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Page 7

by Tima Maria Lacoba

  ‘So do I.’ I enclosed her hand in mine.

  ‘Well, the Pledging’s only an hour and a bit away,’ Kari exclaimed. ‘And until then, you’ve got yourself an unofficial bodyguard. If any rogue tries to come anywhere near you ....’ Her eyes dangerously lightened, and the tips of her incisors slid down to rest on her lower lip. The pixie took on the appearance of an avenging angel – a vampiric avenging angel.

  This time I wasn’t going to argue. Having experienced first hand the cruelty and viciousness of creatures such as Maris, Russell, Douglas and even Jean-Philippe, I was more than happy to have someone like Karelia by my side.

  ‘Bless you, Kari!’ Judy rose from her seat and embraced her.

  Just as quickly, the smiling pixie persona returned. ‘Besides, I’m slightly older than one of our recently deceased Elders, so I’m stronger.’

  She was referring to Maris. Judy laughed.

  Hmm, how old was Kari? Terens said that Maris had been transformed by Sam but not when, although she was out of her servitude. That meant she was older than Alec, and I knew how old he was.

  ‘Laura?’ Judy was looking at me. ‘You’re far away, dear.’

  I blinked and shook my head. ‘No, only thinking.’

  ‘She’s wondering how old I am.’ Kari winked at Judy and gave her a nudge.

  I blushed. ‘Are you a mind reader?’

  ‘Your face says it all.’ She laughed again, a light pixie tinkle. ‘I was twenty-years-old in seventeen seventy-six. Work it out.’

  It didn’t take me long. I often gave my Sixth Graders these types of mental maths challenges. ‘Two hundred and fifty-six?’

  ‘And a half.’

  ‘So, the older a vampire, the greater their strength.’ I was learning more and more each day.

  ‘That’s it.’

  ‘It’s the major reason the Brethren fear our men,’ Judy said.

  Our men. Alec, Luc and Marcus – one my lover, the other my father, and the last, my grandfather, plus their men. My family. For the first time, I was comfortable with the knowledge, and it felt right.

  Kari nodded. ‘They could each take on a half dozen and wipe the floor with them. If Princi didn’t have you though, there’s no way he could fight off anyone older than himself.’


  ‘My name for him. Don’t expect me to call him princeps! Too stuffy. Blah.’

  She made such a face I couldn’t help but smile.

  ‘I’d rather Luc didn’t “wipe the floor” with anyone.’ Judy looked pointedly at her. ‘Just get them to take the Pledge so we can all breathe easier.’

  ‘Amen to that,’ Kari said.

  ‘And after, we’re going to pick out the biggest tree I can find, and you’re both going to help me decorate it. It’ll be the Christmas I’ve waited such a long time for – with you, Laura, and Luc and Alec, and you, Kari. My family.’ Tears glistened in her eyes as she leaned forward and grasped Kari’s hand as well. ‘I’ve been so preoccupied with everything else, I almost forgot about Christmas. I only put the wreath on the door just before you got back this evening. I intend decorating the whole house. This year will be special.’

  Kari laughed and clapped her hands. ‘My turn doing the mistletoe!’

  ‘My first Christmas with my real parents,’ I said. Images of past Christmas celebrations with my family scrolled through my mind. Judy was absent from each one. After her fiftieth – her coming-of-age – she had stopped coming.

  ‘You always came to my birthday bashes. Why not Christmas?’

  She sighed deeply. ‘Because Luc couldn’t be there. It was hard enough being at your birthday as your aunt, but he wouldn’t have been able to sustain it. Look how he and John snarled at each other at the Ritual. Can you imagine what it would have been like in front of friends and family?’ She shuddered. ‘Christmas was a small sacrifice to make.’

  I squeezed her hand. ‘Not this year.’

  ‘Okay, that’s it. I’m getting teary and that hasn’t happened in nearly a century,’ Kari said. She stood and plucked Judy from her seat with one hand and me with the other. ‘Come on, up we get. Time to dress. Let’s see what you’ve got for tonight.’

  As we strolled to the doors, Alec appeared.

  ‘Hi, Princi sweetie.’ Kari gave him a wave.

  I practically ran into his open arms. He crushed me to him and his kisses seared my waiting mouth.

  I heard an ‘ahem,’ behind me.

  Alec raised his eyes heavenward, but a definite smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. ‘Hello, Karelia.’

  ‘Ooh, that sounds so formal.’ She came and stood next to us. ‘You need loosening up.’

  I bit my lip to stop the laugh threatening to bubble up as Alec opened his mouth then closed it again. He shook his head. ‘No, not even going to reply to that one.’

  ‘Too late. You already have.’ She laughed, and her eyes lit up with mischief.

  ‘Kari, anyone ever tell you you’re a pest,’ Alec said.

  ‘All the time.’

  ‘Not surprised. But right now, Laura and I need to be alone. Excuse us.’ He took my hand and led me out of the ballroom, down the stairs to his room.

  Chapter 10 – Interlude


  In Alec’s room, a single tall, metal lamp gave off a weak light. There were no windows to allow in deadly sunrays, so presumably it predated the time when he became princeps. The four-poster, wrought iron bed and I were well acquainted, since we’d made love in it several times.

  Alec wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close. With his other hand, he tucked my hair behind my ear. ‘We have a little over an hour before the Prefects start arriving.’

  ‘Let’s not waste it.’ Every minute with him was precious. Three nights ago, Jean-Philippe nearly murdered us both and, even though he was now dead, the danger was not entirely over – tonight’s incident a stark reminder.

  He lowered his head and kissed me with a fervency that left me breathless. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Our tongues meshed in a delicious tangle of desire and passion.

  ‘What happened?’ I asked between kisses.

  ‘We had a disagreement ....’

  I knew what he meant by that. ‘You had a fight.’

  ‘No avoiding it. Two of them are caged down in the cellar. Cal and Karl are keeping an eye on them till the Pledging.’

  ‘How many were there?’

  ‘Five – three men, two women.’

  My stomach dropped. ‘You could have been killed!’

  ‘But I wasn’t.’

  ‘What if Luc hadn’t arrived—’

  ‘Shhh’, he sealed his lips over mine and, as always, I melted in his arms. A while later, he murmured against my mouth, ‘I probably could’ve handled it alone. After the Pledging tonight there should be no more incidents.’ His lips grazed my throat.


  ‘Cross my heart.’ He drew the figure of a cross over his heart. ‘Luc told you about the powers of the rings. If anyone tries anything, they’re ash.’

  I nodded. After a previous rebellion, centuries ago, my father forced the surviving Brethren to swear an oath on the serpent rings. Those who defied it were killed when the rings flashed fire and destroyed them.

  I didn’t want to think about it, let alone witness something like that.

  Alec could probably see the anxiety in my eyes, for he smoothed the hair from my face and said, ‘The Pledge worked in the past. No reason why it shouldn’t do so again.’ His confidence was comforting and I released the breath I’d been holding. ‘Besides,’ he said, ‘Pledge or no Pledge, I’ll kill anyone who dares try and harm you.’ A deadly edge to his voice both frightened and excited me. He lowered his head, and took complete possession of my mouth with such passion it ignited a painful throbbing in my core that only he could relieve.

  His hands slid down to my waist, untied my sash. Gently he eased my robe off my shoulders. It dropped to the flo
or, where my camisole soon joined it. He touched the crimson vial Luc gave me, which was nestled between my breasts. It contained three drops of Marcus’s, Antonia’s and Luc’s blood, and it would render the drinker immortal. ‘Luc explained?’

  I nodded.

  ‘Would you take it?’

  ‘Yes.’ I breathed.

  I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his eyes. They were filled with such love, such intensity of longing I almost wished the curse wouldn’t be lifted so there’d be no chance of my blood becoming normal. Yet, our children, the future....

  His mouth claimed mine once again, his tongue probing deeply till I became lost to the sensations he alone aroused in me.

  Slowly, he raised his head, released me and pulled his T-shirt off and dropped it on the floor. My breath hitched. No matter how many times I saw his naked torso, I was awed by his lithe, muscular body – the taut, rippling abs, the clearly defined and powerful pectorals and the strength of his arms. There wasn’t an inch that wasn’t hard muscle. And, he smelled divine – a strong woody scent that went straight to my head. I ran my hands along his chest, and my fingers grazed the gold crucifix he wore around his neck, the one he showed me the night we met. And right next to it, on the same gold chain, hung a small key – a similar one hung around my father’s neck.

  ‘The bloodvault key.’ I looked up at him.

  ‘Good, Luc told you. Things are moving fast.’

  ‘Were they on motor bikes?’ He would know I was referring to the vision I had earlier this evening.

  ‘Not any more.’ He cracked a smile, cupped my bottom and drew me closer. I could feel his need through the thin fabric of my pyjama shorts. He kissed me again, hooked his fingers into the top of my shorts and slowly drew them down. They dropped to my feet. I stepped out of them, and Alec picked me up and laid me in the middle of the bed.

  As he straightened, I watched him unbutton his jeans. Soon, he was gloriously naked. The desire in his eyes was unmistakable, and I was sure he could hear the excited pounding of my heart as he climbed onto the bed and came toward me, parted my legs and nestled himself between them.

  For a few moments we simply gazed at each other, our breathing the only sound in the room. I stroked his raven silk hair while he caressed my breast, gently rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, sending pulsating waves of heat through me. Then his hand slid down the length of my body, through my feminine curls, to circle, pinch and rub the most intimate part of me. My body quivered under the sweet, sensual torture. He pressed one finger into me, then two, stretching me, preparing me for his entry as his thumb continued it’s rhythmic torment.

  My body arched into his touch, wanting more.

  ‘Perfect,’ he growled.

  ‘Please, Alec!’ My whole body ached for release while I rode his fingers, and my head thrashed from side to side. He grabbed the back of my head and held me still as his mouth plundered mine.

  His talented fingers increased the pace until my body trembled with my climax, and as I lay panting, he withdrew them, and I whimpered. All this time, his lips hadn’t left mine, and as his tongue continued to probe my mouth, he spread my thighs further and drove deeply into me.

  I gasped, but there was no time for our usual teasing and playful banter. The Pledging ceremony was less than an hour away.

  My body responded to his powerful thrusts, and it wasn’t long until the familiar tingle of another climax began to course through me. Alec angled his hips and hit my hidden, tender spot. I writhed beneath him as he made my body sing.

  ‘You’re intoxicating, Laura,’ he rasped, catching my wrists and drawing them above my head as he plunged into me, filling me completely.

  I screamed, as he pushed my body into nirvana.

  He bit into my neck and began to feed, taking deep draughts. His body shuddered, and a deep groan escaped his lips as his own release came. I barely felt his fangs withdraw, or the lick of his tongue and gentle kiss on the open wound. He collapsed on top of me before rolling to the side and wrapping me in his arms.

  We lay like that for a few moments, breathing heavily, while my body slowly calmed.

  ‘That’s good, right?’ I managed to say after a while. ‘My being intoxicating?’

  His chest rumbled beneath my cheek as he chuckled. ‘Very good.’ He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my fingertips. ‘Darling, what if I ask Marcus to join us tonight?’

  His question took me by surprise. Although he’d proposed three days ago, we hadn’t had a chance to discuss it. I raised myself slightly and looked at him. ‘You mean, marry us?’


  ‘Oh.’ I sighed.

  Alec frowned and ran a hand through his hair. ‘But, I thought —’

  ‘Alec, I do want to marry you, it’s just that ... a vampire ceremony isn’t exactly what I had in mind.’

  I thought of Jenny who would love to be bridesmaid. Like any other woman, I’d pictured myself walking down the aisle in a beautiful white gown – straight from the pages of Bride magazine – my handsome groom waiting at the altar, church bells ringing, flower girls sprinkling petals, bridesmaids, designer cake and everything that goes with a traditional wedding. At Alec’s words, that lovely image dissolved and morphed into vampires dressed in black, dark, unsmiling, standing there instead of my friends, all of them looking at me as if I were the cake. I saw myself as the centre of an Addams-Family-style wedding.

  He let out a breath and smiled. ‘Darling, it’d be useful to have all the powerful Brethren witness you formally sealed to me in more than just a blood bond. They know the stipulations of the curse, and if they believe you’re joined to me, there’s little chance you’ll meet someone of the witch’s bloodline and bear the Child of Promise.’ He smoothed the hair from my shoulder and kissed my bare skin.

  ‘But they’ve got no idea whose daughter I am. Nor do they know about you, for that matter.’

  He was quiet a moment. ‘It’s eventually going to come out – you being Luc’s little girl. You know we won’t be able to hide it for much longer. Someone’s bound to see the resemblance between you and him, and I doubt he’ll be able to blame it being an ancestral throwback.’ He caressed my fingertips with his lips. ‘I don’t want any Brethren to know who I am, though. They need to go on believing everything’s normal till our child is born, and even after – till it’s too late and they’re under the Pledge.’

  I suppose it made sense. I couldn’t fault his practical thinking. It wasn’t only the Principate at stake, but our lives and even the fate of humanity – my friends, work colleagues, family. And if being married to him during the Pledging ceremony reinforced our safety – and those I loved – I was ready to sacrifice my dream wedding.

  ‘Okay.’ I nodded. ‘Let Marcus do it.’

  ‘When this is over, I promise you’ll get the wedding you’ve always wanted. I wouldn’t deprive you of that.’ He gave me a dazzling smile that rendered me speechless.

  I stared at him, until my brain kicked back into gear. My foster parents couldn’t attend a vampire ceremony and apart from Judy and Luc and Alec’s best friends, I didn’t want any vampire guests – they might regard John, Eilene, and my best friend Jenny as the menu. So, a formal declaration during the Pledge solved that problem.

  ‘A separate ceremony just for my friends and family?’

  ‘Yes, whoever you want.’

  I snuggled back into his embrace. ‘You think Luc’d agree to having it in his garden? It’s so lovely there, especially at sunset.’

  ‘He’d be disappointed if we didn’t. It’d be the perfect place for the wedding and reception.’

  The electric clock on the bedside table caught my eye – there were only thirty minutes until midnight and I hadn’t picked out a dress. I put aside wedding plans for the moment.

  ‘I know it’s time to go,’ he said, as if he’d read my mind. ‘Otherwise I’d make love to you all over again.’

  The twinkle in his half-lidded eyes sent
a tingle through me despite the fact we’d spent the last hour entwined in each other’s arms. ‘There’s always tomorrow.’ I beamed up at him.

  Alec chuckled and smacked me lightly on the bottom. ‘That’s a promise,’ he said and moved off the bed. ‘I’ll take you back to your room.’

  ‘I do know the way.’

  ‘Laura, until this Pledging takes place I’m keeping you in my sight,’ he said, stepping into his jeans.

  I was about to point out that I should be safe in my own father’s house, but my mind replayed the incident with Jean-Philippe – it had taken place in the ballroom, where in less than thirty minutes the Pledge would take place. Goose pimples rose on my skin that had nothing to do with the house air-conditioning. I forced the memory away as I retrieved my clothes from the floor and slipped them on.

  Holding hands, we exited Alec’s room. The carpet seemed to magnify, rather than muffle, the pad of our bare feet. An oppressive silence filled the air, and I gripped his hand tighter.

  ‘It’ll be over soon, darling,’ he said.

  The weight of expectation settled on me. I glanced at the portraits of my Ingenii ancestors on the walls. Their eyes spoke of centuries of waiting ... for me. I placed my hand low on my belly. C’mon little swimmers, do your job. My groin throbbed in response, more to do with the pleasant memory of Alec’s love making than feeling his sperm making their way to my uterus.

  ‘About time.’ Kari’s voice nudged me from my thoughts. ‘I was beginning to think you two were never coming out.’ She was sitting on the top step of the marble staircase, legs crossed, hands clasped over her knee. A broad, knowing smile lit her pixie face. ‘Reckon the whole house got an ear full.’

  I nearly died. She – and any vampire within hearing distance – must have heard every moan, every whimper. At one point I even screamed. Heat burned my cheeks.

  ‘Can I add discretion to your other qualities?’ Alec said dryly as we walked past her. ‘Laura,’ he pulled me into his arms when we reached my door, ‘there’s an unwritten rule among the Brethren that when any of us is being intimate, we tune our hearing elsewhere. Kari knows that. She just likes to....’


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