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My View from the Corner

Page 41

by Angelo Dundee

  Wolgast, Midget

  Woodcock, Bruce

  Worcester Centrum

  World Boxing Association (WBA)

  World Boxing Council (WBC)

  World Boxing Hall of Fame

  World Boxing Organization (WBO)

  World War I

  World War II

  Worner, Murray

  Yale University

  Yankee Stadium

  Young, Jimmy

  Young, Max

  Young, Terry

  Youngblood, Wally ("Blood")


  Ali's popularity in

  boxing ring in

  Dundee's pursuits in

  encampment in

  Foreman's unpopularity in

  loan request to U.S.

  Zale, Tony

  Zbikowski, Tommy

  Ziegel, Vic

  Zivic, Fritzie

  Zouski, Steve

  The English wanted to know what magical potions I had in my kit to stop bleeding, along with everything else I kept in store to work a fight, both before and after—so I showed them.

  Helen and me on our wedding day.

  Helen and me on the couch with our daughter, Terri, our son, Jim, and our dog, Wong.

  Willie Pastrano and me in Bologna, Italy, for his fight with Franco Cavicchi. He won, by the way.

  At the 5th Street Gym (from left to right) me with Johnny Holman (heavyweight), Willie Pastrano (light-heavyweight), Jimmy Beecham (middleweight), and Andy Arel (lightweight).

  Dressed up with friends (from the left) Johnny DeJohn, Carmen Basilio, and "Big Julie" Isaacson.

  (Left to right) Luis Rodriguez, Ingemar Johansson, me, and Florentino Fernandez.

  At the 5th Street Gym. Top row (left to right): Ernesto Corrales, Hignio Ruiz, the great Cuban trainer Luis Sarria, and my friend Ciro Garcia. Middle row: Guillermo Dutschmann, featherweight champ José Legra, Willie Pastrano, and Allan Harmon. Floor: Douglas Vaillant, Florentino Fernandez, me, Luis Rodriguez, and Muhammad Ali.

  This is me showing Muhammad how I wrap hands, taken at the restaurant below the 5th Street Gym.

  Ali, me, and Drew "Bundini" Brown.

  Bundini (on the right), Muhammad, and me.

  This was taken in 1950, at the dinner for the NY Boxing Manager's Guild, at the Hotel Edison.

  #1 (Table 26, left to right around the table): Cus D'Amato, Billy Stevens, Jack Monaghan, Vince Monaghan, George Kobb, unknown, unknown, Duke Stefano

  #2 (Table 24 from left to right): Jimmy Doyle, Bob Melnick, Nick Baffo, Lefty Remini, unknown, unknown, Dick Vick, Eddie Brown, Tony Marenghi, unknown, unknown

  #3 (Table 20 from left to right): Johnny Dundee (a junior lightweight and featherweight champion, but no relation), unknown, unknown, Dewey Fragetta, unknown, Gaspipe Voccala

  #4 (Back of room): Blinky Palermo. In front of Palermo is Moe Fleischer, the matchmaker for Ridgewood Grove in Brooklyn.

  #5 (Table 22, along the fold): Freddie Brown, Eddie Cocoa, unknown, Whitey Bimstein, unknown, Fats Gary, Billy Graham (the great New York fighter), unknown, unknown, Irving Cohen (Rocky Graziano's manager)

  #6 (Table 29, from left to right): Joe Woodman, unknown, Charley Rose, Willie Gilzenberg, unknown, unknown, unknown, me, my brother Chris, John Abood

  #7 (Table 28, from left to right): Billy Brown (matchmaker for the New York Garden), Jimmy DeAngelo (Roland LaStarza's manager)

  #8 (right side of picture): Rocky Castellani, and to the left of him is Tommy Ryan

  #9 (Table #15, below the second light fixture): Charlie Goldman (Rocky Marciano's trainer)

  #10 Al Weill

  #11 (back wall from left to right) Chick Wergeles, Charley Johnson (Archie Moore's Manager), Jesse Abramson, Al Buck (writer for the New York Post), unknown, Dr. Vincent Nardiello, Jack Dempsey

  #12 (back wall from left to right) Jimmy Braddock, Doc Kearns.

  All trainers, taken at the Boxing Hall of Fame. Top row (left to right): Emanuel Steward, me, Lou Duva. Bottom row: Georgie Benton, Eddie Futch, and Gil Clancy.

  My rock at Deer Lake Training Camp

  My office, shared with brother Chris, at the Miami Beach Convention Hall. P.S. I had to reimburse Chris for the phone calls.

  Taken in Sweden, this postfight interview with Howard Cosell and Jimmy Ellis took place after Ellis defended his title against Floyd Patterson. From left to right: Cossell, Ferdie Pacheco, Ellis, and me.

  Me, Howard, and Ray Leonard.

  April 26, 1997. George Foreman standing between rounds, with me in his corner, during his fight against Lou Savarese. Courtesy of Marty Rosengarten.

  From left to right: Muhammad Ali, Harold Conrad, me, and Jack Palance.

  Pat Patterson, Sylvester Stallone, Gene Kilroy, Muhammad Ali, and me.

  Me and Jerry Lewis at the Touchdown Club in Washington, D.C.

  Me and The Cinderella Man, aka Russell Crowe, at the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Crowe is pointing to Willie Pastrano's picture.

  My grandson Ryan, me, and my son, Jim.

  Having kicks with Muhammad at the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville. We always had fun! Photo by Jeff Julian, March 2007.




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