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Page 2

by Tima Maria Lacoba

  I nodded. More important matters arose.

  The three Eastern European Prefects, Count Timur Széchenyi, Baroness Milena Flaks and Karel von Czernin controlled the ancient territories that spanned the Czech, Slovak and Hungarian republics. Over the centuries they had raided each other’s lands, killing both Brethren and non-Brethren alike. It’s kept the human population in that part of Europe dangerously aware of our existence. That’s why Luc had sent Jake over, not just to sort out the problem but also to convey the Elders’ warnings. All three were currently in danger of losing their exalted positions; perhaps even their lives. They missed the Ritual – the ceremony that took place every fifty years to introduce the next Ingenii into our world – each fearful of encroachment on their territories by the others.

  ‘Luc mentioned they hadn’t yet responded to the Pledging summons,’ I said.

  ‘They’ll be here. I’m sure of it. Especially Milena.’

  He stared at his feet, brows drawn. Something was bothering him, so I waited.

  ‘There, um ... was no evidence of recent trouble. Actually, when I summoned each of them to meet me in Vienna, von Czernin and the Count Timur were faintly surprised. Not Milena.’ He paused then angled his head to look directly at me. ‘I didn’t tell Luc all the facts. He’s been too preoccupied lately, but he needs to know. There’s growing tension among the Brethren in Europe, as if they sense the Curse is coming to an end, and there are just as many who fear it – like Milena – as those who long for it.’

  ‘I see. So... she wanted to warn you?’

  ‘Something like that. Without arousing suspicion.’

  He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. I rarely saw Jake uncomfortable, but something must have happened. He wasn’t sure how to divulge it, or perhaps whether he even ought to.

  In a brisk movement, he stood and strode to the edge of the pool. ‘Alec, when we were cursed, none of us foresaw an entire political system built around the Ingenii. When it ends, you and Luc will lose your superiority. It’s happening already – Luc’s getting more nocturnal as Judy’s blood weakens. And ... something else.’

  Judith had been the previous Ingenii, but her time was over. The gene that provides daylight tolerance wanes after fifty years and the next in line replaces them. Laura was the current Ingenii, and her induction had only taken place less than a week ago.

  I rose and went to Jake’s side. ‘Tell me everything.’

  He nodded and glanced at his brother soldiers. ‘We’re Luc’s men, bound to him as long as there’s an Ingenii.’

  I became aware of the sudden quiet around me. The clash of steel had ceased. Terens and Sam looked in our direction.

  ‘When the Curse is lifted, we can leave his service, that is, if we choose to remain as we are,’ Jake said.

  I looked around and saw Cal put down the weights as he, too, gave us his attention.

  If Jake wanted this to be a private conversation, then he’d lost the opportunity. Yet, I sensed he wanted the others to hear. They were brothers, in many ways; had been together for over eighteen-hundred years. Experiences such as the ones they had shared over the centuries must have created an almost unbreakable bond. I doubted they had any secrets from each other.

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. ‘Milena’s looking for a powerful consort. Someone to keep the other two off her lands. Someone they’d respect.’

  ‘I have a nasty feeling I know where this is headed,’ Terens said.

  Jake didn’t look at him, but focused on me. ‘As long as the Curse is in effect, you and Luc are feared. That’s going to end once you and Laura have a child. Problem is, we don’t know whether her blood will retain its potency. If it doesn’t, we can expect a war, and Milena’s lands will be one of the first to be overrun by rogues.’ He glanced briefly at the others before coming back to me. ‘So far, only we know that Laura is the Child of Light and Darkness and that you’re descended from the witch who cursed us.’

  We all knew the prophecy, that the curse could only be lifted when a descendant of Marcus Antonius – the Child of Light and Darkness – willingly wed and had a child with a descendant of the Pict witch who had uttered it.

  I began to understand what Jake was trying to say. ‘You mean, if Laura and I delay having a child, we could avert a war?’ They found out only yesterday that Laura and I intend to marry.

  ‘I know I’m asking a lot.’

  ‘You are. But, on the other hand, if it’s as you predict and the lifting of the curse results in her blood losing its potency, it also means she’ll be of no use to them. Both Laura and our child will be free. So the sooner we can end this thing, the better.’

  ’We need you strong, Alec,’ Jake said.

  ‘Don’t worry about me. I’ve got plans. But that’s not all that’s concerning you, is it?’ I prompted.

  ‘No ...’

  Another silence ensued.

  ‘Oh, for the love of ... Spit it out, Jake!’ Terens said.

  ‘All right! Milena asked me to be her consort.’

  It took a second or two for his news to hit them, and then they all spoke at once.

  ‘You’re not seriously—’

  ‘C’mon man, we need to talk about this—’

  ‘Why you?’

  Jake said, ‘Who better than one of us? In one move, she gains lover and protector. Von Czernin and Count Timur wouldn’t dare raid her territory, knowing that.’

  ‘You have a point,’ Sam conceded.

  ‘I knew it!’ Terens spun on his heel and sliced the air with his sword, the whoosh of angry metal echoing around the room.

  ‘Why are you doing this, Jake?’ I asked.

  ‘I didn’t say I was going to do it. But it makes sense.’

  ‘Let her choose someone else.’ Cal put aside the weights and rose from the bench.

  ‘Like who?’ With hands on hips, Jake faced them.

  ‘Hell, she knows a lot of men just as loyal to Luc as we are. One of them should do fine,’ Terens said.

  ‘Allegiances are changing,’ Jake answered.

  ‘Jake’s right,’ I said. ‘The Elders are worried. That’s why Zhao left straight after the Ritual. Things are brewing in China as well, not just Europe.’ Zhao was one of the Elders who had presided over the Ritual.

  ‘It’s as if ... I dunno ... the Curse itself were sending out signals that it’s over. It’s run its course,’ Jake said. ‘The old order’s about to end.’

  ‘You becoming Milena’s consort isn’t going to stave off the inevitable, Jake. Maybe delay it for a bit,’ I said. ‘Besides, Laura’s blood might not lose its potency – after all, she’s half-vampire. If anything, it’ll begin with the next generation. Any children she and I have will be free of the curse and their blood will be normal.’

  ‘If you’re right, that gives us at least fifty years to prepare,’ Sam remarked.

  ‘And otherwise?’ Cal asked.

  The same thought had occurred to me. I knew Luc had been preparing for this day. Plans he hadn’t shared with his men – as yet.

  Terens bent and retrieved his sword, and ran his thumb down its length. ‘Looks like I’ll need to keep this sharp as I’ve no intention of allowing a bunch of rogues to take over.’ The edge in his voice was as deadly as the blade he handled.

  ‘The Principate has to remain in some form,’ Cal said. ‘It’s the only way to maintain the peace and keep our existence secret.’

  ‘It will. Luc and Marcus have already taken steps. Nothing much will change for now, but when the time comes, the Elders will choose the next princeps from among themselves. Of course, the Ritual will be replaced by something else,’ I said.

  ‘And us?’ Cal asked. ‘All these years we’ve been bodyguards to the Ingenii. Where does that leave us?’

  ‘Free to do as we want, Cal,’ Jake told him, ‘since we’ve decided to go on living.’

  Part of the lifting of the Curse meant the men would be given a choice when the time came. There
were two options – death, or remain a vampire forever. Long ago they had decided on life, as I had.

  ‘Actually, I like what I do. Gives me a purpose in life,’ Sam said.

  ‘The Eldership will still need enforcers,’ I stated.

  ‘Got no problem with that,’ Terens said and expertly twirled the sword in his hand.

  ‘Neither do I,’ Cal agreed.

  ‘Jake, if you’re asking Alec and Laura to hold off, I reckon you ought to do the same with her ladyship. I don’t believe she’s in any immediate danger, and, besides, we can keep an eye on things while Alec here can deal with those other two – Timur and Karl,’ Sam suggested. ‘There’s only the four of us left now, and we need to stay together, unless of course you ... feel something for this woman?’

  Jake’s gaze roamed the faces of his three companions. All nodded.

  His fists tightened. ‘If I do feel something for her, it’s none of your business.’

  ‘Hell it is.’ Cal strode toward him.

  ‘Ah, shit.’ Terens swore under his breath.

  ‘Whoa, whoa!’ Sam stepped into Cal’s path. ‘There’s no point you two going at each other.’

  The two men faced each other, their nostrils flaring. But Sam’s words had an effect. Cal and Jake were close friends, and the fear of one or either of them leaving was enough to create a tense situation.

  Sam addressed Jake. ‘You said something about Milena contriving the situation to get you over there?’

  Jake nodded.

  ‘Okay. What if she exaggerated a bit and it’s not really protection she wants.’ Jake’s face darkened. ‘Now hear me out,’ Sam hurried on. ‘What if she simply wants you?’

  ‘He could be right,’ Terens agreed. ‘There’s some prestige in having one of the original legionaries as a lover. I ought to know.’ He gave a crooked grin.

  Jake considered it. ‘It’s probable but that doesn’t mean –’

  ‘What? That she won’t make the most of your position?’ Cal retorted. ‘This is Milena were talking about.’

  Jake released a pent up breath. ‘Okay, I’m listening.’

  Sam continued. ‘Hold off giving her your answer. Did you talk to Luc?’

  Jake shook his head. ‘No time.’

  ‘Well, maybe you should. Let him and Marcus involve themselves in political entanglements, not you. That’s not our job.’

  ‘Don’t want to lose you, man,’ Cal said.

  Jake bowed his head and thought a while. ‘I haven’t decided anyway. I’ll wait – see how things pan out.’

  Terens came over and slapped him on the back. ‘Bed her, by all means, but no need to wed her. The only entanglements you ever need get involved in, brother, are the long, curvy type which wrap sweetly around your back.’

  Jake shook his head, but laughed with the others. They were almost back to the easy camaraderie they’d always enjoyed, although the tense lines along Jake’s mouth didn’t disappear entirely.

  I had my own worries. What if Laura was already pregnant? We’d made love a number of times. As a newly invested Ingenii, she was at her most fertile. So it wasn’t just the imminent Pledging ceremony that concerned me.

  Never had the stakes been so high, or more personal.

  Chapter 3 – Too Much In One Night


  He came in so stealthily – or so it seemed to me. I had no idea Alec was behind me until I felt his hands around my waist and his lips on my neck. He turned me to face him and drew me in for a kiss. It was a simple brush along my lips, yet it turned my knees to jelly. Pathetic really, considering I was no blushing teenager. But there it is.

  Judy had left to check on progress for the Pledging ceremony in the ballroom. The delicious aroma of coffee wafted towards me as I went to pour two cups from the espresso machine.

  ‘I thought you wanted to get some sleep before tonight?’ he asked.

  ‘Still intend to, but Judy and I got talking. You know how it is.’ I shrugged.

  His smile disappeared as I handed him a steaming cup. ‘Laura, your blood may lose its potency once the curse is lifted. I’ve recently learned ... there could be trouble.’

  ‘A rebellion?’

  He nodded. ‘You know anything about the previous ones?’

  ‘Yeah, Luc told me.’

  If what Alec believed was right, then it was not a good time for me to fall pregnant. We’d made wonderful love several times. But what if that’s all my body needed to conceive? Alec told me three days ago that now I was at my most fertile. I ran my hands over my stomach. If there were a baby, it’d be smaller than my thumbnail.

  A warm glow spread through me at the thought. I wanted Alec’s child, and not only because it would end the curse. I loved him. Yet what if it triggered a civil war? And if my blood reverted to human after the birth, he wouldn’t have the strength to fight the rebels, and all our lives would be in danger. Everything Marcus Antonius and Luc had built up over the centuries would be jeopardised. Even from my limited experience, I knew there were those among the Brethren – cold-blooded murderers who enjoyed the thrill of the kill – who longed for a return to the days when they hunted humans as food. They weren’t interested in taking a couple of polite swallows here and there. Perhaps they were like that before their transformation, but now their power and immortality only heightened those foul tendencies.

  ‘Are you sure about my blood?’

  He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. ‘I checked Marcus’s Chronicle, and it gives no hint, only that the curse will be lifted. I have no idea how it’ll impact you.’

  An idea came to me as I sipped my coffee. ‘Why don’t you take some of my blood and store it, you know, like the blood bank? That way you’ll have a reserve supply, at least until the rebels are defeated.’

  Alec looked at me. A slow smile lit his face, and then he laughed.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘You are so like your father.’

  What did that have to do with anything? ‘In what way?’

  ‘Laura, darling, Luc’s been planning for this many centuries and he’s done exactly that.’

  I saw the connection and grinned. ‘Problem solved, then.’

  ‘Not entirely, but good enough for now.’ He placed his cup on the table and after doing the same with mine, wrapped me in his arms and kissed me.

  Suddenly he groaned and lifted his head. ‘Of all the timing.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘Von Czernin’s here – one of the Eastern European Prefects. He’s in the hallway with Luc. I have to join them.’ He gave me an apologetic look.

  Vampire hearing. What I wouldn’t give for that. Yet, if Alec was needed, I could go and grab a couple hours of sleep. He, Luc and von-what’s-his-name would probably be discussing tonight’s Pledging, among other things. ‘You go. I’ll have a bath, then bed.’

  He nodded and kissed me lightly on the brow. ‘I’ll introduce you to Karl von Czernin first.’

  We left the kitchen and walked hand-in-hand up the stone steps to the hallway. At the other end, near the base of the marble stairs that led up to the family rooms, stood my father, Luc, with two of his men – Jake and Sam.

  Sandwiched between them was a tall, brown-haired man in a long, dark green leather coat. He turned his head from Luc and looked at me. His gaze swept from me to Alec and back again. A slow smile crept across his face.

  ‘Laura,’ Alec said, ‘may I introduce our Czech Prefect, Count Karel von Czernin.’

  ‘Our newest Ingenii. Just call me Karl.’ He took my hand in his and kissed my fingertips. ‘This is indeed a pleasure, Lady Laura.’ His voice was low and designed to seduce, a trait I’d come to recognise as a characteristic feature of vampire men.

  ‘Laura’s about to get some rest before the Pledging,’ Alec said and extended his arm. I disengaged my hand from Karl’s, who didn’t seem to want to let it go, and placed it in Alec’s.

  ‘What a pity! I would have enjoyed a closer acquaintance.’
His lavender eyes sparkled, and he flashed a cheeky grin.

  I was sure I heard a growl from Alec. Was it a warning, or was there something else going on? When Karl laughed and winked at him I had my answer – Alec was jealous. My female pride soared.

  Jake and Sam took a step toward the stairs. Luc leaned forward and gently ran his thumb beneath my eye. ‘You look tired, ma petite.’

  ‘I am. A few hours sleep before the Pledging will help.’

  ‘Good idea.’ He kissed my brow, and with Jake, Sam and Karl following, strode up the stairs.

  Alec tenderly ran the back of his fingers down one side of my face. ‘Would you like me to wake you in a few hours?’

  I shook my head. ‘I’ll set the alarm on my mobile.’

  ‘Just let me know. I’ll be with the men, in Luc’s office.’ He escorted me to my bedroom and kissed me before leaving.

  So much had happened in the last few days, I was glad to have some time to myself.

  I stepped out of my clothes, headed for the bathroom and ran the water in the ceramic tub. Several bath salts and oils sat in a nearby basket. After pouring in a few drops, I searched through the cabinets and located several candles. These I placed on the floor around the tub and lit them before flicking off the light switch.

  Within minutes I was immersed in a warm, aromatic cloud. My tension eased and so did my concern about the coming Pledging ceremony.

  Enclosed in my cocoon, I lay back and let the fragrant aroma wash over me, hoping it would do the same for my troubled thoughts as images of Jean-Philippe – my half-brother who had tried to rape and kill me – Alec’s ex-lover Maris and her sidekick, Russell paraded through my mind. But, I reminded myself they belonged to the past.

  After tonight the future, hopefully, would be safer. Alec’s face appeared in my mind and I relaxed, closed my eyes and let the glow of the flickering candles create comforting patterns on the back of my eyelids.

  Chapter 4 – Brethren Politics


  After seeing Laura to her room, I made my way down the hall to Luc’s study.

  Karl took out a cigarette and lit up. Of all the European prefects, I liked him the best. He actively pursued justice and honesty in all his dealings and had a dry, almost irreverent sense of humour I enjoyed, which, for some reason, seemed to grate on Jake’s nerves.


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