked up the other controller.

  “Ha, Audrey, you will be the one who dies. If you eat Junichi’s cooking, you’ll die for sure.”

  We both laughed

  Now that I was in the kitchen, I realised how starving I was. I’d pretty much eat anything. I couldn’t really concentrate on the game with my stomach rumbling. Really, I couldn’t focus when Junichi was so close. I ached to touch him. I couldn’t do a damn thing with Shun beside me, though.

  “Is that ready soon?” I asked. “I can’t game when my belly is so empty.”

  “How’s school?” Junichi asked Shun.

  “Not bad. Boring. I hate school.”

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” Junichi asked.

  The conversation between them always seemed a bit strained, like Junichi was an uncle who visited once in a while and didn’t know how to talk to kids. Who asked their little brother that?

  “Na. I’ve got Audrey. She’s going to be my girlfriend.”

  He leant against me. Shun could be so sweet sometimes, like a little puppy. He had none of the coldness and restraint that filled the rest of the family.

  “No, she’s not,” Junichi shot back.

  I might’ve been imagining it but he seemed way too concerned. God, was Junichi jealous? Of his little brother? That was twisted. His tone only made Shun snuggle up to me more.

  “Shut up, Junichi. Audrey will be my girlfriend if I want. She’s pretty and smart and good at games. And she makes good sandwiches. That’s the main thing in a girlfriend.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend, Shun. But only when you grow up.”

  “When I’m 15?”

  “Maybe a bit older.” I laughed.

  “See Junichi. Audrey loves me. She doesn’t love you. You don’t love Junichi, do you, Audrey?”

  God. Oh God. How did I answer that? The blood rushed to my head. A million images flashed in front of me. All the moments with Junichi, all the yearning. But love? That was something way too strong. Girls like me did not fall in love. It was a useless waste of time.

  “Toilet,” I said, and ran from the room. I hoped Junichi didn’t notice the way I’d blushed. I hoped he hadn’t noticed anything in my reaction. I was so uncool. Damn Shun for asking a question like that.

  When I got back, Mrs Tachibana had come into the kitchen.

  “Come on, Shun, you have to go shopping with me.”

  He sighed but got up and left with her. At least he wouldn’t be asking any more embarrassing questions. As she walked out the door, Mrs Tachibana shot me a threatening look.

  When they’d gone, Junichi put two bowls of pasta down on the bench.

  With just the two of us in the house, my skin prickled. Damn Shun. With that question hanging in the air, I couldn’t feel comfortable at all. I sat at the counter beside Junichi, not wanting to talk or even look at him. I gulped down the pasta. It wasn’t inedible. I didn’t even taste it.

  When I finished, I put my bowl in the dishwasher. Junichi still hadn’t spoken to me.

  “Thanks for that,” I said.

  He didn’t answer, he just moved closer to me, pinning me against the wall.

  “You didn’t answer Shun’s question.”

  I couldn’t breathe. He could just kiss me. Kissing would be fine. It’d be much more than fine. It’d be totally hot and it’d mean I couldn’t talk.

  “I answered. I said I’d be his girlfriend when he grew up. He was just mucking around. Kid stuff.”

  Junichi’s breath tickled against my ear. Hell, what was going on here.

  “That’s not the question I meant.”

  My heart boomed. I couldn’t answer that question. It was too new, too raw. I didn’t want to examine my feelings. I wanted to lock them away, push them down, and just deal with the things I could handle.

  I broke away.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” I said.

  I grabbed his hand and he followed me. That put an end to our discussion. We had limited time before someone came home.

  Sex was easy. Emotions, not so much. I didn’t want to talk, that’s for sure.


  “He’s not been going to cram school.”

  Mrs Tachibana glared at me over the dinner table. Glared so hard I thought she’d melt my face off. That woman had eyes like lasers. I couldn’t downright lie and, from that glare, I knew there was no talking my way out of it. The only answer I could give was a gulp.

  Mr Tachibana and Yumi were both out, so it was just her and me plus Junichi and Shun. I didn’t want to look at Shun. I wasn’t sure if he’d told her or she’d found out another way. Surely he wouldn’t have told her. He’d never rat me out, and he’d be in as much trouble as me.

  “We missed a few sessions.”

  “A few! A few. Mrs Kano called me, and she said Shun hasn’t attended all semester.”

  That was pretty much the truth. I’d not considered that the cram school would call Mrs Tachibana. I squirmed in my seat. This would be much easier without Junichi around. He’d told me I was wrong to let Shun skip his cram classes but I figured it’d do no harm.

  “You’re not a very responsible person, are you? It was difficult to get Shun into that place. It’s not some common cram school but one designed to ensure the students get into the most elite universities.”

  “I don’t even want to go to an elite university,” Shun said. “That sounds like the most boring thing ever.”

  “Your opinion doesn’t matter,” Mrs Tachibana said, turning her focus on him for a minute.

  “Well, it is his life. I think it does.”

  As soon as I said it, I knew I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I should’ve been apologetic and meek. Then she’d have her rant and get over it. But still, I hated the way that she disregarded anyone’s opinions but her own. She was an evil control freak.

  “We paid a lot of money for that cram school. I think it’s only fair that you compensate us for the wasted sessions.”

  Hell. Her anger I could deal with. She could yell at me and humiliate me. It was only words. But I had no money to spare. It wasn’t like Shun was failing at school or anything
. Was this a scam to get out of paying the money she’d promised?

  I stared at my plate. Junichi wouldn’t back me up and, if I looked at Shun, it’d only look like we were conspiring. That dinner plate had become fascinating. I should say something, apologise and make matters worse but I didn’t even want to look at her. I would say more things I regretted if I saw her smug smile.


  “I’m sorry. I have no money. I can help out. I’ll do more around the house.” I kept my head bowed, hoping she’d accept that as apologetic enough.

  “As if I’d trust you to do anything after this.”

  I could see her point. Even though I thought the cram school was bullshit, she’d trusted me to do something and I’d screwed it up. I’d not seen it from her point of view before. Even if she was a bitch, she might have her own reasons. My palms sweated. There was no way I could even suggest she was wrong, not without causing more trouble. She’d not discuss this rationally. She’d pierce me with her cold, harsh words until I fell to pieces.

  “How much is it?” God, I’d be working for the rest of my life to pay off some fancy school. I’d ruined Shun’s future. I just wanted to crawl away.

  Before she could answer, Junichi rose from his seat and walked toward his mother.

  “You don’t seriously expect her to pay it?” The cold fury in his voice clashed with the hot lasers.

  “Yes, I do. This is none of your business, Junichi. Sit back down.”

  Junichi didn’t sit down, though. He and his mother locked gazes, neither of them backing down. Hell, was it the first time he’d ever stood up to his parents? And was this for my sake?

  Even though I’d told him to stand up to them, I hadn’t expected him to defend me. I didn’t expect it, but it did cause a warm glow in my belly.

  “I skipped cram school half the time and I bet Yumi did too. That did us no harm. It’s not like its even worth going. I passed the entrance exams and Shun could too if he was motivated. You can’t put the blame on Audrey.”

  His mother actually blanched a little.

  “That’s not the point...”

  “It’s exactly the point. Shun has to work things out for himself. Anyway, it’s as much him to blame as Audrey. You can’t expect her to actually pay for it. And his English has improved a heap since she’s been here. They wouldn’t teach him that there.”

  Mrs Tachibana put her hand to her hair, as though fixing her hair would stop this situation. Meanwhile, I wanted to let out a small cheer. I was proud of Junichi.

  “Fine. You pay then.”

  “I will.”

  “No, you won't.” I wasn’t going to let him do that. I had to resolve this myself.

  Shun caught my eye. He had his head down but there was a shocked look on his face. His gaze darted from me to Junichi. He’d have a million questions after this. Questions about Junichi and me.

  “Fine then. I won’t make her pay but Shun will go to that place every single day for the rest of the semester.”

  Shun groaned. I think he couldn’t help himself.

  “You might think you know what’s best but you’re a child. You’ll study and you’ll have a bright future, if it kills you. And you, Audrey, will make sure he goes. I will be calling them to check on his attendance. I guess I should not have expected any better from someone like you.”

  Bitch. I wasn’t going to argue, though. I’d toe the line until I got out of here. She glared at me again and this time the laser glare had an extra edge of malice. I shivered, despite the heat. This was not the last of this, by any means. She’d backed down to Junichi you could tell she wasn’t going to forget the matter so easily. If anything, he’d made us her targets.

  She turned to Junichi.

  “I’m not sure what’s gotten into you but you need to start thinking about your future too. Don’t let yourself be distracted by trivial things.”

  Ouch. There was no doubt that I was the trivial thing. While Junichi had saved me from paying back the money, he’d showed he had feelings for me, and Mrs Tachibana didn’t like that one little bit.


  I thought about telling Junichi that we should cool things off. Especially in front of his mother. I wasn’t actually sure how we should go about that, though.

  I headed into my studio. I needed to get all my work finished or I’d be hanging paintings for assessment with the paint still wet on them.

  One of the tutors passed by my studio, then came in.

  “I’ve not seen you around much,” he said, with a smile.

  “I’ve been busy.” Busy screwing but I wasn’t going to say that out loud. “I think I have enough work for my assessment.

  He nodded then took a look over my paintings.

  “These three have a whole different feel to the others. The colours are amazing and they seem to emit a bright light.”

  Those were the three pieces I’d worked on most recently. He sat them next to the older paintings, the ones I’d done before I’d hooked up with Junichi. He wasn’t wrong.

  “I guess that’s the point of an exchange,” I said. “You get a new outlook on life.”


  With that, he left and my phone buzzed.

  “What are you doing after you take Shun to cram school?”

  Hell, I’d forgotten about cram school. I put my work away and ran for the train. After what had happened at dinner, I sure as hell couldn’t afford to screw up. It did put a serious dent in my work time, though.

  On the train, I messaged Junichi back. I wasn’t sure if he wanted to meet at home after I dropped Shun off or had something else in mind.

  “I’ll meet you after you drop off Shun.”

  I sent him back a smilie face.

  “Tell Shun to get himself home.”

  “Can he do that?”

  I wasn’t sure about letting a kid Shun’s age wander around the city alone. I’d seen heaps of little kids catching the train alone and it freaked me out. It wouldn’t be that far for him, though. His regular school was across the city but the cram school was pretty close to the Tachibana’s house.

  “Sure he can.”

  If Junichi thought it was okay, then it must be. I told Shun and he just nodded.

  “Message me as soon as you get home,” I told him. “Let me know you’re safe.”

  “It’s okay. Japan is a safe country.”

  Yeah, people said that all the time but I’d seen enough crazy perverts in this city to doubt it.

  By the time I’d got Shun to cram school, I was sweaty and horrible. Junichi had better not be planning on anything fancy because I was not presentable at all.

  I waited on the street, wishing I’d chucked some makeup in my handbag so I could fix my face. My entire face must’ve melted off in the heat. And some deodorant would be helpful too.

  Junichi pulled up in his car. He had a big grin on his face. What was that about? Did he want us to go off and have sex somewhere weird?

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “You’ll see when we get there.”

  When he got on the highway, I realised we were leaving the city. Did he want to have a night away? I guess that would get us away from his mother but I wasn’t sure it was wise. Again, he hadn’t told me to pack anything.

  “Are we staying overnight?”

  “Nope. It’s only an hour or so out of the city.”

  He picked up speed when we got to the city outskirts. My phone beeped. It was Shun, home safe.

  “Shun,’ I said.

  “Told you he’d be fine.”

  “Yeah, well if he’d been captured by perverts and sold into sex slavery, I’d be killed by your mother.”

  “You’re very suspicious of people.”

  “Yep. That’s what life’s taught me. There are a helluva lot of people in this world you can’t trust. People are mostly shits in this world and the best you can hope for is to stay off their shit radar. That way they don’t think to hurt y

  The world outside the car had turned from concrete to farms. We had left the city behind. I’d never even imagined this side of Japan. I knew Tokyo had to end somewhere but I’d not even thought about what was beyond it. The land around was flat but in the distance, mountains loomed.

  We were headed toward one of those mountain ranges

  “Audrey, someone’s really hurt you, haven’t they?”

  “Whoa, Sunshine, where did that come from?” I put the mocking tone into my voice. That’s when we were best, sparring with each other, keeping it light until it was time for the sex.

  This edge of concern about my life was not what I was expecting. What if I told him? Junichi with his perfect life mapped out in front of him had his own issues, like his overcontrolling mother, but the white trash issues of my life were on a whole other level. The way he looked at me would change if he knew. I’d become poor Audrey or maybe trashy Audrey. It was far better if I was super cool and wisecracking Audrey.

  Well, maybe the super cool part was more in my mind but Junichi imagined I had a life of complete freedom with nothing to tie me down, and I suspected that, at times, he envied me for that. I guess, compared to him, I did have a crazy amount of freedom, but it was the freedom of having no one give a fuck about you. The freedom of being able to screw up your entire life because no one expected you to do any better.

  I picked at my nails, not wanting to look at him.

  If I was honest, I envied Junichi a bit too. Sure his mother was an evil bitch and his father wasn’t much chop but it would be nice to have people who expected you to succeed and pushed you to do that. I guess that gave you the complete faith that you could do anything you set out to do. I had Belle but that was just the conviction of a kid sister. Nothing more.

  “If you want to talk about it, you know I’ll listen.”

  “Hell, Sunshine, don’t get so serious. It’s just the shit everyone goes through.” I grinned. Hopefully, he’d let it drop.

  “I mean it, Audrey. I’m not just prying into your life. I want to understand you. Don’t shut me out.”

  As we’d driven, the farmland had given away to that nature shit. I wasn’t much of a nature person. It might look good in pictures but it was full of things that would kill you. Or give you rashes.


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