Stepbrother With Benefits 13 (Third Season)
Page 4
"Are you going to guess?" my stepmom asks.
Fuck, I'm supposed to guess? "Uh... going away celebration and... strippers?"
Motherfucker, why did I say that? I don't know! I really have no idea! It's just the first thing that popped into my mind. When you celebrate stuff, I feel like strippers are the perfect accoutrement. See? Accoutrement. That means they're fancy strippers. These are high class, perfect quality ladies, who you can bring to your million dollar home and treat with respect.
"Ethan," my stepmom says with a sigh. "Really, why would we have strippers at a going away celebration?"
"Why does anyone have strippers at anything?" I ask, trying to be philosophical here. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work. "It's for, uh... a celebration of the body in all its shapes and forms?"
"No," she says. "There's no strippers. Unless you and my daughter are into that sort of thing, and then I won't ask and I'd prefer you not tell me."
She said not to tell her, so I don't, but I think maybe this is a missed opportunity on my part. I'm going to have to ask Ashley if she'd be interested in being my personal stripper. Yeah, don't worry, Princess, I'll strip for you, too. Fuck... why didn't I think of this before? Seriously, can you imagine Little Miss Perfect slowly grinding on me, giving me a lap dance, while I sit back and take it all in?
Aw yeah.
"Sorry," I say, trying not to let on that I really want to see her daughter give me a lap dance. We're dating so it's not like this is too crazy, but even I have limits as to what I'm willing to say out loud. "What's the surprise?"
"It's more exciting than strippers," my stepmom says, rolling her eyes. "Your two month anniversary with Ashley! A little more than two months now, right? Your father and I thought it'd be fun to have a little celebration for you two. Nothing too fancy. Just a nice dinner together and we can all spend some time with each other before you two leave tomorrow. What do you think?"
I think it sounds nice. Except I had plans. I can't say that, because then I sound like an asshole. Yeah, uh... I was hoping to drag your daughter off early and fuck her brains out for a few hours, then cuddle for an hour or two, rinse and repeat until we had to get up tomorrow morning?
That was my original plan, but I kind of like this new plan a lot, too. I think I've changed my mind.
Wow. Did I really just think that? Yeah...
What's wrong with me? I don't even know.
"That sounds really cool," I tell her, and it's the truth. "I'd like that a lot."
"See?" she says, winking at me before giving me a hug. "I told you it was better than strippers."
I laugh. "Yeah, you're right. Hey, uh... can we not tell Ashley about the strippers thing?"
"I'm definitely not telling her," my stepmom says, laughing. "I don't even know where I'd start."
"Yeah... me either..."
"I know you know this already, but be open with her, Ethan. Don't try to keep things hidden because you don't know how she'll take it. I'm sure Ashley is just as interested in a lot of the same things you are, but she doesn't know how to tell you, either."
"Are you saying I should ask her if she'll strip for me?" I ask.
"I'm not saying that! We're not having this conversation, young man!" she says, slapping my shoulder and heading downstairs. "I'm not not saying it either, though. Whatever you two talk about on your own is your private business. I should add that she did spend an entire summer practicing to be a cheerleader, though."
"Fuck, why did you have to remind me?"
It's done and through now, but I wish those stuck up cheerleaders back in high school hadn't chased her away from tryouts. How fucking perfect would that have been? Not that I think I would have tried dating her then, but... shit, I don't know, maybe I would have?
Star high school quarterback and Little Miss Perfect cheerleader... man...
I wonder if she still has her practice uniform? Not really the same as a full-fledged cheerleader one, but I can pretend, right?
I really need to tone this down. We're supposed to be having a family dinner!
I'm still standing at the top of the stairs daydreaming about my stepsister girlfriend stripping and giving me a lap dance while wearing a cheerleader uniform when my stepmom yells at me to come downstairs so we can all make dinner together.
Fuck my life. Why does everything have to be so...
It's perfect. I'm really happy and everything is perfect.
It'll probably still be great even if Ashley doesn't want to give me a lap dance sometime, which is kind of a fucked up thing to admit, but there you go.
Strippers? Who the fuck needs strippers? I have a girlfriend that's at least a million times better.
Also, my dad's apparently cooking kebabs. Holy fuck, this celebration stuff is amazing.
How many two month anniversaries do we get to have? Is this a one-time thing, or can we do it every two months?
I'm way too excited at the possibilities here.
*** Ashley
There's a cake! This is amazing!
I love cake. I love dinner, and being able to sit with Ethan. We even go swimming together. My mom and stepdad stay back, hanging out in the hot tub instead, but Ethan and I swim around and play and race. It's fun. Once we're tired and full from all the food, after we've talked and just had a really great evening, we go back inside to the living room.
I sit with Ethan on the love seat, while my mom takes one of the recliners and Ethan's dad sits in the other. They're on either side of us, kind of like they're watching and protecting us. It's nice. I feel really safe and comfortable. I cuddle in Ethan's arms and I'm not even sure what movie we picked out, because I just can't think of anything except how wonderful everything is.
I drift asleep before the movie even stars, and when I wake up it's already over. I know it sounds weird, but that's my favorite way to watch a movie, at least sometimes. When I'm by myself, I can really watch it, but being able to cuddle in Ethan's arms and let everything else in the world slip by while I let myself completely relax...
It really is perfect.
The movie is over and I wake up, but we're not on the couch anymore. Ethan has me in his arms and he's carrying me up the stairs. Groggy and a little tired, but feeling more awake with each passing second, I stare up at him.
"Hey, sleepyhead," he says, smiling at me.
"Hi," I say. I pucker my lips to give him a kiss but he's too far away. I kiss the air anyways, and he laughs at me.
"Tell Ashley good night for me if she wakes up!" my mom shouts out. It sounds like she's in her bedroom downstairs now.
"Same," my stepdad says. "Good night to you, too, Ethan. Don't forget to set your alarm for the morning. We've got a busy day ahead of us."
"Yeah, yeah," Ethan says, mumbling.
"I'm awake!" I shout out, my voice lilting and sleepy. "G'night, Mom! Dad!"
Dad... he's my stepdad, but it just feels really nice to call him that. It used to feel awkward and I wasn't sure if I could, but now it feels so normal and regular.
"G'night, honey!" my mom calls back. Ethan's dad adds his own good night again, too.
Hero's outside in the backyard, since he seems to prefer sleeping there. He hears us all shouting our good nights and he howls a good night of his own, too.
I pretend to howl back, but only Ethan can hear me. "Arrroooo."
"You're crazy," Ethan says, smiling at me.
"Crazy in love with you!" I counter. This seems so witty to my partially sleep-addled mind, but even if it's not, I don't care.
"Oh yeah?" he asks. "My room or yours?"
"Yours," I say. "We slept in mine last night, remember?"
"Yeah, I know," he says. "I was going to bring you to my room no matter what you said, anyways. I've got a surprise for you, Princess."
"Ethan," I say, trying to be stern, except I'm pretty sure he could convince me anything was a good idea right now, even staying up all night to fool around. Actually, that does sound like a good idea...
"We'll go to bed early," he says. "I promise. Don't worry."
"How early is early?" I ask. "What time is it now?"
"It's only nine. Just give me an hour, alright? That's all I'm asking for..."
"No more than two hours!" I tell him. "That's it!"
"What the fuck, I only asked for one! I meant it! I'm trying to be good here!"
"Alright, three," I say. "But that's it, Ethan!"
"You are really testing my willpower here... I was going to try and be a gentleman and strictly stick with one, but if you're giving me three hours to work with... yeah... I can arrange for that, Princess. Don't even tempt me."
"If you're very good," I say, whispering to him, hoping I sound really sexy, "you'll only need an hour, but I understand if you need three, Ethan."
"Wow," he says, sighing and shaking his head. "You don't have a lot of faith in me, do you?"
We get to his room, and he still has me cradled in his arms. I cuddle my cheek against his bicep and reach out to open the door for us. Ethan kicks the door open once I turn the knob, and then he brings me inside. Gently, he places me on the bed, then closes the door behind us.
"I need my phone," I tell him. "I need to set my alarm, too. Just in case."
"Already got it before I brought you up," he says, tapping next to his bedside table where he set my phone.
"Awww, you're so thoughtful."
It's just a phone, but... it's just the little things, too...
I know I don't need my phone, because I trust Ethan to set his alarm and make sure we both wake up on time. I like that he knows I would rather have my phone and it makes me feel better, though. It's not actually important, but it's important to me, and he realizes and accepts this.
I fiddle with my phone, setting my alarm, while Ethan, um...
He slips off my socks, then unbuttons and unzips my shorts, peeling them down my legs. He leaves my panties in place, and once I put my phone back on the bedside table, he reaches out and lifts my shirt up and off my body. He unsnaps my bra, removing that, too. I shiver a little, but Ethan pulls back the blankets and tucks me in.
"Don't get too comfortable," he says.
"Oh?" I ask. "Why not?"
His eyes flash with illicit intent. He doesn't answer with words, though. He sneaks away towards his bedroom door, locks it, and then with a simple flick of his fingers, he turns off the lights, bringing us into complete darkness.
Which really isn't fair, considering he's still wearing clothes and I kind of want to watch him take them off. I pout and grumble and glare at where I can vaguely make out his shadow, but he just laughs at me. I hear him stripping down. When he's done, he throws his shirt at me. It lands on my head, covering my face.
I pout and glare and grumble some more, but he just glides across the room in the dark. He opens a drawer in the bedside table on his side and pulls something out, but I'm not sure what it is. I can't even guess, but um... his phone, maybe?
Nothing lights up, though. No phone. He must have set his alarm earlier when he brought my phone in here.
I can see him better now, though. Just a little, shadows upon shadows. The faint light from his digital clock flashes across parts of his body, accentuating the lines of his muscles. I can see his abs, taut, then his legs as he crawls towards me across the bed, and finally I catch a glimpse of his shoulders when he slips under the covers, joining me.
Unlike me, Ethan is entirely naked. I can feel him pressing against me, hard and tight. It's not just his muscles and his body that's hard, either...
"Kiss me," I whisper to him.
He does. Straddling me beneath the covers, Ethan presses close to me, kissing me. I can feel the rest of him, too, I can feel his thighs against my hips, his fingers lifting my head and lowering me to the pillow, his...
His cock presses hard against my stomach, flexing and twitching. I kiss him, soft and sweet, and Ethan kisses me back, making no move to push this any further. Gently, he moves his hips slightly, though, the head of his cock leaving a glistening trail of precum from the bottom of my stomach, up to my belly button, and a little further, before moving back down.
"Every weekend, right?" he asks me. "I know we've talked about it, but it's going to be hard, Princess. If you want to make it every other weekend or something, I'm cool with that."
"Do you want every other weekend instead?" I ask him. I press my palms against his cheeks, holding his face in my hands, kissing him quick, then slow, his lips, his cheeks, his nose.
"If I had my way, I wouldn't be apart from you at all," he says, sounding both sexy and sincere all at once. His voice is husky and a little harsh, but sweet in its roughness.
"I want every weekend," I tell him. "I know it'll be kind of hard, but I want it, too, Ethan. I..."
I can't tell him more, because I don't know what more is. I can't tell him that I don't want to be apart from him, either, because I don't know how we could even make that work. Every weekend is going to be hard enough, and while I really do want to be with him, I know that we should have our own time separate from each other, too.
We haven't really had a lot of alone time this summer, and it's been wonderful, but can something like that last?
A part of me is scared it can't. A part of me worries that it's just some honeymoon phase and after awhile it'll get boring. The rest of me thinks that's crazy and doesn't understand how this could ever be boring.
"We can do it," Ethan says. "Yeah, it's going to be hard, but I want this, too, Ashley. I want to be with you no matter what."
"Good," I say, kissing him again.
Kissing is nice. I love doing everything with Ethan, and, yes, the sex is very good, but kissing is always how it starts, and we like to take our time. I remember one time when we were alone for the weekend this summer, where his dad and my mom had gone away on another business trip. We cuddled in bed and watched TV for awhile, except mostly this was an excuse to kiss. Kiss, then watch a little TV, except a little TV became almost no TV, and a little kissing became a lot of kissing.
More kissing, even more kissing. Touching. Groping. Nothing too much, not too hard, except it all led up to...
Really, I'm surprised we didn't wake up the neighbors. If they didn't live nearly a mile away, I'm pretty sure they would have complained. I'm pretty sure they would have complained anyways, but they probably didn't realize what exactly that loud pounding sound coming from the distance was...
"You remember what we talked about before?" Ethan asks in between teasing kisses, after he nibbles on my bottom lip.
"What about?" I ask.
"Our firsts?" he answers.
I nod and smile. "Uh huh."
I know Ethan has more experience than me, but even still he hasn't done everything. That's where our firsts come in. It's the things that we can both do together for the first time. Mostly this is sexy stuff, but not always. It's dating stuff, too. Relationship stuff. It's all of that.
"I thought of a good one," he says. "It's different, though."
"What is it?" I ask.
"I'll tell you, but... I want to let you think about it a little first. Alright?"
"How am I going to think about it if you aren't going to tell me what it is?" I ask, giggling.
"You'll see," he says, grinning and then kissing me quick. "Do you trust me, Princess?"
I nod and bite my bottom lip, even while he kisses me. He wrestles control of my lip away from me, nipping it and sucking it into his mouth, teasing me with his tongue.
"Uh huh," I mumble, kissing him. "I trust you."
*** Ethan
I've been planning this for weeks. Seriously, out of all the things I've done, this is probably the most insane one ever. Personally, I think it's kind of awesome, too, but we'll see how that goes. It's up to Ashley, and I'm not going to push it if she's not into it.
It's just, uh... yeah...
I'm not going to explain this. Let's just wait and see, shall we? It's something you've
got to ease your way into, especially as a first time thing. It's something I've never even considered doing with another girl, and it's something I doubt Ashley ever expected to do.
We actually talked about it over summer break, though. Kind of. I don't know if she remembers. It was when she asked me about piercings before Scarlet came to visit Caleb. Weird as fuck conversation, actually, but I'm glad we had it because it gave me some really good ideas, and...
Yeah, this is either going to be amazing, or she's not ready, and maybe she won't ever be ready, but that's fine. I just want to have fun with her, and as long as she's having fun, that's all that matters. I'll have fun no matter what. She's fucking perfect, so it's pretty hard not to enjoy myself when I'm with her.
I keep my little pet project off to the side for now, because I'm busy.
Fuck, maybe I won't do this tonight. Honestly, I just kind of want to...
Yeah, I mean, when the fuck did I ever not want to, though?
I kiss her softly, but I can't keep this up. I need more. This girl does things to me, you don't even know. I wish I could explain it better, but the best I can do is live in the moment and experience it for what it is. She's naked underneath me except for her panties, and it's sexy as fuck. My hips buck down, just wanting to grind against her. My cock slides up and down her stomach.
Calm the fuck down, boy. I'll get to it, just let me...
Fuck it. I can't even wait. I shift down while kissing her. One hand wraps in her hair, grabbing a fistful, pulling slightly. Her head tilts up to where I want it, and I give her one last rough kiss before pulling away. One knee pries her legs apart. She spreads them for me, too. Yeah, that's a good girl, Princess. You know exactly what I want, don't you?
I slide between her legs. Still leaning over her, one hand in her hair, I use my other hand to pull her panties aside. Just enough, yeah, that's it...
I wrap my fingers around my cock and guide myself towards her. She's wet and more than ready for me. I lodge the head of my cock between her pussy lips and just hold it there for a second, savoring the feeling of her warm, wet arousal. After a few seconds, my cock has a mind of its own, though. It takes control of my body and my hips surge forward, thrusting all the way inside her.