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Page 30

by Tima Maria Lacoba

  The smell of jet fuel alerted his senses. They were close. ‘Drop me at the next wharf.’ He needed to feed.

  The skipper slowed his taxi to a halt, threw a line and secured it to a pole.

  ‘Come sit next to me.’ Rasputin beckoned him with jerk of his head. Voice and eyes persuasive, the man obeyed. ‘Bare me your throat.’

  He saw the man’s eyes flare, smelled his body tense and knew that, somewhere in the dulled corner of his mind, horror silently crept. Yet that would not delay the inevitable. Without the use of his hands, Rasputin still managed to wrap his arms around the Greek’s shoulders and hold him in place as he drank.

  Long, sweet draughts slid down his throat. As his strength grew so the man’s heartbeat slowed and stuttered to a halt. He let the body drop, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and alighted from the boat.

  ‘Spasiba.’ He thanked the man in his native tongue, then turned and sped off into the darkness.


  I hope you enjoyed reading more of Alec and Laura’s story, and the dangers they face trying to bring her family’s curse to an end. Please don’t hesitate to drop a few lines by way of review. One sentence is perfect. I’d really appreciate that.

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  Here’s a sneak peak from Book 3, BloodVault.

  I lay back against the sofa, spread my arms along the top and released a loud sigh.

  Soon, Alec was in the doorway. I ran into his arms. He crushed me to him and whispered into my hair. ‘It’s nearly over, darling. They’re in custody, on their way to D’Antonville.’

  I cupped his face in my hands. ‘I don’t care about them. Only you.’

  His kiss seared my mouth, arousing a hunger in me only he could satisfy. I heard a click as the door closed. We were alone. Alec picked me up and carried me to the sofa and sat down with me on his lap. Our tongues hungrily entangled as he took possession of my mouth. Neither of us spoke as our breaths mingled and my hands tangled in his hair, drawing him closer. He was here in my arms, and that was all that mattered.

  Alec caressed my face, gently running his thumb along my chin and jawline before his lips followed. My body trembled, as it always did whenever he touched me. His hand trailed to my breast causing my nipples to peak through the soft woollen dress.

  ‘I’d have that dress off in a flash if we were somewhere more private,’ he said between ragged breaths, his eyes a deep purple pool into which I could gaze for eternity.

  My breathing was just as uneven. ‘Here? One of Karl’s rooms?’

  His smile dazzled me. ‘Why not.’ A sudden pained expression crossed his face. ‘Ah, I forgot. Dominik.’

  ‘Who?’ I nibbled his chin hoping he’d forget whoever this Dominik was.

  ‘A kid. I promised to mentor him. He’ll be here soon.’ Between kisses, he explained the situation and the task he’d accepted. ‘I had to, darling. These youngsters are lost ... a danger to themselves as well as to humans. Since this was the nearest Principate safe house ... I sent them here. Karl’s going to find them new sires.’

  ‘He’s going to be your responsibility for the next one-hundred years? Like Luc was with you?’


  ‘How soon do you think they’ll get here?’

  He looked at his watch. ‘An hour, maybe two.’

  I smiled and straddled his lap. ‘Plenty of time.’

  Alec’s eyes darkened further as he slid my dress up and gripped my thighs. ‘Karl, don’t let anyone in here for the next hour or so.’

  Wherever Karl was, he’d hear. There was a chuckle and a click as the door was locked.

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  Glossary of Characters And Names

  Alec Munro – Vampire, princeps and together with Lucien Lebrettan, leader of the ‘Brethren’, a community of vampires living in Sydney. Originally a doctor, he had enlisted in the AIF soon after the death of his wife and child. He was later transformed by Lucien while serving in an army medical field hospital in northern France in 1918. He owns and manages a private hospital in Sydney dedicated to blood disease research.

  Antonia Pulchra – Daughter of Marcus Antonius Pulcher, twin sister to Lucius. Antonia was the first to carry the Ingenii mutation. She lived for 218 years and was the mother of Paulus, the next Ingenii.

  Appius – Vampire, former Roman soldier, and part of the First Cohort of Frisians cavalry unit, stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester). Unable to bear life any longer as a blood drinker, he took his own life by walking out into the sun, soon after his transformation into vampire form by the Pictish witch, Eithne.

  BloodgGifted – Term given to certain members of the Dantonville family who carry the cursed gene, giving them unnatural long life and youthfulness. Their blood alone provides vampires with superior strength and senses and the ability to daywalk. The Bloodgifted – Ingenii – are much coveted by the Brethren community and were the epicentre of two previous rebellions; the first taking place in the tenth century, resulting in the deaths of tow of Luc’s men – Galen and Martius – and the other in the seventeenth century.

  Cal (Calixtus) – Vampire, former Roman soldier, First Frisian Cavalry Regiment, stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester), on Hadrian’s Wall, northern Britain. Part of Marcus Antonius Pulcher’s cohort, he was cursed (along with his comrades) by a Pictish witch into vampire form. Cal is also a widower, having lost his wife in childbirth. Currently he is bodyguard to the Ingenii, friend to Alec Munro and he owns an Armagnac distillery in France.

  Dave Delaney – Human, Detective Chief Inspector, friend and mentor of Matthew Sommers, in charge of the investigation into his assault.

  Elders – Group of the world’s oldest vampires, who set the rules by which all blood drinkers must abide, in order to keep their presence hidden from the human world. They have power over life and death in the Brethren community. They also officiate at every Coming-of-Age ceremony and induct the princeps. They are among the oldest living creatures on Earth.

  Eilene Dantonville – Human, wife of John Dantonville. Her first child, a baby named Katie, died of SIDS at aged three months. She and John accepted the infant Laura in place of their deceased daughter, in order to help out Lucien and Judith. She loved Laura as her own child.

  Eithne – Pict witch and high priestess of the Caledonian goddess, Melusine. She cursed Marcus Antonius Pulcher and his men for killing her people in the mid 3rd century, effectively turning him and his men into vampires. She used kidnapped Roman captives as human sacrifices in bloody religious rites.

  Galen – Former Roman soldier in the First Frisian Cohort Cavalry Regiment stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester). Along with his comrades, he was cursed into vampire form by the Pict witch, Eithne. Until his death – at the hands of vampire hunters in the First Rebellion – he was one of the bodyguards to the Ingenii.

  Ingenii – Latin term meaning ‘Bloodgifted’.

  Jake (Caius Justinius) – Vampire, former Roman soldier and physician attached to the First Frisian Cavalry Regiment, stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester) on Hadrian’s Wall, northern Britain. Along with his comrades, he was cursed by a Pictish witch into becoming a vampi
re. He is close friend of Alec Munro, and loves sports cars and racing horses. Currently he is bodyguard to the Ingenii.

  Jean-Philippe Louis Auguste de Reynard – Vampire, and 18th century French nobleman who once fought for Napoleon. He was Lucien’s illegitimate son and Laura’s half-brother. His mother was the Duchess d’Orleans. He was also a well-known portrait artist who first met Laura in Italy where he fell in love with her unaware he was her half-brother. Jean introduced himself to her by his second name, Philippe. Lucien broke up the relationship. Their romance is the subject of the short story, Laura’s Locket.

  Jenny Callen – Human, Laura’s best friend and work colleague in a primary school in Balmain. She’s had several failed relationships and is currently single.

  John Dantonville – Human, Laura’s foster-father and maternal uncle. He is Judith’s youngest brother and Eilene Dantonville’s husband. He and Eilene adopted Laura as a favour to Lucien and Judith, but came to love her as their own. His pet name for her is, ‘Baby’.

  Judith Dantonville Lebrettan – Human, thirty-third Ingenii. Pressured into marrying her first husband, William Allerdyce, by her father, Owen Dantonville to clear gambling debts. Only meant to be a business arrangement, he raped her on their wedding night. Judith met Lucien some time after and they became lovers. Later she divorced William and secretly married Luc after giving birth to their child, Laura.

  Kari (Karelia Anakeinen) – Born in Finland in the late eighteenth-century, Kari’s family moved to France when her father was offered the position of chief stonemason on the D’Antonville estate in the Rhone Valley. She had been transformed by Jake, when the rest of her family died in an epidemic which swept the region. Kari is Judith Dantonville’s best friend, and unofficial bodyguard to the current Ingenii, Laura Dantonville. She is also secretly in love with Jake.

  Karl – Czech Prefect, Count Karel von Czernin; vampire and Principate spy who befriended Count Timur Széchenyi, the Hungarian Prefect, and infiltrated the Rebels ranks to learn of their plans and report back to Luc. His easy-going nature hides a sharp mind and decisive nature. He’s friends with Alec Munro, and secretly in love with Baroness Milena Flaks.

  Kwome – One of the Elders, and originally king of the ancient kingdom of Benin. He was transformed by his teacher and mentor.

  Laura Dantonville – Part human/part vampire, thirty-fourth and current serving Ingenii, and Lucien and Judith’s biological daughter. She is a primary school teacher and former girlfriend of Detective Inspector Matthew Sommers, before meeting Alec Munro. Laura was raised by John and Eilene Dantonville, who she believed to be her parents. She was also Jean-Philippe’s half-sister.

  Lucien Lebrettan – Vampire who underwent transformation at puberty. Known as ‘Luc’ to his friends, Lucius Antonius Pulcher was born in the mid 3rd century AD to, the son of Marcus Antonius and Gallia. He was the first princeps, and Alec Munro’s sire and friend, and Laura Dantonville’s father. He secretly married her mother, Judith, a week after Laura was born. Lucien Lebrettan is the Gallic version of his Roman name, and means ‘Lucius the Briton.’

  Marcus Antonius Pulcher – Vampire, former Roman legionary cavalry commander – Praefectus Equituum – stationed in Vindobala (Rudchester) in Britain in the mid 3rd century AD. It was his actions, which led to him, and his men, to be cursed by the witch Eithne. Marcus Antonius is the father of the twins, Lucius and Antonia, and husband to Gallia. He departed from Britain after his transformation into a vampire, and went into hiding in his villa in Gaul (France).

  Martius – Vampire, former Roman soldier in the First Frisian Cohort cavalry unit stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester). Along with his comrades, he was cursed into vampire form by the Pict witch, Eithne. Before his death, Martius was one of the bodyguards to the Ingenii. He was killed by vampire hunters during the First Rebellion.

  Matthew Sommers – Human, Police Detective Inspector. He was Laura’s boyfriend and rival with Alec Munro for Laura’s affections. He was attacked and nearly killed by rogue vampires while trying to protect her. Laura broke off their relationship at the end of Book 1 when she learnt he was planning to kill the vampire side of her family in a misguided attempt to protect her.

  Melander – Human, former Roman soldier of the First Frisian Cohort Cavalry Regiment stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester). Sent back as guard to Nepos who had been wounded in a surprise Pict attack. Killed by Calixtus during the early stages of his transformation.

  Milena – Baroness Milena Flaks, vampire, the Slovakian prefect and supporter of the Principate. Her concerns over Count Timur’s ambitions – and threat to her territory – has led her to approach Jake into becoming her consort, and thus her protector. Like other aristocrats of her generation (eighteenth-century) she believes in the superiority of her noble blood, although Brethren law discourages class discrimination. Her old-world attitude leads to clashes with more-recently transformed Brethren.

  Nepos – Human, Roman soldier of the First Frisian Cohort Cavalry Regiment stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester). He was seriously wounded in a surprise attack by Pictish raiders and sent back to the fort by his commander, Marcus Antonius Pulcher. While recovering from his wounds, he was killed by Terens during the early stages of his transformation.

  Princeps – Latin term for First Citizen and the origin of the English word for Prince.

  Principate – The Brethren political system established by Marcus Antonius Pulcher and his son, Lucius (Lucien) to control the Brethren and protect humans. It’s composed of the Elders – Kwome and Zhao – as well as Marcus, Luc and Alec. As a result of the death of Maris Quesnel, there is a vacancy in the Eldership for a female representative.

  Pudens – Vampire, former Roman soldier in the First Frisian Cohort Cavalry Regiment stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester). Along with his comrades, he was cursed into vampire form by the Pictish witch, Eithne. Unable to endure life as a blood drinker, he took his own life by walking out into the sun.

  Rasputin – Vampire and former confidant of the last Russian royal family, the Romanovs. He was transformed in 1917 by Hungarian noble, Count Timur Széchenyi, the Brethren Hungarian prefect. Many blame him for the demise of the monarchy in Russia, and his sinister influence over the Russian royal family. He has the ability to mesmerise humans as well as vampires, and uses that to further his master’s ambitions to overthrow the Principate.

  Sam (Sempronius) – Vampire, former Roman soldier in the First Frisian Cavalry Regiment, stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester) in northern Britain. Along with his comrades, he was cursed by the Pict witch, Eithne, into vampire form. He is also the former lover and sire of Maris Quesnel. Sam is a Techno wiz and responsible for security in the Lebrettan household. Currently, when not hacking into Rebel phones and computers, he is one of the bodyguards to the Ingenii.

  Serpent Ring – Ancient artefact created by Marcus Antonius Pulcher on the instructions of the Pict witch, Eithne. It’s in the form of a golden serpent with blazing red eyes – symbol of Melusine, Caledonian goddess of vengeance. It renders the wearer invisible to vampire senses as well as burning the fingers of imposters, and shooting fire from the serpents’ eyes, destroying those who physically threaten either princeps or Ingenii. In times of danger, the eyes turn black. Every fifty years the ring is passed down to the next Ingenii.

  Terens (Sextus Terentius) – Vampire, former Tribune attached to the First Frisian Cavalry Regiment, stationed at Vindobala (Rudchester), northern Britain. Along with the rest of the cohort, he was cursed by the Pict witch, Eithne, into vampire form. Although he has a reputation as a ladies man, Terens is also a deadly swordsman and is known to have fought off eight armed Rebels in the last Rebellion. He’s always wanted to try skydiving. Currently, he is one of the bodyguards to the Ingenii.

  Timur – Count Timur Széchenyi, Hungarian prefect, and leader of the rebellion to overthrow the Principate and kidnap the Ingenii to breed her with a human and produce the next generation of Ingenii. He used his family crest – a snarling
wolf’s head – to create the outlawed wolf’s-head ring, which contains a deadly white-oak spike. It’s believed he is the centre of the illegal blood-slave racket, which traffics in selling under-age humans to the Brethren. Timur is also Rasputin’s sire.

  His castle is located outside Budapest.

  Zhao – One of the Elders. Ancient Chinese warlord turned philosopher. His sire is unknown.


  Thank you to everyone – my wonderful family and friends – who urged me to continue Alec and Laura’s story. To my gorgeous and amazing mum, who was there every step of the way; who listened as I read out each new page and made me endless cups of tea when I couldn’t leave my desk. She’s my guardian angel.

  To the lovely ladies in my Writers group – Anne, Peita and Joan – not just a thank you, but hugs all around for your invaluable critiquing skills and for the fun we have when we get together.

  And, of course, to my ‘bestie’ Claudia who is Team Dantonville’s biggest fan. Where would I be without her infectious enthusiasm, boundless energy and endless supply of chocolate and candy Dracula dentures? You’re a gem.

  Lastly, where would a writer be without her beta readers; those lovely people who drop everything to proofread a ninety-two thousand word manuscript in less than one week? Thank you to Claudia, Olivia, Stephanie, Susan and Taylor. You ladies rock!

  Finally, huge hugs to all my friends who encouraged and supported me throughout this incredible journey – Lindsay, Karen, Renee, Lisabeth and Julianna. If I’ve left out any names, you know who you are. This book is for you guys.

  A note from the Author

  A former ancient historian and archaeologist, I accidently smashed a 3,000 Egyptian vase while on my first dig! My supervisor made me glue it back together again. It took a week. From there I went on to specialise in late Roman-British archaeology, and the military forts along Hadrian’s Wall, because buildings don’t smash as easily. Now I’ve combined my love of history with another passion – story-telling – to create a dark tale of Roman soldiers who’ve waited nearly two thousand years to be released from an ancient curse.


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