My Teacher

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My Teacher Page 14

by Sam Crescent

“After Connor let it out that it was your birthday. I passed a florist on the way home. They had some and advised me to keep it warm and watered. I was going to take them to the park, go for a run in the hope of catching you.”

  “Wow,” she said. “That is really romantic. The stuff from poetry.”

  “I did notice your sudden interest in poetry.”

  “I was intrigued. I wanted to see what you loved about it.”

  “And now?”

  “It’s still growing on me, but it’s fun to read.” She picked up her fork and dug into the bacon. It had been too long since she’d had any real bacon, and the taste was just … she moaned. “I miss bacon.”

  “When you’re here you can have all the bacon you want.”

  “Do you want a permanent resident?” she asked.

  He laughed. “I never say never.”

  They didn’t say anything more about it as they finished their breakfast. Afterward, Jack had some grading to do, and, seeing as she was staying with him, she sat on the sofa, her hair pulled back in a messy bun. She watched as he worked.

  He read through every single sheet, marking each point, making notes. She couldn’t stop herself from watching his hands. They had known how to touch her, what to do to make her moan, to make her ache just a little more.

  She was still in his shirt, and she felt the heat flood her pussy at just the memory alone. Licking her dry lips, she tried to think of something else, but nothing helped.

  His hands, his heavily inked arms already held a special place for her, and she didn’t want to lose that.

  “You’re fidgeting,” he said.

  “I’m fine.”

  Her voice sounded a little thick. Pressing her thighs together, she watched as Jack put his paperwork down on the coffee table in front of him.

  She squealed as he hauled her over him so that she straddled his waist.

  “Now, I think we should have a few rules around here.”

  “You’re the teacher. I’ll let you make the rules.”

  He gripped her ass, squeezing her cheeks. She bit her lip in an attempt to contain her moan. She couldn’t help it.

  Even though she was sore, she wanted him again.

  Consequences be damned.

  “And as my student, you will follow them.”

  He ran his hands down her thighs then back up again, cupping her ass. She never knew her ass could be so sensitive or that having him touch her would feel so damn good. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “Rule one, don’t lie to me. Not once.”

  “That’s easy.”

  “About anything. When I ask you a question, you answer it.”

  “That’s going to be hard.”

  “When you want me to touch you because you’re getting horny as fuck, you tell me.”

  He moved, and his hand cupped between her thighs. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath the shirt, so it was very easy for him to touch. He stroked her tender flesh, and she gasped as he pressed a finger deep inside her. “Are you sore?”

  “Yes, but I can take it.”

  “Such a brave girl, but this isn’t about me today. This is about you.”

  He changed their position so she was now on her back, looking up at him. Within the next second, he had her shirt off and her legs spread wide open.

  “Now that is a sight I’ve been wanting to see.”


  “You spread out, open, ready for me.”

  He slid a finger between her slit and held it up. “You see that? That’s how wet you are for me. You want me too.”


  “Good.” He slammed his lips down on hers, and she gripped the back of his head. He pressed his body against hers, the hard ridge of his cock covered by his sweatpants. She whimpered because even though her body felt tense and a little sore, she wanted him. Jack didn’t linger on her lips. His mouth trailed kisses down her body again. He took his time with each of her tits, licking and sucking at her nipples before moving down.

  She cried out his name as he took one of her pussy lips and sucked it into his mouth, then did the same to the next before finally attacking her clit.

  He flicked his tongue across the swollen bud, going back and forth, up and down. The pleasure was instant, and she felt herself becoming even wetter as he toyed with her clit.

  “Watch us, Lucia.”

  Her head had been thrown back, relishing every lick, suck, and touch of his tongue.

  Staring between her thighs, she watched him tease her clit before sliding down. She moaned as his tongue penetrated her pussy. His large hands pressed against her thighs, keeping them open, refusing to let them shut, not that she wanted to. She lapped up every single thing he was doing to her.

  Jack kept bringing her to the edge of her release but not allowing her to push over, his expert tongue knowing what to do to drive her crazy. She wriggled, gasped, moaned, screamed, cried out, and still he didn’t stop. He kept on going, driving her higher and higher until she practically wept with need.

  He was the one in charge of her pleasure, her need, and he would be the one to decide when to let her push over the edge into bliss. He cupped her ass tightly, to the point that she knew she would have bruises on her flesh, but she didn’t care. Not now, not ever.

  She wanted his marks, craved his kind of possession, and knew she’d gladly come back for more as he threw her over the edge into a screaming orgasm that left her slightly shaken.

  Jack wouldn’t let her go.

  He kept on stroking, drawing more of her orgasm from her until she went into a second. Only when she’d had her third climax did he release her.

  Pressing a final kiss to her pussy, he moved up her body, pulling her into his arms. She tasted herself on his lips, but she didn’t mind.

  Turning to her side so that she could face him, she traced his lips with her finger. She liked when he got dirty, when he made a claim for her like this.

  “I love listening to you come.” He ran a hand down her body, reaching around to cup her ass. “I could get used to it.”

  “I rather like it myself.” She snuggled up against him. “I don’t want to go home.”

  She didn’t know if she imagined it or not, but she was sure he tensed up.

  “You’ve got to go home.”

  “I know. I didn’t mean live here or anything. I know what’s at stake. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  “You’re worth losing everything over.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “No, I’m not. You love your job, and you’re pretty damn good at it as well. I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m not selfish. It’s just that … I like how I feel when I’m here.”

  “And how is that, besides being completely sated?”

  “I feel like I’m not invisible. That I matter to you.”

  “You do.”

  He held her just a little tighter, and she loved it.

  “When I’m at home I feel invisible. My parents, it’s kind of hard to explain.”

  “You don’t need to explain it to me. I get it. Believe me, I do.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “We’ll make this work, and you’re not invisible to me.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “We can make this work.”

  She believed him.

  Lucia spent the night with him, and on Sunday morning, she knew she didn’t have a choice but to head home. She couldn’t stay until the last minute, and Jack was already prepared to take her home.

  He’d cleaned her clothes, but she didn’t have any panties as he’d destroyed them. After she pulled her hair up into a bun, they drove toward the park where they ran. No one was around, and as they climbed out, Jack walked her as far as he could without raising any suspicion. He’d even changed into his running clothes so it looked like she’d bumped into him in the park. They left the park, walking the short distance toward a private walkway that would be a quick route to her home. When they got toward the edge close to the wall, and she was about
to leave, he quickly grabbed her, kissing her passionately.

  “Text me when you get home.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll be watching, but I want you to do that anyway.”

  “Another rule?”

  “Keeping you safe, yes.”

  “I like it.”

  She kissed him again, and then all too reluctantly, she pulled away.

  Blowing out a breath, she walked home. It was still light out, and she folded her arms, hugging herself.

  When she got to her front door, both of her parents’ cars were in the driveway. This was the first time she’d ever lied to them.

  Just thinking about it made her feel a little sick.

  Finally, unable to hold back any longer, she opened the door and entered her home.

  Her parents were there.

  “Where have you been?” her mother asked.

  “We sent you messages. This is really irresponsible, Lucia,” her father said.

  “We get you a car, and this is how you treat us.” This once again was from her mother. Already they were siding with each other.

  She hadn’t even turned around to look at them yet.

  The past weekend had been the most glorious time of her life, and right now, both of them were spoiling it.

  Gritting her teeth, she cleared her voice. “My car stayed in the driveway.”

  “And that is exactly where it will stay,” her mother said.

  She spun around, tears in her eyes. “Why am I not surprised by that?” She all but shouted at her mother. “Lucia didn’t do exactly as you wanted. She didn’t stay home when it was her birthday and her parents forgot.”

  Both of them seemed to pale and back down.

  “We were sorry, Lucia, honey. It was work.”

  “It’s always work. Don’t you get that? Oh, my God, you really don’t. I’m the only one that has the teachers write out report cards because you can’t make it. Do you know how that feels? My eighteenth birthday you apologize for not being there and promise to go out. I wait. I do my damn homework for over four hours, and you guys forgot. You talk about me being irresponsible for going out and not keeping you updated on every single movement I do, but what about the two of you?” She was yelling now.

  Eighteen years of being pushed aside.

  Eighteen years of being invisible had brought her to this moment.

  Not anymore. She wasn’t about to end this weekend with them blaming her.

  She’d experienced the most magical night of her life in Jack’s arms, and they were not going to take that away from her.

  “Lucia,” her mother said.

  “No. You are both responsible. I’m a good kid. Hell, I’m not even a kid anymore. I’m a full-grown adult. I spend most of my time alone. Before you tell me I’m irresponsible for having some time to myself then maybe you both should look in the mirror because you shouldn’t have gone through with the pregnancy. You got me.”

  They were both pale, and now she was crying. Pushing past them, she ran up to her room.

  “And I hate vegetarian food!” She yelled from her room and slammed the door. Flicking the lock into place, she rested her head against the door.

  “You okay?” Jack asked, making her gasp.

  She spun around to see the very man she was about to text resting against the wall.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, pushing some hair off her face, and wiping her tears away.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. Then I saw the tree outside your room, and I guess my days of climbing through a girl’s window are not completely over.”

  She laughed, moving toward him and hugging him tightly. “Did you hear that?”

  “I did. I’m pleased you stood up for yourself.” He cupped her chin and tilted her head back. After he dropped a kiss to her lips, she sighed. “I can’t stay. I broke my own rule here.”

  “And what was that?”

  “No climbing into a girl’s window.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “I do.” He kissed her again. “I better go.”

  She heard the footsteps outside her room.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She watched him climb out of her window, and she was pleased her room wasn’t near the front of the house for everyone to see. “Take care.”

  He was gone just as there was a knock on the door. Glancing around her bedroom, she brought her window partially down so that they didn’t suspect anything.

  Tears were still in her eyes but were no longer trailing down her face.

  Batting them away, she took a deep breath and moved toward the door. “What do you want?”

  “To talk,” her father said.

  It was always her father. Never her mother.

  “I’m kind of tired right now. I’m going to shower. Get some sleep.”

  “Where were you, Lucia? I was so worried.”

  She licked her lips. “I was safe.”

  “You’re wearing the same clothes that you went to school in.”

  Glancing down at her clothes, she didn’t know what to say. “Goodnight, Dad.”

  He sighed, and she got the sense he wanted to say something more. “We do love you, Lucia.”

  She didn’t respond. It didn’t matter how much he loved her. It was just never enough. His love of his work and her mother came before her.

  Stepping away from the door, she moved toward her bathroom. Stripping her clothes off, she glanced down and saw the finger marks of Jack’s touch. They were on her hips, and a quick glance in the small mirror over the sink showed they were also on her ass. She wore the signs of his affection, and she couldn’t help but smile.

  This was real.

  She hadn’t spent the weekend imagining being in her teacher’s bed.

  She’d done it.

  Had sex.

  Been with Jack.

  Only, it didn’t feel like a dirty little secret.

  Far from it.

  This felt real.

  It felt right.

  She didn’t want it to end.

  Stepping beneath the shower, she closed her eyes, enjoying the warm spray. Her thoughts were still on Jack and then on how she was going to handle Marie.


  Monday morning was always a busy and hectic time, especially for Jack as they were changing the topics they were learning about. He liked to mix it up, to help his students with their upcoming exams but to also make it fun.

  He’d found it utterly boring growing up when it was nothing but work and exam-related. Still, it didn’t matter as he walked into the building. Making his way toward his classroom, everything was different. He’d broken his three rules.

  One, never ever fuck a student. Two, never ever fall for a student. Three, don’t ever break any of the first two rules.

  Over the weekend he’d broken those rules, but he didn’t feel guilty. In fact, last night in bed, he’d missed her close to him. He’d even stroked the bed where she’d lain the night before.

  Get your head out of your ass.

  Running a hand down his face, he tried to clear the fog from his mind, but nothing helped.

  “Hello, handsome,” Beth said, knocking on his door.

  “Morning,” he said, without looking up.

  Forcing himself to get his shit together, he pulled out his class schedule and tapped the lesson, which was the second one of the day that held Lucia’s class. He needed to get his head in the game, as otherwise he’d be the one to completely blow this, and that was not what he wanted.

  While he’d been so lost in thought, Beth entered his office, and it was only when she touched his back that he realized she’d not moved on.

  Taking her wrists, he forced her to let him go.

  “You seem a little tense today,” she said.

  “Just getting everything ready.” He didn’t want her in his classroom, but forcing her out wasn’t going to help him. This was something he was going to have to deal w
ith. He rubbed his chin.

  “So, I wanted to stop by your place this weekend. I thought we could catch up.”

  “I was busy.” He pulled out the marked sheets. Finding the correct folder for his first class of the day, he placed it on the desk.

  “Oh, well, maybe some other time. I really liked going out with you.”

  “I hate to do this, but I’ve got to get ready, Beth. Can we talk another time?”

  “You seem different, Jack.”

  “I’m not. Just focused. A lot of students to teach, you know.” And I fucked one this weekend. One I care about and you and me, it’s never going to happen. Not in a million years. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Of course.”

  Leaving the classroom, he closed the door, nodded at her, and headed toward the library. There were a few students in the hallway who greeted him, and he acknowledged them. They were all talking about the upcoming parties, one of which was the annual high school Halloween party. He’d already nominated himself to be part of it, and even had his costume ready. The zombie teacher.

  It was lame and boring, but that was how he viewed high school parties. There was never any hard stuff unless one of the kids spiked the punch.

  Entering the library, he gave a nod toward the librarian, who pointed toward the English section. “The books you requested are on the carriage, but I got sidetracked. They’re all there.”

  He left her to it. She was on the phone, and he didn’t know what pressing business she had, so he ignored it.

  The library was empty, but as he saw the trolley that contained his own stack of books, he glanced across toward the science section and there she was. Lucia stood looking at a shelf. Her bottom lip was sucked into her mouth, her hair once again tied on top of her head, and she wore jeans and a shirt. Her bag rested precariously on her shoulder.

  It had been all night, and he couldn’t wait another second. Crossing toward her, he grabbed her arms and pinned her against the wall. She gasped but didn’t fight him the moment that she saw it was him. The bag fell to the floor as he cupped her face, sinking his fingers into her hair.

  Slamming his lips on hers, he knew this was dangerous, and he shouldn’t do this, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. He had to taste her, to touch her, to consume that fire that was raging within him.

  Her hands tightened on his shoulders and plundered her mouth as soon as she opened up. It wasn’t enough, but then it would never be enough.


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