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No Prisoners MC Box Set

Page 21

by Lilly Atlas

  Before he released her face he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. Lila wanted him to kiss her for real, to make her forget about what happened for just a few minutes, but it would have to wait for later, if it happened at all. She smiled at him, and took his hand, gripping it tight as she turned her focus back to Detective Marks who watched their interaction with undisguised curiosity.

  Lila ignored his expression. “So, as I said, I was heading to my office to do some paperwork. I stepped in and closed the door, but my back was to it the whole time. He must have been hiding behind the door because the second it closed he was on me.”

  “You sure it was a he?” asked the detective.

  The question surprised her, but she didn’t have to think about it for long. “It was a deep voice, and he was taller than I was. And stronger. I’m confident it was a man.”

  Waves of anger were radiating from Striker, so she squeezed his hand. “He grabbed the back of my neck, and slammed me face first against the wall. His hand was large, and reached almost all the way around my neck which is why I have bruises on the front.” She absently ran her free hand over her bruised throat. “Anyway, he held me there and told me he’d been watching me. I don’t remember screaming, but I must have because Dr. Knox rushed in to check on me. The man released me immediately, shoved Dr. Knox out of the way, and took off.”

  “You never saw his face, correct?”

  “I didn’t. I wasn’t ever face to face with him, but I heard a few people say they saw a man in a ski mask run out of here. After he left, a number of staff members rushed in, and someone called nine-one-one.”

  Marks studied her for a few seconds before he shifted his attention to Striker. Lila could practically see the accusations forming in his head, but all he said was, “Thank you for your cooperation, Dr. Emerson. I’m glad you’re mostly unharmed. We will be in touch with you soon, let me know if you think of anything else. Sometimes additional details come to you once you’ve had time to process. My card.” He handed her a business card.

  She stuck the card into her pocket as he turned to exit the room. “Thank you for your help, Detective.”

  The detective turned back to her, nodded once then left them alone. Striker stepped in front of her, and captured her face in his hands once again. She sensed a battle waging in him between his immense fury and concern for her. With a gentle touch, he drew her face toward his own, and captured her lips in a kiss designed to soothe rather than arouse. Lila felt the emotion he poured into the kiss, and her heart stuttered in her chest. This man was quickly becoming vital to her, and she wasn’t sure what to do about it.

  Striker pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, sliding one hand around the back of her neck as the other stroked down her spine. “Scared me, baby.”

  Lila didn’t respond, the moment felt so intimate and emotionally charged, she was afraid she’d break down. Somehow she’d managed to hold it together this far. At some point the tears would come, but she wanted to be away from the hospital before she gave into them.

  Striker shifted his head so his lips were against her ear. “Someone may be outside that door listening, so the second we get home, you’re telling me the rest of that story. Don’t think I couldn’t tell you were holding out on that detective.”

  “I have no plans to keep anything from you. I just knew you wouldn’t want the cops to hear it all. By the way, I’m in. Tell Shiv I’ll take the deal. I need the protection,” she whispered back.

  He nodded, helped her down from the plinth, and guided her out of the building to where his brothers waited. She watched his tense face as they walked outside. What was between them would certainly end in heartache, but Lila was through suppressing the desire she had for Striker. Over the past few days they’d begun to form an emotional bond as well as their physical attraction, and she was eager to see where it would lead.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Striker was grateful for the thirty-minute trip to his house, it gave him time to get himself in check. A white-hot rage had coursed through him the moment he glimpsed the purple bruising around the delicate skin of Lila’s throat. Her neck had been so soft and enticing the day he held her on his deck, he hadn’t been able to resist brushing his lips all over it. The thought of someone squeezing that supple flesh until it bruised had him ready to kill.

  The club needed to get serious about eliminating the threat against her. Jester informed him Shiv had called a meeting for the following morning, knowing Striker would want to be there for Lila tonight.

  Now, he sat in his house with Lila, Jester, and Acer. Gumby went back to the clubhouse to provide Shiv with details they hadn’t wanted to talk about over the phone. Lila was resting on one end of the couch with Acer on the other, while Striker paced in front of the television, full of agitated energy.

  Jester emerged from the kitchen with a glass in his hand. He plopped his large frame down on the coffee table directly in front of Lila, so close their knees collided, and handed her the glass. “Here, baby doll, this will help.”

  “What is it?”


  Lila took a healthy sip, and coughed as the liquid took a fiery trip down to her stomach. “Whoa, not used to that.”

  Not in the mood to indulge them, Striker stopped pacing and cut right to it. “I want the rest of the story, now.”

  Lila nodded at him and didn’t mince words. “It was a Grimm Brother.”

  “You sure about that, Stitch? You need to be very certain, because there will be fallout.” Jester leaned in to rest his hands on her knees as he spoke to her.

  Lila’s gaze shifted between Striker and Jester. “I’m as sure as I can be. I saw one of his hands, it had a tattoo that said Grimm, one letter on each knuckle.” As she spoke she absently rubbed at her neck as though remembering his hands on her. The gesture ignited the anger in Striker once again.

  Acer, who had remained silent through most of this, spoke up from his spot at the opposite end of the couch. “That’s them, they all have that tat. Shit, this is gonna get ugly.”

  Striker walked over and shoved between Lila and Jester, whose hands still rested on her knees. “Get your fucking hands off her, brother.”

  Jester straightened, a smirk on his face, and he raised his hands in mock surrender, while Lila bit her bottom lip and shook with the force of her suppressed laughter.

  “These two are about to leave so you can rest and relax for the rest of the day.” He knew he was being a dick, but seeing her finger those bruises pissed him off. Striker had a feeling there was still some detail Lila was holding back. He needed to get it out of her, and hoped she’d open up once they were alone.

  “Guess that’s our cue.” Acer rose from the couch, and circled behind it to make his way toward the door for the door with Jester right on his heels. Striker’s eyes narrowed as Acer dropped a kiss on Lila’s head as he passed by. “You’re made of tough stuff, honey.”

  Lila looked up and smiled at them as they exited. “Thank you both for being there today.”

  The second the door closed behind his brothers, Striker sunk down on the couch next to Lila, then turned and assessed her. She was so beautiful, even bruised and scared. “Okay, babe, time to come out with the rest of it.”

  “What do you mean?” Lila looked everywhere but at him.

  “I know there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  She rose from the couch to bring her now empty glass into the kitchen, and he followed. When he got there he found her standing at the sink staring out the window at the shimmering lake. Striker slid behind her, and gently boxed her in, his hands resting on the edge of the sink on either side of her body. After the ordeal she had today, he was worried about startling her so he kept his voice soft, and didn’t touch her. “I need you to tell me the rest, Lila. None of this is on you, but I have to know what we are dealing with, so I can keep you safe.”

  She turned and faced him, placing her hands on his chest
. Striker took it as an invitation to close his arms around her and hold her. Her body quivered slightly in his embrace. With a gentle squeeze, he rested his forehead against hers. “Please tell me, baby.”

  “Okay.” He watched her close her eyes as though it would be easier to say behind a curtain of darkness. “When he had me against the wall with his hand on my throat his other hand came around and under my shirt. Then he, well, he touched me.” She paused as her voice caught, and took a deep breath as though inhaling the courage to continue. “He stuck his hand in my bra and squeezed my breast, hard. I was so scared he was going to do more. If Dr. Knox hadn’t heard me scream…”

  Striker didn’t know what was worse, hearing her words or watching tears track down her cheeks as she let the sentence hang. He felt more than just protective of her, he felt possessive, and the feeling had risen fast and with intensity. He had no right to think this way, but the thought of another man touching this woman was unacceptable. He needed all his strength to prevent his own hands from trembling with fury. “Did he leave a mark on you?” His voice sounded tight, even to his own ears.

  Lila nodded and opened her eyes, which were red with tears. “I have a few bruises.”

  That statement was his breaking point. He stared at her with cold, furious eyes. “He’s a fucking dead man.” The need to know she was truly unharmed was stronger than his need to breathe, and he grabbed for the hem of her scrub top, attempting to lift it over her breasts.

  “Striker! What are you doing?” Lila slapped at his hands, and tried to wrestle her shirt away from him. “Stop it. Are you crazy?”

  “I need to see, I need to make sure you aren’t hurt, see for myself.” He couldn’t keep the frantic need out of his voice.

  “Hey.” Lila put her hands on his face, and forced him to look at her. “I’m ok, I’m a doctor, and I’m fine. Plus, I do not want the first time you see me naked to be because you are checking out my bruises.”

  Her assertion brought some sanity back, and he chuckled softly as he stroked his hands up and down her back. “Point taken, gorgeous. Why don’t you go take a long, hot shower while I make us something to eat?”

  In a move that floored him, Lila grabbed the edges of his cut and pulled him closer to her. “Why don’t you take one with me?”

  The air in the room thickened at Lila’s request. Striker, who had been semi erect just standing near her, hardened in a nearly painful rush. There was nothing he wanted more than to follow her into that shower, bury himself in her wet heat, and make them both forget the stress of the day. He’d been dreaming of running his hands over her soapy body, and listening to her moan as he pleasured her. But something stronger than sex alone was happening between them, and, for the first time in his adult life, he cared about a woman beyond the physical. Dragging her farther into his world would be a mistake that could destroy them both.

  With a gentle hold, he removed her hands from his cut. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I’m not sure if this is a good idea, Lila.” As he stared at her eyes, which no longer had tears, but were bright with desire, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to resist what she offered.

  “I’ve already gone over all the reasons this is a bad idea in my head, a thousand times.” She shook her head and let out a small huff. “But I haven’t found one that trumps how much I want you.” Her voice was breathless with need, but steady and she tried to reach for him again.

  “Wait, let me finish. I gotta lay it all out for you first, I need you to know who I am.” He let go and took a step away from her. It wouldn’t be possible to say what he needed to say while he was touching her, especially if she decided she couldn’t be with him.

  “All right, but, Striker, I know who you are.”

  “You may think you do, but I need to be sure. This life I live is rough, babe, it’s raw and dangerous at times. And you’ll be meshing into my world; I can’t leave mine for yours. Not trying to be an ass, but that’s just the MC way. It’s who I am, it’s in my bones, and will be until I’m six feet under. I can guarantee I’m not like any preppy DC guy you’ve dated in the past. You need to be good with that, and good with me. I’m not one to hold your hand while we stroll down the street and window shop. I won’t sweetly make love to you like you’re made of glass. I’ve got too much need for you to be gentle. If we do this I’m going to fuck you until you’re screaming, until you can’t walk tomorrow. I like it hard, and fast, and I like to be in control.”

  He tried to scare her away, give her one last out because he knew he did not have the strength to walk away from her at this point. She was too decent for his world, but he was a selfish bastard, and if she didn’t want this she would have to be the one to end it, to leave. He wasn’t going anywhere.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lila saw right through him. Striker was stepping back to distance himself, trying to scare her away. His words should have done just that; he was right, his world was so far beyond her experience she should run in the opposite direction. Striker had stated his intent. He wanted more than tonight, he wanted her in his bed and in his life. This would be the last straw for her family, they’d disown her for sure, but that was the least of the potential troubles on the horizon.

  It may be insanity, but Lila craved him, and instead of driving her away, his promises aroused her. She wanted exactly what he was offering, wanted to explore the intense passion brewing between them. Even if it ended in disaster, at least she’d have the memories of what it felt like to be desired by a man like Striker. His brand of alpha male was something she’d never experienced in her high society conservative life. She’d be a fool to pass it up. “Striker, I want you. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything, ever. I want everything you have to give me any way you want to give it to me.”

  The last word barely left her mouth before he slammed his lips on hers in a kiss meant to fry her brain. There was no teasing, no warm up, only intensity. Lila opened her mouth to him and she tangled her tongue with his as her hands slid up into his hair, to keep him exactly where she wanted him. Her nipples hardened, and her panties flooded with need. As promised, he wasn’t gentle. His arms wrapped around her body in a crushing embrace as his mouth kissed her senseless.

  Time stood still as Lila moved her hands down his back. The wide expanse of firm muscle shifted beneath her hands and she marveled at the powerful male animal under her fingertips. As suddenly as it began, he ripped his mouth away, and dragged her toward the bathroom.

  Without breaking contact, Striker shoved the shower door open, reached in and turned on the spray. As Lila stood there, a flutter of nerves bloomed in her stomach, and she was suddenly very aware of the disparity in their experience levels. “Striker, I haven’t been—”

  He stepped closer, and placed a finger over her lips. “I didn’t ask for a resume, Lila. I want you so bad I’ve jerked off more times since you’ve been in my house than I have in the last five years combined. Besides, I told you I like to be in control, so I have no problem running the show.”

  He reached for the hem of her shirt, and this time she gladly let him draw it over her head. She had on a simple black bra, nothing overly sexy since she had been at work, but the way his eyes dilated told her he thought differently. “I’ve been dying to see you like this.”

  The room warmed and filled with steam, adding to the seductive ambiance. Nerves that had been present seconds ago fled when Striker reassured her of his desire. Lila reached back and unhooked her bra, and extended her arms to let it tumble to the floor.

  With a greedy gleam, Striker did a slow perusal of her body until he caught sight of the bruises. His jaw clenched and his face clouded with an emotion she couldn’t read. Striker dipped his head and pressed his lips to the side of Lila’s breast, directly over one of the marks. The kiss was so light, she barely felt the brush of his lips against her fevered skin.

  Lila gazed down at the dominant man showering her with gentle care, and her heart stuttered in her
chest while her throat thickened. She sifted a hand through the soft strands of his hair, wanting to return some of the tenderness. “Striker,” she whispered. “I’m okay. Really, I am.”

  “I hate that some man touched you like this, intending to hurt you.” His words were spoken in the same quiet tone she’d used. “I promise you, he will not get away with it.”

  He repeated the kiss over the other two round purple marks on her skin, even though it was more soothing than sexual, Lila’s nipples puckered with need. “Let’s not make this about him right now. I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

  “I’ve been dreaming about seeing and tasting your tits for weeks. And they’re beautiful by the way. I’ll do my best to keep my mind on the task at hand for now, and worry about trouble later.”

  In a move that stunned her, Striker dropped to his knees at her feet and yanked her pants down. Lila didn’t know what to do with herself so she just stared, mesmerized by the powerful man on the floor in front of her. He shifted his gaze upward and their eyes met as he hooked his fingers in the sides of her silky black bikini panties, and began to draw them down her legs.

  When he reached her ankles, he rasped, “Step out.” His voice was strained, almost hoarse.

  Lila obeyed immediately, and watched as his gaze left her face to travel down her body. Every inch of skin he looked at tingled as though he’d caressed her with his hands. He rubbed her legs with his strong palms, gliding them from her calves up to her hips. Her skin felt seared by his long fingers where they gripped her flesh. She had to touch him, and the only place she could reach was his head so she slid her fingers through his hair, and scored her nails over his scalp.

  Striker’s lids drifted closed, and Lila knew he enjoyed her touch when a gruff sound of pleasure escaped his lips. One hand slowly traveled from her hip across her body to her center and dipped into her. Sensation rocked through her, driving a gasp from her lips, and her hands automatically tightened in his hair. His eyes lifted back to hers as he lightly stroked her. “You’re so wet baby.” He groaned.


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