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The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Book One

Page 32

by Latrivia Nelson

  “He owns the hotel,” Khalid answered again. “And there are no silent partners. He owns it all himself.”

  “Can you get your hands on that deed, too?” Dmitry asked Khalid.

  “Of course, I can. I can get you every deed that he owns.”

  “Good,” Dmitry said with the same smug grin that Smirnov had given him earlier that evening. “Looks like you and I have some work to do.”


  Raging yellow flames and plumes of gray smoke billowed up into the night sky hiding the beautiful, tranquil scene of brilliant stars as the limestone plant burned to the ground. The crackle of wood and cement crashing to the ground interrupted what was once a peaceful night. And in the distance, a few kilometers south, the sound of a fire trucks could be heard blaring their sirens as they made their way to the call from locals who had seen the sight from their homes near the city. There was no doubt this was their cue to depart.

  Covered in blood and smelling like burning chemicals, Ivan and his team loaded up in their cars and headed out onto the dark road about a half hour after Dmitry left with Khalid and Smirnov. As instructed the deed had been done and no evidence left. Ivan had personally seen to the execution of the other scientists, a task that he had not assigned to anyone else. He wasn’t sure what these people had to do with his brother or his father, but he knew that if Dmitry taken the time to kill one, then it was not a waste of his time to do the others.

  When everyone else loaded into a rusty van they had used to transport their weaponry out to the factory, Arie instead had followed Ivan into his red Lamborghini. She jumped in the passenger seat and gave an excited yelp of achievement before he demonstrated a perfect donut on the dusty road and sped off. At that moment, they were the perfect Bonnie and Clyde team, fueled by violence and aching to release through sexual pleasure.

  Even amidst a massacre, however, Ivan could feel the disapproval of Dorian and the relationship he had with Arie. There was a power struggle between the men concerning who actually owned her. Dorian felt as her brother and protector, he had final say of all of her actions, regardless of how futile his opinion was. And Ivan felt that because he was sleeping with her, regardless of that fact that there were many other women, that he had the final say.

  But in fact, it was Arie who had managed total control. She willingly played the two against each other in order to keep herself protected from both. Dorian was still caught up in their old ways developed from long centuries of religion passed down to them from their family. Ivan was infatuated with her sexual prowess and her detachment from society’s idea of a relationship.

  During the last few weeks that they had been together, she had taken part in several three-way sexual adventures with Ivan where she was not always the star, but had a leading role. She enjoyed the spontaneity of dating a sociopath and the relaxation that came with having a partner with no conscience. It was refreshing to her not to be the only monster in the room, and their common link was their overbearing siblings, which gave them plenty of things to talk about after their sexual conquests.

  There was also the idea that for the first time in her life, through Ivan, she was able to enjoy a freedom that had once been a mere dream.

  With the money that Dmitry was funneling into her brother’s operation and the attention that Ivan continued to lavish her with, she had gone from sleeping in a van during cold winter months to sharing a guest house on a manor and being served by maids and butlers.

  Even as she looked at him now, driving wildly through the countryside, she felt a surge of heat in between her thighs. Reaching over, she ran her small hand over his large bulge and licked her lips.

  “I want you in my mouth right now,” she said with a devilish grin. Her eyes pleaded with his mind, knowing that it was somewhere dark at the moment. She willed him to forget his woes and give her his attention.

  Ivan quickly responded. With a cigarette in his mouth, he squinted his smoke-filled eyes as he held on to the steering wheel with one hand and unbuckled his pants with the other. Pulling out a firm, thick, erect penis and massaging it with long strokes with his right hand, he guided her head down.

  “You never have to ask me twice,” he said, feeling her warm mouth take the tip of him inside of her fleshy orifice. He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the ride but he had to keep control of his vehicle as it raced down the road at nearly eighty miles an hour.

  Still, he needed what she was offering at the moment. The high tempo attack on Smirnov’s place had nearly unnerved him and not because of the killing. It was his father that had done it. Laying eyes on him for the first time, seeing how much he looked like his brother, hearing his voice and being in his presence was the most surreal experience that he had ever had.

  The slurp of Arie’s mouth pulled him out of his thought for a moment. “Focus on me,” she demanded as her small hand surrounded his manhood.

  He glanced down at her bobbing head and pushed his hips forward.

  “Suck it harder,” he growled. “Suck it until I come.” Taking the cigarette out of his mouth to ash it out of the window, he pushed his foot down harder on the accelerator and looked out his rearview mirror.

  Dorian was barely keeping up, but he was sure from his elevated position, he could see what his sister was doing at the moment. Giving him head.

  Ivan bit his lip and laughed. “Watch your teeth,” he groaned.

  “Don’t tell me how to give head,” she said, raising her head.

  Ivan caught her before she could get up and pushed her back down. “Take it all,” he said, breathing hard. “And swallow every drop.”

  No matter how tasteless he chose to talk to Arie, deep inside his cold heart he was grateful for her actions. Only Arie knew how to hold his attention. Only she knew how to talk to him. Only she knew when he was troubled, even more so than his own blood. Arie paid attention to him, understood him and even nurtured him in her own sick way.

  Like right now, she got that after killing someone, the only thing he wanted to do was fuck someone else. He didn’t have to explain it to her, she just knew. But it was also strange to him, how he never tired of her or her simple body. While she was very attractive and her athletic build very stimulating, there was something else holding him captive.

  Her mind controlled his libido. Her thoughts assailed him every time she spoke about her dreams and her desires, because they were very much like his own. And other people, if they were privy to their conversations, would be outright repulsed.

  She was the only woman who could do it for him more than once. And whether he admitted it or not, he had feelings for her. In fact, she was the only woman that he’d actually kill for.

  The new emotion was alien to him, but he was slowly coming to grips with it.

  Easing his foot off the break, he could feel another familiar feeling approaching. The apex of her circular suction on his rock hard cock was approaching fast. Moving his hips around, he let his hand run down her short back and slip into the back of her pants. He slipped one long, cold digit in between her legs and dipped into her hot womb.

  She was soaking wet.

  As she squeezed her womb tight around his fingers, he came. And obediently, she sucked him dry.

  “Umm, thank you,” he moaned as she sat back up.

  Wiping her mouth, she rested her head back on the seat. “You’re welcome,” she said as if the entire thing had been nothing at all. To her, it had not been.

  But as soon as his orgasmic experience had ended, his father was right back in his head. Ivan pushed his foot down on the accelerator and moved faster. He had to get to the chateau and kill this man to get him out of his mind for good before the old bastard drove him crazy.


  Smirnov was amazed at how much he and his son were actually alike. Besides their physical appearance, they also shared the innate ability to unleash unbridled brutality with remarkable precision. It had only taken Dmitry ten minutes to fully compromise Smirnov’s entire t
eam, and secure the chateau. And he did it alone with such stealth-like, quiet movements until one would have sworn that more than just one man had done it all.

  When Dmitry was finished, he met Khalid in his father’s study. Walking into the door, he cleaned the large serrated-edged, knife with the end of his jacket and looked over at his father. “You’re next,” he said menacingly.

  “Well, get it over with then,” Smirnov said, raising his brow. “I’m tired of the theatrics. In my day, it was always thought to be rude to toy with your food.”

  Inwardly Dmitry agreed that this was dragging on, but he didn’t want to admit that there was something so intriguing about the man until he did not want to particularly kill him quickly. Plus, there were many things to sign over.

  Khalid was already working hard on the computer, typing in account numbers, transferring money, and printing documents.

  Smirnov sat tied and bound to a chair looking away from Khalid at the door. He still didn’t appear too shaken, even as his empire fell around him. However, he did seem to be curious.

  “Most of the major accounts have been drained,” Khalid informed Dmitry without looking up from the computer.

  “And how are you not sure that he’s draining all of my accounts into his own?” Smirnov asked Dmitry. “Do you already trust him so much? Are you that naïve?”

  Dmitry closed the door behind him and locked it. “He can take what he wants. A man deserves something for his allegiance. Nothing comes for free. Besides, you and I both know that you have plenty to go around.”

  “To the victor goes the spoils,” Smirnov taunted. “As I said before, you are very much like me.”

  “I am nothing like you,” Dmitry challenged.

  “We’ll need his signatures for the deeds,” Khalid said, stacking the papers that quickly printed from the printer. “I can have a friend notarize them and vouch for their legitimacy.”

  “How will you explain my sudden departure?” Smirnov asked.

  “As elusive as you are to the general public and even to most governments, I doubt that they will even notice your absence for a while. That will give me ample time to figure out how to explain your passing.” Dmitry had already thought of that and knew from experience that the easy part of any murder was the cover-up. The hard part was what was in front of him.

  A knock at the door interrupted the conversation and Dmitry only slightly took his eyes off his father to find out who it was.

  “Da,” he said without opening the door.

  “It’s me,” Ivan growled. “Let me in. I want to see the fucker.”

  Dmitry quickly opened the door and looked behind him. Arie and a few others had already posted up around the perimeter.

  “Ivan the horrid,” Smirnov said. “I’m willing to bet that you were my brother’s son.”

  Ivan sucked his teeth. “And what led you to that conclusion?”

  “You’re the least of the two,” Smirnov said with a chuckle as he looked between Ivan and Dmitry. “How could you be anything but…and with that dark hair, just like my dearly departed brother? It’s definitely comical. It’s like God spent all of his time creating myself and your brother and only spent a second on you and your father. Pity. We got the looks and the brains and the money and the women…no doubt.” He took a deep breath as he slowed his laugh. “God is funny sometimes.”

  “I don’t believe in God,” Ivan confessed as if he had one up on his self-professed uncle.

  “Well you’re more idiotic than you look,” Smirnov said, trying to cross his legs. He evidently had shortly forgotten that he was tied up. Giving up on the attempt, he sighed. “There is a God, a heaven for people unlike us and a hell for people just like us.” He clenched his jaw. “Why do you think that I’m not bothering to fight you? My time is up. The contract is due. But don’t worry. Infamy does not come cheap. It’ll be time for you to pay before long.”

  Smirnov words shook Dmitry to the core, but Ivan was on the other hand was completely unmoved. Ivan snarled. “Hocus pocus from an old scared man. I liked you a lot more before you started spouting off all of that religious nonsense.” He looked at his brother and shook his head. Why wasn’t he surprised that his brother believed every word. “And you’ve scared this one shitless. You both are a couple of superstitious idiots.”

  “Well, Dmitry,” Smirnov said, realizing he had tapped into the boy’s head. “Do you believe that I’m lying, or do you know what I’m saying to be true? Is this how you will start your contract off…slaughtering your father, taking his riches and enjoying his life? Just remember that the time will come for your seed to do the same.”

  “The Vor doesn’t allow for family. So, I won’t bother making one whether on purpose or otherwise. I doubt I’ll have to worry,” Dmitry answered, unwilling to share that he knew about a boy in Moscow who could possibly share his blood. “And it doesn’t matter what I believe…tonight, you die.”

  Smirnov raised his brow but did not say a word.

  Things had suddenly become far too tense. And even bound to a chair, Smirnov seemed to have far too much control of the situation. Dmitry needed a breath of fresh air. Hitting his brother on the shoulder, he put his hand on the doorknob. “Watch him. If he does anything, shoot him in his knees.”

  “With pleasure,” Ivan said, licking his lips.


  Dmitry felt dizzy. He had started this thing feeling vindicated and knowing that the revenge that he had taken for his mother was the right thing to do. But now, hearing his father’s words, regardless of the fact that they were only to spare his life, made it hard for him to carry the act out. However, if he didn’t kill him and kill him soon, then all of their lives would be endanger. There was no other answer. He had to follow through.

  He walked down the dark halls of the chateau, past the priceless artwork hanging on the walls and the antique vases and busts on the columns into the oblivion of his disheveled mind. He was breaking the code by killing his father. There would surely be men who wanted his head. But Khalid had said that the council was tired of him, sick of protecting him, angered by his growing antics. Then there was the NightStar project, reason enough for the man to be killed. And yet, the idea of killing his father was as grotesque as the thought of killing his brother. Perhaps he was just a gutter rat? Sure, he had always thought himself to be more than that, but what about his actions, they weren’t noble in the least bit.

  People had put him here because they knew what he was, even if he wanted to deny it…Catherine, Khalid… even his own mother had a part to play. But regardless of who had led him to this point, he was a man and the decision would ultimately be his.

  And so would the consequences.

  Feeling the pull of his obligations directing him back to his father’s study, he stopped in his tracks and turned out of the darkness and began to walk towards the light. He hoped that was a sign. God in Heaven knew that he sure needed one at the moment.


  Ivan was happy to have a moment with the old man by himself. He bent down, holding his hands on his knees and looked him in his eyes. “What are you thinking right now?” Ivan asked curiously.

  “I’m thinking that you won’t be around long enough to enjoy the empire that your brother is taking over. I’m thinking that’s a waste.”

  Khalid stopped typing and looked over at Ivan with a warning look. “Better stop him from talking now. He’s got a slippery tongue.”

  “Are you a snake?” Ivan taunted.

  “No more than anyone else…I just call it like I see it. And you want to know what I see in you?”

  “Da, I guess I do,” Ivan answered.

  “Enormous potential wasted on a brother that will never see you as his equal.”

  Ivan’s eyes narrowed.

  “Oh, so you’ve heard this before,” Smirnov said with a smirk. “How many times have your gifts been underplayed because of your big brother? How many times have you been over looked?”

an thought of Davyd and instantly became infuriated. “What do you know?”

  “Much more than you think,” Smirnov said with a devious glare. “What do I have to lose by telling you the truth? I’m about to die…remember?”

  “I would stop him now,” Khalid finally said.

  “Hey, you…shut your mouth and type or…whatever,” Ivan snapped at Khalid. He looked back at Smirnov. “Go on.”

  “He’s taking everything, and I don’t recall your name coming up once. He’s even giving a little to…” Smirnov nodded Khalid’s way, “to the little suka over there who stabbed me in the back. Imagine if one of your men did that. Would they be rewarded with billions?”

  “Dmitry will give me mine. That I can guarantee,” Ivan said enraged. He looked over at Khalid. “So, why did you kill my father?”


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