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Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel

Page 4

by Dex, Trace

  “I don’t, I swear! I just — I need to find them. Rainer at least, not so much the others.”

  “Are you serious? That’s so dumb!” she said. “What will you even do? What if they actually kill you this time?”

  “They won’t.”

  “But didn’t they kill the other guy?” she said. I wished I hadn’t mentioned that part to her earlier.

  “Yeah, but it seemed like they had a good reason.”

  The barista came by and placed three biscotti’s on the table but Mandy didn’t notice and he seized the moment by sneaking away. “So you want to give them a reason to kill you?”

  Everyone began to stare in our direction again. “Calm down, Mandy. You’re making a scene!”

  “I don’t care!” she said before standing up. Oh god, here she goes. “Can I help you?” she yelled at the people around us, who went back to their own conversations.

  After a moment of awkward silence, she sat back down. “Anyways, you’re crazy, you’re going to get yourself killed,” she said brushing her dress down and blowing at her bangs. Nine.

  “Well you’re the one asking if I was in love with the guy!”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you actually were.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Okay, whatever. So what do you plan on doing? Are you going to just show up and be like hello, remember me? I’m back!”

  “Not like how you just did it, but something like that.”

  “How on earth will you even find them? Didn’t they hold your eyes closed the whole time?” she said.

  “No! It was a blindfold… I just told you—“

  “Oh yeah,” she said taking a sip of coffee.

  “Anyways, I’m like, pretty sure I was in an auto shop. I’ll just look it up online.”

  She picked up a biscotti without looking at it, then used it to point at me. “Candace are you listening to yourself right now? You just had a traumatic experience and almost died. You might just be on some sort of adrenaline rush or you have PTSD or something.”

  “It’s been a few days already. I swear I’m completely fine.”

  “I’m not so sure about that…”

  “When have I ever lied to you?” I said.

  Mandy scratched her head, “I’m not sure, but you probably have! I just can’t think of anything right now.”


  She squinted her eyes and looked at me closely. “I guess you do seem different,” she said before opening her mouth to take a bite.

  “What do you mean?”

  She put the biscotti down before taking a bite, “Like, you seem all giddy and excited and you haven’t touched your phone at all since we got here.”

  “So what?”

  “Usually you’re glued to that thing like those bugs that fly around a lamp.”

  “No I’m not!” I said. “Okay, fine. Maybe I do that, but not as much as you do it.”

  She paused for a moment to take a photo of her biscotti, and then she took a selfie with her coffee. “I don’t think we’ve talked this much in a long, long time,” she said.

  “That means I’m okay then,” I said with a smile. “I’m totally fine.”

  “I’m really not sure what to think but I kind of like this new you.”

  “New me?”

  “It’s hard to explain, it’s just… you’re here now. Like, you’re aware and present, like I’m actually talking to a human for once.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Well, before, you were really zombie-like. Like being alive was a burden or something.”

  I hated that she had me figured out but I guess that’s what best friends are for.

  “Did you think I was going to kill myself or something?” I joked.

  “Yeah, but knowing you, I’m sure it would have stayed a thought.”

  She was half right, at least for now. I just couldn’t think of the easiest and painless way out.

  “I don’t expect you to understand,” I said. “I need to find them. I need to.” That’s when I realized I had some sort of addiction to closure. Thanks, TV.

  “You just told me about something super duper traumatic that literally just happened to you, and now you’re telling me that you want to go back and hang out with these people?”

  “I want to hang out with them but I’m not sure if they’ll let me, one of them sounded really mean,” I said. “But that would be pretty fun. Doing crime and all that stuff.”

  “Are you really that bored?”

  “I can’t even begin to tell you—”

  “I love you and all, but I’m not going to help you with this one,” she said. “And obviously it’s a stupid idea, but I can’t stop you, can I?”

  “Probably not,” I said.

  “You’re not just doing this cause of that one nice guy who let you go, right? Reindeer?”


  “Oops, yeah, him.”

  “No! I mean, I liked him, he seemed alright.”

  “You do realize he was one of your kidnappers, right?”

  “Yeah, but I mean…”

  “Look, I hate to be so forward but you’re an intelligent girl with a lot of potential, but sometimes you can be so dumb. But you know what?”

  “What?” I said.

  She leaned in closer, “Love makes people do stupid shit.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. “I’m not in love, okay? I just… I need to do this, Mandy.”

  She let out a defeated sigh, and began playing with the biscotti. I wasn’t sure if she realized it was what she had ordered.

  “So, can you at least tell me your plan for all this?” she said.

  “Okay,” I said. “So on the way back, three rock songs were playing. Luckily, I knew all the songs except for one, so I made sure to memorize some of the lyrics, then I just looked it up online and found it.”

  “You scare me sometimes, you know?”


  “Well if it were me, the only thing I would have been thinking about was whether or not I was going to die,” she said while adding another packet of sugar into her coffee. “Anyways, never mind, go on…”

  “Okay so I got all three songs—“

  “Uh huh,”

  “Then I added the time of all three songs together and it was roughly 15 minutes. I have the exact number written down on my phone somewhere.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Hold on! I’m getting there,” I said. “Okay, so I searched the address of the bus stop where they dropped me off, and played around with the online maps to see how far 15 minutes could take me.”

  “That’s why you stank when I found you, huh? You were just in bed this whole time like some awkward dorky James Bond or something, playing with your phone like some detective,” she said, blowing her bangs again. Ten.

  “Shut up. Anyways, after that I looked up all the auto shops within the 15-minute perimeter and wrote them all down. There were a lot so I saved the ones that specialized in motorcycles, so I’ll probably go to those first.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to go to each one…”


  “Won’t that take forever?”

  “Not really, there weren’t that many motorcycle ones. Plus, I’m unemployed so what else am I going to do.”

  “Okay, now I’m really worried. Are you sure they didn’t drop you on the head or something?”

  “No they didn’t, I checked. The guy said he had me in a chokehold and gave me Xanax or something.”

  “Ah, Xanax! That stuff will knock you out. We have some at the lab.”

  “Yeah, I was a little groggy waking up, but that didn’t last long, anyways. I think the fear kind of kicked in harder than anything else.”

  “Okay, so what are you going to do if you actually find them?”

  “I don’t have that part figured out yet, but I guess I’ll see what happens when I get there.”

  “I’m not going t
o wish you luck on finding them,” she said.

  “I know, that’s fine.”

  “And I’m not entirely convinced any of this even happened, I just know you’re acting different. Like, you’re not as reluctant about new things like you usually are. I mean, since you’re going out to find them and all.”

  “Well it happened,” I said as I took another sip of my bitter coffee that was now cold. “And I’m going to find them, or at least try!”

  “Alright, I believe you. Tell them I said hi and to make sure they kidnap the right person next time or else they’ll get stuck with stalkers like you.”

  I smirked. “Shut up!”

  “Anyways,” she said, blowing her bangs. Eleven. Mandy lifted a biscotti and stared at it for a moment, “What the heck is this?”

  * * *



  “So you thought you could hide from us, huh? As if we’d let you get away that easily?” I said.

  I loved watching this despicable piece of shit cry as she sat before me. Her name was Zella. Zella Painsley. Perfect name for someone about to feel a lot of pain.

  I wanted her dead for what she did, but if I killed her now, then I’d be doing her a favor. Giving her an easy way out. She needed to suffer. She won’t get no mercy from me nor my brothers. I won’t let her off that easily, she going to pay.

  “Please let me go! I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t know the cops would be there.”

  “You set us up and you know it.”

  I moved the cigarette to my mouth and rubbed the hair beneath my chin. I should snap her neck right now, or maybe I should strangle her with this chain, or maybe I should put a bullet through that ugly face of hers. If I could do all three at the same time, I would.

  I moved the hair away from her forehead while pushing her face back at the same time. The look of desperation in her eyes excited me, but I wouldn’t put my dick anywhere near her cunt. “They’re all dead,” I said as I blew smoke into her face. “Every last one of them, dead. And it’s all because of you. And for what? Because you thought you could put us out of business? Did you think our club would crumble just because you managed to get our president killed? You should have stayed in your territory.”

  Breathe, I repeated to myself. I can’t lose my composure just yet. As much as I would love to make her wish she were dead, I couldn’t do too much damage yet. She needed to be able to talk at least.

  Once I’m through with her, I’m going to make sure every last one of those mother fuckers involved gets what’s coming to them. Their entire Chapter will falter, and I won’t stop until they’re all dead. “So, tell me Zella, who put you up to this? Your dear old daddy? The President of Wreck MC himself? Does he realize whom he just fucked with? Do you even realize whom you just fucked with? It’s a shame he gave you so much power, but stupid is as stupid does.”

  I grinned as she began to sob. There’s no way she’s leaving here alive, and the thought of sending her father a piece of her lifeless body was bliss. I imagined the look on his face when he’d open a mysterious box containing his precious little girl’s hand, all of her fingers curled except the middle one. It’d be like one big fuck you.

  She sat there crying like that was going to help her. If that’s the game she wants to play, she’s in for a hell of a ride. “Your husband and your dad aren’t here to save you anymore. Maybe I’ll keep you alive a bit longer so that you can know how it feels to have your father murdered, how’d you like that?”

  “Please, leave them out of this. It was all me. I was selfish, they had nothing to do with it.”

  “Taking one for the team, huh? Too bad you’re a fucking liar. My men saw you, your man, your father, and a bunch of the other fuckers in his club at the scene. We know damn well they were all involved. And don’t even act like you weren’t the one that set it all up.”

  “How can I make it up to you then? I’ll do anything.”

  We all started laughing. She thinks there’s a way to resolve this, that there’s something she can do to make me forget that she got three of our men killed. One of them being our President, who also happened to be my pops.

  “Aw, daddy’s little girl thinks there’s something she can do to fix all this. How cute,” I said. “I’ll be nice, do you want to stay alive and live to see your father die, or should we just kill you right now so that you can meet him later in hell?”

  “Rainer?” A voice yelled from outside the garage. It sounded familiar, but I wasn’t expecting any company.

  “Help!” screamed Zella, who quickly shut up after a hard backhanded slap from Sid. I grabbed Sid’s wrist before he could do anymore damage.

  “Sid, Lanvy, go outside and check who the fuck that is,” I said.

  I turned to Zella and pinched her cheeks together, her blood stained saliva dripped onto her lap.

  “If this is one of your buddies, I’m going to put this cigarette out in your fucking eye,” I said as I pushed her face back. “I’ll deal with you soon.”

  I took a puff and a drink of whiskey from my almost empty bottle, and then looked over at Rocket, “Brother.”

  “Yeah?” said Rocket.

  “Shut this piece of shit up and hide her in the closet,” I said as I combed my hair back with my fingers. “We’ll figure out what to do with her later.”

  It was fun to know that she’d be dead soon, and even more exciting to know that it would happen by my hands. She deserved to die and I couldn’t wait to blow her fucking brains out. I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched Rocket shove a bandana into Zella’s mouth. Even dog shit looked better than her. After she’s dead, we’re going after her father and the entire Wreck club.

  “Here, add this too,” I said, handing him some duct tape. I watched as the tears fell down her cheeks. I felt absolutely no remorse or sympathy for her. She was scum and she didn’t deserve to be alive. Not after what she did.

  I stooped above her, lifted her chin, and looked directly into her watering eyes, “Try clicking your heels, darling. Maybe you’ll end up in a better place. At least do it while your feet are still attached.”

  I nodded at Rocket and watched as he dragged the chair she was tied to into the closet. Her muffled screams sounded like music to my ears.

  As the closet door closed behind Rocket, the front door swung open and I watched Sid and Lanvin rush inside with someone else before the door slammed behind them. It was dark in this garage, except for the overhead lamp that dangled from the ceiling. Sid and Lanvin had their flashlights pointing directly at the mystery girl.

  I squinted to get a better look. I couldn’t recognize her face, but she wasn’t bad looking at all. I had no clue that she was or what she wanted. “Who’s the girl?” I asked.


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