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Coral Hearts

Page 16

by Avery Gale

  His fear for Coral was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Fuck, when did the diner and hardware store move so damned far from one another? Before they reached the small store, the unmistakable crack of a rifle filled the air. A blinding rage filled Sage causing him to stumble, he was grateful for Brandt’s quick reflexes. His brother had fisted the back of his jacket keeping him from going down face first. “Christ Sage, keep your feet under you, man.” Not all of us trained in the Special Forces, little brother. Some of us are mere mortals.

  Bursting through the front door, Sage sucked in a breath—it looked like a small bomb had gone off. Sage was certain his heart had stopped when he saw Coral crumpled on the floor next to a screaming man he knew was Donny Sanders. The sewage spewing from the man was enough to make a sailor blush. Brandt stepped close to Sanders yanking him to his feet before hauling him away from Coral. All Sage heard was Brant’s growled, “I don’t give a shit about your shoulder. Suck it up and shut the fuck up before I shoot you myself.” Before they disappeared around the corner, Sage heard Brandt bark, “Why the fuck did you just wing him, Charlotte? Christ you’ve never missed a hit.” Hit?

  “Wasn’t my fault. He didn’t let her go and he jerked when she cut him. Did you hear all that whining? Christ, it’s just a wing-shot. What a pussy.” Sage might have found Charlotte’s frustration funny if he hadn’t been so worried about Coral. “I could have gotten him with a second shot…but, those are harder to explain, Brant, you know that.” He’d checked Coral’s pulse, sagging in relief when it pounded steadily beneath his fingers. Sage shook his head at Charlotte’s antics as he started pulling the larger pieces of broken crystal from her hair, and gently brushing smaller pieces from her face.

  By the time Sage stood up cradling Coral in his arms, he could hear the sirens approaching and he sighed in relief. Charlotte’s voice sounded from beside him, “She’s alright, you know. I don’t hit anything I ain’t aiming for…although I did intend to hit him a bit more centered if you know what I mean.” She’d jerked her head in Sanders direction, still looking disgusted at the way the man was complaining. Returning her attention to them, Charlotte looked down at Coral and smiled, “But that ornery girl got all pissy when he said something about hurting me, and she sliced him with the box-cutter.” He could hear the admiration in Charlotte’s voice. She shook her head, “Ass hat jerked to the side at the last second—dang it.”

  Sage looked down at Charlotte, the woman he’d known all his life and had always considered tough as nails, was standing there with big tears in her eyes. When he grinned at her she shrugged, “What can I say? I really wanna be in that wedding, and I wasn’t about to let that pile of roach crap screw it up.” She’d waved toward the front of the store where Sanders was slumped on the floor—completely silent, blood pouring from his nose. Sage wanted to laugh out loud—obviously Brandt had gotten tired of listening the prick’s ranting and administered a little knuckle anesthetic. Looking back down at Charlotte, her wrinkled fingers were softly tracing along the side of Coral’s pale face. “Besides, she’s my girl. And I wasn’t letting him leave here with her that was for sure.”

  Sage was relieved to see Coral’s eyelids flutter open. She looked up at him, but he was sure she hadn’t actually seen him. His relief was short-lived when she started thrashing in his arms as if she was being pursued by the devil himself. She obviously hadn’t registered who was holding her, but his barked command to “Stop!” stilled her. Coral’s eyes finally focused on his face, but the recognition was followed by a flash of fear.

  “Charlotte? Where is Charlotte? Oh my God, is she alright?” That was his Coral, always thinking of someone else first. He set her on the front counter, but didn’t take his hands off her. He blocked her view of the paramedics wheeling Sanders out to the waiting ambulance, and hoped Brandt could stem the flow of people pouring into the store until Coral was more settled. He knew she was in shock and she wouldn’t want to be that vulnerable in public.

  “Sweetness, Charlotte is just fine. She is right over there talking to Brandt.” He tried to step to her side, but she clung to him like a frightened child. He wasn’t about to deny her or himself the comfort of cuddling her against his chest despite a second set of paramedics’ attempts to assess her for injuries.

  “He was going to kill me but I saw Charlotte with a big-ass gun in the reflection of a mirror, and she said to drop on three, but his hands were so tight I couldn’t drop, and he said Mackenzie helped him, and he told me he’d kill Charlotte if I didn’t go with him quietly…and I didn’t want him to hurt Charlotte…I didn’t care about Mackenzie…she’s vile…but then, well, I got so mad I sort of lost it and I cut him and he let go and I dropped and then I heard a loud crack, like lightning hitting right beside me and glass went everywhere.” Honest to God, Sage had no clue how she’d managed to say it all without taking a single breath. Incredible.

  Laughter sounded from next to him, Sage looked up into Colt’s smiling face. “Holy shit sweetness, that was damned impressive. I’m thinkin’ it might have even been some sort of world record.” He looked to his right nodding his head. “Look over there. Now this is really is going to be entertaining. Brandt is trying to take Charlotte’s rifle in as evidence. She has a big bear hunt planned for the week after the wedding and she isn’t going to up her prized Marlin 4570 without a fight.” Colt stepped closer and leaning closer to Coral, kissed her forehead before whispering, “She probably has a dozen of ’em, but just you watch—she’s going to swear this is her one and only.” Coral’s lips curved up at the corners and Sage was grateful for Colt’s insight. He’d seen a way to diffuse Coral’s escalating stress, and it had worked perfectly.

  Neither he, nor Colt had missed Coral’s comment about Mackenzie, but before he could question her about it, Phoenix and Kip came running through the front door. Both men scanned the small group of people and Sage saw them both sag in relief when they saw Coral. Phoenix surprised everyone by being the first to reach her and pulling her off the counter and into his arms. Holding her tight against his chest, he breathed out, “Oh little one, don’t you ever scare me like that again or I swear I’ll paddle you myself. I always wanted a sister and I’m not giving you up, you got that?” The rest of the Morgan brothers stood by in stunned disbelief as the least dominant of them transformed into Uber-Dom right before their eyes. When Phoenix looked up as he handed her off to Kip, he shrugged. “She needs to take better care of herself. I like her and I don’t like very many people, okay?”

  Sage heard a giggle and looked at Coral to see her eyes fill with tears despite the soft laughter beginning to surface. Kip gave her a quick hug and moved her right back into Sage’s arms. Brandt leaned over studying her closely before nodding to him. “Adrenaline crash in fifteen. You better get her home quick.”

  Sage didn’t need to be told twice. He tossed his keys to Kip and simply said, “Let’s go.” One of his youngest brother’s claims to fame was his need for speed and he didn’t disappoint—they made it home in record time. Within minutes Sage managed to carry her inside, strip them both, and get into the shower. Coral had called it an oasis, he’d seen her retreat into the rock and plant lined enclosure when she’d needed to relax. It was the obvious choice now when he needed her mind as settled as possible before her body bottomed out.

  Massaging her tight shoulder muscles he thought back to the moment of terror he’d felt when he heard the unmistakable crack of a rifle. And seeing her crumbled form lying on the floor had nearly given him a heart attack. God, if you’re listening—thank you for keeping her safe, but holy hell, please don’t ever do that to me again.

  Pulling her close he wondered if he’d ever be able to let her out of his sight again. He heard her sniff, but this time he was actually relieved to see her tears because it meant she was still engaged emotionally. Brandt had sent him numerous texts while they’d been driving home detailing she signs and symptoms of an adrenaline crash, so Sage knew what he was seeing was
normal and all things considered she was holding up remarkably well. Sage shook his head, hell, his little brother acted like he didn’t have a lick of sense—the texts from Brandt had been so detailed it had almost been like reading from a “Medical Issues for Dummies.” Talk about overkill. But he also understood it had been Brandt’s way of looking out for Coral when he couldn’t actually be at the house with them.

  Turning her around, he looked down at her and smiled. God, her eyes were impossibly large and filled with so many competing emotions Sage wondered if he was really equipped to help her navigate the troubled waters ahead.

  “Just love me. That’s all I need from you Sage. I just need you to love the memory away.”

  Sage’s knees almost buckled at her soft words, but he managed to stay focused on the woman standing before him. Realization slammed into him full force—it was the only thing she’d ever asked of him. All she had EVER wanted was to be loved. There wasn’t anything in the world he wouldn’t have been willing to buy for her, nothing would ever have been too much…yet all she’d wanted was his love. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss against her forehead, “Well, my love, I can certainly do that.”

  Coral felt Sage’s hands moving over every inch of her body with such deliberation she wondered if he was trying to memorize each contour and curve as she lie spread out on their bed. And then she recognized what he was doing…this was about his need to reassure himself she really was okay. She had a few nicks from the broken glass, but nothing requiring stitches and a very few small cuts that had even needed bandages.

  Every stroke of his hands fueled the burning need building inside her, it was if his touch alone could light up her body from the inside sending spears of desire from her heart to every single one of her erogenous zones. All of her fears melted into need as he stoked the fires of passion. Soon the only thought in her mind was her overwhelming desire to feel his hard cock sliding deep inside her.

  Coral didn’t even try to hold back her moans and sighs, his touch was the perfect distraction. When she finally started begging with words, he positioned himself above her staring into her eyes. “You scared ten years off my life today, baby. I would love to make slow sweet love to you, but the truth is I don’t think I can. I’m going to fuck you hard and fast because I need to find a way to expend all this pent up energy. And I need to feel you shatter in my arms.”

  He must have seen the recognition in her eyes when she nodded in understanding, it was all the permission he’d needed. He pushed in just enough to test her readiness. “So wet, always so ready for me.” Coral felt her body respond to his words as juices bathed the tip of his cock, easing his way. “Fuck me you are so deliciously wet, love. Your pussy is so hot, you are burning me up, pet.” He sank in all the way and she relished the way the bulging veins on his engorged cock stimulated the sensitive walls of her sheath. She was looking forward to learning more about the D/s lifestyle, she was particularly looking forward to her first visit to one of the clubs she’d heard him talk about. But right now, all she wanted was to surrender herself into his care. Her body was his to command. Coral was surprised at the huge sense of relief she felt once she let everything go and put herself completely into his care.

  She knew the sexual Dominant in Sage would sense her surrender, it would sooth the desperation he felt to know without any doubt she was indeed safe. Her needs were much simpler—she simply wanted to feel safe wrapped in his arms. She needed to give herself to him—to let him control this moment, but most of all she needed to feel loved and cherished. Pushing all the day’s stress aside, Coral forced all of the fear to the back of her mind and vowed to simply live in this moment.

  Brandt stared at his phone completely stunned by the text he’s just received. Ask Sanders about connection to Mac. Surely Sage wasn’t serious—Brandt couldn’t imagine how the two of most disgusting and vile people he knew could have managed to connect with one another. He started to tap out a response questioning his brother’s sanity until he remembered hearing through the grapevine that Mackenzie had dated a sheriff’s deputy in Denver. Had she used the connection to gather information on Coral? It was certainly possible. Hell, he’d gotten a lot of information pretty easily so he knew it could be done—and Mackenzie would have been highly motivated if she saw her meal-ticket slipping away. Brandt had never believed Mackenzie Leigh had given up on marrying Sage, but this would be a new low—even for her.

  Donny Sander’s shoulder wound was superficial and he’d been treated and released quickly from the local hospital. Brandt leaned back in his chair and stared at the small screen monitoring the jail’s newest resident’s cell. Shaking his head in disbelief, Brandt typed in the commands to record both sound and video—perhaps Mr. Sanders would be in the mood to chat.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Standing at the top of the stairs, Coral gasped as she looked down over the beautifully decorated scene in front of her. The banister was wrapped in pine boughs tied with off-white and burgundy bows, the muted white lights twinkling deep in the branches added a sparkle that reminded Coral of the way moonlight seemed to love dancing on the snow covered branches at night. Sage had taken her on a moonlight horseback ride a few nights ago, when he’d pointed it out to her, she’d been mesmerized by the way the trees seemed to shimmer.

  Stepping off the last step of the split log staircase, Coral smiled when she noticed her path was illuminated by winding parallel rows of tiny flameless candles. The message wasn’t lost on her, Sage had made certain she’d be able to find her way to him. Stopping when she reached the edge of the living room, she let her eyes move around the large room. She basked in the glow of what had to be at least a hundred candles, marveling at the way everything seemed to take on a luminescence—it was almost otherworldly in its beauty.

  The soft strains of a piano playing, From This Moment faded into the background when her gaze locked with Sage’s. His dark eyes flared as his gaze traveled over her body, and she could have sworn she could feel the heat—as if he was actually touching her, and Coral felt her body heat in response. She saw the corners of his lips turn up—he obviously knew exactly what he’d done to her—rat fink. Sage was standing in front of the stone fireplace, the mantle beautifully decorated to serve as their alter. He was waiting patiently for her, letting her enjoy every moment of this special evening. His indulgence filled her heart with so much love the tsunami of emotions froze her in place. She couldn’t move, God, she could barely breath. As if he understood where her mind had gone, he gave her the sexy half-smile that always made her melt as he held out his hand and mouthed the words, Come to me, pet. The simple gesture pulled her back to awareness and before her mind could catch up, her feet were already moving.

  Sage’s bright white western cut shirt highlighted his tanned skin and dark hair—God in heaven he’s hot and he’s mine…all mine! All four of his brothers stood by his side, dressed in deep burgundy western shirts and dark jeans. Coral hadn’t wanted a formal ceremony, preferring something personal that reflected the family’s humble way of living their lives. Expensive trappings weren’t what made a marriage strong, she’d told Patsy she wanted everyone to leave with wonderful memories not an engraved knick-knack they’d take home and tuck in a drawer.

  Charlotte’s dress matched the brothers’ burgundy shirts, its soft fabric shimmering in the low light. The elderly woman’s face opened in a huge smile as Coral approached. Charlotte had grinned unapologetically when Coral confronted her about her financial status. When Coral asked her why she’d kept her in the dark, the ornery woman had actually giggled. “Well, at first I wasn’t sure you weren’t playing me, and then…well, by the time I got to know you better and knew you were sincere it was too late.” Charlotte’s eyes had shined with unshed tears and she’d grasped Coral’s hand across the table where they’d been enjoying coffee. “After my Walt died, lots of folks thought they’d buddy-up with me because of the money. But you liked me for me, not because of the money.” Coral was glad
she hadn’t known, because they’d both needed to know their friendship was genuine.

  When she reached the end of the short aisle, Coral turned to kiss and hug Sage’s mother and father. They’d been so wonderful to her, making her feel like she was a part of their family from the very beginning. Moving on to Charlotte, she pulled her into a hug and whispered, “Thank you for being my friend. I’ll never forget—every blessing, every moment of joy in my future will stem directly from the moment you gave me a safe place to learn how to live…a shelter in the storm where I could find everything I’d ever dreamt of. I’ll always be grateful.” When she pulled back there were tears streaming down Charlotte’s face.

  Turning to Sage, she fought the urge to throw herself into his arms. When he looked down into her eyes, Coral practically melted. Those beautiful windows to his soul were filled with a mixture of love, pride, and concern that rocked her to her to the depths of her soul. “Are you okay, love?” When she nodded the first tear of joy escaped to race down her cheek. He leaned forward and kissed it away. “Don’t cry, baby.”

  “These are tears of joy and gratitude. I want to take it all in—I don’t want to miss a single moment.”

  Leaning forward, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I promise to fill your life with precious memories. Now, let’s get started on that, shall we?” She nodded and felt a goofy grin move over her face. She listened to the minister’s sweet words as he joined them as man and wife, grateful they’d chosen to recite traditional vows. Looking up at Sage, pledging to love him until her last breath filled her with a sense of purpose that made her heart stutter, she’d never made a promise she meant more.

  Before the ceremony concluded, Sage leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. When he stepped back, she was surprised to see his brothers had formed a semi-circle around them. Colt was the first to step forward, he lifted her hand and clasped a beautiful gold bracelet around her wrist. Holding her hand between his own, he looked down at her and smiled. “This chain represents the links of family and the strength we give each other. None of us are as strong individually as we are together.”


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