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No Prisoners MC Box Set

Page 58

by Lilly Atlas

  Before she had time to recover, his hands were on her. He tore her tank top straight down the center. It had a built in bra, and she was now bare to him from the waist up. He licked his thin lips, and Emily almost vomited.

  Tears leaked from her eyes, and while she hated for Casper to see them, she couldn’t stop them. She grabbed the edges of her tattered shirt and held them closed. “Don’t,” she whispered as he stepped closer.

  “That’s better.” He grabbed the torn shirt and pulled. She was no match for his strength and the material was ripped from her fingers and tossed to the ground.

  Before she had time to react, he fisted her hair in his hand and yanked her head back. His mouth crashed into her and his opposite hand closed over her breast. Casper’s touch was harsh and revolting, and with no thought beyond getting his mouth off of her, Emily bit down on his lip, hard.

  With a violent curse, Casper jerked back and released Emily’s hair. “That was very foolish.” He pinned her to the wall with his upper body, the bony ridges of his chest crushing her breasts. She tried to raise a knee and render him sterile, but his hands had moved to his pants and he swatted her away as though she were a gnat.

  The heavy footsteps of a man descending the stairs drowned out the sound of Casper’s zipper opening. He froze and stopped his advances as the thudding grew louder with each step.

  Emily blew out a breath. What did it say about how terrifying her life had become that she was actually relieved to see Snake?

  He stepped off the stairs and strode toward Casper. Emily was still flattened against the wall, her shoulder blades digging so hard into the concrete, she might leave behind an imprint of her body when she finally moved away. Casper’s body still crushed hers, but he no longer had a hand on her breast.

  Snake’s nostrils were flared and his eyes were wild. Anger didn’t begin to describe the look on his face.

  “Leave us,” Snake hissed.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Jester peered around the front of the rotted out house then turned back toward Acer, who stood on the same side of the house, only at the opposite end. He held up one finger indicating only one guard outside the door.

  Acer nodded and inched forward.

  The broken down house was poorly guarded. The majority of the Grimms were probably back at the clubhouse losing their shit and trying to come up with a plan to recover their stolen money. Looked like just a few unlucky prospects had been ordered to guard Emily.

  If she was even here at all.

  Jester shoved that thought away. She had to be here. That was the bottom line.

  He wrapped his right hand around the barrel of his gun and, as quietly as possible for a man his size, crept around to the front of the house. If this guard was one of Jester’s men, he’d beat the shit out of him for his stupidity.

  The prospect stood at the edge of a small concrete patio, facing the opposite side of the house. His jeans were around his knees and he whistled while he pissed in the sand, totally unaware of his surroundings.

  Without a sound, Jester slunk closer. When he was two feet away, he lifted his right arm over his head and brought the butt of the gun down with the strength of an elephant. One second before the gun would have connected with the prospect’s head, the man sensed his presence and turned, peeing dick and all.

  “Shit!” Jester jumped to the side to avoid the spray and still managed to land his gun on the prospect’s head, but not with enough force to knock him out.

  Frazzled at being caught with his dick in his hands, literally, the prospect scrambled to cover himself. Jester dropped his weapon and plowed a fist into the man’s face. He dropped like a stone in a puddle of his own urine.

  “Didn’t know golden showers were your thing, bro.”

  Not as aware of his own surroundings as he should have been, Jester jumped. “Shut the fuck up and get in the house.”

  Hook, Gumby, and Striker joined them at the door. Ten others formed a perimeter around the house. They came prepared, over prepared from the looks of it.

  Acer looked over his shoulder at Gumby. “Ready, rubber boy?”

  Gumby nodded. “Ready, trust fund baby.”

  At any other time, Jester would have appreciated their attempt at levity. Now his heart raced with a combination of dread and anticipation. They all needed to shut up and get down to business.

  “Shut it and go,” ordered Striker.

  Acer nodded and rammed his foot against the door knob. This house was so old, and in such poor condition, the entire door collapsed in, hitting a startled Casper.

  “What the fu—”

  “Got him,” Gumby called out. He shoved the door off Casper and secured his hands behind his back with zip ties. Gumby could have taken him down no problem, but having Casper knocked to the floor by the door just made his job easier.

  “Here.” Striker tossed Gumby a roll of duct tape.

  “Thanks, brother.” In seconds Gumby had Casper secured with tape over his mouth and ties on his feet as well as his hands.

  Jester and Acer scanned the room, guns drawn, prepared for an attack that never came. A high-pitched shriek rose from behind a door. Jester bolted toward the sound.

  Any momentary reprieve Emily felt at Snake’s arrival vanished like a ghost at his glower.

  He grabbed her by the arms and yanked her to him. “Do you have any fucking idea what you cost me today, bitch?”

  Spittle landed on her face and she flinched, but didn’t speak. Twenty seconds ago, rape was imminent, and she hadn’t had a chance to recover from that threat. Would Snake pick up where Casper left off? Would he rape her?

  She didn’t think so. Snake was too cold, too calculating to lose control in that way.

  A wave of fear started at the top of Emily’s head and traveled down to the very tips of her toes, making her tremble. Would he just kill her now?

  He smiled as though he could sense her fear and reveled in it. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you just yet. You see, your boy stole about a million dollars from me today, but I supposed you already know that, since you were in on the plan.”

  She remained quiet. Even if she had something to say that might help get her out of this situation, fear had paralyzed her vocal cords.

  Snake still held her, his face much too close. The stench of stale cigarettes and booze turned her stomach.

  “Hmm.” He made a dramatic show of contemplating what to do with her. “I think we’ll take a little drive into Crystal Rock. I’d really like to deliver you to Jester personally. In fact—” His face transformed from irate to gleeful. “I think I’ll let him watch when I kill you.”

  He released her and she collapsed to the ground, her quivering legs giving out like limp noodles.

  Emily took a breath and forced herself back to her feet. She had no choice but to use the wall for support, but at least she was standing. She glared at Snake, ignoring the fact that she was shirtless, and making sure to let her hatred show on her face.

  Anger was preferable to the numbing grief and fear, and she had plenty of it. Anger at Johnny for getting her into this mess, anger at Jester for not giving her a chance to explain, anger at Snake for being a sadistic bastard, but mostly anger at herself for the many horrible decisions she’d made over the past two weeks.

  She allowed that anger to blossom into fury. Maybe it would do her some good.

  She wouldn’t go down without a fight. She owed it to Johnny. Someone had to make Snake pay, and if the worst she could do was kick him in the balls and scratch his face, then that’s what she’d do.

  Rising to her full height, which had to be a good nine inches shorter than Snake, she found her voice. “Fuck you.”

  The slap to her face came so fast there wasn’t any time to prepare. His fist connected with her stomach next, and she bit down on her lip to keep from screaming. The taste of blood filled her mouth as her teeth broke through her lip. She crashed to her knees and gasped for breath, her diaphragm spas
ming from the blow. While she was down, Snake kicked her, connecting with the same spot Casper had injured only moments before. She lost the battle to remain stoic and cried out as agony racked her.

  He reached under her arm and hauled her to stand. The room spun and her stomach lurched, but she didn’t dry heave this time. She blinked her eyes, and tried to focus past the throbbing in her head.

  This couldn’t be it. This couldn’t possibly be the way she was supposed to go out. Beaten and murdered at the hands of a psychopath. She needed to scream, to fight, to do something, but he overpowered her in every possible way. Every way except one.

  She was no match for him physically, but no matter what he did to her, she wouldn’t let him take her memories of Jester. She closed her eyes and thought of Jester’s voice, of his laugh, of his hands on her. She remembered how she felt cherished, protected, and loved.

  He wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed. Her eyes popped open in reflex and her hands shot up in a feeble attempt to remove his from her neck.

  “It’s fine, Emily. If you’d rather me kill you right here, I have no problem with that. I won’t get to enjoy the look on Jester’s face as he watches you go down, but dumping your dead body at his doorstep will be almost as satisfying.”

  The room blurred as she failed to draw in any air.

  I’m so sorry, Johnny. I’m so sorry, Jester.

  Jester flung the door open and bounded down the steps leading to a dank basement, Acer hot on his heels. He skipped the bottom four steps and jumped to the ground.

  Greeted by the sight of Snake manhandling Emily, Jester flew into a murderous rage. He charged across the dark basement, intent on ending Snake’s life once and for all.

  “You think… this makes you…winner?” she croaked when he was halfway across the room, sending a spear through his heart. “It will take a lot more than you to destroy the No Prisoners.”

  Snake let out a cold laugh. “Guess I’ll have to settle for what’s in front of me, huh? Making you wish you were dead.”

  Suddenly the pressure around her throat disappeared, and she was on her hands and knees alternating between gasping breaths and hacking coughs. Her body shook like she had hypothermia, and her mind couldn’t process what had happened.

  The warmth of a soft fabric brushed against her side. A large hand made contact with her bare back and she flinched and tried to scurry away.

  “Shh, Emily, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not going to touch you. I’m just trying to cover you up.” Acer spoke in a soothing tone, as though she were a wounded animal ready to bolt.

  She glanced up at him, holding out a T-shirt to her. He wore a white undershirt and must have removed his top for her. It dawned on her then that she was completely exposed. She reached for the shirt. “Thank you,” she said in a small voice, wincing at the gravelly quality of it.

  “Can I help you up?”

  She shook her head, not sure if she could stand on her own, but knowing she definitely didn’t want him to touch her. “Not yet.”

  “No problem, hon. I’ll sit with you until Jester is done.”

  “He’s here? He’s alive?” It was then the sound of fists hitting flesh registered with her.

  “Just over there.” Acer pointed to a spot about twenty feet across the basement where Jester was beating the hell out of Snake.

  Jester flung Snake across the room, satisfaction filling him at the asshole’s pain-filled grunt when he collided with the wall. He gave Snake no time to recover, rushing him and plowing his fist into his face.

  Snake fell to the ground and Jester dropped as well, hurling his body toward the man who dared to terrorize the woman he loved. Again and again his fists collided with Snake’s face, his abdomen, his chest. He threw punches without purpose. As long as they connected with Snake’s body, they were successful. The rest of the world faded away as he pummeled the slimy bastard until he was barely recognizable.

  Never again would he allow someone to scare Emily, to use her and cause her pain. If he had to follow her wherever she went, so be it. He’d use his last breath to ensure her safety and happiness.

  “Jester!” Acer’s sharp voice cut through the fog of Jester’s wrath and he froze. Acer sat on the floor across the room next to a sobbing Emily. After one more crushing blow to Snake’s face, Jester left his limp and bloodied form on the ground, and rushed across the room toward his woman.

  He crouched next to Emily, unsure of where he could touch her without causing her further pain. “Emily? Baby, how badly are you hurt? Where can I touch you? I promise to be gentle.”

  She lifted her head, and his heart broke at the sight of her battered face. “I’m sorry,” she said, tears streaming from her pretty eyes, which were filled with deep anguish.

  “Shhh. No, baby. I’m the one who has to apologize, but we need to get out of here now, before Grimms start showing up. We need to get you to the hospital.”

  Emily shook her head with surprising vigor. “No hospital, please. I just want to go home.”

  Jester looked at Acer and had a silent conversation with his brother. With a nod, Acer stood and pulled out his cell phone while he walked to the other side of the basement. Jester overheard him talking to Striker, who was waiting outside. He asked their VP to have Lila meet them at Jester’s house as soon as possible, and to bring medical supplies.

  “Baby, I’m going to pick you up now. Is that okay? Then we’ll take you home.”

  He waited for her to respond, unsure of how badly she was injured. She was covered in blood, but he didn’t see any life-threatening injuries. He’d failed her in so many ways. Seeing the visual evidence of his failure in the form of bruises on her sweet body had a mist forming in his eyes.

  “There’s no one left.”

  “What, Em?”

  “Snake killed my brother. He’s all I had. I can’t go home because Snake ruined that too. I was supposed to save him.” Her voice was flat, as though reading him a weather report. He didn’t know much about medicine, but he knew enough to realize she was going into shock.


  “Emily!” He put bite into his voice, trying to break through her grief. They didn’t have time to waste, but there was no way he could let her continue to believe Johnny was dead. “You need to listen to me, honey, okay?”

  She nodded but didn’t look at him.

  “Johnny’s not dead, baby. He was shot in the shoulder. Lila has been working on him.”


  “He’s alive and he’s going to stay that way if Lila has any say in the matter.”

  “Oh my God.” She started sobbing again. “Thank you. After what I did to you—”

  “Em, we need to leave.” He cut her off, unwilling to listen to her berate herself. “Can I pick you up?”

  She nodded again. “Yes.”

  As gently as he could manage, Jester slid his arms under her and lifted her. She gasped in pain and he winced. “Sorry, baby. I’m trying my damnedest not to hurt you.”

  “It’s fine, Jester, I’m just a little banged up.” She rested her head against his chest and for the first time since he saw Snake at the house with Emily, he was able to breathe. There was glimmer of hope that maybe what they’d had wasn’t completely destroyed.

  Moving quickly, he walked with her up the stairs and out into the hot evening air. There wasn’t much time to waste. It wouldn’t be long before Grimm Brothers came to investigate why none of the men here had checked in.

  “Hey, Jester, I’ll drive the truck so you can take care of Emily. Kenny and Jacko will ride our bikes back.” Striker turned to the two prospects who’d driven out in the truck. “If there is so much as a finger print on either of these bikes that wasn’t there before, you’ll never fuckin’ patch in. Got me?”

  “Got it, VP,” Kenny answered.

  Jester settled into the front seat while Striker barked orders at Acer and the prospects. He held Emily cradled in his lap, resting
with her eyes closed. Her face was various shades of purple and blood oozed from her split lower lip.

  He closed his eyes, leaned his head against the seat back, and soaked in the sensation of her smaller, softer body in his protective embrace.

  The events of the last two days played through his mind, a movie reel of his failings and fuck-ups. Not only had he failed to trust her, to give the woman he loved the benefit of the doubt, he didn’t keep her safe from his enemies. Which sin was worse? He’d beat his own ass if the woman in question wasn’t counting on him to do something right and get her out of here before trouble arrived.

  “You look pissed.” Her voice was rough, ravaged from Snake’s brutal treatment, but she didn’t sound angry. Contempt and blame weren’t present in her tone.

  They should be. He deserved nothing less.

  He stared at her beautiful eyes, filled with sadness and her own self-loathing. “Christ, Em, this is all on me. If I’d only…” He shook his head. “Fuck! I’m so sorry, baby.” He bent forward, resting his forehead against the top of her hair. The normally silken strands were matted down with a layer of sweat and dust.

  Emily let out a soft gasp that turned into a groan when her ribs protested. “Jester, you are the only one in this situation who is not at fault. I’m not blind to my brother’s shortcomings and guilt here. Do you know how many if onlys I thought of over the last few weeks? This is not your fault. I could have done so many things differently.”

  He couldn’t listen to another word of her self-blame. Later they would hash it out, after he was convinced none of her injuries were too serious. “Shh, not now. We’ll have plenty of time to sort through it all.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed, and he tightened his arms around her, careful not to squeeze too hard, but he needed her as close as possible. Hell, if he could absorb her into his skin, he would. “You’re safe now, Emily,” he whispered against her hair. “You can rest. I won’t fail you again.”


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